Blanky Blank Defaultv1

The content from the Jackbox game Blather Round

Sentence Structures

Category: thing

  • It's <article-1> <thing-adjective-simple> <thing-noun-simple>.
  • It <thing-verb-simple> <article-2> <thing-noun-simple>.
  • Talk about <thing-adjective-complex>!
  • It <thing-verb-simple> <article-2> <thing-noun-complex>.
  • Oh, <thing-noun-complex>!
  • Quite simply, it's <article-1> <thing-adjective-complex> <thing-noun-complex>.

Category: place

  • It's <article-1> <place-adjective-simple> <place-noun-simple-s1>.
  • It's where you <place-verb-simple> <article-2> <place-noun-simple-s2>.
  • So much <place-noun-complex>!
  • This place has <article-1> <place-adjective-complex> <place-noun-complex>.
  • It's where you <place-verb-simple> <article-2> <place-noun-complex>.

Category: person

  • They're <article-1> <person-adjective-simple> <person-noun-simple>.
  • They <person-verb-simple> <article-2> <person-noun-simple-s2>.
  • <person-pronoun-1> so <person-adjective-complex>!
  • Known for the <person-adjective-complex> <person-noun-complex>.
  • And they <person-verb-simple> <article-2> <person-noun-complex>.

Category: story

  • It's a story about <article-1> <story-adjective-simple> <story-noun-simple>.
  • And a <story-adjective-simple> <story-noun-simple-s2>.
  • Whoa! A <story-adjective-complex> <story-noun-complex>.
  • The hero <story-verb-simple> <article-2> <story-noun-complex>.
  • Eventually, there's a <story-adjective-complex> <story-noun-complex>.
  • Then, <article-2> <story-noun-complex> <story-verb-ending>.

Category: response

  • <response-sentence> <PLAYERGUESS>

Word Lists


View Words
  • a
  • the
  • your
  • their
  • his
  • her
  • our
  • one
  • lots of


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <age>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <taste>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>


View Words
  • big
  • small
  • humongous
  • teeny
  • thick
  • massive
  • short
  • tall


View Words
  • young
  • old
  • ancient
  • youthful
  • recent


View Words
  • good
  • amazing
  • incredible
  • wonderful
  • fantastic


View Words
  • bad
  • horrible
  • terrible
  • cruel


View Words
  • hard
  • soft
  • gooey
  • bumpy
  • shiny
  • flat
  • warm
  • cold


View Words
  • delicious
  • disgusting
  • tangy
  • icky
  • yummy


View Words
  • happy
  • joyful
  • positive
  • glorious
  • nice


View Words
  • angry
  • heartbreaking
  • sad
  • terrifying
  • boring
  • upsetting
  • mean
  • rude
  • cruel


View Words
  • colorful
  • bland
  • vibrant
  • dull
  • multicolored


View Words
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <creature>
  • <tool>
  • <material>
  • <building>
  • <problem>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <person>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <place-complex>


View Words
  • thing
  • object
  • item
  • entity


View Words
  • shape
  • rectangle
  • circle
  • cube
  • form
  • body


View Words
  • creature
  • beast
  • specimen
  • being


View Words
  • tool
  • thingamajig
  • gizmo
  • device
  • gadget
  • utensil
  • machine
  • mechanism
  • appliance


View Words
  • material
  • fabric
  • surface
  • substance
  • liquid
  • matter


View Words
  • structure
  • establishment
  • construction
  • building


View Words
  • issue
  • dilemma
  • trouble
  • obstacle
  • crisis


View Words
  • idea
  • theory
  • belief
  • concept


View Words
  • event
  • circumstance
  • experience
  • situation
  • occurrence
  • phenomenon
  • occasion


View Words
  • person
  • human
  • individual
  • somebody


View Words
  • the
  • a
  • your
  • their
  • his
  • her
  • our
  • one
  • lots of


View Words
  • is
  • has
  • does
  • <is-in-relation-to>
  • <wants>
  • <loves>
  • <hates>
  • <is>
  • <symbolizes>
  • <general-verb-dump>
  • <makes>
  • is used for


View Words
  • is related to
  • is good for
  • is part of
  • is known for
  • is in a relationship with


View Words
  • wants
  • desires
  • yearns for
  • needs
  • craves
  • requires


View Words
  • loves
  • likes
  • adores


View Words
  • hates
  • dislikes
  • despises
  • loathes
  • disapproves of


View Words
  • embodies
  • is made of
  • is composed of
  • involves


View Words
  • symbolizes
  • exemplifies
  • epitomizes
  • signifies
  • expresses


View Words
  • belongs in
  • lives with
  • helps
  • knows
  • fails
  • changes
  • goes to


View Words
  • makes
  • creates
  • generates
  • manufactures
  • accomplishes
  • constructs


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <general-adjective-dump>


View Words
  • <size>
  • colossal
  • gargantuan
  • titanic
  • jumbo
  • miniscule
  • small-scale
  • mini
  • petite
  • pint-sized
  • pocket-sized
  • stunted
  • slender
  • twiggy
  • scrawny
  • pudgy
  • chunky
  • roly-poly
  • brawny
  • beefy


View Words
  • <age>
  • juvenile
  • newborn
  • modern
  • boyish
  • girlish
  • pubescent
  • inexperienced
  • elderly
  • mature
  • babyish
  • geriatric
  • over-the-hill
  • old fashioned
  • old-timey
  • newfangled
  • oldfangled
  • antique
  • fossilized
  • out-of-date
  • middle-aged


View Words
  • <good>
  • tremendous
  • phenomenal
  • stupendous
  • mind-blowing
  • out-of-this-world
  • peachy
  • first class
  • shipshape
  • topnotch
  • superior
  • supreme
  • tiptop
  • perfect
  • transcendent
  • right
  • correct
  • remarkable


View Words
  • ordinary
  • regular
  • traditional
  • average
  • conventional
  • run-of-the-mill
  • peculiar
  • outlandish
  • strange
  • weird
  • bizzaro
  • unusual
  • oddball
  • eccentric
  • ridiculous


View Words
  • <bad>
  • atrocious
  • awful
  • crummy
  • lousy
  • stinkin'
  • blah
  • bummer
  • beastly
  • crappy
  • fallacious
  • erroneous
  • faulty
  • negative
  • inadequate
  • sinful
  • unpleasant
  • wicked
  • offensive
  • disastrous
  • wretched
  • pathetic
  • foolish
  • annoying
  • wrong
  • wrathful
  • despicable


View Words
  • <texture>
  • coarse
  • cheap
  • clammy
  • bald
  • damp
  • dehydrated
  • dripping wet
  • dry as a bone
  • drenched
  • encrusted
  • feathery
  • fizzy
  • flawless
  • frigid
  • fiery
  • flaky
  • fluffy
  • frothy
  • filthy
  • flat as a pancake
  • fuzzy
  • gelatinous
  • gritty
  • glassy
  • grimy
  • grungy
  • glossy
  • hairy
  • itchy
  • inflamed
  • jagged
  • layered
  • limp
  • mushy
  • malleable
  • metallic
  • matte
  • padded
  • pointy
  • printed
  • polished
  • patterned
  • pulpy
  • scarred
  • stiff
  • silky smooth
  • stubbly
  • sculptured
  • sopping wet
  • scratchy
  • slippery
  • spick-and-span
  • syrupy
  • shaggy
  • thorny
  • velvety
  • viscous
  • waterlogged
  • wooly


View Words
  • <taste>
  • aromatic
  • salty
  • oh so delicioso
  • pungent
  • acidic
  • bitter
  • bittersweet
  • spicy
  • sour
  • full-bodied
  • rich
  • earthy
  • sweet
  • yeasty
  • zesty
  • sugary
  • buttery
  • chewy
  • crispy
  • creamy
  • crumbly
  • juicy
  • succulent
  • tender
  • caramelized
  • charred
  • fried
  • glazed
  • saucy
  • infused
  • marinated
  • poached
  • roasted
  • smoked
  • whipped
  • appetizing
  • savory
  • delish
  • mouthwatering
  • scrumptious
  • gloppy


View Words
  • <emotion-good>
  • merry
  • upbeat
  • blissful
  • chipper
  • tickled pink
  • perky
  • kind
  • optimistic
  • joyful
  • precious
  • beloved
  • cheerful
  • luminous


View Words
  • <emotion-bad>
  • outraged
  • impatient
  • irritable
  • annoyed
  • hostile
  • aggressive
  • manipulative
  • furious
  • vexed
  • exasperated
  • upset
  • desperate
  • worried
  • depressed
  • anxious
  • fatigued
  • bored
  • jealous
  • scared
  • fearful
  • despairing
  • guilty
  • unholy
  • blasphemous
  • snarky
  • barbaric
  • vengeful


View Words
  • <color>
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • purple
  • light
  • rainbow
  • beige
  • glittery
  • silver
  • gold
  • translucent


View Words
  • <shape>
  • block
  • box
  • mass
  • mound
  • hunk
  • chunk
  • gob
  • whole
  • rectangle
  • polygon


View Words
  • <thing>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <person-complex>
  • <food>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <parts-of-body>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <general-noun-dump>


View Words
  • <problem>
  • catastrophe
  • headache
  • question
  • quandary
  • predicament
  • can of worms
  • conundrum
  • stumper
  • brain-teaser
  • mindboggler
  • million dollar question
  • puzzle


View Words
  • <idea>
  • position
  • philosophy
  • proposition
  • hypothesis
  • viewpoint
  • judgement
  • doctrine


View Words
  • <event>
  • celebration
  • ceremony
  • holiday
  • incident
  • milestone
  • game
  • festivity
  • jamboree
  • ritual


View Words
  • <creature>
  • pet
  • critter
  • varmint
  • mutt
  • vertebrate
  • monster
  • mammal
  • reptile


View Words
  • <tool>
  • apparatus
  • appliance
  • contraption
  • gimmick
  • engine
  • computer
  • vehicle


View Words
  • <material>
  • textile
  • cloth
  • skin
  • fur
  • metal
  • wood
  • plastic
  • fluid
  • broth
  • nectar
  • goo
  • secretion
  • dirt
  • clay
  • paper
  • brick
  • stone


View Words
  • <building>
  • hut
  • house
  • home
  • architecture
  • room
  • office
  • dwelling
  • architectural wonder
  • chamber


View Words
  • <person>
  • guy
  • gal
  • mortal
  • personality
  • whats-their-name
  • dude
  • lady
  • mister
  • madame
  • maiden
  • soul


View Words
  • treat
  • meal
  • feast
  • picnic
  • supper
  • snack
  • grub
  • din-din


View Words
  • <body>
  • carcass
  • torso
  • anatomy
  • bag o' bones
  • corpse
  • silhouette


View Words
  • body
  • figure
  • form


View Words
  • group
  • team
  • family
  • crowd
  • horde
  • bunch
  • crew


View Words
  • jungle
  • forest
  • desert
  • waterway
  • body of water
  • tundra
  • coral reef
  • mountain
  • hill
  • valley
  • underwater


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>
  • <age>
  • <taste>


View Words
  • place
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <material>
  • <building>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <society>
  • <area>
  • <land>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <abstract-concept>


View Words
  • society
  • civilization
  • community
  • culture


View Words
  • land
  • terrain
  • environment
  • landscape


View Words
  • area
  • zone
  • space
  • region
  • territory


View Words
  • are
  • have
  • do
  • <place-see-simple>
  • <place-touch-simple>
  • <place-like-simple>
  • <place-dislike-simple>
  • <place-meet-simple>
  • <place-feel-simple>
  • <place-talk-to-simple>
  • <place-go-towards-simple>
  • <place-general-verb-dump>


View Words
  • see
  • watch
  • view
  • witness
  • behold
  • observe
  • look at
  • notice


View Words
  • touch
  • manipulate
  • caress


View Words
  • like
  • enjoy
  • love
  • adore
  • delight in
  • take an interest in
  • appreciate


View Words
  • dislike
  • hate
  • despise
  • loathe
  • resent
  • look down on


View Words
  • meet
  • encounter
  • are introduced to


View Words
  • feel
  • experience
  • sense
  • are affected by


View Words
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event>
  • <person>
  • <tool>
  • <creature>
  • <shape>
  • <group>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <nature-places>
  • <place-complex>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • communicate with
  • connect with
  • reach out to
  • talk to


View Words
  • go for
  • travel for
  • move for
  • journey for


View Words
  • fun
  • time
  • education
  • ego
  • evil
  • failure
  • faith
  • fragility
  • freedom
  • anxiety
  • beauty
  • hope
  • insanity
  • intelligence
  • kindness
  • laughter
  • liberty
  • loss
  • luxury
  • love
  • patience
  • comfort
  • courage
  • curiosity
  • success
  • talent
  • wisdom
  • power
  • sacrifice
  • womanhood
  • magic
  • safety
  • shame


View Words
  • period of time
  • day
  • era
  • life
  • moment
  • season
  • night
  • hour


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • <place-complex>
  • <thing>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <person-complex>
  • <food>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>


View Words
  • <place>
  • whereabouts
  • nook
  • neck of the woods
  • stomping grounds
  • dominion
  • commonwealth
  • field
  • kingdom
  • enclosure
  • neighborhood


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <age>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <taste>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <alive-dead>
  • <color>


View Words
  • deceased
  • departed
  • defunct
  • expired
  • extinct
  • resting in peace
  • conscious
  • alive
  • breathing
  • awake
  • living


View Words
  • <person>
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <material>
  • <idea>
  • <society>
  • <body>
  • <creature>


View Words
  • are
  • have
  • do
  • <are-known-for>
  • <place-talk-to-simple>
  • <place-feel-simple>
  • <place-like-simple>
  • <place-dislike-simple>
  • <place-general-verb-dump>
  • <are-in-relation-to>


View Words
  • are known for
  • are famous for
  • are renowned for
  • are celebrated for


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <event>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <general-career-status>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <media-type>
  • <event-complex>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • art
  • science
  • sport
  • math
  • education
  • food
  • nature
  • law
  • computer
  • government
  • industry
  • religion
  • music
  • war


View Words
  • superstar
  • celebrity
  • public figure
  • leader
  • follower
  • hero
  • VIP
  • major leaguer
  • boss
  • nobody
  • loser
  • underdog
  • failure
  • has-been
  • top dog


View Words
  • daddy
  • mommy
  • child
  • daughter
  • son
  • granny
  • grampy
  • teen
  • toddler
  • husband
  • wife


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <people-types>
  • <parts-of-body>
  • <gerund>
  • <general-noun-dump>


View Words
  • drama queen
  • delinquent
  • prom queen
  • goth
  • grillmaster
  • daredevil
  • virgin
  • jock
  • fool
  • class clown
  • grump
  • go-getter
  • smarty-pants
  • sweetie pie


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <alive-dead>


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>
  • <age>


View Words
  • <person>
  • <place>
  • <thing>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <problem>
  • <protagonist>
  • <villain>
  • <journey>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <group>
  • <creature>


View Words
  • involves
  • is about
  • is
  • has
  • concerns
  • is kinda also about


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <place-complex>
  • <thing>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <problem>
  • <protagonist>
  • <villain>
  • <genre>
  • <gerund>
  • <issues>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <general-noun-dump>
  • <creature>


View Words
  • movie
  • film
  • book
  • musical
  • cinema
  • theatre


View Words
  • journey
  • adventure
  • story
  • narrative
  • voyage
  • expedition


View Words
  • protagonist
  • hero
  • character
  • good guy


View Words
  • villain
  • enemy
  • bad guy
  • evil doer
  • devil
  • baddie
  • nemesis


View Words
  • mystery
  • romance
  • thriller
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • nonfiction
  • comedy
  • tragedy
  • horror
  • sci-fi


View Words
  • singing
  • dancing
  • acting
  • screaming
  • jumping
  • barfing
  • crying
  • flying
  • dying
  • writing
  • thinking


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <alive-dead>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <media-style-adjective>


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <gerund>
  • <nature-places>
  • <issues>
  • <people-types>
  • <media-type>
  • <general-noun-dump>
  • <place-complex>
  • <parts-of-body>


View Words
  • tooth
  • hair
  • leg
  • torso
  • arm
  • finger
  • eye
  • ear
  • mouth
  • nose
  • front
  • back
  • side


View Words
  • violence
  • crime
  • corruption
  • cliché
  • mental breakdown
  • nightmare
  • miracle
  • misunderstanding
  • chore
  • kerfuffle
  • sickness
  • fate
  • scam
  • implosion
  • concussion
  • disorder
  • hypocrisy
  • conflict
  • feud
  • bankruptcy
  • double standard
  • guilt
  • bias
  • hunger
  • trauma


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • is
  • has
  • does
  • goes to
  • <wants>
  • <loves>
  • <hates>
  • <is>
  • <general-verb-dump>
  • <is-in-relation-to>


View Words
  • place
  • area


View Words
  • belong in
  • live with
  • help
  • know
  • fail
  • change


View Words
  • disgrace
  • affair
  • pain
  • disaster
  • alone time
  • purgatory
  • time management
  • corporate culture
  • uprising
  • one-who-got-away
  • influencer
  • addiction
  • plague
  • propaganda
  • faux pas
  • showdown
  • serum
  • mockery
  • titillation
  • weirdness
  • bonanza
  • soul mate
  • it factor
  • hubris
  • evidence
  • destiny
  • buzz
  • rumor
  • timeline
  • vibe
  • tête-à-tête
  • eureka moment
  • gesture
  • metamorphosis
  • prize
  • guarantee
  • self-esteem


View Words
  • are related to
  • are part of
  • are known for
  • are in a relationship with


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as


View Words
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • The first letter is the same as
  • The answer sounds like
  • Oh, I know! Describe
  • This is dead wrong, but funny:


View Words
  • gets drunk
  • gets married
  • gets funky
  • gets silly


View Words
  • cries
  • screams
  • dreams
  • smiles
  • goes to bed
  • sings
  • makes sense
  • looks good


View Words
  • dies
  • celebrates
  • <gets-something-good>
  • lives happily ever after
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end>
  • <gets-something-bad>
  • wins
  • loses
  • lives


View Words
  • gets mad
  • get revenge
  • gets hurt
  • gets injured
  • gets emotionally devastated
  • gets killed


View Words
  • confusing
  • painful
  • fakey
  • toxic
  • polite
  • shady
  • simpering
  • sensuous
  • complicated
  • simple
  • gross
  • soul-crushing
  • flat-billed
  • horse-adjacent
  • naughty
  • cursed
  • overhyped
  • mechanical
  • frilly
  • makeshift
  • fortuitous
  • fragrant
  • hypocritical
  • far-fetched
  • unregulated
  • marketable
  • frail
  • boisterous
  • vain
  • multipurpose
  • benign
  • impotent
  • backward
  • sentimental
  • profitable


View Words
  • They're
  • He's
  • She's
  • It's


View Words
  • They appear on screen with
  • They're in the same kind of movies as
  • They're more respected than
  • They're more dramatic than
  • They’re funnier than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They play a different sport than
  • They play the same sport as
  • They compete with
  • They got famous before
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're like a fictional version of
  • They're in the same genre as
  • They're a cartoon version of
  • They are played by someone like
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're not from the same time period as
  • They're from the same time period as
  • They're more powerful than
  • They're smarter than
  • They were famous way before
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • Some episodes are kinda like
  • It's the TV version of
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's the same kind of movie as
  • It's bigger budget than
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like an animated version of
  • It's like a kid's version of
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's an older book than
  • It's the same kind of book as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like an illustrated version of
  • It's more image-based than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like a musical version of
  • It has more singing than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's the American version of
  • It's more conservative than
  • It's less populous than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's on the same continent as
  • It's in a different country than
  • It's more metropolitan than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It borders
  • It's on the same continent as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a very specific place like
  • It's more culturally significant than
  • It's older than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a brand name version of
  • It's for people who also like
  • It's trendier than
  • It's more expensive than
  • It's overwhelming like
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's muuuuch bigger than
  • It's wetter than
  • It's colder than
  • It's more touristy than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's the fictional version of
  • It's a magical version of
  • It's more famous than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • <media-type>
  • <genre>
  • <media-sensation>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <person-complex>
  • <place-complex>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <event-complex>
  • <issues>
  • <general-noun-dump>


View Words
  • flop
  • blockbuster
  • success
  • failure
  • bestseller
  • award winner


View Words
  • comic
  • tragic
  • historical
  • animated
  • illustrated
  • live-action
  • musical


View Words
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're more mainstream than
  • They’re less current than
  • They're more talented than
  • They're smarter than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They were born before
  • They're a creative version of
  • They make art about
  • They paint better than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're a musical version of
  • They sing better than
  • They make worse music than
  • They're more old-school than
  • They're more current than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It’s more famous than
  • It’s performed more often than
  • It’s an older story than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's muuuuch bigger than
  • It's wetter than
  • It's colder than
  • It's more touristy than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • Their books are more popular than
  • They're more mysterious than
  • They write about topics like
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They wield more power than
  • They're like the political version of
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're like an animated version of
  • They're in commercials for
  • They're less human than
  • They're creepier than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It's an older story than
  • It's more iconic than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It’s more digital than
  • It's for people who also like
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's the same kind of movie as
  • It's an older book than
  • It's bigger budget than
  • It's the same kind of book as
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's the kid-friendly version of
  • It's more retro than
  • It's kinda like a brand name version of
  • Kids like it more than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's the video game version of
  • It's the board game version of
  • Kids like it more than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's yummier than
  • It's more expensive than
  • It's sold in the same place as
  • It's a drinkable version of
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's more alive than
  • Humans like it more than
  • It lives in the same place as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than



Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <texture> - soft
  • <person> - individual
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - sea
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <general-noun-dump> - ice
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <size-complex> - thick
  • <general-verb-dump> - flops in
  • <body-complex> - mustache
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <good-complex> - marine
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <parts-of-body> - tusk


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <group> - team
  • <event> - game
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <gerund> - swooshing
  • <general-noun-dump> - rim
  • <problem-complex> - turnover
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <gerund> - stuffing
  • <tool-complex> - hook
  • <size-complex> - tall
  • <person-complex> - player
  • <building-complex> - arena


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material> - substance
  • <material> - surface
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <general-verb-dump> - belongs with
  • <material> - board
  • <texture-complex> - squeaky
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <person-complex> - instructor
  • <material-complex> - dust
  • <size-complex> - squat
  • <tool-complex> - utensil
  • <normal-weird> - messy
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <shape> - tube


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material> - fabric
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <food> - meal
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <general-noun-dump> - towel
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - cleaning
  • <is-in-relation-to> - assists with
  • <is> - cleans
  • <loves> - dabs
  • <age-complex> - absorbent
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - papery


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <taste> - nasty
  • <material> - surface
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <texture> - warm
  • <texture> - hairy
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <tool-complex> - soap
  • <general-noun-dump> - spray
  • <place-complex> - region
  • <normal-weird> - ticklish
  • <abstract-concept> - biology
  • <general-verb-dump> - wafts
  • <person> - human
  • <general-career-sector> - fitness
  • <gerund> - perfuming
  • <body-complex> - perspiration
  • <good-complex> - scented
  • <nature-places> - crevasse
  • <nature-places> - crease
  • <abstract-concept> - puberty


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <taste-complex> - religious
  • <general-verb-dump> - burns
  • <loves> - honors
  • <building> - house of worship
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <color-complex> - sparkling
  • <good-complex> - sacred
  • <general-verb-dump> - illuminates
  • <tool-complex> - torch
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <emotion-good-complex> - festive
  • <color-complex> - metallic
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <taste-complex> - waxy
  • <general-noun-dump> - burn
  • <general-noun-dump> - miracle
  • <building-complex> - octet


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - creature
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <material-complex> - nectar
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <gerund> - buzzing
  • <good-complex> - royal
  • <group> - horde
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-verb-dump> - produces
  • <food> - food
  • <general-noun-dump> - comb
  • <person-complex> - worker
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <building-complex> - factory
  • <good-complex> - edible


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material> - liquid
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <food> - food
  • <thing> - object
  • <shape> - oval
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <texture-complex> - shallow
  • <general-verb-dump> - slurps
  • <general-noun-dump> - setting
  • <general-noun-dump> - table
  • <food> - meal
  • <is> - scoops
  • <place-complex> - drawer
  • <building-complex> - kitchenette
  • <place-complex> - bistro
  • <gerund> - measuring
  • <gerund> - stirring


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - waterway
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <place-complex> - abode
  • <tool> - motor
  • <gerund> - buoying
  • <general-noun-dump> - fish
  • <abstract-concept> - minimalism
  • <nature-places> - marina
  • <general-noun-dump> - dock
  • <general-noun-dump> - rope
  • <nature-places> - canal
  • <abstract-concept> - freedom
  • <abstract-concept> - livelihood
  • <bad-complex> - cramped
  • <general-adjective-dump> - seafaring
  • <abstract-concept> - daily life
  • <general-noun-dump> - bed


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size> - teeny
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <abstract-concept> - soundscape
  • <is-in-relation-to> - fits into
  • <body-complex> - head
  • <body-complex> - canal
  • <good-complex> - remote
  • <tool-complex> - case
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <general-noun-dump> - range
  • <general-noun-dump> - phone
  • <general-verb-dump> - detects
  • <abstract-concept> - luxury good
  • <general-noun-dump> - earwax
  • <bad-complex> - bougie
  • <bad-complex> - overpriced


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - itchy
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture-complex> - cracked
  • <texture> - dry
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <material> - surface
  • <general-verb-dump> - is scratched by
  • <bad> - icky
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <problem> - issue
  • <event> - occurrence
  • <problem-complex> - ailment
  • <is> - involves
  • <shape> - patch
  • <texture-complex> - flaky
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <person-complex> - doc
  • <parts-of-body> - elbow
  • <gerund> - lotioning
  • <place-complex> - problem area
  • <general-noun-dump> - ointment


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - fabric
  • <material-complex> - cloth
  • <body> - body
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <general-verb-dump> - supports
  • <emotion-good> - underneath
  • <thing> - object
  • <texture-complex> - lacy
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <bad-complex> - uncomfortable
  • <texture-complex> - poky
  • <color-complex> - nude
  • <shape-complex> - cup
  • <gerund> - covering
  • <event-complex> - growing up
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <period-of-time> - daytime
  • <gerund> - lifting
  • <taste-complex> - saucy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <size> - skinny
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <size-complex> - lengthy
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <parts-of-body> - whisker
  • <abstract-concept> - socializing
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <general-verb-dump> - scurries around
  • <gerund> - squeaking
  • <creature-complex> - rat
  • <creature> - predator
  • <texture-complex> - slinky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - beady-eyed
  • <taste-complex> - tubular
  • <general-adjective-dump> - weaselly

pinot grigio

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - cold
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <texture-complex> - crisp
  • <taste-complex> - tart
  • <general-verb-dump> - is enjoyed by
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <food> - meal
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes someone feel
  • <food> - beverage
  • <taste-complex> - acidic
  • <general-verb-dump> - is produced for
  • <building-complex> - suburbia
  • <person-complex> - mom
  • <gerund> - winding down
  • <abstract-concept> - alone time

full moon

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - fossilized
  • <color> - light
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <shape> - shape
  • <taste-complex> - cheese-filled
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <nature-places> - tide
  • <taste-complex> - illuminating
  • <gerund> - howling
  • <texture-complex> - glowing
  • <tool-complex> - satellite
  • <good-complex> - romantic
  • <food> - pizza pie
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <general-verb-dump> - hangs in


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - colorful
  • <age> - youthful
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <texture-complex> - squishy
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <general-verb-dump> - squishes
  • <is> - is made of
  • <shape> - lump
  • <tool-complex> - tub
  • <food> - grain
  • <taste-complex> - non-toxic
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <body-complex> - sculpture
  • <bad-complex> - messy
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <shape-complex> - cylinder
  • <general-noun-dump> - mold

T. Rex

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - fang
  • <texture-complex> - fossilized
  • <age> - ancient
  • <gerund> - stomping
  • <general-verb-dump> - eats
  • <general-verb-dump> - belongs in
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <creature-complex> - predator
  • <creature> - beast
  • <general-noun-dump> - roar
  • <bad> - aggro
  • <texture-complex> - scaly
  • <age> - antique
  • <body-complex> - skeleton
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <creature-complex> - specimen
  • <taste-complex> - hungry
  • <abstract-concept> - natural history


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <texture> - flat
  • <food> - bread
  • <food> - jelly
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <taste-complex> - toasted
  • <general-verb-dump> - cooks in
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <general-noun-dump> - flavor
  • <food> - snack
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is full of
  • <good-complex> - quick
  • <tool-complex> - appliance
  • <general-noun-dump> - sprinkle
  • <body-complex> - hand
  • <good-complex> - convenient
  • <good-complex> - warm
  • <general-noun-dump> - foil
  • <period-of-time> - morning


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - fabric
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - smallish
  • <shape> - dome
  • <building> - hut
  • <general-verb-dump> - gives protection from
  • <event> - weather
  • <size-complex> - cozy
  • <texture-complex> - rustic
  • <general-noun-dump> - camp
  • <creature-complex> - bear
  • <texture-complex> - foldable
  • <abstract-concept> - retreat
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <bad-complex> - uncomfortable
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - primitive
  • <idea-complex> - survival


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - massive
  • <texture> - chilly
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - wet
  • <general-noun-dump> - tea
  • <good> - proper
  • <texture-complex> - royal
  • <general-noun-dump> - rain
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - posh
  • <general-noun-dump> - pork pie
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <society> - community
  • <abstract-concept> - colonization


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <land> - land mass
  • <size> - massive
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are east of
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a movie about
  • <shape> - oblong
  • <general-adjective-dump> - animated
  • <group> - citizenry
  • <general-noun-dump> - biodiversity
  • <general-adjective-dump> - ring-tailed
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <good-complex> - lush
  • <place-complex> - republic
  • <material-complex> - frond
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <general-noun-dump> - baobab
  • <place-complex> - Indian Ocean
  • <general-noun-dump> - Southern Hemisphere


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <texture> - cold
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - massive
  • <land> - land
  • <food> - borscht
  • <normal-weird> - centralized
  • <idea-complex> - authority
  • <normal-weird> - distilled
  • <food> - booze
  • <texture-complex> - steely
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unyielding
  • <person-complex> - ruler
  • <good-complex> - outstanding
  • <general-noun-dump> - ballet
  • <place-feel-simple> - are aware of
  • <shape-complex> - bloc

Disney World

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture> - hot
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <age> - youthful
  • <abstract-concept> - entertainment
  • <size> - humongous
  • <person-complex> - patron
  • <color-complex> - pastel
  • <color-complex> - sparkly
  • <bad> - nasty
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <general-noun-dump> - joyride
  • <bad-complex> - fake
  • <abstract-concept> - obsession
  • <bad-complex> - expensive
  • <event-complex> - parade
  • <general-noun-dump> - costume
  • <building-complex> - turret
  • <area> - enclosure
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are overwhelmed by

The Atlantic Ocean

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - fluid
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <size> - enormous
  • <texture> - wet
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swim in
  • <general-noun-dump> - whale
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <general-noun-dump> - canoe
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <color-complex> - marine
  • <abstract-concept> - wetness
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drown in the
  • <material-complex> - broth
  • <general-noun-dump> - current
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <general-noun-dump> - trawling

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - massive
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <texture-complex> - fancy
  • <building> - building
  • <place-see-simple> - observe
  • <event> - exhibition
  • <group> - patronage
  • <good-complex> - priceless
  • <material-complex> - canvas
  • <general-adjective-dump> - pretentious
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <tool-complex> - stairway
  • <size> - big
  • <food> - apple
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - stroll around
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <body-complex> - mummy
  • <color-complex> - painted
  • <shape-complex> - sculpture
  • <society> - culture
  • <place-complex> - island
  • <idea-complex> - membership
  • <general-noun-dump> - sphinx
  • <event-complex> - gala
  • <general-noun-dump> - water lily

Pope Francis

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <family-role> - grampy
  • <age> - old
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - bless
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are head of
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <texture-complex> - ceremonial
  • <gerund> - lecturing
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture-complex> - layered
  • <taste-complex> - wine-infused
  • <taste-complex> - bland
  • <color-complex> - off-white
  • <idea-complex> - judgement
  • <period-of-time> - lifetime
  • <group> - flock
  • <tool-complex> - mobile
  • <building-complex> - city-state
  • <material-complex> - smoke
  • <tool-complex> - hat
  • <idea-complex> - reign

Meryl Streep

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <idea-complex> - character
  • <good-complex> - talented
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - impersonate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - play
  • <bad-complex> - devilish
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <period-of-time> - hour
  • <gerund> - choosing
  • <person-complex> - woman
  • <emotion-good-complex> - emotive
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <people-types> - chef
  • <tool-complex> - orchid
  • <good-complex> - classy
  • <good-complex> - humble
  • <emotion-good-complex> - beloved
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about

Mrs. Claus

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <family-role> - wifey
  • <normal-weird> - magical
  • <family-role> - spouse
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are married to
  • <building-complex> - workshop
  • <tool-complex> - plaything
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <texture-complex> - frosty
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cheery
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <gerund> - crafting
  • <material-complex> - cookie
  • <age> - ancient
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <texture-complex> - rosy-cheeked
  • <taste-complex> - homey
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <shape-complex> - pole
  • <size-complex> - rotund
  • <taste-complex> - frigid

Queen Elsa

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: frozen, cold

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - frigid
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <age> - young
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <society> - society
  • <emotion-bad> - withdrawn
  • <material> - substance
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - construct
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - animate
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <media-type> - film
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - empowered
  • <material-complex> - crystal
  • <tool-complex> - carrot
  • <building-complex> - turret
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <texture-complex> - wintry

George Jetson

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <gerund> - working
  • <abstract-concept> - future
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <color-complex> - white collar
  • <good> - wholesome
  • <person> - character
  • <creature-complex> - robot
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fly
  • <tool-complex> - car
  • <general-career-status> - assembly line
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <person-complex> - maid
  • <gerund> - hovering
  • <age-complex> - retro
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <texture-complex> - mod
  • <person-complex> - family man
  • <creature-complex> - mutt
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <tool-complex> - antenna
  • <thing> - gadget
  • <texture-complex> - animated
  • <good-complex> - 1960s
  • <general-noun-dump> - cloud
  • <general-noun-dump> - city
  • <media-type> - sitcom

Tom Hanks

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <gerund> - running
  • <media-type> - film
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <people-types> - captain
  • <media-type> - film
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - battle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sail to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - email
  • <shape-complex> - volleyball
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - isolated
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <good-complex> - beloved
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <creature-complex> - crustacean
  • <general-noun-dump> - Academy Award
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <good-complex> - esteemed
  • <person-complex> - cutie
  • <age> - older

Sully Sullenberger

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <age> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - saved
  • <age> - old
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-noun-dump> - bird
  • <are-in-relation-to> - crashed into
  • <good> - level-headed
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <idea-complex> - news story
  • <general-noun-dump> - ocean
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <place-like-simple> - fly
  • <general-noun-dump> - sky

Charlie's Angels

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: angel

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <issues> - crime
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <person> - woman
  • <group> - trio
  • <group> - team
  • <general-noun-dump> - remake
  • <general-noun-dump> - celestial being
  • <media-type> - television
  • <person-complex> - crime fighter
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <good-complex> - international
  • <is-in-relation-to> - works for
  • <general-noun-dump> - mission
  • <abstract-concept> - feminism
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights off
  • <person-complex> - criminal
  • <people-types> - boss
  • <texture-complex> - campy
  • <abstract-concept> - girl power
  • <tool-complex> - bell bottom
  • <age> - retro
  • <parts-of-body> - feathered hair


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <issues> - danger
  • <parts-of-body> - beard
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <gerund> - running
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs away from
  • <taste-complex> - tropical
  • <texture> - wet
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <media-type> - film
  • <age> - young
  • <people-types> - player
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump> - rolls
  • <place-complex> - suburbia
  • <gerund> - stampeding
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cursed
  • <creature> - creature
  • <taste-complex> - poached
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is released
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - triumphs
  • <media-sensation> - reboot
  • <general-noun-dump> - Monopoly
  • <is> - is transported to

School of Rock

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <people-types> - slacker
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <bad> - schlubby
  • <general-verb-dump> - teaches
  • <is> - sings
  • <building-complex> - academy
  • <person> - youth
  • <general-verb-dump> - gives confidence to
  • <general-noun-dump> - song
  • <general-verb-dump> - rocks out with
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <issues> - comedy
  • <tool> - instrument
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <idea-complex> - melody
  • <emotion-good-complex> - musical
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <tool-complex> - drum
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: cabaret

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <genre> - musical
  • <color> - dark
  • <emotion-bad> - moody
  • <place> - club
  • <problem> - disagreement
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fatalistic
  • <people-types> - chanteuse
  • <age-complex> - ageless
  • <building-complex> - hole in the wall
  • <size-complex> - claustrophobic
  • <problem-complex> - shadow of war
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - soldiers on
  • <issues> - war
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <place-complex> - Europe
  • <people-types> - master of ceremonies
  • <loves> - dances
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-type> - musical

The Martian

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <period-of-time> - long time
  • <issues> - abandonment
  • <shape-complex> - potato
  • <abstract-concept> - resourcefulness
  • <abstract-concept> - outer space
  • <media-type> - film
  • <color> - tan
  • <event> - departure
  • <event> - rescue
  • <person-complex> - explorer
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <issues> - gravity
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extra-terrestrial
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <place-complex> - station
  • <bad-complex> - trapped
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - makes it home
  • <group> - crew
  • <general-verb-dump> - is lost in
  • <event-complex> - storm

The Crucible

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <period-of-time> - olden times
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <gerund> - burning
  • <idea> - allegory
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - puritanical
  • <nature-places> - east coast
  • <place-complex> - colony
  • <people-types> - judge
  • <media-type> - play
  • <media-style-adjective> - dramatic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - pagan
  • <issues> - rumor
  • <people-types> - sorcerer
  • <abstract-concept> - wizardry
  • <texture-complex> - American
  • <general-noun-dump> - accusation
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <group> - community
  • <person-complex> - girl

Waiting for Godot

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <gerund> - sitting around
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - boring
  • <media-type> - play
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-verb-dump> - passing time with
  • <gerund> - talking
  • <emotion-good-complex> - existential
  • <is-in-relation-to> - sleeps next to
  • <emotion-bad> - dull
  • <abstract-concept> - anticipation
  • <media-sensation> - theatrical experience
  • <issues> - arrival
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - never shows up
  • <texture> - shabby
  • <nature-places> - tree

The Da Vinci Code

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <issues> - robbery
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <color> - dark
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <bad> - corny
  • <general-career-sector> - history
  • <normal-weird> - historically inaccurate
  • <taste-complex> - Christian
  • <people-types> - scholar
  • <event> - adventure
  • <bad-complex> - cryptic
  • <thing> - symbol
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-noun-dump> - treasure
  • <general-noun-dump> - cup
  • <wants> - searches for
  • <is-in-relation-to> - gets involved with
  • <emotion-good-complex> - thrilling
  • <group> - cult

The Lion King

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - lil'
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <texture> - hot
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <abstract-concept> - leadership
  • <building-complex> - cemetery
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <abstract-concept> - leadership
  • <group> - family
  • <texture> - soft
  • <creature> - creature
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <event-complex> - birth
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scheming
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <gerund> - wrestling
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - becomes the president
  • <age> - young
  • <general-verb-dump> - grows up with
  • <material-complex> - pork
  • <media-style-adjective> - musical
  • <gerund> - purring
  • <is> - sings

Kermit the Frog

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - fuzzy
  • <creature> - animal
  • <material> - cloth
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <idea-complex> - comedy
  • <general-career-status> - host
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <general-noun-dump> - vaudeville
  • <material-complex> - felt
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <tool-complex> - marionette
  • <good> - beloved
  • <texture> - soft
  • <normal-weird> - amphibious

Darth Vader

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scary
  • <gerund> - breathing
  • <bad-complex> - evil
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - betray
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - strangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - resurrection
  • <creature-complex> - cyborg
  • <person-complex> - wizard
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <general-noun-dump> - space
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <general-noun-dump> - cape
  • <general-noun-dump> - helmet
  • <building-complex> - station
  • <material-complex> - light
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <problem-complex> - asthma
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <bad-complex> - illegitimate
  • <family-role> - son
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <gerund> - gasping

Michael Jordan

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <good-complex> - athletic
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <parts-of-body> - muscle
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - orb
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dunk
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <idea-complex> - sport
  • <taste-complex> - bovine
  • <parts-of-body> - tongue
  • <gerund> - dribbling
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <general-career-status> - GOAT
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-noun-dump> - shoe

Dolly Parton

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: doll

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <taste-complex> - southern
  • <texture-complex> - studded
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <group> - band
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <gerund> - cheating
  • <building-complex> - theme park
  • <abstract-concept> - charity
  • <tool-complex> - guitar
  • <general-noun-dump> - country
  • <emotion-good> - jolly
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <body> - figure
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write about
  • <tool-complex> - jumpsuit
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <abstract-concept> - forever
  • <good-complex> - glamorous
  • <good-complex> - romantic
  • <good-complex> - independent
  • <texture> - tough
  • <person-complex> - role model
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - jealous
  • <idea-complex> - music
  • <general-noun-dump> - album
  • <material-complex> - rhinestone

Oprah Winfrey

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - billionaire
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <general-career-sector> - charity
  • <general-noun-dump> - magazine
  • <place-like-simple> - promote
  • <gerund> - reading
  • <good-complex> - popular
  • <group> - club
  • <period-of-time> - daytime
  • <place-like-simple> - delight in
  • <event-complex> - interview
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make use of
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <person-complex> - lady

Taylor Swift

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <media-type> - song
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <texture-complex> - straight
  • <taste> - bland
  • <people-types> - prom queen
  • <gerund> - crooning
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <idea-complex> - album
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <body-complex> - skeleton
  • <size-complex> - lanky
  • <group> - squad
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - roll with

Tiger Woods

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - orb
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <general-noun-dump> - affair
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <general-noun-dump> - cap
  • <material-complex> - meadow
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - smack
  • <abstract-concept> - competition
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <gerund> - soaring
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <tool-complex> - cart
  • <idea-complex> - sponsorship
  • <event-complex> - tour
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - advertise
  • <people-types> - scumbag
  • <general-noun-dump> - watch
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <general-noun-dump> - polo
  • <bad-complex> - preppy

Paris Hilton

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - thin
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <building-complex> - hotel
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <abstract-concept> - money
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - video tape
  • <bad-complex> - spoiled
  • <idea-complex> - inheritance
  • <bad-complex> - X-rated
  • <age-complex> - millennial
  • <good-complex> - simple
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <tool-complex> - documentary
  • <people-types> - prom queen
  • <general-noun-dump> - vocal fry
  • <period-of-time> - 2000s
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - socialize with
  • <size-complex> - willowy

Frida Kahlo

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <parts-of-body> - eyebrow
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <abstract-concept> - magical realism
  • <general-noun-dump> - portrait
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <family-role> - hubby
  • <idea-complex> - selfhood
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <normal-weird> - surreal
  • <good-complex> - feminist
  • <bad-complex> - injured
  • <emotion-good-complex> - creative
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create images of
  • <texture-complex> - communist
  • <texture-complex> - flowery
  • <material-complex> - paint
  • <good-complex> - natural
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - marry
  • <abstract-concept> - colonialism

Samuel L. Jackson

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <general-noun-dump> - snake
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <general-career-status> - superhero
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <parts-of-body> - glasses
  • <general-noun-dump> - fury
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <gerund> - protecting
  • <good-complex> - cool
  • <normal-weird> - pervasive
  • <abstract-concept> - advertising
  • <place-like-simple> - take an interest in
  • <general-noun-dump> - wallet
  • <general-noun-dump> - plane
  • <general-noun-dump> - credit card
  • <general-noun-dump> - python

Ella Fitzgerald

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-sector> - jazz
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perform with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <abstract-concept> - sadness
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - horn
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <tool-complex> - basket
  • <general-noun-dump> - improvisation
  • <tool-complex> - train
  • <emotion-good-complex> - bewitching
  • <age-complex> - vintage
  • <good-complex> - legendary
  • <people-types> - icon
  • <shape-complex> - octave
  • <gerund> - scatting
  • <good> - legendary
  • <abstract-concept> - discrimination
  • <tool-complex> - piano

Las Vegas

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drink
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - destroy
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <texture> - hot
  • <texture> - dry
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - gamble
  • <event-complex> - performance
  • <food> - booze
  • <bad-complex> - tacky
  • <abstract-concept> - fame-and- fortune
  • <place-feel-simple> - are entertained by
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - naughty
  • <tool-complex> - coin
  • <general-noun-dump> - probability
  • <problem-complex> - addiction
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <place-complex> - subdivision

Bikini Bottom

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <is-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - square
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <material> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - H2O
  • <food> - fruit
  • <creature> - fish
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live with
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - TV show
  • <general-adjective-dump> - animated
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <creature-complex> - squid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - absorbent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - goofy
  • <bad-complex> - crabby
  • <general-noun-dump> - swimsuit
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <good> - silly
  • <creature-complex> - rodent
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <abstract-concept> - down below


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hot
  • <texture> - dry
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <food> - beef
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are at the bottom of
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <size> - massive
  • <emotion-good-complex> - patriotic
  • <tool-complex> - hat
  • <building-complex> - ranch
  • <creature-complex> - herd
  • <good-complex> - grand
  • <idea-complex> - frontier
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <land> - land
  • <place-complex> - province
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <size-complex> - huuuuge
  • <taste-complex> - conservative
  • <general-noun-dump> - yeehaw
  • <bad-complex> - American

Michelle Kwan

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <period-of-time> - 1990s
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <gerund> - gliding
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - slip n' slide on
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <media-type> - television
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <abstract-concept> - victory
  • <idea-complex> - tournament
  • <people-types> - Mount Olympus
  • <general-noun-dump> - axel
  • <general-noun-dump> - rink
  • <tool-complex> - blade
  • <good-complex> - triple
  • <parts-of-body> - skirt
  • <parts-of-body> - bun
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - jump
  • <material> - surface

Alice in Wonderland

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <gerund> - dreaming
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-noun-dump> - cat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - falls down
  • <people-types> - queen
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <abstract-concept> - lateness
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <general-verb-dump> - drinks
  • <general-noun-dump> - potion
  • <is> - shrinks
  • <place> - realm
  • <general-noun-dump> - tea
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - wakes up
  • <shape-complex> - hat


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - coast
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <creature> - creature
  • <creature-complex> - crustacean
  • <taste-complex> - buttery
  • <building-complex> - lighthouse
  • <idea-complex> - beacon
  • <texture-complex> - windy
  • <place-complex> - province
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - crack the
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are north of
  • <place-complex> - harbor
  • <general-noun-dump> - port
  • <texture-complex> - sea-weathered
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <texture-complex> - rocky
  • <texture-complex> - American


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: guitar

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <shape> - circle
  • <abstract-concept> - music
  • <texture-complex> - countrified
  • <general-noun-dump> - string
  • <general-verb-dump> - performs
  • <abstract-concept> - folk
  • <general-verb-dump> - strums
  • <general-noun-dump> - twang
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - rural
  • <gerund> - plucking
  • <general-adjective-dump> - musical
  • <thing> - object
  • <general-adjective-dump> - dueling
  • <size-complex> - rounded
  • <person-complex> - cowboy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: shark

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - scary
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <creature> - creature
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <general-noun-dump> - explosion
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <hates> - bites
  • <hates> - kills
  • <creature> - beast
  • <texture-complex> - toothy
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture> - wet

Emergency Room

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - limp for
  • <idea> - help
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <place-feel-simple> - stitch
  • <gerund> - fixing
  • <event-complex> - incident
  • <general-noun-dump> - blood
  • <building-complex> - facility
  • <good-complex> - restorative
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - traumatic
  • <normal-weird> - urgent
  • <bad-complex> - expensive
  • <taste-complex> - gruesome
  • <creature-complex> - microbe
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - slice
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stitch
  • <tool-complex> - medicine
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - birth
  • <shape-complex> - boo boo
  • <bad-complex> - cracked
  • <bad-complex> - bruised
  • <bad> - painful
  • <good> - sterile
  • <gerund> - waiting

Haunted House

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: ghost

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - evil
  • <building> - structure
  • <place-meet-simple> - encounter
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - nervous
  • <building-complex> - dwelling
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <abstract-concept> - amusement
  • <abstract-concept> - horror
  • <good-complex> - spiritual
  • <bad-complex> - empty
  • <general-noun-dump> - soul
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fear
  • <place-see-simple> - tour
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are repelled by
  • <general-noun-dump> - dead
  • <general-noun-dump> - cold draft
  • <color> - dark
  • <good-complex> - shadowy
  • <person-complex> - ticket seller
  • <gerund> - moaning


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <general-verb-dump> - soars through
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - tube
  • <general-verb-dump> - is up in
  • <texture-complex> - airy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cramped
  • <general-verb-dump> - transports
  • <general-noun-dump> - wing
  • <good-complex> - first-class
  • <tool> - engine
  • <general-verb-dump> - is propelled by
  • <general-noun-dump> - oil
  • <general-noun-dump> - cloud
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <general-adjective-dump> - international

cruise ship

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: boat

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-verb-dump> - floats on
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <size> - enormous
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <size-complex> - crowded
  • <taste-complex> - tropical
  • <texture> - cheap
  • <bad-complex> - sickening
  • <good-complex> - buoyant
  • <tool-complex> - vessel
  • <person-complex> - captain
  • <tool> - container
  • <place-complex> - destination
  • <bad> - dangerous
  • <nature-places> - pool
  • <general-noun-dump> - missing person

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - wet
  • <material> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - debris
  • <abstract-concept> - anxiety
  • <shape> - lump
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is floating in
  • <problem-complex> - crisis
  • <abstract-concept> - pollution
  • <material> - plastic
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <general-verb-dump> - pollutes
  • <general-verb-dump> - swirls around with
  • <size-complex> - expansive
  • <general-career-sector> - environment
  • <general-noun-dump> - flotsam
  • <gerund> - littering
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <is> - is composed of
  • <tool-complex> - junk
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <place-complex> - island

alarm clock

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - tells you
  • <period-of-time> - moment
  • <period-of-time> - second
  • <abstract-concept> - infinity
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <is-in-relation-to> - goes next to
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture> - loud
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-career-sector> - number
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <tool> - technology
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <emotion-good-complex> - asleep
  • <hates> - disrupts
  • <abstract-concept> - calm
  • <bad-complex> - irritating
  • <general-verb-dump> - starts
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <general-noun-dump> - REM sleep
  • <gerund> - beeping
  • <texture-complex> - blaring

ball pit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - sphere
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <building> - hole
  • <person> - kid
  • <age> - young
  • <building-complex> - bistro
  • <nature-places> - chain restaurant
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <food> - hamburger
  • <size-complex> - spherical
  • <general-noun-dump> - corral
  • <abstract-concept> - bliss
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <general-verb-dump> - causes
  • <abstract-concept> - frenzy
  • <general-noun-dump> - cannonball
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <group> - pile
  • <building> - structure


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - pale
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - hard
  • <creature-complex> - skeleton
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is inside
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <parts-of-body> - thigh
  • <size> - long
  • <general-career-sector> - medicine
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <shape> - tube
  • <color> - pale
  • <parts-of-body> - limb
  • <good-complex> - strongest
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <parts-of-body> - flank
  • <abstract-concept> - calcium
  • <body-complex> - human figure


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material> - paper
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - number
  • <is-in-relation-to> - hangs on
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <period-of-time> - year
  • <tool-complex> - marker
  • <abstract-concept> - future
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <size-complex> - daily
  • <building-complex> - grid
  • <general-verb-dump> - keeps track of
  • <general-noun-dump> - sundial


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - porcelain
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is beneath
  • <general-verb-dump> - squirts
  • <gerund> - sitting
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <general-verb-dump> - expels
  • <material> - liquid
  • <bad-complex> - stinky
  • <good-complex> - cleanly
  • <good-complex> - sanitary
  • <material-complex> - H2O
  • <general-verb-dump> - cleans
  • <nature-places> - France
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <shape> - pot
  • <shape-complex> - bowl
  • <general-noun-dump> - stool
  • <parts-of-body> - bottom
  • <gerund> - squatting
  • <gerund> - streaming

A Christmas Carol

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <event> - occasion
  • <bad> - horrible
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <media-type> - book
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <idea-complex> - judgement
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy
  • <alive-dead> - sickly
  • <general-verb-dump> - limps
  • <abstract-concept> - capitalism
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - greedy
  • <shape-complex> - snow
  • <person-complex> - boss
  • <general-verb-dump> - learns about
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is visited by
  • <abstract-concept> - spirit

Charlotte's Web

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <person> - individual
  • <good> - sweet
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <general-adjective-dump> - interspecies
  • <general-noun-dump> - bug
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-style-adjective> - kid-friendly
  • <material-complex> - bacon
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - dies of natural causes
  • <nature-places> - doorway
  • <emotion-good> - intricate
  • <issues> - entanglement
  • <creature> - creature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <thing> - entity
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <general-noun-dump> - pain
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scared
  • <group> - team
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <body-complex> - torso
  • <issues> - violence
  • <abstract-concept> - solitude
  • <gerund> - impregnating
  • <taste-complex> - acidic
  • <general-verb-dump> - hatches
  • <event-complex> - voyage
  • <tool-complex> - vessel
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is attacked by
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty
  • <texture-complex> - dripping

Back to the Future

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - destiny
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <people-types> - delinquent
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <family-role> - son
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <people-types> - scientist
  • <general-noun-dump> - underwear
  • <general-noun-dump> - guitar
  • <person-complex> - bully
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - returns home
  • <is> - zooms to
  • <abstract-concept> - Oedipus complex
  • <period-of-time> - 80s
  • <general-noun-dump> - skateboard
  • <good-complex> - tricked-out
  • <abstract-concept> - chronology


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: man, candy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <thing> - entity
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <person-complex> - mortal
  • <is-in-relation-to> - summons
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <creature-complex> - insect
  • <general-verb-dump> - is stung by
  • <idea> - rumor
  • <general-noun-dump> - hook
  • <place-complex> - big city
  • <media-style-adjective> - scary
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - remake
  • <genre> - horror
  • <general-career-sector> - urban legend
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - stops the killer
  • <group> - swarm
  • <abstract-concept> - name
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <general-adjective-dump> - buzzin'
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - burns up
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is pursued by


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: girlish, dreamy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - supreme
  • <group> - group
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <good-complex> - groundbreaking
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <emotion-bad> - jealous
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - falls apart
  • <group> - band
  • <general-noun-dump> - background
  • <building-complex> - big city
  • <media-sensation> - award winner
  • <texture-complex> - sparkly
  • <general-verb-dump> - aspires to
  • <person-complex> - singer
  • <age-complex> - retro
  • <general-adjective-dump> - overlooked
  • <media-sensation> - chart-topper
  • <group> - trio
  • <abstract-concept> - girl power
  • <general-noun-dump> - R&B
  • <general-adjective-dump> - harmonizing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - shimmying

Sonic the Hedgehog

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <creature> - creature
  • <are-known-for> - are known for
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <food> - snack
  • <general-noun-dump> - dog
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <general-noun-dump> - velocity
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rotate
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - loopy
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <media-type> - film
  • <idea-complex> - quest
  • <tool-complex> - robot
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated
  • <gerund> - running
  • <normal-weird> - anthropomorphic
  • <general-noun-dump> - sneaker

Freaky Friday

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - weird
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <age-complex> - pubescent
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <group> - family
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <idea-complex> - viewpoint
  • <age> - adolescent
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - plays guitar
  • <body-complex> - body
  • <gerund> - swapping
  • <age> - mature
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <general-adjective-dump> - magical
  • <gerund> - zapping
  • <people-types> - teen

Mamma Mia!

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <normal-weird> - unusual
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is related to
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <place-complex> - Europe
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <general-verb-dump> - dances beside
  • <emotion-good> - sunny
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives in
  • <color> - blond
  • <media-type> - movie


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <villain> - devil
  • <texture> - cold
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <creature> - critter
  • <bad> - evil
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <gets-something-good> - gets silly
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - kills the beast
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <issues> - reproduction
  • <abstract-concept> - mischief
  • <period-of-time> - midnight
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <creature-complex> - puppet
  • <general-verb-dump> - multiplies
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <genre> - satire
  • <media-sensation> - holiday classic
  • <group> - group
  • <group> - herd
  • <general-noun-dump> - blender
  • <general-noun-dump> - Furby
  • <abstract-concept> - mutation
  • <bad> - sneaky

The Phantom of the Opera

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <media-type> - book
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <villain> - villain
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <genre> - romance
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-noun-dump> - pain
  • <texture-complex> - scarred
  • <abstract-concept> - music
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <hates> - fails
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-adjective-dump> - masked


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - horrible
  • <villain> - villain
  • <color> - dark
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <group> - group
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <hates> - hates
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - screams
  • <bad> - evil
  • <tool-complex> - blade
  • <material-complex> - disguise
  • <people-types> - party girl
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <media-type> - movie franchise
  • <general-career-status> - slasher
  • <general-adjective-dump> - midwestern
  • <general-adjective-dump> - masked
  • <general-noun-dump> - gourd
  • <parts-of-body> - jumpsuit


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book
  • <good> - kind
  • <person> - person
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <texture-complex> - glassy
  • <problem-complex> - proposition
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-noun-dump> - vegetable
  • <event> - party
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <person-complex> - servant
  • <general-noun-dump> - mouse
  • <loves> - falls in love with


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - team
  • <good-complex> - mind-blowing
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes inside
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <general-verb-dump> - constructs
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - dreams
  • <media-type> - film
  • <tool-complex> - van
  • <abstract-concept> - consciousness
  • <problem> - robbery
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes inside
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <gerund> - bending
  • <good-complex> - deep
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <general-noun-dump> - currency
  • <gets-something-good> - spins a coin
  • <bad-complex> - confusing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - layered
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <abstract-concept> - hallucination
  • <abstract-concept> - reverie
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <tool-complex> - talisman


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <person> - individual
  • <issues> - crime
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <parts-of-body> - cranium
  • <family-role> - prince
  • <issues> - murder
  • <hates> - drowns
  • <person-complex> - ghost
  • <genre> - drama
  • <group> - family
  • <bad> - tragic
  • <general-noun-dump> - monologue
  • <general-verb-dump> - stabs
  • <color-complex> - bloody
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European

Ocean's Eleven

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <group> - team
  • <size> - big
  • <issues> - crime
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <problem-complex> - million-dollar-question
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks into
  • <general-verb-dump> - money
  • <issues> - gambling
  • <abstract-concept> - security
  • <hates> - steals
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <place-complex> - vault


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - shiny
  • <good> - famous
  • <size> - holdable
  • <gerund> - swinging
  • <age> - old
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is inside of
  • <general-verb-dump> - pokes
  • <color-complex> - metallic
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <good-complex> - legendary
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <idea-complex> - prophecy
  • <age-complex> - medieval
  • <general-career-sector> - nobility
  • <material> - rock
  • <taste-complex> - pointy
  • <good-complex> - worthy
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <general-noun-dump> - lake
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a story about
  • <person-complex> - king


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - 3D
  • <emotion-good> - strange
  • <group> - civilization
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-verb-dump> - assimilates with
  • <emotion-good> - proud
  • <gerund> - pillaging
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-sensation> - billion-dollar
  • <loves> - flies around on
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <event> - adventure
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <abstract-concept> - secret identity

Beauty and the Beast

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: beast

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings with
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place> - village
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <people-types> - captor
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <texture> - soft
  • <bad> - ugly
  • <general-verb-dump> - dances with
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-noun-dump> - silverware
  • <texture-complex> - porcelain
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is trapped in
  • <texture-complex> - furry

Die Hard

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - determined
  • <problem-complex> - shootout
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <emotion-good-complex> - holly jolly
  • <people-types> - smack talker
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <general-career-status> - hero
  • <people-types> - criminal
  • <event-complex> - takeover
  • <tool-complex> - machine gun
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <idea-complex> - scheme
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <event> - gathering
  • <villain> - villain
  • <good-complex> - action-packed
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <event-complex> - explosion
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <period-of-time> - 80s
  • <general-noun-dump> - hostage
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - rescues everyone
  • <hates> - shoots
  • <general-noun-dump> - wounds
  • <family-role> - ex-wife
  • <tool-complex> - helicopter

The Fifth Element

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - exciting
  • <good> - heroic
  • <thing> - artifact
  • <place> - world
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy
  • <emotion-good> - beautiful
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - rescuing
  • <general-career-sector> - space
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <alive-dead> - resurrected
  • <good-complex> - perfect
  • <people-types> - savior
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a film about
  • <nature-places> - planet
  • <issues> - destruction
  • <tool-complex> - relic
  • <general-career-sector> - taxi
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <period-of-time> - future
  • <texture> - futuristic

Child's Play

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - possessed
  • <genre> - horror
  • <emotion-bad> - murderous
  • <person-complex> - plaything
  • <tool-complex> - knife
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <body-complex> - soul
  • <material-complex> - overalls
  • <family-role> - toddler
  • <hates> - kills
  • <general-noun-dump> - ginger
  • <period-of-time> - 1980s
  • <texture-complex> - plastic
  • <emotion-bad> - evil
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <general-verb-dump> - stabs
  • <is-in-relation-to> - sneaks up on
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <creature> - figurine
  • <emotion-bad> - scary

Legally Blonde

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <bad> - bad
  • <genre> - romance
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <general-verb-dump> - argues
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-noun-dump> - manicure
  • <people-types> - Ivy Leaguer
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <abstract-concept> - feminism
  • <family-role> - judge
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - wins the case
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is educated at
  • <texture> - fluffy
  • <good> - smart
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <color-complex> - blond

Little Shop of Horrors

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - evil
  • <general-noun-dump> - vegetable
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <material-complex> - blood
  • <wants> - craves
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <person-complex> - geek
  • <texture-complex> - thorny
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sings
  • <person-complex> - city gal
  • <size> - gigantic
  • <bad> - hungry
  • <protagonist> - underdog
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <body-complex> - tooth
  • <general-adjective-dump> - carnivorous
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <general-verb-dump> - sells
  • <building-complex> - greenhouse
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - downtown
  • <person-complex> - boyfriend
  • <texture-complex> - floral
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-verb-dump> - feeds
  • <bad-complex> - pathetic
  • <taste-complex> - organic
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <tool-complex> - song
  • <tool-complex> - predator

The Chronicles of Narnia

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: lion, witch, wardrobe

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <good> - adventurous
  • <texture> - snowy
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-noun-dump> - passage
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <abstract-concept> - metaphor
  • <villain> - ruler
  • <texture> - furry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Christian
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <general-noun-dump> - sacrifice
  • <emotion-good-complex> - majestic
  • <normal-weird> - enchanted
  • <group> - army
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <creature-complex> - goat
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes through
  • <tool-complex> - cabinet
  • <place-complex> - portal
  • <general-noun-dump> - furniture
  • <loves> - discovers
  • <wants> - explores

Mad Max

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: mad

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - brutal
  • <place> - place
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - furious
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <group> - horde
  • <texture-complex> - jagged
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <bad-complex> - insane
  • <material-complex> - fuel
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <place> - future
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <problem> - collapse
  • <person-complex> - loner
  • <general-verb-dump> - drives
  • <place> - arena
  • <media-style-adjective> - thrill ride
  • <media-type> - action
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <people-types> - amazon
  • <good> - exciting
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <problem> - apocalypse
  • <bad-complex> - barren
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gladiatorial
  • <tool-complex> - armor
  • <general-adjective-dump> - ragged
  • <abstract-concept> - feminism

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - sweet
  • <bad> - poor
  • <event> - contest
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <idea-complex> - elimination
  • <abstract-concept> - surprise
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <good-complex> - eccentric
  • <building-complex> - wonderland
  • <general-verb-dump> - manufactures
  • <group> - group
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <family-role> - grampy
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <general-noun-dump> - dessert
  • <general-adjective-dump> - industrial
  • <building-complex> - building
  • <general-verb-dump> - tours
  • <loves> - wins
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book

Finding Nemo

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <people-types> - clown
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <abstract-concept> - adventure
  • <media-type> - animation
  • <bad-complex> - toothy
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <shape-complex> - bubble
  • <texture-complex> - sunken
  • <wants> - searches for
  • <texture> - wet
  • <general-verb-dump> - forgets
  • <creature> - creature
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <good> - heartwarming
  • <size> - tiny
  • <family-role> - son
  • <loves> - makes friends with

Game of Thrones

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - family
  • <general-verb-dump> - lies to
  • <good> - honorable
  • <hates> - fights with
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <good-complex> - noble
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <is-in-relation-to> - conspires with
  • <emotion-good-complex> - clever
  • <people-types> - smartypants
  • <general-adjective-dump> - political
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-type> - book
  • <texture> - cold
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is north of
  • <general-noun-dump> - egg
  • <tool-complex> - chair
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - letdown
  • <media-style-adjective> - fantastical
  • <place-complex> - continent
  • <abstract-concept> - dynasty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - manly
  • <bad-complex> - illegitimate
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - incestuous
  • <texture> - royal
  • <good> - intricate
  • <general-adjective-dump> - medieval


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - mistreated
  • <building-complex> - schoolhouse
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <media-type> - book
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <problem-complex> - headache
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <general-verb-dump> - magically manipulates
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <good-complex> - whimsical
  • <material-complex> - honey
  • <gerund> - choking
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <people-types> - teacher's pet
  • <general-noun-dump> - mind control
  • <creature-complex> - bull
  • <person-complex> - genius
  • <gets-something-good> - gets adopted
  • <size> - scrawny
  • <emotion-good> - smart
  • <parts-of-body> - brain

Monsters, Inc.

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - soft
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <place> - place
  • <age-complex> - babyish
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <person-complex> - mortal
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - laughter
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes to bed
  • <general-noun-dump> - portal
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <people-types> - cyclops
  • <texture-complex> - horned
  • <general-noun-dump> - scream


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - team
  • <gerund> - blasting
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <general-verb-dump> - studies
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <bad-complex> - eerie
  • <group> - squad
  • <hates> - zaps
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <bad> - evil
  • <creature> - entity
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <general-noun-dump> - portal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - spirited
  • <taste-complex> - marshmallowy
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets blown up
  • <building-complex> - small business
  • <gerund> - sliming
  • <parts-of-body> - backpack
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <media-type> - remake
  • <texture-complex> - wispy

The Golden Girls

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Gold, Golden, Girl

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - roommate
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sassy
  • <person-complex> - dummy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - promiscuous
  • <gerund> - advising
  • <bad> - grumpy
  • <people-types> - bff
  • <general-verb-dump> - jokes with
  • <place> - house
  • <texture-complex> - wrinkly
  • <is> - is mean to
  • <person> - woman
  • <media-type> - television
  • <emotion-good> - humorous
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <media-style-adjective> - long-running
  • <media-style-adjective> - award-winning
  • <emotion-good-complex> - hilarious
  • <gerund> - bantering
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <emotion-bad> - bitter
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sarcastic
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the punchline
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a laugh
  • <group> - squad
  • <group> - foursome

Groundhog Day

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - know-it-all
  • <normal-weird> - repetitive
  • <loves> - falls for
  • <place> - town
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <bad> - grumpy
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <problem-complex> - do-over
  • <person-complex> - charmer
  • <general-verb-dump> - repeats
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <issues> - deja vu
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - stuck
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is trapped in
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - comedy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - laughing
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <people-types> - mastermind
  • <group> - gang
  • <issues> - corruption
  • <bad-complex> - mischievous
  • <nature-places> - society
  • <general-verb-dump> - outsmarts
  • <emotion-good-complex> - flamboyant
  • <abstract-concept> - chaos
  • <general-noun-dump> - makeup
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - origin
  • <color-complex> - colorful
  • <color-complex> - dark
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <people-types> - loner
  • <person-complex> - comedian
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - failed
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <media-style-adjective> - polarizing
  • <emotion-bad> - gritty
  • <media-sensation> - big-budget
  • <building-complex> - stairwell
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is alienated from
  • <bad> - toxic
  • <villain> - villain


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - slippery
  • <general-verb-dump> - unleashes
  • <building-complex> - castle
  • <wants> - chases after
  • <texture-complex> - chilly
  • <good-complex> - headstrong
  • <problem-complex> - takeover
  • <shape-complex> - throne
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <texture> - cold
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <people-types> - royal
  • <loves> - sings to
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - weather
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs away from
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <group> - family
  • <building-complex> - village


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <wants> - preys on
  • <group> - crew
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <issues> - nightmare
  • <general-verb-dump> - drowns in
  • <emotion-good> - smiley
  • <place-complex> - village
  • <gerund> - changing
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - defeated
  • <general-verb-dump> - bikes around
  • <age-complex> - youthful
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - horror
  • <media-type> - book
  • <creature> - being
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <taste-complex> - bloody
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <general-noun-dump> - balloon
  • <people-types> - jester
  • <people-types> - prankster
  • <tool-complex> - helium
  • <good-complex> - grinning
  • <creature> - devil

Noah's Ark

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <wants> - collects
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <loves> - listens to
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <group> - pair
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <tool-complex> - wooden
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <idea-complex> - judgment
  • <size> - enormous
  • <good> - saintly
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <place-complex> - earth
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <person-complex> - creator
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <parts-of-body> - beard
  • <creature> - beast
  • <media-type> - story

Orange Is the New Black

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: orange

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - crew
  • <people-types> - felon
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <loves> - kisses
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a show about
  • <gerund> - gossiping
  • <building-complex> - cafeteria
  • <general-career-sector> - security
  • <color-complex> - tangerine
  • <genre> - drama
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <place-complex> - dungeon
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is stuck in
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-type> - memoir
  • <family-role> - guard
  • <event-complex> - riot
  • <building-complex> - court
  • <media-style-adjective> - online


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - tense
  • <abstract-concept> - luxury
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <issues> - crime
  • <good-complex> - rich
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <symbolizes> - exemplifies
  • <general-noun-dump> - disaster
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - glassy
  • <age> - modern
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <group> - family
  • <people-types> - peasant
  • <general-verb-dump> - tutors
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - lives underground
  • <issues> - class warfare
  • <tool-complex> - limousine
  • <general-adjective-dump> - suspenseful
  • <issues> - poverty
  • <family-role> - brother

Planet of the Apes

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture> - hairy
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <general-career-status> - hero
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes to
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <gets-something-bad> - yells
  • <alive-dead> - extinct
  • <general-verb-dump> - blows up
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <gerund> - crashing
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <emotion-good-complex> - evolved
  • <general-adjective-dump> - naked
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <general-noun-dump> - prison
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - has a revelation
  • <genre> - cautionary tale
  • <place-complex> - earth
  • <abstract-concept> - animal ethics
  • <general-noun-dump> - franchise
  • <texture-complex> - barrel-chested
  • <creature-complex> - gibbon


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <villain> - villain
  • <color> - dark
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <issues> - violence
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - bathes
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - catches the killer
  • <issues> - theft
  • <issues> - murder
  • <gerund> - stabbing
  • <building-complex> - hotel
  • <building-complex> - bathroom
  • <color-complex> - black-and-white
  • <tool-complex> - knife
  • <general-noun-dump> - wig
  • <is> - is actually
  • <general-verb-dump> - poses as
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <media-sensation> - slasher
  • <general-adjective-dump> - stolen
  • <good-complex> - suspenseful
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <age-complex> - vintage

Romeo & Juliet

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - horrible
  • <abstract-concept> - loss
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <genre> - romance
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <person-complex> - damsel
  • <loves> - adores
  • <people-types> - delinquent
  • <group> - family
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets emotionally devastated
  • <general-verb-dump> - drinks
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <media-type> - play
  • <person-complex> - tween
  • <person-complex> - youngster
  • <texture-complex> - lusty
  • <issues> - family drama
  • <place-complex> - municipality

Sleeping Beauty

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: beauty

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fatigued
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is desired by
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - vexed
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes to bed
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-verb-dump> - pricks
  • <tool-complex> - wheel
  • <gerund> - hiding
  • <creature-complex> - lizard
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <media-style-adjective> - classic
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - wakes up
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <bad-complex> - drugged
  • <wants> - clutches
  • <good> - pretty
  • <bad-complex> - enchanted
  • <media-type> - folktale
  • <nature-places> - wooded area
  • <tool-complex> - smooch

The Terminator

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <villain> - villain
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <symbolizes> - signifies
  • <alive-dead> - extinct
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - squishes
  • <gerund> - chasing
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <gets-something-good> - gets pregnant
  • <people-types> - bodybuilder
  • <abstract-concept> - fate
  • <people-types> - assassin
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cyber
  • <tool-complex> - machine


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <genre> - romance
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-career-status> - amateur
  • <wants> - desires
  • <texture-complex> - gritty
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <good> - strong
  • <event> - competition
  • <protagonist> - underdog
  • <person-complex> - champion
  • <general-verb-dump> - hits
  • <general-verb-dump> - loses
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <creature-complex> - chicken
  • <tool-complex> - glove
  • <shape> - ring
  • <general-noun-dump> - meat
  • <building-complex> - stairwell
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs
  • <general-career-status> - clerk
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty
  • <texture-complex> - bruised
  • <general-noun-dump> - kapow
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - leaves the arena

The Wizard of Oz

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: wizard

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book
  • <place> - place
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <event> - storm
  • <creature> - critter
  • <place-complex> - avenue
  • <place-complex> - boulevard
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <person-complex> - friend
  • <loves> - befriends
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes on an adventure with
  • <hates> - melts
  • <material-complex> - straw
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <parts-of-body> - heart
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes home
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - witchy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: titanic

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <size> - humongo
  • <genre> - romance
  • <shape-complex> - mass
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <event-complex> - catastrophe
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <tool-complex> - jewel
  • <emotion-good-complex> - romantic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - heartbreaking
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <general-verb-dump> - falls into
  • <issues> - class system
  • <idea-complex> - memory
  • <group> - band
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture> - frigid
  • <general-noun-dump> - glacier
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <general-noun-dump> - hole
  • <bad-complex> - panicked
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes on alone

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - team
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <issues> - violence
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <general-noun-dump> - fights
  • <issues> - crime
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <is> - lives in
  • <creature-complex> - amphibian
  • <parts-of-body> - shell
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <age-complex> - adolescent
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <creature> - critter
  • <group> - ensemble

The Lord of The Rings

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <thing> - object
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <group> - squad
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <person-complex> - mortal
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks around
  • <general-verb-dump> - covets
  • <shape-complex> - circle
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <creature-complex> - stallion
  • <general-noun-dump> - mountain
  • <size-complex> - epic
  • <event> - adventure
  • <general-noun-dump> - gnome
  • <creature> - monster
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <is> - journeys toward
  • <age> - ancient
  • <group> - crew

Rick and Morty

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <people-types> - brainiac
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - worried
  • <family-role> - kiddo
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets in trouble with
  • <emotion-bad> - irresponsible
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <bad-complex> - potty-mouth
  • <group> - family
  • <age-complex> - old
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <emotion-good> - humorous
  • <tool-complex> - gizmo
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-verb-dump> - invents
  • <gerund> - exploring
  • <place-complex> - universe
  • <taste-complex> - alcoholic
  • <taste-complex> - parallel
  • <nature-places> - world
  • <building-complex> - garage
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-noun-dump> - fourth wall
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <abstract-concept> - nihilism
  • <material-complex> - sauce
  • <loves> - travels with


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <size> - big
  • <person> - somebody
  • <villain> - villain
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <abstract-concept> - inner beauty
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <texture-complex> - swampy
  • <creature-complex> - miniature horse
  • <is-in-relation-to> - adventures with
  • <people-types> - prince
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <size> - chunky
  • <person-complex> - sidekick
  • <emotion-good> - magical
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy

Jurassic Park

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: dinosaur, jurassic, park

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <gerund> - hatching
  • <good> - clever
  • <texture> - motionless
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <emotion-good> - exciting
  • <villain> - predator
  • <abstract-concept> - science
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <genre> - cautionary tale
  • <general-noun-dump> - escapes
  • <general-noun-dump> - feasts
  • <texture-complex> - scaly
  • <alive-dead> - recreated
  • <general-career-status> - founder
  • <event-complex> - tour
  • <body-complex> - blood
  • <building-complex> - enclosure
  • <gerund> - roaring
  • <creature> - reptile
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - DNA
  • <shape-complex> - fossil
  • <nature-places> - nature


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: island

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - emperor
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <abstract-concept> - quest
  • <texture> - wet
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - adventure
  • <general-noun-dump> - divinity
  • <issues> - famine
  • <texture-complex> - volcanic
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <nature-places> - waterfront
  • <creature-complex> - crustacean
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the world
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes home
  • <family-role> - grandma
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <color-complex> - tan
  • <texture> - sunny
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <texture> - muscled
  • <general-noun-dump> - tattoo
  • <tool-complex> - gondola
  • <tool-complex> - yacht
  • <good> - brave
  • <gerund> - floating


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <loves> - barters with
  • <issues> - lie
  • <villain> - royalty
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-noun-dump> - trivia
  • <size> - short
  • <media-type> - fairy tale
  • <age> - old-timey
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-verb-dump> - promises away
  • <material-complex> - hay
  • <creature> - demon
  • <creature-complex> - elf
  • <family-role> - baby
  • <general-noun-dump> - guessing game
  • <gerund> - bargaining
  • <abstract-concept> - name

Power Rangers

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <hates> - fights with
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <size> - ginormous
  • <is> - combines with
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <thing> - toy
  • <problem-complex> - battle
  • <general-verb-dump> - summons
  • <color-complex> - color-coded
  • <creature-complex> - lizard
  • <person-complex> - hero
  • <media-type> - televised
  • <color> - rainbow
  • <tool-complex> - suit
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extraterrestrial
  • <group> - crew
  • <people-types> - cool kid
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <event-complex> - transformation
  • <bad-complex> - repulsive
  • <shape-complex> - tube
  • <texture-complex> - mechanical
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <emotion-good-complex> - mighty
  • <general-verb-dump> - bands together with

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - chivalrous
  • <emotion-good-complex> - silly
  • <wants> - searches for
  • <media-type> - cinema
  • <group> - troupe
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European
  • <event-complex> - quest
  • <people-types> - king
  • <normal-weird> - accented
  • <general-adjective-dump> - historical
  • <general-verb-dump> - clops around
  • <media-style-adjective> - low-budget
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - vicious
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <people-types> - wizard
  • <general-adjective-dump> - blessed
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <creature-complex> - snake
  • <tool-complex> - chalice
  • <size-complex> - gangly
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - answers the riddle
  • <wants> - looks for
  • <tool-complex> - bridge

Space Jam

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-verb-dump> - jumps over
  • <genre> - animation
  • <event> - competition
  • <group> - team
  • <good-complex> - athletic
  • <building-complex> - stadium
  • <texture> - bouncy
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <general-verb-dump> - dribbles
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <gerund> - draining
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <group> - squad
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <creature-complex> - rabbit
  • <abstract-concept> - morale

Men in Black

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <group> - team
  • <general-verb-dump> - helps
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gets-something-good> - gets funky
  • <abstract-concept> - secret
  • <tool-complex> - formal wear
  • <problem> - invasion
  • <creature-complex> - insect
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <villain> - monster
  • <bad-complex> - gross
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <gerund> - monitoring
  • <gerund> - exploding
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - protects everyone
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the world
  • <problem-complex> - erasure
  • <abstract-concept> - memory
  • <group> - duo
  • <abstract-concept> - astronomy
  • <good> - serious

My Fair Lady

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - rough
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <emotion-good> - lovely
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <good-complex> - cultured
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sings
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <person-complex> - woman
  • <people-types> - teacher
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <good> - fancy
  • <issues> - love-hate relationship
  • <emotion-good-complex> - romantic
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <building-complex> - accent
  • <issues> - class warfare
  • <tool-complex> - language
  • <general-adjective-dump> - proper
  • <general-noun-dump> - condescension


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: screams, screaming

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - terrifying
  • <genre> - horror
  • <good> - creative
  • <issues> - violence
  • <people-types> - virgin
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is inspired by
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <media-type> - cinema
  • <group> - group
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-verb-dump> - copies
  • <person-complex> - boyfriend
  • <genre> - satire
  • <abstract-concept> - pop culture
  • <general-verb-dump> - stabs
  • <group> - teen squad
  • <general-noun-dump> - trivia
  • <general-verb-dump> - terrorizes
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <building-complex> - garage
  • <person-complex> - reporter
  • <tool-complex> - knife
  • <tool-complex> - mask
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <period-of-time> - 90s

Star Wars

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: war

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - best
  • <color> - dark
  • <event> - battle
  • <abstract-concept> - hope
  • <group> - army
  • <size-complex> - galactic
  • <creature-complex> - puppet
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <place-complex> - den
  • <place-complex> - station
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <gerund> - sword fight
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-career-sector> - rebellion
  • <event-complex> - rescue
  • <general-noun-dump> - explosion
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <normal-weird> - groundbreaking
  • <general-career-status> - hermit
  • <people-types> - scoundrel
  • <period-of-time> - long ago
  • <nature-places> - planet
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the princess
  • <period-of-time> - 70s
  • <hates> - zaps
  • <abstract-concept> - mind control
  • <general-verb-dump> - zips around
  • <texture-complex> - furry

The Good Place

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: good, place

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - bad
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <place> - area
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <problem-complex> - quandary
  • <is> - involves
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <group> - group
  • <abstract-concept> - wisdom
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - accomplishes
  • <place-complex> - zone
  • <people-types> - sinner
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <creature> - devil
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <building-complex> - village
  • <nature-places> - underworld
  • <period-of-time> - eternity
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <issues> - suffering


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: new york city, nyc, new york

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - cool
  • <emotion-bad> - crowded
  • <bad-complex> - trendy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - commute to
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <food> - brunch
  • <building-complex> - bridge
  • <building-complex> - studio apartment
  • <normal-weird> - artistic
  • <person-complex> - roommate
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <place-complex> - borough
  • <general-noun-dump> - hipster
  • <abstract-concept> - gentrification
  • <tool-complex> - train
  • <general-adjective-dump> - overpriced
  • <general-noun-dump> - close quarters
  • <event-complex> - gallery opening

The Incredibles

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: incredible

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - amazing
  • <group> - clan
  • <color> - colorful
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture-complex> - malleable
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <good-complex> - heroic
  • <good-complex> - phenomenal
  • <family-role> - toddler
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <color-complex> - transparent
  • <abstract-concept> - exceptionalism
  • <general-verb-dump> - battles
  • <tool-complex> - suit
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <size-complex> - muscular
  • <tool-complex> - robot
  • <issues> - legality
  • <problem-complex> - midlife crisis
  • <group> - household
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-noun-dump> - dynasty
  • <place-complex> - suburbia


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: star wars, jedi, lightsaber, luke, force, hut

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - sandy
  • <bad> - dangerous
  • <emotion-bad> - dull
  • <shape> - globe
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <general-career-sector> - farming
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - hire the
  • <creature> - monster
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <person-complex> - hero
  • <building-complex> - canteen
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a movie about
  • <size-complex> - planetary
  • <age-complex> - youthful
  • <color> - sunny
  • <idea-complex> - religion
  • <person-complex> - hermit
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - collect moisture with
  • <general-noun-dump> - laser


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: animal

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building> - construction
  • <place-see-simple> - observe
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - imprison
  • <place-complex> - enclosure
  • <creature-complex> - vertebrate
  • <building-complex> - jail
  • <person-complex> - visitor
  • <tool-complex> - souvenir
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fun
  • <bad-complex> - crowded
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - confining
  • <taste-complex> - meaty
  • <gerund> - capturing
  • <place-meet-simple> - take photos of
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-noun-dump> - exhibit
  • <general-noun-dump> - menagerie
  • <gerund> - squawking
  • <emotion-bad> - smelly
  • <bad-complex> - depressing
  • <material-complex> - hay
  • <bad-complex> - fakey


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <texture> - warm
  • <area> - region
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <abstract-concept> - amusement
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <normal-weird> - ridiculous
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <general-noun-dump> - mugshot
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <idea-complex> - relaxation
  • <tool-complex> - sunscreen
  • <general-adjective-dump> - imprisoned
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <general-noun-dump> - toilet
  • <taste-complex> - swampy

Sesame Street

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <area> - zone
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - talk to
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sunny
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <bad-complex> - trashy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <building-complex> - brownstone
  • <tool-complex> - alphabet
  • <general-noun-dump> - marionette
  • <texture-complex> - cloth
  • <abstract-concept> - interspecies friendship

Mad Men

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: advertising, ad, ads, mad, men

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - persuasion
  • <abstract-concept> - history
  • <group> - company
  • <general-career-sector> - business
  • <emotion-bad> - greedy
  • <good> - eloquent
  • <gerund> - talking
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <bad-complex> - deceptive
  • <age-complex> - vintage
  • <good-complex> - stylish
  • <period-of-time> - decade
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-career-status> - executive
  • <abstract-concept> - media
  • <tool-complex> - subliminal messaging
  • <people-types> - big shot
  • <general-verb-dump> - devises
  • <gets-something-good> - gets enlightened
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <bad> - bad
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <general-verb-dump> - sells
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <shape-complex> - silhouette
  • <general-noun-dump> - tailspin
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <gerund> - smoking
  • <tool-complex> - cigarette
  • <people-types> - family man

Peter Pan

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: neverland

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - young
  • <group> - gang
  • <abstract-concept> - immortality
  • <idea-complex> - motherhood
  • <group> - squad
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <genre> - classic literature
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <general-career-sector> - piracy
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <gerund> - sailing
  • <building-complex> - vessel
  • <period-of-time> - eternity
  • <texture-complex> - ticking
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <bad> - devious
  • <general-verb-dump> - flies over
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <emotion-good> - nimble
  • <emotion-good-complex> - enchanted
  • <hates> - battles with
  • <hates> - squabbles with
  • <age-complex> - immature

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: gold

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - fairy tale
  • <size> - small
  • <issues> - crime
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <group> - family
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <size-complex> - medium
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes to bed
  • <general-noun-dump> - gruel
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <creature> - beast
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <group> - trio
  • <family-role> - baby
  • <general-verb-dump> - sleeps in
  • <loves> - is caught by
  • <bad> - empty
  • <place-complex> - hut
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <color-complex> - brown


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - latitude
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - study
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <place-complex> - frontier
  • <place-complex> - wilderness
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are south of
  • <good-complex> - awe-inspiring
  • <bad-complex> - forbidding
  • <texture-complex> - crystallized
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <shape-complex> - pole
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unforgiving
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - freeze
  • <general-noun-dump> - berg
  • <general-noun-dump> - continent
  • <good-complex> - flightless
  • <size> - gargantuan
  • <color> - bright
  • <color-complex> - ivory

The Princess Bride

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <wants> - desires
  • <people-types> - daredevil
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <media-type> - book
  • <good-complex> - royal
  • <bad-complex> - insane
  • <nature-places> - cliff
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <nature-places> - pit
  • <general-adjective-dump> - almost
  • <gerund> - fencing
  • <abstract-concept> - revenge
  • <people-types> - pirate
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - masked
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <good> - fair
  • <general-verb-dump> - rescues
  • <general-verb-dump> - reads
  • <family-role> - grandpa
  • <good> - funny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - digging
  • <normal-weird> - ragtag
  • <general-verb-dump> - sacrifices
  • <issues> - zero-gravity
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <nature-places> - crater
  • <problem-complex> - explosion
  • <general-noun-dump> - disaster
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <group> - squad
  • <texture-complex> - rocky
  • <size> - huge
  • <thing> - item
  • <general-verb-dump> - drills into
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - breaks apart
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nuclear
  • <general-noun-dump> - last-ditch-effort
  • <general-noun-dump> - animal cracker
  • <place-complex> - space
  • <abstract-concept> - astronomy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - scientifically inaccurate
  • <material-complex> - methane
  • <material-complex> - crust
  • <bad> - idiotic
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - explodes
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - macho


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - warty
  • <tool-complex> - cauldron
  • <loves> - listens to
  • <general-verb-dump> - murders
  • <taste-complex> - royal
  • <hates> - manipulates
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - guilty
  • <bad-complex> - paranoid
  • <people-types> - tyrant
  • <idea-complex> - prediction
  • <media-type> - performance
  • <bad> - tragic
  • <media-type> - play
  • <emotion-bad> - theatrical
  • <genre> - tragedy
  • <group> - trio
  • <abstract-concept> - prophecy
  • <issues> - bloodbath
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <period-of-time> - olden times
  • <general-adjective-dump> - historical
  • <general-career-status> - czar
  • <person-complex> - dude


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks for
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <texture-complex> - muddy
  • <size> - muscled
  • <tool-complex> - trophy
  • <color-complex> - see-through
  • <problem-complex> - explosion
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <nature-places> - canopy
  • <issues> - gunfire
  • <general-verb-dump> - collects
  • <size> - giant
  • <creature-complex> - humanoid
  • <emotion-good> - gung-ho
  • <group> - squad
  • <texture-complex> - camouflaged
  • <tool-complex> - log
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extra-terrestrial
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - self-destructs
  • <size-complex> - jacked
  • <person-complex> - soldier
  • <period-of-time> - 80s
  • <general-verb-dump> - sets traps for

Pride and Prejudice

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - marriage
  • <media-type> - book
  • <general-noun-dump> - feminism
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <genre> - romance
  • <group> - family
  • <good-complex> - wealthy
  • <general-verb-dump> - judges
  • <abstract-concept> - propriety
  • <good> - well-spoken
  • <texture-complex> - fancy-pants
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <gerund> - yearning
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <tool-complex> - carriage
  • <age-complex> - Regency
  • <general-noun-dump> - politeness
  • <problem-complex> - illness
  • <general-noun-dump> - missed connection
  • <place-complex> - estate
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <texture-complex> - rainy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is courted by
  • <good> - witty
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - patriarchal
  • <issues> - banter

Stranger Things

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: thing, strange

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - bikes around
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <loves> - investigates
  • <age-complex> - childlike
  • <normal-weird> - geeky
  • <gerund> - disappearing
  • <group> - club
  • <good-complex> - hard-to-believe
  • <age> - retro
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <size> - short
  • <creature> - creature
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <period-of-time> - decade
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <building-complex> - laboratory
  • <people-types> - outcast
  • <tool-complex> - baseball bat
  • <tool-complex> - light bulb
  • <shape-complex> - underside
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <texture-complex> - shaved
  • <shape-complex> - number
  • <bad> - spooky

The Mummy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <creature-complex> - insect
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <general-verb-dump> - unearths
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <gerund> - digging
  • <age> - ancient
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <general-career-sector> - language
  • <nature-places> - faraway land
  • <wants> - chases after
  • <thing> - relic
  • <general-verb-dump> - awakens
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <abstract-concept> - reincarnation
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cursed
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture> - dry
  • <event-complex> - excavation
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying

The Hunger Games

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <gerund> - surviving
  • <people-types> - socialite
  • <good-complex> - rough-and-tumble
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <abstract-concept> - class warfare
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <building-complex> - enclosure
  • <group> - audience
  • <texture-complex> - fashionable
  • <good> - skilled
  • <emotion-good-complex> - strong
  • <color> - dark
  • <place-complex> - society
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <hates> - kills
  • <is-in-relation-to> - teams up with
  • <tool-complex> - train
  • <building-complex> - dystopia
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <wants> - trains

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - rich
  • <good> - cool
  • <general-verb-dump> - clowns around with
  • <group> - family
  • <people-types> - nerd
  • <emotion-good-complex> - proud
  • <people-types> - teen
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <hates> - disses
  • <good> - funny
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <person-complex> - performer
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <age> - adolescent
  • <good> - cute
  • <person-complex> - cousin
  • <family-role> - nephew
  • <abstract-concept> - money
  • <gerund> - joking around
  • <nature-places> - west coast
  • <texture-complex> - fancy
  • <good> - charming
  • <media-type> - laugh track
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <villain> - bad guy
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <issues> - crime
  • <emotion-good> - merry
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <group> - group
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <place-complex> - village
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <bad> - cruel
  • <creature> - beast
  • <general-verb-dump> - steals
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <building-complex> - man cave
  • <tool-complex> - sled
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book

The Ring

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <bad> - evil
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <is> - is composed of
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <texture-complex> - sopping wet
  • <body-complex> - silhouette
  • <people-types> - goth girl
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <bad-complex> - time-sensitive
  • <building-complex> - aquifer
  • <color> - pale
  • <problem> - prediction
  • <family-role> - kid
  • <general-verb-dump> - approaching
  • <size-complex> - circular
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <parts-of-body> - nightie

The Thing

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <bad> - evil
  • <thing> - entity
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <bad-complex> - beastly
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <texture-complex> - malleable
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <is> - is composed of
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <group> - team
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets subsumed
  • <media-type> - film
  • <creature-complex> - shapeshifter
  • <building-complex> - facility
  • <abstract-concept> - identity
  • <general-adjective-dump> - paranoid
  • <media-style-adjective> - sci-fi
  • <general-noun-dump> - chemical
  • <abstract-concept> - assimilation
  • <creature> - life-form
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <abstract-concept> - paranoia
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <group> - squad
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <good> - bizarre
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <group> - horde
  • <texture-complex> - layered
  • <problem-complex> - question
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - celebrates
  • <bad> - horrifying
  • <bad> - confusing
  • <shape-complex> - plot
  • <loves> - sings about
  • <nature-places> - moonlight
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks around
  • <event> - competition
  • <issues> - celebrity cameo
  • <bad> - creepy
  • <creature> - mammal


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <place> - place
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <issues> - class system
  • <texture-complex> - grungy
  • <texture-complex> - frigid
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <idea-complex> - doctrine
  • <bad-complex> - atrocious
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - despairing
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <group> - group
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-noun-dump> - caravan
  • <period-of-time> - future
  • <media-style-adjective> - dystopian
  • <taste-complex> - high-speed
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <abstract-concept> - violence
  • <general-verb-dump> - chugs along
  • <texture> - icy
  • <group> - society
  • <people-types> - survivor
  • <emotion-bad> - unfair


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <size> - lil'
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <family-role> - child
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <period-of-time> - tomorrow
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sings
  • <people-types> - ragamuffin
  • <general-verb-dump> - moves into
  • <texture> - curly
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - finds a home
  • <abstract-concept> - belonging
  • <gerund> - barking

the underworld

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hot
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - are sentenced to
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <idea-complex> - judgement
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <person-complex> - mortal
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <color> - dark
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <normal-weird> - mythical
  • <place-dislike-simple> - suffer
  • <material-complex> - lava
  • <creature-complex> - spirit
  • <tool-complex> - fork
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <texture-complex> - horned
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <general-noun-dump> - flame
  • <abstract-concept> - punishment
  • <abstract-concept> - guilt


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <area> - area
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - get help with
  • <tool> - machine
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <group> - team
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - tinker with
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <idea-complex> - maintenance
  • <general-noun-dump> - transmission
  • <person-complex> - gearhead
  • <material-complex> - rubber
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fix
  • <idea-complex> - brand name
  • <general-noun-dump> - wheel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - oily
  • <gerund> - zoning


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are north of
  • <size> - massive
  • <area> - territory
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <general-noun-dump> - sled
  • <good-complex> - pristine
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - wild
  • <texture-complex> - chilly
  • <shape-complex> - border
  • <idea-complex> - national expansion
  • <food> - fish
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <normal-weird> - remote
  • <general-noun-dump> - moose
  • <tool-complex> - cruise
  • <texture> - icy
  • <building-complex> - oil rig


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - rocky
  • <shape> - round
  • <good> - mysterious
  • <place-like-simple> - admire
  • <abstract-concept> - history
  • <building-complex> - landmark
  • <tool-complex> - calendar
  • <shape-complex> - pillar
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <texture-complex> - upright
  • <tool-complex> - chisel
  • <age-complex> - prehistoric
  • <idea-complex> - bronze age
  • <general-noun-dump> - mockumentary
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - think of
  • <tool-complex> - sundial
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mystical
  • <event-complex> - solstice
  • <place-complex> - field
  • <building-complex> - structure
  • <person-complex> - alien


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: fish, zoo

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <color> - shimmering
  • <color-complex> - transparent
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <tool-complex> - container
  • <texture-complex> - scaly
  • <body-complex> - biology
  • <texture> - salty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - splash
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swim with
  • <problem-complex> - scandal
  • <place-like-simple> - are amazed by
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <creature> - marine life
  • <group> - family
  • <bad-complex> - unethical
  • <general-noun-dump> - blowhole
  • <abstract-concept> - pageantry
  • <general-noun-dump> - manatee

bowling alley

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <shape> - sphere
  • <material> - wood
  • <abstract-concept> - competition
  • <place-touch-simple> - roll
  • <place-touch-simple> - hold
  • <shape-complex> - hole
  • <are-in-relation-to> - slide across
  • <texture-complex> - waxed
  • <group> - player
  • <shape-complex> - arrangement
  • <texture-complex> - fast
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - topple
  • <place-complex> - lane
  • <tool-complex> - shoe
  • <general-noun-dump> - turkey
  • <group> - league
  • <shape-complex> - frame
  • <gerund> - clattering
  • <texture> - musty
  • <size-complex> - heavy
  • <color> - retro


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hot
  • <emotion-good> - energizing
  • <emotion-bad> - commonplace
  • <building> - business
  • <shape> - container
  • <material> - fluid
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - purchase
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <tool> - substance
  • <event-complex> - transaction
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <group> - customer
  • <food> - beverage
  • <bad-complex> - corporate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - roast
  • <general-adjective-dump> - ubiquitous
  • <texture-complex> - foamy
  • <general-noun-dump> - cup
  • <people-types> - mermaid
  • <event-complex> - routine
  • <abstract-concept> - war on christmas
  • <emotion-good-complex> - caffeinated

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: princess

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - pretty
  • <color> - pale
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <idea-complex> - romance
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <event-complex> - homicide
  • <bad-complex> - vain
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <general-noun-dump> - kiss
  • <general-noun-dump> - sleep
  • <size> - little
  • <person-complex> - worker
  • <texture> - reflective
  • <taste-complex> - poisonous
  • <taste-complex> - toxic
  • <material-complex> - vegetation
  • <hates> - runs away from
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes friends with
  • <bad> - evil
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sleepy
  • <media-type> - movie

Star Trek

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - crew
  • <material-complex> - uniform
  • <nature-places> - globe
  • <wants> - explores
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <normal-weird> - robotic
  • <people-types> - leader
  • <good-complex> - fearless
  • <general-verb-dump> - orders around
  • <event-complex> - teamwork
  • <people-types> - cap'n
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <event> - mission
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <place-complex> - frontier
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <general-noun-dump> - directive
  • <gerund> - phasing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - prosperous
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - dorky
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <good-complex> - celestial
  • <general-adjective-dump> - galactic
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives in
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <abstract-concept> - infinity
  • <is> - travels through

The Devil Wears Prada

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - quits
  • <texture-complex> - trendy
  • <bad-complex> - cruel
  • <family-role> - mentor
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <bad> - snobby
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <gerund> - trendsetting
  • <people-types> - designer
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <nature-places> - metropolis
  • <building-complex> - boardroom
  • <tool-complex> - publication
  • <abstract-concept> - job
  • <bad> - clumsy
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <emotion-bad> - fierce
  • <emotion-good> - powerful
  • <shape-complex> - luxury item
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <abstract-concept> - style
  • <villain> - coworker
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-adjective-dump> - French
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels to
  • <shape-complex> - dress


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - huuuge
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <period-of-time> - olden times
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <material-complex> - wooden
  • <material-complex> - log
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <building-complex> - fortress
  • <building-complex> - wall
  • <abstract-concept> - war
  • <abstract-concept> - weapon
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <group> - army
  • <general-verb-dump> - launches
  • <hates> - is feared by
  • <general-verb-dump> - lobs
  • <general-verb-dump> - swings
  • <is> - rolls around on
  • <gerund> - hurling
  • <general-noun-dump> - projectile
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <tool> - contraption
  • <building> - structure


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <texture> - puffy
  • <taste> - sugary
  • <color-complex> - beige
  • <texture> - soft
  • <building-complex> - bakery
  • <food> - coffee
  • <is-in-relation-to> - pairs with
  • <general-verb-dump> - melts in
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <parts-of-body> - tongue
  • <bad-complex> - French
  • <food> - jelly
  • <person-complex> - police
  • <food> - custard
  • <color> - pale
  • <event-complex> - breakfast
  • <texture-complex> - ridged
  • <abstract-concept> - combination
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - trendy
  • <texture-complex> - flaky
  • <general-noun-dump> - portmanteau
  • <general-verb-dump> - combines
  • <abstract-concept> - fusion
  • <taste-complex> - fried

fanny pack

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <tool-complex> - satchel
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <person-complex> - hipster
  • <event-complex> - music festival
  • <parts-of-body> - stomach
  • <is-in-relation-to> - goes around
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <period-of-time> - 1980s
  • <tool-complex> - zipper
  • <tool> - container
  • <texture-complex> - vinyl
  • <emotion-good> - useful
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is worn with
  • <gerund> - storage
  • <general-noun-dump> - pocket
  • <person-complex> - dad
  • <texture-complex> - hands-free
  • <good-complex> - funky


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-verb-dump> - covers
  • <gerund> - kissing
  • <event-complex> - BBQ
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is close to
  • <nature-places> - outdoors
  • <nature-places> - backyard
  • <building-complex> - retirement home
  • <general-career-sector> - carpentry
  • <good-complex> - open-air
  • <building-complex> - hut
  • <general-noun-dump> - bench
  • <texture-complex> - airy
  • <age-complex> - horticultural
  • <general-noun-dump> - ornamentation
  • <bad-complex> - shady

Hot Pockets

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: hot

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <texture-complex> - steaming
  • <gerund> - burning
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is made with
  • <tool-complex> - microwave technology
  • <tool-complex> - oven
  • <texture> - scorching
  • <texture> - sizzling
  • <color> - beige
  • <taste> - salty
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand name
  • <material> - goop
  • <tool> - container
  • <shape-complex> - pillow
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <texture-complex> - boiling
  • <idea-complex> - convenience
  • <good-complex> - doughy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - trapped
  • <gerund> - chewing

lava lamp

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <period-of-time> - 60s
  • <color> - colorful
  • <texture> - gloppy
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - ooey gooey
  • <emotion-good-complex> - mesmerizing
  • <is> - looks like
  • <emotion-good-complex> - groovy
  • <person-complex> - hippie
  • <person-complex> - teenager
  • <abstract-concept> - visual effect
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <size> - high
  • <building-complex> - dorm
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <good-complex> - illuminating
  • <general-noun-dump> - bubble
  • <material-complex> - slime
  • <idea-complex> - decoration
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <shape> - tube


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture> - wet
  • <texture-complex> - jiggly
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - heavy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <period-of-time> - 70s
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <general-verb-dump> - rests on top of
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is full of
  • <gerund> - dreaming
  • <building> - structure
  • <abstract-concept> - rest
  • <abstract-concept> - relaxation
  • <taste-complex> - groovy
  • <general-noun-dump> - REM sleep
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy

Oval Office

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: office

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - important
  • <shape> - circle
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - meet with
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <idea-complex> - doctrine
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <emotion-good-complex> - patriotic
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <general-noun-dump> - executive
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - commanding
  • <idea-complex> - power
  • <tool-complex> - desk
  • <problem-complex> - scandal
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - address
  • <texture-complex> - American
  • <building-complex> - workspace
  • <event-complex> - photo opp
  • <place-like-simple> - shake hands with

Gotham City

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: city

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - heroism
  • <color> - dark
  • <bad> - bad
  • <area> - area
  • <place-meet-simple> - battle
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <person-complex> - villain
  • <tool-complex> - beacon
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - campy
  • <bad-complex> - violent
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <color-complex> - noir
  • <problem-complex> - riddle
  • <general-noun-dump> - circus
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <good-complex> - heroic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - illustrated
  • <idea-complex> - comic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - gritty
  • <place-complex> - metropolis


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - glorious
  • <idea> - belief
  • <place-feel-simple> - ascend to
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <group> - mankind
  • <good-complex> - transcendent
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <color-complex> - bright
  • <person-complex> - immortal
  • <tool-complex> - gate
  • <idea-complex> - morality
  • <general-noun-dump> - harp
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - float on
  • <nature-places> - utopia
  • <texture> - fluffy
  • <taste-complex> - immortal
  • <person-complex> - gatekeeper
  • <place-complex> - outer space
  • <area> - zone

My Little Pony

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <color> - colorful
  • <group> - group
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <emotion-good-complex> - tickled-pink
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-verb-dump> - gallops
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <creature> - creature
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size> - teeny
  • <color-complex> - sparkly
  • <creature> - vertebrate
  • <group> - squad
  • <abstract-concept> - commercialism
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <general-verb-dump> - flies around with
  • <general-noun-dump> - figurine

The Avengers

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - amazing
  • <group> - team
  • <size> - big
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <group> - group
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <general-verb-dump> - bands together with
  • <general-noun-dump> - armor
  • <tool-complex> - hand tool
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <creature> - god
  • <gerund> - shielding
  • <gerund> - protecting
  • <problem-complex> - invasion
  • <shape-complex> - cube
  • <color-complex> - glowing
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the world
  • <bad-complex> - sanitized
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <general-noun-dump> - fight scene
  • <general-noun-dump> - cash cow


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - positive
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <genre> - romance
  • <age-complex> - adolescent
  • <texture-complex> - flaky
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <good> - rich
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <building-complex> - educational institution
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <general-career-status> - VIP
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <texture-complex> - vicious
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - lives happily ever after
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <people-types> - ugly duckling
  • <abstract-concept> - popularity
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fashionable
  • <group> - squad

Jesus Christ Superstar

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <good> - glorious
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <general-career-status> - follower
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <tool-complex> - book
  • <emotion-good-complex> - saintly
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-career-sector> - rock n' roll
  • <people-types> - traitor
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <media-type> - live performance
  • <period-of-time> - olden times
  • <general-noun-dump> - deity

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - eerie
  • <bad> - terrifying
  • <group> - townsperson
  • <gerund> - scaring
  • <gerund> - celebrating
  • <place> - village
  • <general-noun-dump> - kidnapping
  • <general-noun-dump> - replacement
  • <color-complex> - glowing
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <material-complex> - bone
  • <good> - festive
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <size> - lanky
  • <people-types> - mayor
  • <tool-complex> - portal
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <shape-complex> - gourd
  • <creature-complex> - doll

Toy Story

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: toy, story

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <alive-dead> - animate
  • <age-complex> - new
  • <building-complex> - bedroom
  • <abstract-concept> - rivalry
  • <emotion-good> - heartwarming
  • <issues> - jealousy
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <genre> - adventure
  • <genre> - animation
  • <good-complex> - favorite
  • <tool-complex> - puppet
  • <general-noun-dump> - figurine
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <texture-complex> - robotic
  • <general-verb-dump> - comes from
  • <good> - nice
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <texture> - plastic
  • <creature> - being
  • <emotion-good> - sentimental

The Odyssey

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - brave
  • <good> - clever
  • <bad> - cursed
  • <abstract-concept> - war
  • <abstract-concept> - travel
  • <general-career-sector> - sailing
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <age> - ancient
  • <media-type> - legend
  • <problem-complex> - ordeal
  • <alive-dead> - immortal
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <tool-complex> - arrow
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <gets-something-good> - gets there
  • <texture> - sunny
  • <texture-complex> - watery
  • <general-noun-dump> - journey
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <age> - old
  • <general-adjective-dump> - married
  • <color-complex> - bearded
  • <hates> - fights off
  • <is> - travels to
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <general-adjective-dump> - homeward bound

Panama Canal

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: waterway

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event-complex> - excavation
  • <good> - useful
  • <abstract-concept> - trade route
  • <period-of-time> - time
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <person-complex> - worker
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - navigate
  • <age-complex> - 20th century
  • <bad-complex> - delayed
  • <texture-complex> - tropical
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - connect
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - pass through
  • <size-complex> - narrow
  • <general-noun-dump> - container
  • <place-complex> - shortcut
  • <general-adjective-dump> - man-made
  • <gerund> - shipping
  • <bad-complex> - disruptive
  • <texture-complex> - muddy
  • <size> - skinny
  • <texture> - wet
  • <general-adjective-dump> - continental
  • <general-noun-dump> - gondola

The Raven

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <event> - occurrence
  • <color> - dark
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <creature-complex> - varmint
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <building-complex> - chamber
  • <general-noun-dump> - pain
  • <hates> - loathes
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - despairing
  • <alive-dead> - resting-in-peace
  • <problem-complex> - headache
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets emotionally devastated
  • <gerund> - tapping
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <media-type> - poem
  • <general-noun-dump> - chicken

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: strange

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - good
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <bad> - evil
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <bad-complex> - beastly
  • <texture-complex> - malleable
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <idea-complex> - hypothesis
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <alive-dead> - conscious
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gets-something-bad> - goes mad
  • <issues> - violence
  • <group> - duo
  • <general-verb-dump> - takes over
  • <genre> - horror
  • <material-complex> - fluid
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - kills the beast
  • <general-noun-dump> - duality of man
  • <bad-complex> - unpredictable
  • <abstract-concept> - inner struggle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - two-faced
  • <period-of-time> - olden day
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European

The Breakfast Club

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - group
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <age-complex> - adolescent
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <people-types> - prom queen
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <general-verb-dump> - helps
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <group> - bunch
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <abstract-concept> - peer pressure
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - completes the assignment
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - overcomes differences
  • <bad-complex> - trapped
  • <emotion-bad> - angsty
  • <bad-complex> - imprisoned

The Fast and the Furious

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: furious

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <issues> - crime
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <general-career-sector> - competition
  • <group> - family
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <people-types> - daredevil
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <taste-complex> - zesty
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gets away with it
  • <good> - speedy
  • <people-types> - thief
  • <general-noun-dump> - stunt
  • <general-verb-dump> - drives
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <group> - crew
  • <people-types> - mechanic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - ludicrous
  • <general-noun-dump> - vroom vroom
  • <bad-complex> - macho
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture> - rapid
  • <good-complex> - lickedy split

The Jungle Book

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <person> - human
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <bad-complex> - beastly
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <family-role> - child
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <group> - family
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <texture-complex> - striped
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is raised by
  • <texture> - wet
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <texture-complex> - itchy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - melodic
  • <gerund> - slithering
  • <issues> - adoption
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic
  • <nature-places> - nature

When Harry Met Sally...

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - witty
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <protagonist> - character
  • <texture> - frizzy
  • <genre> - romance
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - affair
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a relationship with
  • <loves> - loves
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <abstract-concept> - laughter
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <media-style-adjective> - classic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - funny
  • <group> - couple
  • <media-type> - will-they-won't-they
  • <building-complex> - diner
  • <texture> - scruffy

Big Ben

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: big

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <building> - structure
  • <place-see-simple> - observe
  • <period-of-time> - hour
  • <place-complex> - commonwealth
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - display
  • <idea-complex> - time
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <normal-weird> - iconic
  • <good-complex> - precise
  • <building-complex> - landmark
  • <emotion-good-complex> - noble
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - imperialistic
  • <texture-complex> - sonorous
  • <abstract-concept> - icon
  • <general-noun-dump> - skyline
  • <gerund> - clanging
  • <gerund> - ticking
  • <general-noun-dump> - tea


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <society> - civilization
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - swim around
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <bad-complex> - fallacious
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <bad-complex> - mythical
  • <tool-complex> - spear
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <event-complex> - doomsday
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <creature-complex> - porpoise
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sink
  • <general-noun-dump> - tidal wave
  • <emotion-bad> - hidden
  • <tool-complex> - submarine
  • <general-noun-dump> - kelp

Green Eggs and Ham

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: green

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <thing> - object
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <taste-complex> - oh-so-delicioso
  • <taste-complex> - succulent
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - annoyed
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <shape-complex> - chunk
  • <abstract-concept> - success
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <idea-complex> - viewpoint
  • <idea-complex> - judgement
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a book about
  • <media-type> - book
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <food> - pig
  • <gerund> - rhyming
  • <general-noun-dump> - picture
  • <general-adjective-dump> - illustrated
  • <food> - yolk
  • <general-noun-dump> - train
  • <texture> - fried
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <general-verb-dump> - teaches you about


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: vampiric, vampire, werewolf

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - friendly
  • <person> - boy
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <general-noun-dump> - relationship
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <body-complex> - tooth
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a book about
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a movie about
  • <gerund> - biting
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <family-role> - boyfriend
  • <family-role> - girlfriend
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - falls in love
  • <texture> - bloody
  • <emotion-bad> - moody
  • <person-complex> - teen
  • <general-noun-dump> - spirit
  • <gerund> - chomping
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <general-adjective-dump> - immortal
  • <issues> - pregnancy
  • <media-type> - blockbuster
  • <media-type> - movie

Empire State Building

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: skyscraper, state

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - impressive
  • <general-career-sector> - business
  • <general-career-sector> - tourism
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <is-in-relation-to> - are located in
  • <food> - apple
  • <color-complex> - illuminated
  • <shape-complex> - point
  • <texture-complex> - crowded
  • <size-complex> - looming
  • <shape-complex> - tower
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ride up
  • <gerund> - lighting up
  • <place-complex> - midtown
  • <general-noun-dump> - roof
  • <general-adjective-dump> - non-residential
  • <gerund> - bustling
  • <texture-complex> - American
  • <event-complex> - romantic rendez-vous

Grand Canyon

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: canyon, grand, hole

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - tourism
  • <material> - surface
  • <place-see-simple> - are astounded by
  • <group> - tour group
  • <place-complex> - outdoors
  • <age> - old
  • <color-complex> - striped
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <creature-complex> - donkey
  • <creature-complex> - beast of burden
  • <texture-complex> - weathered
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ride down
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <nature-places> - gully
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are southwest of
  • <general-noun-dump> - echo
  • <period-of-time> - millennia
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <building-complex> - natural wonder
  • <person-complex> - cowboy
  • <area> - park


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - colossal
  • <general-verb-dump> - reconfigures
  • <creature-complex> - alien
  • <thing> - plaything
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - drives around
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <good-complex> - high-octane
  • <event-complex> - explosion
  • <group> - team
  • <general-verb-dump> - becomes
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <emotion-good> - fast
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <texture> - metallic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <abstract-concept> - metamorphosis
  • <media-style-adjective> - action-packed
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <shape-complex> - ka-boom
  • <issues> - product placement
  • <issues> - cliché
  • <bad> - violent
  • <tool-complex> - chariot

War of the Worlds

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: War, World

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - running
  • <general-verb-dump> - hides from
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <abstract-concept> - hoax
  • <color-complex> - light
  • <gerund> - conquering
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <problem-complex> - destruction
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <event-complex> - infection
  • <issues> - extermination
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <media-type> - radio
  • <creature> - being
  • <hates> - fights off
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <shape-complex> - tripod
  • <event-complex> - panic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hysterical
  • <alive-dead> - otherworldly
  • <issues> - invasion
  • <event> - conflict
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - panicked


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a book about
  • <land> - land
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - journey for
  • <good-complex> - magical
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <place-feel-simple> - yearn for
  • <good-complex> - precious
  • <shape> - circle
  • <group> - team
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <person-complex> - protagonist
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <nature-places> - magma
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <idea-complex> - temptation
  • <place-complex> - wasteland
  • <building-complex> - excavation
  • <emotion-good-complex> - humble
  • <taste-complex> - continental
  • <idea-complex> - book
  • <general-noun-dump> - movie franchise
  • <size-complex> - in-between


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <land> - land
  • <abstract-concept> - loyalty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a story about
  • <size-complex> - circular
  • <general-noun-dump> - furniture
  • <group> - team
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <creature-complex> - dragon
  • <nature-places> - lagoon
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rule
  • <tool-complex> - lance
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <texture-complex> - stone
  • <building-complex> - drawbridge
  • <good-complex> - romantic
  • <good-complex> - magical
  • <group> - army
  • <bad-complex> - royal
  • <idea-complex> - myth
  • <good-complex> - legendary
  • <general-noun-dump> - quest
  • <general-noun-dump> - wizard
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <land> - realm

The Sound of Music

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <good> - peppy
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <size> - big
  • <group> - family
  • <texture-complex> - stiff
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-verb-dump> - helps
  • <nature-places> - hill
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - escapes
  • <people-types> - babysitter
  • <people-types> - fascist
  • <general-adjective-dump> - religious
  • <general-adjective-dump> - militaristic
  • <person-complex> - youth
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sings
  • <is-in-relation-to> - moves in with
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <general-verb-dump> - prances through
  • <building-complex> - convent
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <color-complex> - blonde

The Hobbit

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - crew
  • <event> - adventure
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <gerund> - roaring
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <people-types> - king
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels to
  • <general-verb-dump> - riddles
  • <tool-complex> - jewelry
  • <bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <good-complex> - magical
  • <size> - teeny weeny
  • <good> - cute
  • <emotion-good> - brave
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <abstract-concept> - greed
  • <event-complex> - hike
  • <event> - trip
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - journey
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <size-complex> - shrimpy

Top Gun

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - squad
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <people-types> - hotshot
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <gerund> - thrill-seeking
  • <general-verb-dump> - practices
  • <shape-complex> - trophy
  • <problem-complex> - crisis
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <villain> - rival
  • <good-complex> - supersonic
  • <emotion-bad> - selfish
  • <general-verb-dump> - flies
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <general-noun-dump> - volleyball
  • <gerund> - crashing
  • <general-noun-dump> - army
  • <place-complex> - locker room
  • <texture-complex> - steamy
  • <general-verb-dump> - soars through
  • <general-adjective-dump> - aerial
  • <gerund> - zooming
  • <abstract-concept> - masculinity
  • <tool-complex> - missile
  • <person-complex> - cutie

Will Smith

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-like-simple> - charm
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are married to
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - freshness
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rap about
  • <alive-dead> - real
  • <creature-complex> - alien
  • <good-complex> - princely
  • <idea-complex> - film
  • <tool-complex> - pair of sunglasses
  • <family-role> - nephew
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - father
  • <bad-complex> - rich
  • <event-complex> - hollywood
  • <good> - lovable

Serena Williams

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <body> - form
  • <person> - person
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <good> - phenomenal
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <are-in-relation-to> - compete in
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swing
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <emotion-good-complex> - athletic
  • <shape-complex> - bouncy ball
  • <tool-complex> - paddle
  • <building-complex> - court
  • <parts-of-body> - braid

Indiana Jones

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-like-simple> - excavate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - run away from
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - wisdom
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <good-complex> - whip-smart
  • <tool-complex> - chalice
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <event-complex> - expedition
  • <normal-weird> - mystical
  • <gerund> - melting
  • <emotion-good-complex> - professorial
  • <bad-complex> - totalitarian
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - action adventure
  • <tool-complex> - hat
  • <texture-complex> - leathery
  • <family-role> - zaddy

Andy Warhol

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are part of
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-career-status> - iconoclast
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - bored
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <abstract-concept> - luxury
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s
  • <good-complex> - elite
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - draw
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - modernize
  • <general-noun-dump> - painting
  • <shape-complex> - can
  • <color-complex> - monochromatic
  • <general-noun-dump> - banana
  • <bad-complex> - underground
  • <bad-complex> - trendy
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <taste-complex> - bespectacled

Winnie the Pooh

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: bear

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <bad> - oafish
  • <emotion-good> - jolly
  • <alive-dead> - imaginary
  • <material> - fabric
  • <creature> - beast
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <gerund> - bothering
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <abstract-concept> - gluttony
  • <abstract-concept> - stupidity
  • <media-type> - book
  • <family-role> - child
  • <size-complex> - rotund
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <bad-complex> - slothful
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <texture-complex> - partially nude
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <people-types> - doofus
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - naive
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cherished
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - nosy
  • <texture-complex> - animated
  • <good> - beloved
  • <place-complex> - forest
  • <creature> - mammal


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <good> - honorable
  • <texture> - pointy
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gerund> - pinching
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <general-career-status> - expert
  • <general-career-status> - advisor
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <gerund> - warping
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - reserved
  • <emotion-good-complex> - loyal
  • <alive-dead> - resurrected
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <people-types> - cold fish
  • <taste-complex> - logical
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <general-noun-dump> - space
  • <general-noun-dump> - cosmos
  • <alive-dead> - fictional


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: electric

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - follow
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - obey
  • <family-role> - child
  • <event-complex> - quest
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a TV show about
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - energizing
  • <size-complex> - petite
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <texture-complex> - zigzagged
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <normal-weird> - special
  • <size-complex> - portable
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <general-career-sector> - spectator sport
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <parts-of-body> - cheek
  • <general-noun-dump> - KO
  • <gerund> - capturing
  • <texture-complex> - squeaky
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <alive-dead> - animated
  • <gerund> - shocking
  • <creature-complex> - rodent
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <people-types> - best friend
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <color> - vibrant

Ms. Frizzle

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: frizzy

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a TV show about
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <gerund> - learning
  • <gerund> - touring
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-status> - mentor
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <emotion-good-complex> - enthusiastic
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - chaperone
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - go inside
  • <bad-complex> - animated
  • <event-complex> - excursion
  • <general-noun-dump> - earring
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-noun-dump> - dress
  • <emotion-good-complex> - funky
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - reptilian

Mother Teresa

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - help
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <abstract-concept> - comfort
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <gerund> - giving
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <emotion-good> - kind
  • <alive-dead> - resting-in-peace
  • <good-complex> - spiritual
  • <bad-complex> - impoverished
  • <building-complex> - hospital
  • <general-career-sector> - medicine
  • <creature-complex> - deity
  • <general-noun-dump> - needy
  • <general-noun-dump> - saint
  • <parts-of-body> - habit
  • <taste-complex> - wrinkled
  • <taste-complex> - gnarled
  • <size> - teeny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <general-career-sector> - political system
  • <group> - society
  • <wants> - is watched by
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <nature-places> - warzone
  • <general-verb-dump> - listens to
  • <bad-complex> - forbidden
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <media-type> - book
  • <problem-complex> - oppression
  • <period-of-time> - year
  • <emotion-bad> - somber
  • <bad> - unfeeling
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <general-verb-dump> - tunes into
  • <building-complex> - ministry
  • <abstract-concept> - reeducation
  • <general-noun-dump> - propaganda
  • <bad-complex> - totalitarian
  • <people-types> - voyeur
  • <general-adjective-dump> - dystopian
  • <issues> - surveillance

Abraham Lincoln

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - guide
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - argue for
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <abstract-concept> - freedom
  • <general-career-status> - world leader
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <size> - tall
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <abstract-concept> - law
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <general-noun-dump> - tragedy
  • <general-noun-dump> - murder
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - unite
  • <body-complex> - beard
  • <tool-complex> - axe
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in charge of
  • <general-noun-dump> - country
  • <general-noun-dump> - speech
  • <general-noun-dump> - politician
  • <general-noun-dump> - nation

Tony the Tiger

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <creature> - creature
  • <are-in-relation-to> - sell you
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-adjective-dump> - balanced
  • <general-noun-dump> - breakfast
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <gerund> - marketing
  • <family-role> - child
  • <texture-complex> - striped
  • <emotion-good-complex> - great
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <taste-complex> - frosted
  • <creature-complex> - apex predator
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <color-complex> - tangerine
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <texture> - furry
  • <general-noun-dump> - milk
  • <general-noun-dump> - bandanna
  • <bad-complex> - over-the-top
  • <people-types> - enthusiast


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <good-complex> - super
  • <normal-weird> - uncanny
  • <group> - team
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <person-complex> - immortal
  • <emotion-good-complex> - mammalian
  • <people-types> - loner
  • <general-noun-dump> - mutation
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - slice
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - feral
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - mission
  • <texture> - hairy
  • <texture-complex> - ripped
  • <texture-complex> - jacked
  • <parts-of-body> - fingernail
  • <person-complex> - guy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <creature> - creature
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <event-complex> - parade
  • <size-complex> - chunky
  • <bad-complex> - lazy
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <people-types> - owner
  • <place-dislike-simple> - resent
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <color-complex> - tangerine
  • <bad-complex> - odious
  • <general-noun-dump> - casserole
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <period-of-time> - weekday
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <people-types> - caretaker

Agatha Christie

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-career-status> - best-in-the-biz
  • <bad-complex> - suspenseful
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <good-complex> - delicate
  • <bad-complex> - deadly
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <problem-complex> - mystery
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <building-complex> - manor
  • <general-noun-dump> - murder
  • <building-complex> - locomotive
  • <idea-complex> - investigation
  • <event-complex> - crime
  • <creature-complex> - hog
  • <material-complex> - page
  • <person-complex> - dame
  • <place-like-simple> - write
  • <place-like-simple> - weave
  • <normal-weird> - European
  • <general-noun-dump> - tea
  • <good> - proper
  • <good-complex> - prolific


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <people-types> - runaway
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <size> - teeny weeny
  • <person> - person
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - jealous
  • <general-noun-dump> - clap
  • <general-noun-dump> - sprite
  • <color-complex> - chartreuse
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <normal-weird> - voiceless
  • <emotion-good-complex> - feisty
  • <texture-complex> - delicate
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <size-complex> - itsy bitsy
  • <person-complex> - lady

Julia Child

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - teach
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write a book about
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <bad-complex> - educational
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <gerund> - heating
  • <taste-complex> - buttery
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <emotion-good-complex> - exuberant
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <people-types> - host
  • <idea-complex> - TV show
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <general-noun-dump> - apron
  • <are-in-relation-to> - host a show about
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <size-complex> - towering

James Bond

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <people-types> - company man
  • <tool-complex> - gadget
  • <gerund> - driving
  • <person-complex> - lad
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <general-noun-dump> - action
  • <taste-complex> - shaken
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <event-complex> - showdown
  • <people-types> - majesty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - charm
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - save
  • <good-complex> - international
  • <general-noun-dump> - globe
  • <general-noun-dump> - foil
  • <general-noun-dump> - bow tie
  • <general-noun-dump> - drink
  • <general-noun-dump> - signature
  • <general-noun-dump> - conspiracy
  • <person-complex> - agent
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <good-complex> - suave
  • <parts-of-body> - tuxedo
  • <good-complex> - too-cool-for-school
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - explode
  • <creature-complex> - tomcat

Michael Phelps

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: olympian, swimming, swimmer, olympic

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <texture> - wet
  • <are-in-relation-to> - win
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <texture-complex> - soaked
  • <emotion-good> - athletic
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <building-complex> - stadium
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-noun-dump> - record
  • <body-complex> - physique
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - splash
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <general-noun-dump> - stroke
  • <tool-complex> - cap
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <size> - tall
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <taste-complex> - shirtless
  • <taste-complex> - chlorinated


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: superhero

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <idea> - symbol
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in movies about
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - patrolling
  • <gerund> - defending
  • <general-career-status> - executive
  • <general-career-status> - VIP
  • <good-complex> - heroic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - stoic
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <texture-complex> - muscular
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - fortune
  • <general-noun-dump> - vendetta
  • <general-noun-dump> - clown
  • <building-complex> - cave
  • <tool-complex> - costume
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <general-noun-dump> - sidekick
  • <general-noun-dump> - servant
  • <general-noun-dump> - ivy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - feline
  • <people-types> - orphan

Charlie Brown

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - young
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <person> - individual
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - attempt
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are part of
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <group> - friend group
  • <group> - bunch
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <bad-complex> - unfortunate
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in the newspaper for
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are tricked by
  • <abstract-concept> - suffering
  • <people-types> - bully
  • <people-types> - sad sack
  • <general-noun-dump> - sport
  • <general-noun-dump> - comic
  • <general-noun-dump> - cartoon
  • <age> - childish
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <texture-complex> - rounded

Marty McFly

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - youthful
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - travel to
  • <general-career-status> - student
  • <general-career-status> - assistant
  • <event-complex> - dance
  • <gerund> - driving
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <tool-complex> - invention
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <period-of-time> - decade
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <period-of-time> - generation
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <people-types> - bully
  • <people-types> - cool kid
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <general-noun-dump> - car
  • <general-noun-dump> - skateboard
  • <texture-complex> - vanishing
  • <age-complex> - baby-faced
  • <people-types> - scientist
  • <gerund> - speeding
  • <general-noun-dump> - underwear
  • <parts-of-body> - vest
  • <color-complex> - brunette
  • <size> - short

Jack the Ripper

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <bad> - evil
  • <color> - dark
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - scare
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hide
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <gerund> - attacking
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - guilty
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - intense
  • <bad-complex> - sinister
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <problem-complex> - mystery
  • <building-complex> - street
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <gerund> - slashing
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - European
  • <taste-complex> - serialized
  • <period-of-time> - 19th century

Mister Rogers

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - kind
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - teach
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - emotional intelligence
  • <abstract-concept> - empathy
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <family-role> - child
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - undressing
  • <general-career-status> - role model
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <good-complex> - moral
  • <general-noun-dump> - imagination
  • <general-noun-dump> - public television
  • <general-noun-dump> - sweatshirt
  • <general-verb-dump> - represent
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <creature-complex> - tiger
  • <general-noun-dump> - marionette


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: god, godly

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - eternal
  • <texture> - loud
  • <idea-complex> - religion
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wield
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <gerund> - booming
  • <abstract-concept> - weather
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <good-complex> - worshiped
  • <good-complex> - superhuman
  • <texture-complex> - northern
  • <general-career-sector> - warrior
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <people-types> - prankster
  • <building-complex> - kingdom
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <taste-complex> - handheld
  • <texture-complex> - electric
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <general-noun-dump> - cape
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are banished from

Jackson Pollock

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material> - liquid
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <age-complex> - contemporary
  • <good-complex> - transcendent
  • <texture-complex> - messy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tangled
  • <normal-weird> - chaotic
  • <good-complex> - unique
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <material-complex> - ink
  • <people-types> - rebel
  • <idea-complex> - art
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - decorate
  • <place-complex> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - drizzled
  • <material-complex> - floor
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - splatter
  • <texture-complex> - acrylic
  • <texture-complex> - drippy
  • <material-complex> - canvas

Grumpy Cat

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <creature> - beast
  • <place-dislike-simple> - dislike
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <abstract-concept> - popularity
  • <general-career-sector> - internet
  • <media-type> - photo
  • <gerund> - grimacing
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <good-complex> - adorable
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - upset
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - moody
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <tool-complex> - media
  • <place-dislike-simple> - hate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - go viral for
  • <body-complex> - face
  • <general-noun-dump> - meme
  • <body-complex> - underbite
  • <body-complex> - paw

Jesus Christ

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <idea> - belief
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are related to
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <family-role> - son
  • <good-complex> - holier-than-thou
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <good-complex> - perfect
  • <good-complex> - harmless
  • <emotion-good> - kind
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <general-noun-dump> - woodworking
  • <general-noun-dump> - blood
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - moralize
  • <abstract-concept> - persecution
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <place-complex> - desert

William Shakespeare

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <alive-dead> - resting-in-peace
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <good-complex> - witty
  • <general-career-status> - best-in-the-biz
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - comic
  • <bad-complex> - tragic
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <material-complex> - ink
  • <building-complex> - stage
  • <tool-complex> - poison
  • <normal-weird> - magic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - dramatic
  • <tool-complex> - vocabulary
  • <creature-complex> - stallion
  • <idea-complex> - poem
  • <idea-complex> - play
  • <general-noun-dump> - monologue
  • <general-noun-dump> - skull
  • <place-dislike-simple> - write about
  • <color-complex> - European
  • <issues> - conspiracy
  • <people-types> - genius

Jim Henson

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <abstract-concept> - creativity
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make
  • <body> - figurine
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - kindness
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-career-sector> - craft
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - television
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - controlling
  • <age-complex> - childlike
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - connect with
  • <material-complex> - cloth
  • <material-complex> - foam
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <bad-complex> - fake
  • <bad-complex> - imaginary
  • <emotion-good-complex> - wacky
  • <general-noun-dump> - vaudeville
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <group> - ensemble
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <taste-complex> - interspecies
  • <place-like-simple> - sew
  • <texture> - soft

Tom Brady

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <body> - body
  • <are-in-relation-to> - throw
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <age-complex> - experienced
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - deflated
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <parts-of-body> - elbow
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <texture-complex> - patriotic
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <general-noun-dump> - yard
  • <size-complex> - symmetrical
  • <good> - handsome
  • <bad-complex> - punchable
  • <building-complex> - east coast
  • <texture-complex> - spiraling
  • <taste-complex> - preppy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <general-noun-dump> - desert
  • <age> - old
  • <idea> - belief
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - communicate with
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - conflicted
  • <gerund> - commanding
  • <general-noun-dump> - pestilence
  • <bad-complex> - false
  • <general-noun-dump> - pyramid
  • <gerund> - parting
  • <general-noun-dump> - shrub
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <alive-dead> - immortalized
  • <texture-complex> - drifting
  • <tool-complex> - basket
  • <idea-complex> - covenant
  • <general-career-status> - shepherd
  • <general-career-status> - messenger
  • <parts-of-body> - beard

Dwayne Johnson

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: rocky

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <size> - humongous
  • <body> - body
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <general-verb-dump> - sniff
  • <general-career-sector> - superstar
  • <event-complex> - main event
  • <gerund> - grappling
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <taste-complex> - aromatic
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-noun-dump> - scorpion
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <people-types> - jabroni
  • <general-noun-dump> - bodybuilder
  • <good-complex> - fast n' furious
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wrestle
  • <general-noun-dump> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - defeat
  • <abstract-concept> - strength
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <taste-complex> - highest-paid


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <age> - ancient
  • <creature> - being
  • <person-complex> - immortal
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <emotion-good-complex> - vexed
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <taste-complex> - mouthwatering
  • <taste-complex> - garlicky
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <parts-of-body> - neck
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <place-feel-emotional-simple> - are affected by
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <normal-weird> - European
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth
  • <place-dislike-simple> - abhors
  • <period-of-time> - sunlight
  • <color-complex> - dark
  • <building-complex> - fortress


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <age> - ancient
  • <abstract-concept> - adventure
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <general-career-status> - head honcho
  • <taste-complex> - smoky
  • <gerund> - sacrificing
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <shape-complex> - circle
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <people-types> - warlock
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <good-complex> - wise
  • <abstract-concept> - alliance
  • <size-complex> - twiggy
  • <tool-complex> - stick
  • <abstract-concept> - evil

David Beckham

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <place-like-simple> - compete in
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <event> - match
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <gerund> - sprinting
  • <size-complex> - buff
  • <good-complex> - shipshape
  • <texture-complex> - stubbly
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <taste-complex> - grassy
  • <building-complex> - arena
  • <shape> - sphere
  • <shape-complex> - globe
  • <good> - pretty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - kick
  • <good-complex> - international
  • <general-noun-dump> - ball
  • <general-noun-dump> - goal
  • <general-noun-dump> - spice
  • <parts-of-body> - goatee
  • <general-noun-dump> - hair gel
  • <normal-weird> - European

The Headless Horseman

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are missing
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - gallop through
  • <alive-dead> - immortal
  • <general-career-status> - legend
  • <media-type> - book
  • <event-complex> - festivity
  • <gerund> - chopping
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <normal-weird> - unexplained
  • <bad-complex> - creepy
  • <parts-of-body> - neck
  • <parts-of-body> - noggin
  • <creature-complex> - steed
  • <building-complex> - bridge
  • <general-noun-dump> - village
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ride through
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <material-complex> - vegetation
  • <tool-complex> - axe
  • <general-career-sector> - supernatural
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - terrifying
  • <idea-complex> - haunting
  • <bad-complex> - sleepy
  • <good-complex> - mythical
  • <tool-complex> - folklore
  • <parts-of-body> - hoof

Jackie Chan

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - kick
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - destroy
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <bad-complex> - clumsy
  • <good-complex> - skilled
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <bad-complex> - complex
  • <event-complex> - caper
  • <good-complex> - physical
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <shape-complex> - globe
  • <general-noun-dump> - ladder
  • <general-noun-dump> - crate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <good-complex> - international
  • <general-noun-dump> - martial art
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - beat up
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - improvise
  • <general-noun-dump> - injury
  • <bad-complex> - slapstick
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <person-complex> - action star
  • <general-noun-dump> - stunt
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <event-complex> - back flip


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - beautiful
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - team up with
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - prophecy
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - questing
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <texture-complex> - tripled
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <people-types> - hero
  • <building-complex> - castle
  • <person-complex> - woman
  • <people-types> - character
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <general-noun-dump> - force
  • <place-complex> - moon
  • <general-noun-dump> - time travel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - linked
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated

Homer Simpson

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - plump
  • <bad> - lazy
  • <bad> - dumb
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <general-career-status> - slacker
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - animated
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <gerund> - strangling
  • <general-career-sector> - energy
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <people-types> - nitwit
  • <people-types> - moron
  • <general-noun-dump> - nuclear
  • <general-adjective-dump> - long-running
  • <general-noun-dump> - alcoholic beverage
  • <general-noun-dump> - failure

Guy Fieri

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: guy

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - extreme
  • <good> - radical
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <color> - incandescent
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste> - savory
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - visit the
  • <gerund> - devouring
  • <gerund> - swallowing
  • <abstract-concept> - nourishment
  • <color-complex> - flaming
  • <texture-complex> - mouth-watering
  • <people-types> - dude
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - host
  • <general-noun-dump> - tv show
  • <taste-complex> - frosted
  • <general-noun-dump> - sunglasses
  • <gerund> - diving
  • <general-adjective-dump> - flavor-packed
  • <general-noun-dump> - car
  • <gerund> - dining
  • <place-complex> - bistro
  • <place-complex> - saloon
  • <place-complex> - cafeteria


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - youthful
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-good> - clever
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rub on
  • <abstract-concept> - poverty
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - supernatural
  • <general-career-status> - up-and-comer
  • <event-complex> - betrothal
  • <texture-complex> - threadbare
  • <texture-complex> - transformed
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <gerund> - polishing
  • <tool-complex> - light source
  • <people-types> - jester
  • <texture-complex> - gaseous
  • <building-complex> - slum
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - steal
  • <idea-complex> - lie
  • <gerund> - swindling
  • <people-types> - advisor
  • <creature-complex> - parrot
  • <general-noun-dump> - area rug

Mary Poppins

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ageless
  • <age> - immortal
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <family-role> - child
  • <general-career-status> - problem-solver
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-sector> - childcare
  • <good-complex> - perfect
  • <normal-weird> - unusual
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <tool-complex> - umbrella
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <people-types> - role model
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - care for
  • <general-noun-dump> - au pair
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <creature-complex> - penguin
  • <general-noun-dump> - purse
  • <gerund> - stepping
  • <general-adjective-dump> - musical


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <media-type> - TV Show
  • <creature> - beast
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <texture-complex> - mysterious
  • <gerund> - solving
  • <general-career-status> - scaredy cat
  • <color-complex> - tawny
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <taste-complex> - cowardly
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <gerund> - meddling
  • <family-role> - uncle
  • <bad-complex> - scrappy
  • <taste-complex> - hungry
  • <general-noun-dump> - treat
  • <idea-complex> - scheme
  • <texture-complex> - masked
  • <tool-complex> - van
  • <group> - team
  • <color-complex> - brown


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <size> - massive
  • <creature> - beast
  • <event-complex> - showdown
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <age-complex> - fossilized
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <texture-complex> - scaly
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <taste-complex> - charred
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <taste-complex> - reptilian
  • <general-noun-dump> - moth
  • <place-dislike-simple> - despise
  • <group> - population
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature-complex> - hydra
  • <normal-weird> - irradiated
  • <parts-of-body> - breath
  • <parts-of-body> - flesh
  • <size-complex> - bottom-heavy

Princess Leia

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-noun-dump> - space
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are related to
  • <abstract-concept> - resistance
  • <gerund> - ruling
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <bad-complex> - explosive
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <general-career-status> - head of state
  • <general-noun-dump> - sky
  • <parts-of-body> - hairdo
  • <taste-complex> - honey bun
  • <emotion-good-complex> - amorous
  • <problem-complex> - entanglement
  • <normal-weird> - spirited
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <tool-complex> - robot
  • <building-complex> - ship
  • <general-noun-dump> - laser
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - team up with

SpongeBob SquarePants

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <media-type> - TV Show
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - cube
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - crabby
  • <person-complex> - best friend
  • <shape-complex> - patty
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <texture-complex> - absorbent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - bubbly
  • <idea-complex> - animation
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <parts-of-body> - tentacle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live under
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - annoying
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live inside
  • <emotion-good-complex> - tropical
  • <general-noun-dump> - fruit

Don Quixote

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <age> - antique
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <abstract-concept> - chivalry
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <general-noun-dump> - fan
  • <age-complex> - geriatric
  • <texture-complex> - bronzed
  • <gerund> - dreaming
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <general-noun-dump> - giant
  • <texture-complex> - windy
  • <taste-complex> - bittersweet
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - deluded
  • <tool-complex> - lance
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - charge
  • <abstract-concept> - knighthood
  • <good-complex> - noble
  • <bad-complex> - foolish
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - recruit
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - monologue about

Mark Twain

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <abstract-concept> - America
  • <general-career-status> - luminary
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <gerund> - boating
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <good-complex> - witty
  • <bad-complex> - acerbic
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <general-noun-dump> - zinger
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <people-types> - humorist
  • <general-noun-dump> - backwoods
  • <general-noun-dump> - prize
  • <texture-complex> - frizzy
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - funny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - youthful
  • <alive-dead> - historical
  • <good> - brave
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - gender role
  • <abstract-concept> - sexism
  • <general-career-status> - volunteer
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - join
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - invading
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <texture-complex> - disguised
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <building-complex> - wall
  • <general-noun-dump> - duty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - animated
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight
  • <people-types> - soldier
  • <general-noun-dump> - switcheroo
  • <abstract-concept> - honor
  • <place-complex> - empire
  • <gerund> - training
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <person-complex> - maiden

Albert Einstein

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: einstein

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - discover
  • <are-in-relation-to> - study
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gerund> - researching
  • <gerund> - thinking
  • <person-complex> - visionary
  • <good-complex> - clever
  • <texture-complex> - frizzy
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <idea-complex> - theory
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <building-complex> - university
  • <general-noun-dump> - equation
  • <parts-of-body> - tongue
  • <general-noun-dump> - energy
  • <place-complex> - space
  • <general-adjective-dump> - relative


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <alive-dead> - animated
  • <creature> - creature
  • <society> - fraternity
  • <bad> - wicked
  • <bad> - mischievous
  • <shape> - oval
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - villainy
  • <general-career-status> - mastermind
  • <gerund> - scheming
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - giggle about
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - movie
  • <tool-complex> - goggles
  • <general-noun-dump> - overalls
  • <general-noun-dump> - gibberish
  • <bad-complex> - annoying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - family-friendly
  • <group> - horde

Leonardo da Vinci

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <age> - ancient
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are renowned for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - engineer
  • <abstract-concept> - knowledge
  • <people-types> - jack of all trades
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <good-complex> - multi-talented
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <period-of-time> - Renaissance
  • <tool-complex> - paint
  • <general-noun-dump> - invention
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <idea-complex> - iconography
  • <people-types> - patron
  • <general-noun-dump> - smile
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <good> - smart
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <general-noun-dump> - blueprint
  • <general-noun-dump> - spaghetti

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <event-complex> - voyage
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <creature> - creature
  • <wants> - chases
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unexpected
  • <abstract-concept> - exile
  • <family-role> - commander
  • <gerund> - sinking
  • <group> - crew
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <people-types> - passenger
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - dives into
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <general-noun-dump> - mutiny
  • <parts-of-body> - sucker
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - gets stranded on
  • <general-verb-dump> - floods
  • <abstract-concept> - underneath
  • <material-complex> - liquid

A Wrinkle in Time

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - gang
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <building-complex> - universe
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <idea-complex> - spirituality
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-verb-dump> - disappears into
  • <nature-places> - planet
  • <age-complex> - young adult
  • <media-type> - book
  • <bad> - evil
  • <creature> - being
  • <general-verb-dump> - theorizes
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <shape-complex> - string
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - space-time continuum
  • <abstract-concept> - 4th dimension
  • <general-adjective-dump> - astronomical
  • <general-adjective-dump> - atomic
  • <person-complex> - girl

Archie Comics

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - group
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <problem-complex> - love triangle
  • <material-complex> - crown
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <good-complex> - affluent
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <family-role> - teenager
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <people-types> - fashionista
  • <people-types> - girl-next-door
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <building-complex> - diner
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <period-of-time> - 1950s
  • <bad> - American
  • <general-verb-dump> - crushes on
  • <event-complex> - shenanigan

One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - numerous
  • <tool-complex> - garment
  • <people-types> - meany
  • <texture> - fuzzy
  • <gerund> - rescuing
  • <abstract-concept> - foreclosure
  • <general-career-status> - fashionista
  • <size-complex> - teeny weeny
  • <hates> - is captured by
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <symbolizes> - generates
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <color-complex> - speckled
  • <bad> - evil
  • <good> - cute
  • <villain> - villain
  • <general-verb-dump> - births
  • <general-noun-dump> - smoker
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - plays the piano
  • <gets-something-good> - has a big family
  • <age-complex> - infantile
  • <bad-complex> - vain
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <general-career-sector> - henchman
  • <color-complex> - dotted
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <group> - family

Adventure Time

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: adventure, time

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - over-the-top
  • <good> - magical
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <group> - duo
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <media-type> - animation
  • <event-complex> - quest
  • <creature> - creature
  • <texture-complex> - frosty
  • <general-verb-dump> - turns into
  • <normal-weird> - random
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <normal-weird> - trippy
  • <creature-complex> - canine
  • <general-verb-dump> - saves
  • <people-types> - vampire
  • <material-complex> - gum
  • <general-adjective-dump> - post-apocalyptic
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <people-types> - best friend
  • <texture-complex> - squiggly
  • <parts-of-body> - backpack
  • <taste-complex> - whimsical

Animal Farm

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - equality
  • <general-career-status> - authority figure
  • <problem-complex> - rebellion
  • <people-types> - dictator
  • <genre> - allegory
  • <nature-places> - community
  • <idea-complex> - utopia
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights with
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - takes over
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <issues> - communism
  • <abstract-concept> - dictatorship
  • <group> - livestock
  • <creature> - creature
  • <food> - bacon
  • <media-type> - book
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Soviet
  • <period-of-time> - Cold War
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <building-complex> - shed
  • <emotion-good-complex> - agricultural
  • <place-complex> - homestead

Around the World In Eighty Days

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - gentleman
  • <general-verb-dump> - embarks on
  • <abstract-concept> - wager
  • <period-of-time> - time limit
  • <group> - duo
  • <people-types> - detective
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <shape-complex> - vessel
  • <building-complex> - culture
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes to
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - hurries
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <shape-complex> - globe
  • <event> - event
  • <emotion-good> - bold
  • <idea-complex> - route
  • <tool-complex> - map
  • <nature-places> - continent
  • <gerund> - navigating
  • <material-complex> - money
  • <age-complex> - vintage
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <issues> - rivalry
  • <gerund> - flying


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <emotion-good-complex> - betrothed
  • <problem-complex> - rebellion
  • <people-types> - prisoner
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <people-types> - healer
  • <group> - flock
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <abstract-concept> - poverty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - thirsty
  • <media-type> - film
  • <size> - long
  • <abstract-concept> - storytelling
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is touched by
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <media-style-adjective> - epic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - horse-drawn
  • <general-noun-dump> - camel
  • <age> - ancient
  • <tool-complex> - chariot

FernGully: The Last Rainforest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - goop
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - becomes tiny
  • <general-verb-dump> - spoils
  • <media-type> - film
  • <people-types> - protector
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <normal-weird> - magical
  • <gerund> - chopping
  • <general-career-sector> - ecology
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <creature-complex> - pixie
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <gets-something-good> - gets big again
  • <bad> - evil
  • <bad-complex> - destructive
  • <size> - tiny
  • <general-noun-dump> - lumber
  • <general-adjective-dump> - imprisoned
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <color> - grimy
  • <good-complex> - moralizing
  • <nature-places> - wilderness
  • <general-noun-dump> - trunk
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <creature-complex> - bat


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - scientific
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <abstract-concept> - energy
  • <general-verb-dump> - hops around
  • <problem-complex> - chaos
  • <event-complex> - wedding
  • <taste-complex> - chemical
  • <wants> - steals
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <texture> - elastic
  • <good-complex> - intelligent
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <material-complex> - goop
  • <people-types> - comedian
  • <emotion-good> - silly
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <building-complex> - college
  • <general-noun-dump> - remake
  • <tool-complex> - invention
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - bounces

Forrest Gump

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: Forest

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - heartwarming
  • <general-career-status> - buffoon
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <wants> - falls for
  • <emotion-good-complex> - kind-hearted
  • <gerund> - running
  • <people-types> - storyteller
  • <general-verb-dump> - saves
  • <general-adjective-dump> - speedy
  • <good-complex> - lovely
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <family-role> - childhood friend
  • <media-type> - film
  • <good> - humble
  • <color> - dim
  • <general-noun-dump> - cameo
  • <taste-complex> - fudgy
  • <period-of-time> - decade
  • <family-role> - dream girl
  • <tool-complex> - paddle
  • <creature-complex> - seafood
  • <abstract-concept> - history
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cross-country
  • <person-complex> - mama
  • <person-complex> - dude


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: pig, babe

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - plump
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <group> - family
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - feel-good
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture
  • <texture> - woolly
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <creature-complex> - livestock
  • <food> - bacon
  • <age> - young
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <people-types> - peasant
  • <gerund> - trotting
  • <gerund> - herding
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <issues> - adoption
  • <nature-places> - pasture
  • <place-complex> - ranch
  • <creature> - beast
  • <texture-complex> - animatronic
  • <group> - herd


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <place-dislike-simple> - fight with
  • <general-career-status> - hero
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <good-complex> - romantic
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature-complex> - steed
  • <people-types> - rogue
  • <tool-complex> - saber
  • <general-noun-dump> - west coast
  • <tool-complex> - blade
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-noun-dump> - mantel
  • <general-noun-dump> - mask
  • <material-complex> - cloak
  • <good-complex> - foreign
  • <good> - charming
  • <general-noun-dump> - swashbuckler
  • <general-noun-dump> - letter
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ride around on

Bob Ross

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - positive
  • <texture> - soft
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - show off
  • <place-like-simple> - teach
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-status> - teacher
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <media-type> - television
  • <gerund> - creating
  • <texture-complex> - matte
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <taste-complex> - educational
  • <good-complex> - patient
  • <good-complex> - quiet
  • <group> - audience
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <material-complex> - oil
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - soothe
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-noun-dump> - paint
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <texture-complex> - denim
  • <parts-of-body> - beard

Susan Boyle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - entertain
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are on a show about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - triumph over
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <event> - contest
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <abstract-concept> - amateur
  • <general-career-status> - winner
  • <general-career-sector> - reality TV
  • <media-type> - music
  • <gerund> - harmonizing
  • <abstract-concept> - democracy
  • <good-complex> - popular
  • <emotion-good-complex> - heavenly
  • <texture-complex> - flawless
  • <texture-complex> - surprising
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <general-noun-dump> - vote
  • <general-noun-dump> - judge
  • <general-noun-dump> - dream
  • <group> - audience
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <taste> - plain
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - European
  • <texture> - curly
  • <age-complex> - middle aged
  • <color-complex> - grey

Nancy Drew

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <media-type> - book
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <age> - young
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <gerund> - thinking
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <bad-complex> - mysterious
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <people-types> - wunderkind
  • <people-types> - goody-two-shoes
  • <general-noun-dump> - clue
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - investigate
  • <problem-complex> - stumper
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-noun-dump> - childhood
  • <general-noun-dump> - case
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - solve
  • <are-in-relation-to> - stumble into
  • <good-complex> - clever
  • <good-complex> - precocious

Joan of Arc

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - talk to
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <gerund> - battling
  • <taste-complex> - charred
  • <idea-complex> - judgement
  • <creature-complex> - deity
  • <problem-complex> - punishment
  • <general-career-status> - soldier
  • <good-complex> - inspiring
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fearless
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <texture-complex> - armored
  • <color-complex> - haloed
  • <general-noun-dump> - revelation
  • <taste-complex> - flaming
  • <people-types> - peasant
  • <good> - brave
  • <texture-complex> - Catholic

Jeff Bezos

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - awful
  • <are-known-for> - are known for
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <general-adjective-dump> - speedy
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <abstract-concept> - greed
  • <people-types> - geek
  • <building-complex> - warehouse
  • <problem-complex> - million-dollar-question
  • <place-dislike-simple> - look-down-on
  • <bad-complex> - dominating
  • <idea-complex> - enterprise
  • <gerund> - clicking
  • <group> - employees
  • <material-complex> - cardboard
  • <people-types> - billionaire
  • <abstract-concept> - class warfare
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism
  • <place-dislike-simple> - exploit
  • <bad> - horrid
  • <bad-complex> - unethical

R. L. Stine

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <bad-complex> - chilling
  • <abstract-concept> - horror
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <gerund> - creeping
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - pulpy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scared
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <age-complex> - young
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <body-complex> - bag-of-bones
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <building-complex> - library
  • <are-in-relation-to> - tell stories about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - appear in a movie about
  • <people-types> - dummy
  • <creature-complex> - ghost
  • <building-complex> - haunted house
  • <general-noun-dump> - author

Curious George

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: curious

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <media-type> - book
  • <good> - cute
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-like-simple> - take an interest in
  • <abstract-concept> - inquisitiveness
  • <gerund> - exploring
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <abstract-concept> - adoption
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <creature-complex> - ape
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - move to
  • <general-noun-dump> - city
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <good-complex> - illustrated
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stumble into
  • <good-complex> - wild
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <age-complex> - young
  • <general-noun-dump> - trouble

Frosty the Snowman

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a song about
  • <media-type> - song
  • <texture> - cold
  • <creature> - being
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <event-complex> - birthday
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <color-complex> - coal
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <people-types> - traffic cop
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - melt
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are made of
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <general-noun-dump> - magician
  • <general-noun-dump> - child

Big Bird

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: big

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <people-types> - neighbor
  • <size> - large
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-like-simple> - teach
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <texture-complex> - avian
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-noun-dump> - street
  • <creature-complex> - fowl
  • <abstract-concept> - kindness
  • <color-complex> - canary
  • <size> - tall
  • <idea-complex> - life lesson

Calvin and Hobbes

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - mischievous
  • <emotion-good> - imaginative
  • <size> - short
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <group> - duo
  • <texture> - fuzzy
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <gerund> - sledding
  • <idea> - philosophy
  • <age> - young
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <texture-complex> - striped
  • <alive-dead> - illustrated
  • <general-adjective-dump> - immature
  • <material-complex> - cardboard
  • <tool-complex> - spacecraft
  • <nature-places> - wilderness
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <people-types> - troublemaker
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes on an adventure
  • <hates> - blames
  • <general-verb-dump> - is BFFs with
  • <gerund> - peeing

Edward Scissorhands

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Scissor, Scissors, hands

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - Salesperson
  • <genre> - Romance
  • <gerund> - Cutting
  • <texture-complex> - Jagged
  • <color> - Dark
  • <building-complex> - Castle
  • <abstract-concept> - Love
  • <emotion-good> - Shy
  • <normal-weird> - Loner
  • <general-noun-dump> - Ice sculpture
  • <general-noun-dump> - makeup
  • <abstract-concept> - Freedom
  • <person-complex> - Scientist
  • <normal-weird> - Unusual
  • <body-complex> - Anatomy
  • <abstract-concept> - fear
  • <genre> - gothic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gerund> - snipping
  • <general-noun-dump> - snow
  • <event-complex> - barbecue
  • <color> - pale
  • <abstract-concept> - isolation
  • <tool-complex> - knife
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <general-verb-dump> - is isolated from
  • <hates> - slices
  • <bad> - spooky
  • <size> - thin
  • <people-types> - goth

LeBron James

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - mesh
  • <size> - Giant
  • <general-career-status> - Superstar
  • <color-complex> - Orange
  • <gerund> - Jumping
  • <gerund> - dunking
  • <body-complex> - Physique
  • <gerund> - Squeaking
  • <building-complex> - Arena
  • <good> - Talented
  • <event-complex> - Championship
  • <gerund> - Acting
  • <good-complex> - Philanthropic
  • <general-noun-dump> - rim
  • <group> - offense
  • <person-complex> - king
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <group> - team
  • <good-complex> - inspiring
  • <building-complex> - west coast
  • <parts-of-body> - beard
  • <emotion-good-complex> - hot as heck
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - bounce
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty

Gone Girl

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: girl

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - Diary
  • <genre> - Thriller
  • <gerund> - Hiding
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Manipulative
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Confused
  • <general-noun-dump> - Disguise
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Cheating
  • <general-career-sector> - Literature
  • <problem-complex> - Predicament
  • <abstract-concept> - Reputation
  • <texture-complex> - Bloody
  • <issues> - Crime
  • <place-complex> - Midwest
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Conniving
  • <person-complex> - Suspect
  • <family-role> - Wife
  • <abstract-concept> - Treasure hunt
  • <general-noun-dump> - Affair
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <gerund> - planning
  • <gerund> - scheming
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <issues> - murder
  • <group> - couple
  • <group> - marriage
  • <villain> - liar

Jessica Rabbit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Rabbit

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good-complex> - Sultry
  • <color-complex> - Red
  • <parts-of-body> - Lip
  • <gerund> - Singing
  • <place-complex> - Stage
  • <family-role> - wifey
  • <bad-complex> - Suspicious
  • <place-complex> - Club
  • <person-complex> - Femme fatale
  • <age> - Young
  • <general-career-status> - Icon
  • <general-noun-dump> - Jazz
  • <media-type> - Film
  • <genre> - Mystery
  • <abstract-concept> - Love
  • <genre> - Comedy
  • <person-complex> - detective
  • <gerund> - bouncing
  • <body-complex> - physique
  • <general-noun-dump> - joke
  • <abstract-concept> - marriage
  • <abstract-concept> - cheating
  • <taste-complex> - zesty
  • <creature-complex> - rodent

Charles Darwin

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: genetic

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good> - significant
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - theorize about
  • <general-career-status> - visionary
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gerund> - researching
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <emotion-good-complex> - ingenious
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <body-complex> - organism
  • <general-noun-dump> - beak
  • <people-types> - heretic
  • <place-complex> - island
  • <creature-complex> - primate
  • <age> - antique

Wreck-It Ralph

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: wreck

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - Medal
  • <protagonist> - Bad guy
  • <gerund> - Smashing
  • <gerund> - Breaking
  • <abstract-concept> - Bravery
  • <media-type> - Movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - Glitch
  • <size-complex> - Brawny
  • <parts-of-body> - Fist
  • <general-noun-dump> - Candy
  • <gerund> - Racing
  • <protagonist> - Hero
  • <place-complex> - Arcade
  • <gerund> - Escaping
  • <general-noun-dump> - Cable
  • <general-noun-dump> - game
  • <tool-complex> - go-kart
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <age> - youthful
  • <size> - humongous
  • <general-adjective-dump> - pixelated
  • <tool> - machine
  • <is-in-relation-to> - lives inside of
  • <general-verb-dump> - drives
  • <issues> - villainy
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays
  • <bad> - feared
  • <emotion-bad> - brutish

Edgar Allan Poe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <emotion-bad> - creepy
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write about
  • <person-complex> - man
  • <abstract-concept> - fear
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <bad-complex> - entombed
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - gloomy
  • <people-types> - Debbie Downer
  • <parts-of-body> - heart
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <problem-complex> - doom
  • <building-complex> - tomb
  • <general-noun-dump> - poetry
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - brood about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rhyme
  • <general-noun-dump> - stanza
  • <general-noun-dump> - cask
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <size-complex> - lanky
  • <size> - thin

Dr. Frankenstein

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - Young
  • <protagonist> - Scientist
  • <general-noun-dump> - Electricity
  • <abstract-concept> - Life
  • <abstract-concept> - Humanity
  • <gerund> - Experimenting
  • <emotion-bad> - Horrifying
  • <creature> - Specimen
  • <event> - Phenomenon
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Frightened
  • <normal-weird> - Bizarre
  • <building-complex> - lab
  • <general-noun-dump> - Disaster
  • <creature> - monster
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - kooky
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-noun-dump> - bolt
  • <gerund> - groaning
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <event-complex> - mayhem
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <are-known-for> - are in a story about

Sherlock Holmes

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - analyze
  • <abstract-concept> - truth
  • <general-career-status> - expert
  • <general-career-sector> - mystery
  • <gerund> - realization
  • <emotion-good-complex> - insightful
  • <event-complex> - investigation
  • <people-types> - know-it-all
  • <tool-complex> - deduction
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in stories about
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <problem-complex> - puzzler
  • <color-complex> - scarlet
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <gerund> - studying
  • <texture-complex> - foggy
  • <people-types> - nemesis
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <people-types> - genius
  • <color-complex> - houndstooth


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - pizza
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <material-complex> - Metal
  • <emotion-good-complex> - amiable
  • <size-complex> - sprawling
  • <abstract-concept> - diversity
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <abstract-concept> - jazz
  • <building-complex> - university
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <person-complex> - gangster
  • <age-complex> - historic
  • <tool-complex> - train

Julius Caesar

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - Antiquated
  • <general-career-sector> - War
  • <general-career-sector> - Government
  • <good-complex> - Tremendous
  • <gerund> - Conquering
  • <general-noun-dump> - Empire
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Aggressive
  • <alive-dead> - Deceased
  • <normal-weird> - Traditional
  • <idea-complex> - Judgment
  • <group> - Militia
  • <parts-of-body> - Ear
  • <abstract-concept> - Betrayal
  • <general-career-status> - Public figure
  • <abstract-concept> - Ambition
  • <people-types> - conspirator
  • <place-dislike-simple> - stab
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in charge of
  • <material-complex> - olive oil
  • <tool-complex> - dressing
  • <general-noun-dump> - salad

The Princess and the Frog

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Frog, Princess

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - Slimy
  • <abstract-concept> - Magic
  • <creature> - critter
  • <gerund> - Hopping
  • <gerund> - Singing
  • <color-complex> - Green
  • <gerund> - Cooking
  • <taste-complex> - Appetizing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - Inspired
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - Workaholic
  • <abstract-concept> - Love
  • <genre> - Fantasy
  • <problem> - Obstacle
  • <general-career-sector> - Food
  • <nature-places> - Swamp
  • <media-type> - fairytale
  • <media-type> - film
  • <loves> - kisses
  • <general-verb-dump> - turns into
  • <is-in-relation-to> - transforms into
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <issues> - jazz
  • <creature-complex> - reptile


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - Teaching
  • <gerund> - Theorizing
  • <age> - Ancient
  • <good-complex> - Substantial
  • <general-career-sector> - Education
  • <abstract-concept> - Wisdom
  • <abstract-concept> - Ethics
  • <material-complex> - Scroll
  • <abstract-concept> - Logic
  • <gerund> - Thinking
  • <idea-complex> - Perspective
  • <problem-complex> - Puzzle
  • <normal-weird> - Traditional
  • <abstract-concept> - philosophy
  • <material-complex> - toga
  • <people-types> - orator
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <general-noun-dump> - Europe
  • <emotion-good> - smart
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - think about

Steamboat Willie

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: boat

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - Whistling
  • <gerund> - Steering
  • <emotion-good> - Cheerful
  • <good-complex> - Groundbreaking
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <media-type> - Film
  • <age> - old-fashioned
  • <size> - mini
  • <nature-places> - River
  • <abstract-concept> - Love
  • <creature-complex> - Critter
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-style-adjective> - hand-drawn
  • <is-in-relation-to> - floats on
  • <material> - liquid
  • <creature-complex> - rodent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - dancin'
  • <period-of-time> - 1920s
  • <color-complex> - black-and-white


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - Singing
  • <general-career-sector> - Music
  • <bad-complex> - Forbidden
  • <family-role> - Son
  • <alive-dead> - Resting-in-peace
  • <period-of-time> - Night
  • <event-complex> - Celebration
  • <family-role> - grandpop
  • <tool-complex> - Shoe
  • <gerund> - Performing
  • <abstract-concept> - Betrayal
  • <issues> - Crime
  • <issues> - Stealing
  • <creature> - Beast
  • <color> - Colorful
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <tool> - instrument
  • <general-verb-dump> - crosses over into
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <emotion-bad> - dead
  • <body-complex> - bag of bones
  • <tool-complex> - bone
  • <people-types> - spirit
  • <people-types> - soul
  • <good-complex> - cultural
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sobs


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - Script
  • <texture> - Warm
  • <shape-complex> - Star
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - Travel for
  • <abstract-concept> - Success
  • <person-complex> - Character
  • <normal-weird> - Eccentric
  • <place-complex> - Neighborhood
  • <thing> - Picture
  • <gerund> - Emoting
  • <gerund> - Creating
  • <gerund> - Writing
  • <building-complex> - Studio
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are starstruck by
  • <abstract-concept> - glamour
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <general-noun-dump> - palm tree
  • <texture-complex> - sunny
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <person-complex> - celebrity
  • <general-noun-dump> - razzle dazzle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - film

Good Will Hunting

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good-complex> - hard-working
  • <group> - duo
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <good> - brilliant
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <emotion-good-complex> - infatuated
  • <person-complex> - student
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scarred
  • <abstract-concept> - catharsis
  • <people-types> - genius
  • <food> - apple
  • <general-verb-dump> - abandons
  • <general-verb-dump> - seeks
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mathematical
  • <media-style-adjective> - award-winning
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <tool-complex> - chalk
  • <gerund> - cleaning
  • <place-complex> - east coast

Toni Morrison

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <abstract-concept> - magical realism
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <general-career-status> - legend
  • <media-type> - novel
  • <good-complex> - esteemed
  • <bad-complex> - haunted
  • <color-complex> - bluest
  • <creature-complex> - ghost
  • <problem-complex> - injustice
  • <person-complex> - woman
  • <emotion-good-complex> - beloved
  • <person-complex> - trailblazer
  • <idea-complex> - superstition
  • <period-of-time> - postmodern
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-noun-dump> - prose
  • <idea-complex> - page
  • <general-noun-dump> - jazz
  • <general-noun-dump> - critic circle
  • <general-noun-dump> - medal of freedom
  • <idea-complex> - fiction


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person> - somebody
  • <place-like-simple> - draw
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <good> - subversive
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <event-complex> - installation
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - provocative
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <material-complex> - brick wall
  • <idea-complex> - satire
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anonymous
  • <event-complex> - vandalism
  • <abstract-concept> - anonymity
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <general-noun-dump> - spray paint
  • <building-complex> - metropolis
  • <bad> - secretive
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism
  • <abstract-concept> - capitalism
  • <people-types> - activist
  • <gerund> - stenciling


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: defying, gravity, witch

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - grouchy
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <gerund> - toe-tapping
  • <bad> - misunderstood
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <media-sensation> - smash hit
  • <general-career-status> - pariah
  • <person-complex> - outcast
  • <tool-complex> - kitchen implement
  • <building-complex> - fortress
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - defiant
  • <general-noun-dump> - awakening
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - flies
  • <material-complex> - cloak
  • <abstract-concept> - law of nature
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <issues> - friendship
  • <general-verb-dump> - stage makeup
  • <people-types> - magician


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - warm
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <person-complex> - customer
  • <abstract-concept> - social interaction
  • <place> - place
  • <gerund> - swallowing
  • <general-career-sector> - hospitality
  • <general-noun-dump> - glass
  • <issues> - camaraderie
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <taste-complex> - refreshing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - tipsy
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-sensation> - fan-favorite
  • <event-complex> - gathering
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <building-complex> - business
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - serves
  • <general-verb-dump> - drinks
  • <people-types> - barmaid
  • <building-complex> - tavern

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: alien

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - wrinkled
  • <abstract-concept> - communication
  • <emotion-good> - friendly
  • <general-career-sector> - space
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <creature> - being
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <taste-complex> - chocolatey
  • <alive-dead> - dying
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <media-sensation> - family favorite
  • <family-role> - child
  • <body-complex> - finger
  • <color-complex> - illuminated
  • <tool-complex> - telephone
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - returns
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a lift
  • <tool-complex> - bike
  • <person-complex> - buddy
  • <texture-complex> - shrivelled
  • <general-verb-dump> - wraps up
  • <person-complex> - freak

Goodnight Moon

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: good, night, moon

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - soothing
  • <abstract-concept> - sleep
  • <place-complex> - room
  • <emotion-bad> - tired
  • <general-career-sector> - astronomy
  • <tool-complex> - rhyme
  • <media-style-adjective> - illustrated
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <color-complex> - glowing
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <event-complex> - ritual
  • <family-role> - child
  • <gerund> - rhyming
  • <creature-complex> - bovine
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nocturnal
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - falls unconscious
  • <people-types> - caretaker
  • <general-noun-dump> - illustration
  • <tool-complex> - spoon
  • <creature-complex> - rodent
  • <gerund> - knitting

Home Alone

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: wet

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <villain> - criminal
  • <abstract-concept> - isolation
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <general-noun-dump> - trap
  • <age-complex> - young
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <gerund> - robbing
  • <issues> - parenting
  • <people-types> - trickster
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <place-complex> - hut
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - inflicts harm
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is scared of
  • <general-verb-dump> - protects
  • <building-complex> - mansion

Pinky and the Brain

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <creature> - animal
  • <villain> - villain
  • <protagonist> - anti-hero
  • <group> - duo
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <place-complex> - planet
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-adjective-dump> - smart
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <people-types> - mastermind
  • <tool-complex> - plot
  • <issues> - conquest
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - fails
  • <creature-complex> - vermin
  • <abstract-concept> - domination
  • <general-adjective-dump> - global
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - takes over the world
  • <color> - pale
  • <group> - pair
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scheming
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - feeble-minded
  • <bad-complex> - arrogant
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <person> - individual
  • <media-type> - song
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <size> - teeny
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sensual
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <texture-complex> - silky-smooth
  • <general-noun-dump> - rain
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <good-complex> - dearly beloved
  • <people-types> - rock star
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <general-noun-dump> - dove
  • <general-noun-dump> - symbol
  • <general-noun-dump> - name change
  • <tool-complex> - guitar
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - shred
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wear
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <general-noun-dump> - bodysuit
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are on stage with

Lady Gaga

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <size> - teeny
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <taste-complex> - meaty
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gambling
  • <general-noun-dump> - telephone
  • <general-career-status> - Oscar winner
  • <general-noun-dump> - wig
  • <people-types> - paparazzo
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <general-noun-dump> - song
  • <color> - colorful
  • <shape> - body
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <gerund> - belting
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <good-complex> - talented
  • <bad> - outrageous
  • <color-complex> - platinum

Ronda Rousey

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - punch
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - compete in
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event-complex> - slam
  • <abstract-concept> - fitness
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <gerund> - hitting
  • <gerund> - winning
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <good-complex> - tough
  • <bad-complex> - violent
  • <shape-complex> - octagon
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <tool-complex> - rope
  • <building-complex> - arena
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - subdue
  • <people-types> - rival
  • <general-noun-dump> - kick
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wrestle
  • <good-complex> - raucous
  • <bad-complex> - raw
  • <bad-complex> - furious

Queen Elizabeth

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <age> - antique
  • <body> - figure
  • <place-dislike-simple> - look down on
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <abstract-concept> - girl power
  • <family-role> - nana
  • <gerund> - ruling
  • <event-complex> - jubilee
  • <age-complex> - geriatric
  • <age-complex> - out-of-touch
  • <texture-complex> - frigid
  • <emotion-good-complex> - polite
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <general-noun-dump> - kingdom
  • <general-career-status> - figurehead
  • <texture-complex> - foggy
  • <group> - citizenry
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in charge of
  • <idea-complex> - lineage
  • <gerund> - waving
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - dignified
  • <bad-complex> - bossy
  • <tool-complex> - hat

How To Train Your Dragon

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: hiccup, toothless

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - skinny
  • <tool-complex> - cough
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <good-complex> - trusting
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-career-status> - barbarian
  • <general-verb-dump> - tames
  • <color-complex> - inky
  • <texture-complex> - leathery
  • <family-role> - bud
  • <nature-places> - fjord
  • <creature-complex> - lizard
  • <problem-complex> - onslaught
  • <texture-complex> - burny
  • <group> - society
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - flies around happily
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <tool-complex> - saddle
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-noun-dump> - franchise
  • <person-complex> - warrior


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <size> - massive
  • <person> - somebody
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <gerund> - dunking
  • <size-complex> - towering
  • <age-complex> - retired
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <group> - team
  • <general-noun-dump> - foul
  • <people-types> - genie
  • <material-complex> - steel
  • <are-in-relation-to> - appear in movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - win
  • <general-noun-dump> - martial arts
  • <general-noun-dump> - hoop
  • <abstract-concept> - heat
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are part of


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <size> - big
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - demolish
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <person-complex> - immortal
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-career-sector> - warlord
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <gerund> - decimating
  • <event-complex> - tragedy
  • <event-complex> - victory
  • <good-complex> - certain
  • <general-noun-dump> - murder
  • <texture-complex> - wrinkled
  • <color-complex> - violet
  • <people-types> - villain
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <media-type> - sequel
  • <general-noun-dump> - glove
  • <general-noun-dump> - stone
  • <tool-complex> - armor
  • <abstract-concept> - forever
  • <size-complex> - ripped
  • <place-like-simple> - track down
  • <parts-of-body> - bicep


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a play about
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <family-role> - son
  • <family-role> - hubby
  • <emotion-bad> - tragic
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - fate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are related to
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - blinded
  • <general-noun-dump> - chorus
  • <idea-complex> - complex
  • <parts-of-body> - eyeball
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - murderous
  • <taste-complex> - bloody
  • <texture-complex> - Mediterranean
  • <people-types> - king of fools
  • <idea-complex> - prophecy
  • <general-noun-dump> - mommy issue

Ellen Ripley

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - outlast
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <abstract-concept> - horror
  • <general-career-status> - survivor
  • <general-career-sector> - space
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <idea-complex> - invasion
  • <gerund> - running
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <taste-complex> - acidic
  • <texture> - tough
  • <good> - smart
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <building-complex> - station
  • <building-complex> - ship
  • <tool-complex> - lifter
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <group> - horde
  • <general-noun-dump> - game over
  • <people-types> - squirt
  • <bad-complex> - banged up

Wonder Woman

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - inspire
  • <person-complex> - heroine
  • <abstract-concept> - peace
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <general-career-status> - princess
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - diplomacy
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <event-complex> - trench warfare
  • <gerund> - deflecting
  • <abstract-concept> - truth
  • <age-complex> - ageless
  • <good-complex> - godly
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <tool-complex> - rope
  • <tool-complex> - armor
  • <creature-complex> - deity
  • <general-noun-dump> - island
  • <idea-complex> - legend
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are on a team with
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - save
  • <good-complex> - super

Georgia O'Keeffe

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <society> - culture
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - paint
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are inspired by
  • <normal-weird> - abstract
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <media-type> - image
  • <gerund> - drawing
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <texture-complex> - matte
  • <good-complex> - floral
  • <normal-weird> - surreal
  • <good-complex> - natural
  • <color-complex> - tone
  • <abstract-concept> - expression
  • <parts-of-body> - nether region
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <people-types> - painter
  • <bad-complex> - obscene
  • <good-complex> - western
  • <general-noun-dump> - desert
  • <person-complex> - lady

Edward Snowden

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <society> - society
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rebel
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - avoid
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <event> - crime
  • <abstract-concept> - cyber security
  • <emotion-bad> - secretive
  • <general-career-status> - outsider
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <event-complex> - trial
  • <gerund> - stealing
  • <bad-complex> - sneaky
  • <good> - smart
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <tool-complex> - internet
  • <building-complex> - prison
  • <people-types> - thief
  • <general-noun-dump> - spy
  • <general-career-sector> - CIA
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hack
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <bad-complex> - classified
  • <good-complex> - patriotic

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <problem> - quest
  • <abstract-concept> - atmosphere
  • <group> - team
  • <texture> - hot
  • <issues> - war
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-career-sector> - mysticism
  • <general-noun-dump> - survivor
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <age> - young
  • <age-complex> - preserved
  • <texture-complex> - turbulent
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <event-complex> - genocide
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <alive-dead> - reincarnated
  • <tool-complex> - fire
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - achieves peace
  • <general-verb-dump> - enters a state of
  • <abstract-concept> - element
  • <texture-complex> - bendy
  • <creature-complex> - bison
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <general-adjective-dump> - elemental


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - dry
  • <creature> - monster
  • <group> - tribe
  • <abstract-concept> - drought
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <media-type> - book
  • <shape-complex> - tube
  • <general-verb-dump> - conquers
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a book about
  • <tool-complex> - invertebrate
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - takes over the world
  • <people-types> - chosen one
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lengthy
  • <general-noun-dump> - pain
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <general-adjective-dump> - planetary
  • <place-complex> - planet

Family Guy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: family, guy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - rotund
  • <group> - clan
  • <abstract-concept> - stupidity
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <creature> - pet
  • <person-complex> - toddler
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-adjective-dump> - dimwitted
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <general-career-status> - screwup
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <people-types> - evil genius
  • <general-noun-dump> - shenanigan
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <period-of-time> - moment
  • <period-of-time> - time
  • <tool-complex> - beer
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets embarrassed
  • <general-verb-dump> - cuts away
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <family-role> - wifey
  • <family-role> - baby
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <bad-complex> - crude
  • <general-adjective-dump> - American
  • <bad-complex> - grating
  • <group> - dynasty
  • <people-types> - idiot
  • <size-complex> - pudgy
  • <tool-complex> - theme song

The Metamorphosis

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-verb-dump> - becomes
  • <general-adjective-dump> - broken
  • <idea-complex> - bankruptcy
  • <group> - family
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <general-verb-dump> - feeds
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets injured
  • <gerund> - depressing
  • <taste-complex> - rotten
  • <gerund> - crawling
  • <texture-complex> - oh-so-nasty
  • <event-complex> - transformation
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <creature-complex> - pest
  • <media-type> - novella
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <size> - huge
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unexpected
  • <creature-complex> - varmint
  • <building-complex> - bed chamber
  • <is> - scuttles
  • <parts-of-body> - thorax

Mrs. Doubtfire

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <gerund> - divorcing
  • <group> - family unit
  • <normal-weird> - goofy
  • <body-complex> - mask
  • <abstract-concept> - relationship
  • <family-role> - papi
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fakey
  • <building-complex> - courtroom
  • <people-types> - actor
  • <building-complex> - household
  • <event-complex> - custody
  • <people-types> - joker
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <bad> - irresponsible
  • <general-verb-dump> - disguises
  • <age-complex> - prematurely aged
  • <tool-complex> - wig
  • <bad-complex> - deceptive
  • <good-complex> - loving
  • <alive-dead> - gendered
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a new job
  • <abstract-concept> - deception
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - brings the family together
  • <taste-complex> - accented
  • <event-complex> - hijinks

Free Willy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - wet
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <general-adjective-dump> - marine
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <event-complex> - escape
  • <color-complex> - black-and-white
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <general-adjective-dump> - imprisoned
  • <general-noun-dump> - leap
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <general-verb-dump> - jumps over
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <nature-places> - sea
  • <family-role> - child
  • <building-complex> - enclosure
  • <body-complex> - biology
  • <gets-something-good> - gets out
  • <shape-complex> - hole


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <place> - place
  • <group> - group
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <issues> - relationship
  • <general-adjective-dump> - wacky
  • <media-sensation> - crowd pleaser
  • <gerund> - breaking
  • <building-complex> - apartment complex
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <abstract-concept> - conversation
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - screws up
  • <abstract-concept> - laughter
  • <general-verb-dump> - sleeps with
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - neurotic
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <group> - sextet
  • <general-noun-dump> - archaeology
  • <issues> - companionship
  • <people-types> - hottie
  • <general-noun-dump> - coffee
  • <people-types> - chef


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - notable
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <abstract-concept> - government
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <media-style-adjective> - theatrical
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <genre> - dramatization
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <tool-complex> - gun
  • <people-types> - leader
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-noun-dump> - fight
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - establishes
  • <general-adjective-dump> - patriotic
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a show about
  • <general-verb-dump> - is based on
  • <period-of-time> - yesteryear

Battlestar Galactica

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <group> - team
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <alive-dead> - artificial
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-sensation> - fan favorite
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fake
  • <body-complex> - eye
  • <gets-something-good> - gets there
  • <general-verb-dump> - flees from
  • <tool-complex> - android
  • <texture-complex> - gritty
  • <bad-complex> - downer
  • <building-complex> - Starbucks
  • <general-noun-dump> - miniseries


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: big

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - maturity
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <general-career-sector> - playtime
  • <age-complex> - older
  • <texture-complex> - tall
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <general-noun-dump> - instrument
  • <normal-weird> - magical
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-career-status> - newbie
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a movie about
  • <general-verb-dump> - enlarges
  • <family-role> - child
  • <texture-complex> - robotic
  • <gets-something-good> - goes back to normal
  • <age> - juvenile
  • <general-noun-dump> - prophecy
  • <general-noun-dump> - toy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - curly
  • <period-of-time> - 80s
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - shrinks
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <idea> - wish


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <alive-dead> - maybe deceased
  • <body> - figure
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - fandom
  • <general-career-status> - royalty
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <texture-complex> - sequined
  • <taste-complex> - deep fried
  • <texture-complex> - satin
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sensual
  • <event-complex> - incident
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <parts-of-body> - pelvis
  • <material-complex> - rock n' roll
  • <creature-complex> - hound
  • <abstract-concept> - grace
  • <general-noun-dump> - toilet
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <general-noun-dump> - impersonator
  • <general-noun-dump> - jumpsuit
  • <texture-complex> - studded
  • <general-noun-dump> - screaming fan

Vincent Van Gogh

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <abstract-concept> - impression
  • <media-type> - painting
  • <general-adjective-dump> - starlit
  • <tool-complex> - lily
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <texture-complex> - watery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <material-complex> - canvas
  • <color-complex> - swirly
  • <tool-complex> - brush
  • <idea-complex> - style
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <bad> - depressed
  • <general-noun-dump> - hay
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - draw
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <bad-complex> - lonely


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size> - teeny
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - cooking
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <good-complex> - five-star
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <taste-complex> - mouthwatering
  • <general-noun-dump> - hair
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <wants> - craves
  • <hates> - is critical of
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <group> - swarm
  • <building-complex> - kitchenette
  • <taste-complex> - roasted
  • <general-noun-dump> - dish
  • <group> - staff
  • <creature-complex> - varmint
  • <normal-weird> - European

The Great Gatsby

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: great

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <size> - big
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <abstract-concept> - luxury
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <media-type> - book
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <event-complex> - jamboree
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <is> - embodies
  • <building-complex> - chateau
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - dies
  • <period-of-time> - Prohibition
  • <person-complex> - narrator
  • <building-complex> - villa
  • <emotion-bad> - tragic
  • <size-complex> - sprawling
  • <people-types> - playboy
  • <event-complex> - banquet

Singin' in the Rain

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - musical
  • <media-style-adjective> - technicolor
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <emotion-good> - energetic
  • <protagonist> - star
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - splashing
  • <place-complex> - studio
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <people-types> - ingenue
  • <loves> - loves
  • <general-verb-dump> - pretends to be
  • <abstract-concept> - voice
  • <event-complex> - premiere
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <material-complex> - rubber
  • <problem-complex> - mixup
  • <group> - cast
  • <general-verb-dump> - talks to
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous

The Birds

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: bird

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - horror
  • <media-style-adjective> - black-and-white
  • <bad> - intense
  • <group> - flock
  • <group> - horde
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <emotion-bad> - scared
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <creature> - creature
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <abstract-concept> - hubris
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is pursued by
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <building-complex> - barn
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <body-complex> - silhouette
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - escapes
  • <creature-complex> - fowl
  • <general-noun-dump> - phone
  • <general-verb-dump> - hides in
  • <people-types> - director
  • <nature-places> - west coast
  • <nature-places> - bay
  • <abstract-concept> - disaster
  • <abstract-concept> - wildlife

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write about
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <emotion-good-complex> - groundbreaking
  • <good-complex> - popular
  • <texture-complex> - historical
  • <person-complex> - statesman
  • <media-type> - hip hop
  • <building-complex> - auditorium
  • <event-complex> - musical
  • <event-complex> - duel
  • <general-career-sector> - drama
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <idea-complex> - liberty
  • <general-noun-dump> - ocean
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <good> - cheerful

Jimi Hendrix

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - belong in
  • <abstract-concept> - eternity
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <gerund> - shredding
  • <size-complex> - wiry
  • <good-complex> - gifted
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - loud
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <event-complex> - festival
  • <problem-complex> - death
  • <tool-complex> - stringed instrument
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s
  • <abstract-concept> - free love
  • <general-noun-dump> - haze
  • <good-complex> - immortalized
  • <good-complex> - foxy
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <general-noun-dump> - bandanna
  • <emotion-good-complex> - psychedelic
  • <general-noun-dump> - cover
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <are-in-relation-to> - perform a song about
  • <good-complex> - counter-cultural
  • <texture-complex> - poofy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - remarkable
  • <material> - material
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <texture-complex> - sculpted
  • <good-complex> - persistent
  • <abstract-concept> - reinvention
  • <emotion-good-complex> - poppy
  • <bad-complex> - borderline
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - preach
  • <emotion-good-complex> - virginal
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <color-complex> - light
  • <material-complex> - diamond
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <tool-complex> - bra
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <abstract-concept> - longevity
  • <place-like-simple> - kiss

Britney Spears

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <people-types> - school girl
  • <are-in-relation-to> - sing about
  • <age> - youthful
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event> - craze
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <general-career-status> - popstar
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - shimmying
  • <bad-complex> - toxic
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <event-complex> - award show
  • <creature-complex> - snake
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <good-complex> - lucky
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are trapped in
  • <period-of-time> - 2000s
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <people-types> - queen

George Washington

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <body> - figure
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lead
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <event-complex> - national holiday
  • <gerund> - revolutionizing
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <emotion-good-complex> - honest
  • <color-complex> - cherry
  • <general-noun-dump> - valley
  • <period-of-time> - term
  • <group> - battalion
  • <people-types> - class president
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth
  • <general-noun-dump> - wig
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <shape-complex> - obelisk
  • <idea-complex> - declaration
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <tool-complex> - dollar

John F. Kennedy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <people-types> - prom king
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <event-complex> - tragedy
  • <gerund> - leadership
  • <texture> - cold
  • <texture-complex> - preppy
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <texture-complex> - grassy
  • <building-complex> - depository
  • <group> - dynasty
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <event-complex> - election
  • <idea-complex> - affair
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - change
  • <general-noun-dump> - nation
  • <texture-complex> - accented
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <tool-complex> - rocket
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - can do
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <good-complex> - suave
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are targeted by
  • <place-like-simple> - marry
  • <people-types> - socialite
  • <emotion-good> - handsome

Simone Biles

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <age> - youthful
  • <emotion-good> - inspiring
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - athleticism
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <gerund> - tumbling
  • <good-complex> - supreme
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <texture-complex> - rotating
  • <group> - team
  • <building-complex> - stadium
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-noun-dump> - award
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - leap across
  • <gerund> - flipping
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-status> - most-awarded
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <good-complex> - nimble
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <emotion-good-complex> - American
  • <good-complex> - limber

Jerry Seinfeld

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-adjective-dump> - substanceless
  • <general-noun-dump> - stand-up
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - humor
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <texture-complex> - puffy
  • <gerund> - shrinking
  • <age-complex> - out-of-date
  • <taste-complex> - soupy
  • <taste-complex> - wealthy
  • <period-of-time> - primetime
  • <taste-complex> - caffeinated
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <idea-complex> - question
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <general-noun-dump> - coffee
  • <group> - friend group
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <texture> - curly
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make jokes about

Usain Bolt

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: fast

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - incredible
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - run around
  • <abstract-concept> - speed
  • <gerund> - moving
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <building-complex> - stadium
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <period-of-time> - time stamp
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dominate
  • <shape-complex> - oval
  • <size> - lanky
  • <material-complex> - asphalt
  • <normal-weird> - Caribbean
  • <good> - quick

Takeru Kobayashi

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - consume
  • <are-in-relation-to> - scarf down
  • <gerund> - counting
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <shape-complex> - tube
  • <taste-complex> - meaty
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <material-complex> - bread
  • <creature-complex> - wiener
  • <gerund> - inhaling
  • <general-noun-dump> - speed
  • <gerund> - record-breaking
  • <size> - skinny
  • <idea-complex> - technique
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <place-like-simple> - compete for
  • <bad-complex> - hungry
  • <parts-of-body> - stomach
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are full of

Walter White

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - amoral
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <material> - substance
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - work with
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <bad-complex> - corrupted
  • <gerund> - formulating
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <building-complex> - laboratory
  • <tool-complex> - hat
  • <general-noun-dump> - crime
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - cook
  • <idea-complex> - deal
  • <general-noun-dump> - illness
  • <people-types> - teacher
  • <general-noun-dump> - partner-in-crime
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <gerund> - breaking
  • <place-complex> - Southwest
  • <texture-complex> - crystalline
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <tool-complex> - RV


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - young
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a TV show about
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - enthusiastic
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <emotion-good-complex> - tickled
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - learn about
  • <general-noun-dump> - street
  • <idea-complex> - imagination
  • <emotion-good-complex> - huggable
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <general-noun-dump> - alphabet
  • <media-type> - public broadcasting
  • <gerund> - puppeteering
  • <emotion-good-complex> - adorable
  • <color-complex> - ruby

James and the Giant Peach

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: giant

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <thing> - object
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - kid-friendly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - buggy
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <wants> - craves
  • <group> - family
  • <family-role> - aunt
  • <creature-complex> - arachnid
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <building-complex> - dwelling
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <shape-complex> - berry
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <size-complex> - enlarged
  • <building-complex> - architectural-wonder


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: supermodel

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - captivating
  • <emotion-good> - exuberant
  • <people-types> - goddess
  • <gerund> - strolling
  • <good-complex> - flawless
  • <texture-complex> - sparkly
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <abstract-concept> - elegance
  • <building-complex> - elevated path
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <tool-complex> - attitude
  • <alive-dead> - larger-than-life
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - glamour
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <people-types> - beauty queen
  • <abstract-concept> - wisdom
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <abstract-concept> - royalty
  • <taste-complex> - delish
  • <size-complex> - svelte
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <gerund> - judging
  • <society> - culture

Wile E. Coyote

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - wicked
  • <alive-dead> - animated
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - chase after
  • <abstract-concept> - nutrition
  • <general-career-status> - failure
  • <general-career-sector> - engineering
  • <gerund> - pursuing
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <taste-complex> - mouthwatering
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - ravenous
  • <problem-complex> - comeuppance
  • <people-types> - brainiac
  • <creature-complex> - prey
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - crate
  • <place-complex> - tunnel
  • <abstract-concept> - failure
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Sisyphean
  • <creature-complex> - avian
  • <gerund> - squashing
  • <general-noun-dump> - catalog
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <creature> - creature
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - outwitted

Whitney Houston

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <are-in-relation-to> - sing
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <good-complex> - mind-blowing
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - troubled
  • <bad-complex> - stormy
  • <abstract-concept> - marriage
  • <problem-complex> - divorce
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <people-types> - bodyguard
  • <good> - once-in-a-lifetime
  • <tool-complex> - song
  • <people-types> - fairy godmother
  • <good-complex> - multi-octave
  • <people-types> - preacher
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <good-complex> - greatest
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <creature-complex> - angel
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dance with
  • <material-complex> - powder
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <gerund> - belting
  • <taste-complex> - vocal
  • <event-complex> - demise

Tom Nook

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: animal, crossing

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature> - creature
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <media-type> - game
  • <general-career-status> - mover and shaker
  • <gerund> - financing
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <abstract-concept> - colonization
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - build
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <people-types> - industrialist
  • <idea-complex> - proposition
  • <color-complex> - masked
  • <general-noun-dump> - cranny
  • <general-noun-dump> - property
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-noun-dump> - tail
  • <general-noun-dump> - bell
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - approve
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - complicated
  • <group> - friend group
  • <emotion-bad> - disappointed
  • <person-complex> - woman
  • <emotion-good> - celebratory
  • <event> - celebration
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <bad-complex> - humiliating
  • <event-complex> - gathering
  • <people-types> - little miss perfect
  • <person-complex> - best buddy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - forgives
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <texture-complex> - poopy
  • <event-complex> - holy matrimony
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <issues> - friendship
  • <general-verb-dump> - has a meltdown in
  • <tool-complex> - airplane
  • <issues> - jealousy
  • <gerund> - baking
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married

Wayne Gretzky

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <good-complex> - athletic
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <tool-complex> - blade
  • <material-complex> - netting
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <group> - team
  • <general-noun-dump> - cup
  • <general-career-status> - GOAT
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - glide on
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - whack
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-noun-dump> - arena
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <good-complex> - northern
  • <person-complex> - cutie
  • <texture-complex> - wintry
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-noun-dump> - helmet

Night of the Living Dead

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: zombie, dead

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - horrifying
  • <color> - colorless
  • <problem> - torment
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <size> - small
  • <group> - group
  • <size-complex> - growing
  • <texture-complex> - decaying
  • <alive-dead> - machine-like
  • <hates> - distrusts
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <building-complex> - farmhouse
  • <parts-of-body> - limb
  • <general-verb-dump> - devours
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets shot
  • <place-complex> - graveyard
  • <bad-complex> - bloodthirsty
  • <person-complex> - ghoul girl
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gerund> - rising
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <color-complex> - black-and-white
  • <abstract-concept> - death

Where the Wild Things Are

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - mischievous
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <place-complex> - bedroom
  • <media-style-adjective> - illustrated
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <place-complex> - forest
  • <size-complex> - monstrous
  • <bad-complex> - fanged
  • <gerund> - roaring
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <general-verb-dump> - tames
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - lonesome
  • <family-role> - son
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sails away
  • <bad-complex> - clawed
  • <general-verb-dump> - dances with
  • <general-noun-dump> - outfit
  • <body-complex> - crown
  • <size> - massive
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs away to
  • <abstract-concept> - imagination

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - disturbed
  • <place-complex> - facility
  • <villain> - guardian
  • <protagonist> - rabble rouser
  • <bad-complex> - unpredictable
  • <general-career-status> - troublemaker
  • <general-verb-dump> - incites
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <bad-complex> - tragic
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - escapes
  • <bad-complex> - institutionalized
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <color> - dark
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <media-type> - book
  • <people-types> - nurse
  • <media-style-adjective> - award-winning
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <family-role> - patient
  • <building-complex> - clinic
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes friends with
  • <abstract-concept> - authority
  • <texture> - medical

It's a Wonderful Life

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: wonderful

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - heartwarming
  • <place-complex> - village
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <emotion-good> - salt of the earth
  • <protagonist> - everyman
  • <emotion-bad> - cruel
  • <villain> - fat cat
  • <general-noun-dump> - heart of gold
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <abstract-concept> - depression
  • <good-complex> - heavenly
  • <person-complex> - guide
  • <problem-complex> - nightmare
  • <group> - community
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gives back
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-good> - supernatural
  • <people-types> - babysitter
  • <general-verb-dump> - jumps in the
  • <gerund> - banking
  • <good> - classic
  • <media-style-adjective> - black-and-white
  • <general-adjective-dump> - holy
  • <period-of-time> - midcentury
  • <general-noun-dump> - voice

Hannibal Lecter

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - evil
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - analyze
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <bad-complex> - mental
  • <general-career-sector> - medical
  • <general-career-sector> - cuisine
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - dining
  • <bad> - dangerous
  • <taste-complex> - oh-so-delicioso
  • <taste-complex> - mouthwatering
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <gerund> - cooking
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <creature-complex> - livestock
  • <group> - victim
  • <building-complex> - hospital
  • <bad-complex> - locked-up
  • <people-types> - FBI
  • <body-complex> - organ
  • <parts-of-body> - skin

Anne Hathaway

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <are-in-relation-to> - act in
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - grinning
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <bad-complex> - awkward
  • <bad-complex> - clumsy
  • <good-complex> - smiley
  • <taste-complex> - nice
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <good-complex> - royal
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <bad-complex> - miserable
  • <general-noun-dump> - diary
  • <creature-complex> - devil
  • <color-complex> - brunette


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are married to
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <abstract-concept> - majesty
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <media-type> - music
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - dominating
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <good-complex> - perfect
  • <good-complex> - solo
  • <group> - trio
  • <family-role> - rapper
  • <general-noun-dump> - lemon juice
  • <people-types> - queen
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <parts-of-body> - thigh

Lara Croft

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - explore
  • <place-feel-emotional-simple> - discover
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event> - trip
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <abstract-concept> - history
  • <general-career-status> - player
  • <general-career-status> - scholar
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-career-sector> - exploration
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - game
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <gerund> - digging
  • <age-complex> - fossilized
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <bad-complex> - dirty
  • <bad-complex> - blurry
  • <people-types> - survivor
  • <idea-complex> - puzzle
  • <building-complex> - grave
  • <tool-complex> - pistol
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - solve
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <general-noun-dump> - relic
  • <general-noun-dump> - temple
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <general-noun-dump> - pickaxe
  • <taste-complex> - skintight
  • <parts-of-body> - ponytail
  • <tool-complex> - arrow
  • <parts-of-body> - braid
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lead
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <general-career-status> - ruler
  • <abstract-concept> - majesty
  • <general-career-sector> - history
  • <media-type> - play
  • <gerund> - biting
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <gerund> - seducing
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <texture-complex> - dry-as-a-bone
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <general-noun-dump> - desert
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a play about
  • <general-noun-dump> - river
  • <abstract-concept> - denial
  • <general-noun-dump> - tomb
  • <people-types> - power couple
  • <parts-of-body> - eyeliner
  • <bad-complex> - dramatic

Stephen King

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write
  • <person-complex> - creator
  • <abstract-concept> - fear
  • <abstract-concept> - nightmare
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <bad-complex> - morbid
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scared
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <normal-weird> - unsettling
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <creature-complex> - mutt
  • <building-complex> - hotel
  • <abstract-concept> - murder
  • <building-complex> - sewer
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - scare
  • <are-in-relation-to> - tell a story about
  • <general-noun-dump> - novel
  • <problem-complex> - plague
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <bad-complex> - evil
  • <good-complex> - prolific
  • <people-types> - clown


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <person> - device
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - survive
  • <event> - crime
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <gerund> - computing
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <good-complex> - hi-tech
  • <good-complex> - durable
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <idea-complex> - satire
  • <problem-complex> - corruption
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <building-complex> - big city
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <tool-complex> - gun
  • <tool-complex> - armor
  • <people-types> - officer
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rebuild
  • <creature-complex> - cyborg
  • <general-noun-dump> - corporation
  • <general-noun-dump> - police force

Katniss Everdeen

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - outlast
  • <are-in-relation-to> - compete against
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event> - event
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - burning
  • <gerund> - hunting
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <good-complex> - rebellious
  • <general-career-status> - winner
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <problem-complex> - dystopia
  • <bad-complex> - starving
  • <building-complex> - arena
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <tool-complex> - bow
  • <shape-complex> - love triangle
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <good-complex> - televised
  • <event> - ritual
  • <general-noun-dump> - combatant

Muhammad Ali

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - defeat
  • <event> - competition
  • <abstract-concept> - strength
  • <abstract-concept> - speed
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <general-career-sector> - activism
  • <event-complex> - match
  • <gerund> - punching
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <good-complex> - greatest
  • <good-complex> - confident
  • <problem-complex> - brawl
  • <period-of-time> - round
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <parts-of-body> - fist
  • <general-noun-dump> - athlete
  • <are-in-relation-to> - smack
  • <general-noun-dump> - olympics
  • <creature-complex> - butterfly
  • <creature-complex> - bee
  • <general-noun-dump> - bell

Hansel and Gretel

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - fairy tale
  • <genre> - fairy tale
  • <group> - pair
  • <bad> - evil
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <problem> - trouble
  • <gerund> - baking
  • <age> - young
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <texture-complex> - crumbly
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <wants> - craves
  • <family-role> - child
  • <body-complex> - ash
  • <issues> - ruse
  • <material-complex> - gingerbread
  • <building-complex> - abode
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-noun-dump> - stove
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <people-types> - grandma
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <material-complex> - morsel
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cannibalistic
  • <loves> - outwits
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets lost in
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - escapes

Little Red Riding Hood

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: red

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - fairy tale
  • <size> - short
  • <protagonist> - child
  • <bad> - evil
  • <creature> - beast
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <shape-complex> - shawl
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hungry
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <hates> - swallows
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <family-role> - granny
  • <creature-complex> - mutt
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <parts-of-body> - tummy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - toothy
  • <problem-complex> - emergency
  • <parts-of-body> - molar
  • <general-verb-dump> - is tricked by
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - survives

The Baby-Sitters Club

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-style-adjective> - young adult
  • <emotion-good> - positive
  • <group> - bunch
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <genre> - fiction
  • <general-career-sector> - business
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <gerund> - working
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <good-complex> - organized
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <people-types> - au pair
  • <idea-complex> - independence
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <family-role> - child
  • <group> - clique
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks after
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <building-complex> - organization
  • <issues> - diabetes
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - creates
  • <place-complex> - suburbia
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <general-noun-dump> - founder
  • <abstract-concept> - employment


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <tool-complex> - ballad
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <person> - someone
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <family-role> - ex-boyfriend
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <good-complex> - phenomenal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rumored
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - moody
  • <abstract-concept> - loss
  • <material-complex> - rain
  • <are-in-relation-to> - sing about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lament
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - mourn
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <general-noun-dump> - album
  • <bad-complex> - bittersweet
  • <gerund> - belting
  • <gerund> - sobbing
  • <bad> - sad
  • <emotion-good> - loud
  • <event-complex> - vibrato

George R. R. Martin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: game

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write
  • <abstract-concept> - royalty
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - book
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size-complex> - lengthy
  • <bad-complex> - shocking
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <group> - clan
  • <people-types> - smart aleck
  • <building-complex> - fortification
  • <material-complex> - ice
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - procrastinate on
  • <general-noun-dump> - page
  • <general-noun-dump> - cliffhanger
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fantastical
  • <general-noun-dump> - suspenders
  • <general-noun-dump> - song
  • <building-complex> - realm
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - invent
  • <texture-complex> - bearded

Jane Goodall

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <idea> - theory
  • <general-career-status> - luminary
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gerund> - researching
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - socialize with
  • <abstract-concept> - ancestry
  • <good> - renowned
  • <event-complex> - infiltration
  • <creature-complex> - humanoid
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <general-noun-dump> - behavior
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - advocate for
  • <place-complex> - forest
  • <general-noun-dump> - conservation
  • <group> - family
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <place-complex> - jungle
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <person-complex> - gal

Don Draper

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - persuade
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-sector> - media
  • <abstract-concept> - commerce
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <good-complex> - ingenious
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unfaithful
  • <idea-complex> - solution
  • <period-of-time> - decade
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <people-types> - sellout
  • <bad-complex> - mad
  • <general-noun-dump> - pitch
  • <idea-complex> - identity
  • <good-complex> - dapper
  • <general-noun-dump> - nostalgia
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <general-noun-dump> - downward spiral
  • <general-noun-dump> - cocktail
  • <age> - retro
  • <age-complex> - vintage
  • <general-noun-dump> - cigarette
  • <general-noun-dump> - suit

Bugs Bunny

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - mischievous
  • <alive-dead> - animated
  • <creature> - beast
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - tunnel through
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <gerund> - tricking
  • <bad-complex> - smug
  • <taste-complex> - edible
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <tool-complex> - vegetable
  • <people-types> - trickster
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <general-noun-dump> - gunfire
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <general-noun-dump> - nemesis
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - chomp on

Breaking Bad

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: breaking, blue

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - troubled
  • <abstract-concept> - descent
  • <good> - impressionable
  • <person-complex> - youngster
  • <gerund> - cooking
  • <bad> - doomed
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <media-style-adjective> - tragic
  • <bad-complex> - spiraling
  • <color-complex> - azure
  • <texture-complex> - crystalline
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unemployed
  • <person-complex> - kingpin
  • <material> - product
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets what they deserve
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <building-complex> - crawl space
  • <bad> - illegal
  • <material> - poison
  • <issues> - crime
  • <issues> - illness
  • <general-noun-dump> - ice
  • <bad> - dangerous
  • <taste-complex> - addictive

Black Mirror

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: black, mirror

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - unsettling
  • <color> - dark
  • <abstract-concept> - future
  • <bad> - paranoid
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <general-noun-dump> - anthology
  • <bad-complex> - inescapable
  • <normal-weird> - all-too-possible
  • <bad-complex> - eerie
  • <texture-complex> - reflective
  • <event-complex> - twist
  • <group> - humanity
  • <tool-complex> - allegory
  • <gets-something-bad> - surrenders to fate
  • <media-type> - television
  • <alive-dead> - mechanical
  • <general-verb-dump> - simulates
  • <good> - merited
  • <general-verb-dump> - shatters

Ebenezer Scrooge

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <media-type> - book
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-career-sector> - money
  • <emotion-bad> - bitter
  • <age> - old
  • <person> - human
  • <place-dislike-simple> - loathe
  • <abstract-concept> - festivity
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <gerund> - hoarding
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - haunted
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <general-adjective-dump> - miserly
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <family-role> - child
  • <people-types> - curmudgeon
  • <general-noun-dump> - past
  • <general-noun-dump> - ghost
  • <gerund> - blessing
  • <idea-complex> - generosity
  • <problem-complex> - personal flaw
  • <bad> - cranky
  • <age-complex> - withered
  • <abstract-concept> - greed


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <size> - small
  • <creature> - creature
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live with
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <good-complex> - philosophical
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <good-complex> - wise
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <color-complex> - spotted
  • <taste-complex> - nutty
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <building-complex> - tiny house
  • <people-types> - baron
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <general-noun-dump> - disguise
  • <general-noun-dump> - daydream
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dance
  • <are-in-relation-to> - take part in
  • <general-noun-dump> - school

Mariah Carey

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-career-status> - diva
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - syncing
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <creature-complex> - butterfly
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - obsessive
  • <general-noun-dump> - twin
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <general-noun-dump> - fantasy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <general-noun-dump> - yuletide
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <good-complex> - talented
  • <emotion-good-complex> - best-selling
  • <people-types> - vocalist
  • <bad> - dramatic
  • <taste-complex> - vocal
  • <parts-of-body> - hair


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <media-type> - game
  • <color> - colorful
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <shape-complex> - loop
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - consume
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <general-adjective-dump> - puzzled
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <bad-complex> - haunting
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <group> - horde
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <parts-of-body> - jaw
  • <general-noun-dump> - level
  • <shape-complex> - pixel
  • <texture> - rounded

Independence Day

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: day

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - exciting
  • <genre> - science fiction
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <general-adjective-dump> - inhuman
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <building-complex> - city
  • <nature-places> - space
  • <general-adjective-dump> - invasive
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets blown up
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the world
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <group> - population
  • <general-verb-dump> - infects
  • <general-noun-dump> - cigar
  • <tool-complex> - crop duster
  • <bad-complex> - patriotic
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <tool-complex> - satellite
  • <gerund> - hovering
  • <general-noun-dump> - fireworks display

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - giant
  • <emotion-bad> - depressed
  • <abstract-concept> - religion
  • <group> - organization
  • <problem> - menace
  • <villain> - opponent
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <issues> - war
  • <gerund> - piloting
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <general-noun-dump> - suit
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <good-complex> - divine
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <abstract-concept> - humanity
  • <people-types> - introvert
  • <family-role> - father
  • <tool-complex> - robot
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets wet
  • <gets-something-good> - gets confidence
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <abstract-concept> - existential crisis
  • <group> - fandom

Neil Gaiman

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <age> - established
  • <are-in-relation-to> - write
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <abstract-concept> - mythology
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <media-type> - book
  • <emotion-good-complex> - imaginative
  • <general-noun-dump> - deity
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sleepy
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <tool-complex> - illustration
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <are-in-relation-to> - have a series about
  • <taste-complex> - British
  • <people-types> - author
  • <general-noun-dump> - dark fantasy
  • <gerund> - dreaming
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - adapt
  • <good-complex> - biblical
  • <creature-complex> - angel
  • <creature-complex> - demon
  • <texture-complex> - curly

Chuck E. Cheese

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <general-career-sector> - recreation
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <building> - building
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play with
  • <creature> - creature
  • <nature-places> - pit
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <food> - pizza
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <creature-complex> - vermin
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <general-noun-dump> - token
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - watch a show with
  • <abstract-concept> - entertainment
  • <tool-complex> - animatronic
  • <general-noun-dump> - prize
  • <group> - rock band
  • <place-complex> - arcade

Leaning Tower Of Pisa

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: tower

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - tourism
  • <place-touch-simple> - hold
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <material-complex> - marble
  • <building-complex> - landmark
  • <shape-complex> - diagonal
  • <texture-complex> - askew
  • <size-complex> - looming
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - pose with
  • <place-complex> - world wonder
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <general-noun-dump> - stairwell
  • <general-adjective-dump> - european
  • <problem-complex> - miscalculation
  • <texture-complex> - lopsided
  • <texture-complex> - curved
  • <general-noun-dump> - gelato
  • <general-noun-dump> - earthquake


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <land> - terrain
  • <general-career-sector> - tourism
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <good-complex> - beachy
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <texture> - warm
  • <texture-complex> - tropical
  • <tool-complex> - flower
  • <shape-complex> - wave
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <general-noun-dump> - mountain
  • <place-complex> - state
  • <general-noun-dump> - necklace
  • <texture-complex> - molten
  • <nature-places> - archipelago
  • <general-noun-dump> - Pacific
  • <good-complex> - lush
  • <person-complex> - surfer
  • <general-noun-dump> - frond

Bermuda Triangle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: triangle

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - infamous
  • <emotion-bad> - spooky
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - nautical
  • <abstract-concept> - mystery
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - go through
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <shape-complex> - polygon
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <bad-complex> - perilous
  • <emotion-good-complex> - intriguing
  • <size-complex> - vast
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - superstitious
  • <normal-weird> - accursed
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - disappear into
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <problem-complex> - conspiracy
  • <general-noun-dump> - coverup
  • <place-complex> - dead zone


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: beetle, juice

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <villain> - demon
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gothic
  • <general-noun-dump> - worm
  • <general-verb-dump> - helps out
  • <person-complex> - exorcist
  • <group> - couple
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <group> - family
  • <building-complex> - graveyard
  • <gerund> - scaring
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-verb-dump> - crashes into
  • <general-noun-dump> - handbook
  • <gerund> - receiving
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings
  • <event-complex> - dinner party
  • <creature-complex> - ghoul
  • <gerund> - speaking
  • <general-noun-dump> - name
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <color-complex> - striped
  • <abstract-concept> - afterlife
  • <people-types> - goth
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <event-complex> - wedding


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-verb-dump> - climbs up
  • <building-complex> - steeple
  • <general-noun-dump> - stallion
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <gerund> - glowing
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <family-role> - hostage
  • <general-verb-dump> - kidnaps
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-adjective-dump> - magical
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <genre> - fairy tale
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <size> - long
  • <size> - lengthy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is trapped in
  • <parts-of-body> - mane
  • <parts-of-body> - wig

Spirited Away

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: spirit

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <creature-complex> - swine
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-noun-dump> - ghost
  • <abstract-concept> - homesickness
  • <creature-complex> - dragon
  • <building-complex> - bath
  • <general-noun-dump> - train
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <group> - family
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <texture-complex> - amorphous
  • <general-noun-dump> - gold
  • <general-verb-dump> - cleans
  • <general-noun-dump> - identifies
  • <wants> - eats
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <family-role> - child
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-noun-dump> - dumpling
  • <general-adjective-dump> - orphaned
  • <texture-complex> - steamy

The Parent Trap

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: parent, trap

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <idea-complex> - plan
  • <people-types> - sibling
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <gerund> - camping
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <family-role> - fiance
  • <general-verb-dump> - sabotages
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is related to
  • <group> - couple
  • <place-complex> - boat
  • <place-complex> - camp
  • <hates> - tricks
  • <nature-places> - vineyard
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <gerund> - hiking
  • <general-verb-dump> - reunites with
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sneaky
  • <protagonist> - duplicate
  • <general-adjective-dump> - interchangeable
  • <people-types> - ginger
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <texture> - freckled
  • <group> - duo

The Shining

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <family-role> - son
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <genre> - horror
  • <building-complex> - bed & breakfast
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hostile
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes after
  • <loves> - chases
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <general-adjective-dump> - secluded
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <general-noun-dump> - hatchet
  • <general-verb-dump> - writes
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <general-noun-dump> - spirit
  • <general-adjective-dump> - haunted
  • <gerund> - sensing
  • <general-noun-dump> - bicycle
  • <emotion-bad> - frightening
  • <general-noun-dump> - bat
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs away
  • <person-complex> - caretaker
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <place-complex> - building
  • <bad> - mad
  • <bad-complex> - deserted
  • <texture> - cold
  • <bad> - creepy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - retail
  • <abstract-concept> - home
  • <place-touch-simple> - construct
  • <tool> - instruction
  • <food> - meat
  • <building-complex> - warehouse
  • <good-complex> - engineered
  • <bad-complex> - perplexing
  • <tool-complex> - wrench
  • <idea-complex> - translation
  • <general-noun-dump> - furnishing
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <shape-complex> - screw
  • <idea-complex> - design
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - assemble
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-adjective-dump> - european
  • <bad-complex> - cheapo
  • <general-noun-dump> - storage solution
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Nordic
  • <general-noun-dump> - college dorm
  • <bad> - basic
  • <emotion-bad> - boring

Betty White

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - elderly
  • <good-complex> - elegant
  • <general-career-status> - actress
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-noun-dump> - sitcom
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <emotion-good-complex> - independent
  • <general-noun-dump> - news program
  • <general-noun-dump> - roommate
  • <good-complex> - hilarious
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <general-noun-dump> - television
  • <good-complex> - award-winning
  • <emotion-good-complex> - comedic
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <general-career-sector> - hollywood star
  • <age-complex> - withered
  • <group> - friend group
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <age-complex> - ancient


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - juice
  • <parts-of-body> - bottom
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <general-noun-dump> - hip hop
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <gerund> - rapping
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-noun-dump> - album
  • <good> - upbeat
  • <body> - body
  • <general-career-status> - songwriter
  • <abstract-concept> - truth
  • <general-noun-dump> - flute
  • <general-noun-dump> - bop
  • <abstract-concept> - feminism
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - sing about
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <person-complex> - lady

Barbra Streisand

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-like-simple> - sing about
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-career-sector> - iconoclast
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-noun-dump> - effect
  • <normal-weird> - funny
  • <good-complex> - award-winning
  • <taste-complex> - theatrical
  • <general-noun-dump> - parade
  • <body-complex> - profile
  • <good-complex> - dollish
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - croon about
  • <idea-complex> - musical
  • <age-complex> - second-hand
  • <general-noun-dump> - standing ovation
  • <bad-complex> - loud

Al Capone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <bad-complex> - most-wanted
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are infamous for
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - prohibition
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <texture-complex> - pinstriped
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <size-complex> - pudgy
  • <group> - gang
  • <shape-complex> - bar
  • <building-complex> - speakeasy
  • <people-types> - wise guy
  • <event-complex> - massacre
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - mastermind
  • <texture-complex> - scarred
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <good-complex> - Midwestern
  • <size-complex> - rotund

Easter Island

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: island

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <land> - land
  • <thing> - artifact
  • <society> - civilization
  • <general-career-sector> - archaeology
  • <place-see-simple> - behold
  • <tool-complex> - sculpture
  • <shape-complex> - visage
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <body-complex> - noggin
  • <building-complex> - monument
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - carve
  • <event> - mystery
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <nature-places> - landmass
  • <tool-complex> - figurine
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <place-like-simple> - dig up
  • <place-like-simple> - sail to
  • <color-complex> - green

Frodo Baggins

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - nephew
  • <person-complex> - protagonist
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <abstract-concept> - strength
  • <abstract-concept> - patience
  • <size-complex> - itsy bitsy
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <general-noun-dump> - jewelry
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <gerund> - delivering
  • <gerund> - carrying
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <abstract-concept> - bravery
  • <general-noun-dump> - journey
  • <family-role> - uncle
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - quest
  • <color-complex> - invisible
  • <building-complex> - tunnel
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <texture-complex> - curly

Iron Man

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <people-types> - tech bro
  • <texture> - hard
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - heroism
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <bad-complex> - foolhardy
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <bad-complex> - quippy
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <gerund> - avenging
  • <problem-complex> - apocalypse
  • <group> - team
  • <tool-complex> - invention
  • <parts-of-body> - heart
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - build
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sacrifice
  • <general-noun-dump> - battery
  • <good-complex> - rich
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <general-noun-dump> - suit
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are assisted by

George Costanza

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - short
  • <bad> - pathetic
  • <emotion-bad> - anxious
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-sector> - metropolis
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <gerund> - lying
  • <age-complex> - immature
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <event-complex> - festivity
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <people-types> - schemer
  • <family-role> - best friend
  • <general-noun-dump> - comeuppance
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - neurotic
  • <general-noun-dump> - nothing
  • <general-noun-dump> - malcontent
  • <texture-complex> - bespectacled
  • <general-noun-dump> - diner
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - mislead
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - complain
  • <place-like-simple> - date
  • <place-like-simple> - hang out with
  • <size-complex> - bulky
  • <size-complex> - rotund
  • <abstract-concept> - anger management

Little Women

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: little

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - novel
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-style-adjective> - dramatic
  • <size> - teeny
  • <group> - family
  • <abstract-concept> - adulthood
  • <general-adjective-dump> - colonial
  • <problem> - dilemma
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <media-style-adjective> - historical
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <age-complex> - pubescent
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-adjective-dump> - feverish
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-noun-dump> - suffrage
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <problem-complex> - revenge
  • <issues> - illness
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - comes home
  • <abstract-concept> - feminism
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <gerund> - growing up
  • <general-verb-dump> - falls sick with

Buckingham Palace

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Palace

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <taste-complex> - guarded
  • <place-see-simple> - visit
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-complex> - commonwealth
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <gerund> - ruling
  • <group> - family
  • <nature-places> - garden
  • <abstract-concept> - extreme wealth
  • <size> - sprawling
  • <society> - country
  • <event-complex> - jubilee
  • <building-complex> - gate
  • <place-complex> - residence
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <creature-complex> - corgi
  • <general-noun-dump> - carriage
  • <general-adjective-dump> - princely
  • <bad-complex> - aristocratic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - taxpayer-funded

Han Solo

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: star

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - selfish
  • <emotion-good> - heroic
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swindle
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-career-status> - outcast
  • <bad-complex> - smug
  • <good-complex> - charming
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <shape-complex> - saucer
  • <people-types> - rascal
  • <general-noun-dump> - cargo
  • <general-noun-dump> - vest
  • <texture-complex> - chewy
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - wooing
  • <people-types> - rogue
  • <general-noun-dump> - pilot
  • <general-noun-dump> - blast
  • <general-career-status> - scoundrel
  • <people-types> - hottie


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - horror
  • <media-sensation> - snuff
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <group> - coven
  • <emotion-bad> - naive
  • <person-complex> - teen
  • <place-complex> - school
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <villain> - devil
  • <issues> - bullying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - witchy
  • <color-complex> - bloody
  • <age-complex> - pubescent
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <event-complex> - dance
  • <general-noun-dump> - prank
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <creature-complex> - pig
  • <bad-complex> - murderous
  • <people-types> - prom queen
  • <event-complex> - massacre
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - resurrects

Captain Jack Sparrow

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: pirate

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-good> - wacky
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <gerund> - boating
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <age-complex> - immature
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <material-complex> - gold
  • <tool-complex> - compass
  • <body-complex> - skeleton
  • <general-noun-dump> - voyage
  • <people-types> - rogue
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sail across
  • <general-noun-dump> - vessel
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <general-noun-dump> - coin
  • <general-noun-dump> - franchise
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <people-types> - dead man
  • <gerund> - drinking
  • <gerund> - stumbling
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - mumble about

Marilyn Monroe

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <body> - figure
  • <place-like-simple> - prefer
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <abstract-concept> - glamour
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - posing
  • <abstract-concept> - seduction
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - ethereal
  • <color-complex> - platinum
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <shape-complex> - diamond
  • <taste-complex> - hot
  • <are-in-relation-to> - have an affair with
  • <general-noun-dump> - actress
  • <general-noun-dump> - president
  • <good-complex> - breathy
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <size> - plump


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <age-complex> - antiquated
  • <general-noun-dump> - angel
  • <building-complex> - chapel
  • <abstract-concept> - art
  • <place-like-simple> - paint
  • <gerund> - sculpting
  • <period-of-time> - Renaissance
  • <body-complex> - torso
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <general-noun-dump> - statue
  • <building-complex> - ceiling
  • <abstract-concept> - religion
  • <idea-complex> - doctrine
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good-complex> - awe-inspiring
  • <emotion-good-complex> - inspired
  • <idea-complex> - masterpiece
  • <bad-complex> - judgemental
  • <parts-of-body> - fingertip
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <tool-complex> - chisel
  • <people-types> - multi-hyphenate
  • <event-complex> - patronage
  • <taste-complex> - ornate

Rafael Nadal

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - sinewy
  • <emotion-good> - friendly
  • <event-complex> - tournament
  • <gerund> - stroking
  • <general-career-status> - champion
  • <gerund> - bouncing
  • <abstract-concept> - perseverance
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <good-complex> - tenacious
  • <color-complex> - tanned
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - competitive
  • <parts-of-body> - bicep
  • <tool-complex> - racquet
  • <people-types> - athlete
  • <texture-complex> - clay
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - serve
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - backhand
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <idea-complex> - match
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <color-complex> - neon green
  • <tool-complex> - headband
  • <texture> - sweaty
  • <color-complex> - bronzed

Popeye the Sailor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <general-noun-dump> - spinach
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a comic about
  • <gerund> - boating
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <general-noun-dump> - pipe
  • <general-noun-dump> - tattoo
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <texture-complex> - deep
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <taste-complex> - nautical
  • <idea-complex> - strength
  • <general-noun-dump> - anchor
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <parts-of-body> - forearm
  • <texture-complex> - gravelly
  • <parts-of-body> - voice

Samus Aran

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <size> - tall
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event> - contest
  • <texture-complex> - high-tech
  • <are-in-relation-to> - turn into
  • <general-career-status> - hero
  • <general-career-status> - player
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <media-type> - game
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <event-complex> - invasion
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <good-complex> - super
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <tool-complex> - armor
  • <tool-complex> - canon
  • <creature-complex> - alien
  • <material-complex> - lava
  • <general-noun-dump> - suit
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <abstract-concept> - sci-fi
  • <bad-complex> - parasitic
  • <general-noun-dump> - controller
  • <period-of-time> - 1980s
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hunt

Ron Burgundy

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: man, anchorman, anchor

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are a part of
  • <general-career-sector> - news
  • <group> - team
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <gerund> - hosting
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gerund> - reporting
  • <general-noun-dump> - rival
  • <building-complex> - workplace
  • <general-noun-dump> - meme
  • <abstract-concept> - rampant sexism
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - ego
  • <creature-complex> - zoo creature
  • <tool-complex> - flute
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <good-complex> - comedic
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <color-complex> - maroon
  • <general-noun-dump> - jacket

Ron Swanson

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <gerund> - carving
  • <parts-of-body> - moustache
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <place-dislike-simple> - despise
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - annoyed
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy
  • <group> - team
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - monotone
  • <general-noun-dump> - steak
  • <gerund> - working
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <emotion-good-complex> - supportive
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <gerund> - camping
  • <family-role> - hubby
  • <family-role> - ex-wife
  • <person-complex> - coworker
  • <general-adjective-dump> - comedic

George Orwell

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <idea> - society
  • <idea> - commentary
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <place-dislike-simple> - critique
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <media-type> - book
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <general-career-status> - namesake
  • <abstract-concept> - corruption
  • <abstract-concept> - surveillance
  • <family-role> - big brother
  • <gerund> - watching
  • <event-complex> - revolution
  • <bad-complex> - tyrannical
  • <people-types> - hypocrite
  • <people-types> - prophet
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <building-complex> - barn
  • <creature-complex> - swine
  • <are-in-relation-to> - tell a story about
  • <general-noun-dump> - dystopia
  • <general-noun-dump> - authority
  • <general-noun-dump> - novel

Betty Boop

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <texture> - shrill
  • <parts-of-body> - voice
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - strutting
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <parts-of-body> - lip
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <good-complex> - jazzy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - squeak at
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - animation
  • <normal-weird> - surreal
  • <texture-complex> - pouty
  • <people-types> - ingenue
  • <general-noun-dump> - tattoo
  • <color-complex> - black-and-white
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <period-of-time> - 1930s
  • <taste-complex> - historical
  • <people-types> - flapper
  • <texture-complex> - high-pitched
  • <texture-complex> - pouty


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - doom
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - listen to
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <event> - origin
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <abstract-concept> - sin
  • <family-role> - partner
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <event-complex> - banishment
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <abstract-concept> - knowledge
  • <gerund> - tricking
  • <bad-complex> - sinful
  • <bad-complex> - gullible
  • <good-complex> - bare
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cursed
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <general-noun-dump> - oasis
  • <building-complex> - park
  • <place-dislike-simple> - are forced to leave
  • <general-noun-dump> - leaf
  • <group> - duo
  • <people-types> - holy spirit
  • <abstract-concept> - banishment


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <thing> - object
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wear
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are found in
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <abstract-concept> - play
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <general-career-sector> - retail
  • <gerund> - shopping
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <good-complex> - versatile
  • <bad-complex> - stiff
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - artificial
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <period-of-time> - childhood
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <tool-complex> - convertible
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <gerund> - posing
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <general-noun-dump> - kid
  • <size> - itsy bitsy
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism

David Bowie

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - colorful
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <gerund> - modeling
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <general-career-status> - best-selling
  • <emotion-good> - glamorous
  • <general-noun-dump> - outer space
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <event-complex> - concert
  • <emotion-good-complex> - experimental
  • <general-noun-dump> - labyrinth
  • <parts-of-body> - makeup
  • <general-noun-dump> - song
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <general-noun-dump> - costume
  • <general-noun-dump> - oddity
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <person-complex> - dude


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <gerund> - melting
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <general-noun-dump> - roommate
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - connect with
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a musical about
  • <general-noun-dump> - school
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <place-dislike-simple> - loathe
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <gerund> - performing
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scorned
  • <normal-weird> - outcast
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - defy
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <idea-complex> - speech
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <creature-complex> - monkey
  • <tool-complex> - broom
  • <abstract-concept> - popularity

Atticus Finch

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <good> - honest
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - argue for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - respect
  • <person-complex> - man
  • <event> - tragedy
  • <abstract-concept> - law
  • <abstract-concept> - truth
  • <abstract-concept> - bias
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <taste-complex> - legal
  • <media-type> - book
  • <event-complex> - trial
  • <gerund> - defending
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - innocent
  • <bad-complex> - misunderstood
  • <group> - family
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <people-types> - role model
  • <texture-complex> - rural
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - raise
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <general-noun-dump> - attorney
  • <general-noun-dump> - country
  • <family-role> - daughter


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - medicine
  • <gerund> - limping
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - crass
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - curmudgeonly
  • <bad> - blunt
  • <normal-weird> - unorthodox
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <media-style-adjective> - dramatic
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <person-complex> - genius
  • <general-verb-dump> - analyzes
  • <idea-complex> - hypothesis
  • <general-noun-dump> - specialist
  • <building-complex> - clinic
  • <problem-complex> - mind boggler
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves a life
  • <abstract-concept> - health
  • <taste-complex> - medicinal
  • <tool-complex> - pill
  • <general-verb-dump> - is addicted to

The Godfather

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <group> - gang
  • <group> - family
  • <issues> - crime
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <genre> - drama
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <abstract-concept> - morality
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <abstract-concept> - betrayal
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is related to
  • <issues> - violence
  • <issues> - tragedy
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - murdery
  • <general-noun-dump> - favor
  • <event-complex> - wedding
  • <alive-dead> - decapitated
  • <general-verb-dump> - wakes up with
  • <people-types> - king
  • <bad> - shady
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <bad> - brutal
  • <good> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - bloody

The Sandlot

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - team
  • <general-career-sector> - exercise
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <shape-complex> - mound
  • <period-of-time> - summer
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <media-type> - film
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <general-noun-dump> - orb
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <nature-places> - outdoors
  • <general-noun-dump> - carnival
  • <gerund> - hitting
  • <gerund> - sliding
  • <general-noun-dump> - fence
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scared
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <people-types> - new kid on the block
  • <general-noun-dump> - s'more
  • <general-noun-dump> - treehouse
  • <color-complex> - freckled
  • <creature> - beast
  • <texture-complex> - chewed-up
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - grows up

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: vampire

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <person-complex> - teen
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <group> - group
  • <abstract-concept> - duty
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <building-complex> - library
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <gerund> - protecting
  • <issues> - violence
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <genre> - horror
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gothic
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <general-noun-dump> - graveyard
  • <people-types> - chosen one
  • <general-verb-dump> - destroys
  • <bad-complex> - evil
  • <hates> - assassinates
  • <general-verb-dump> - annihilates
  • <people-types> - hunter
  • <good> - brave
  • <age> - young
  • <age-complex> - adolescent
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the world
  • <bad-complex> - demonic


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <group> - family
  • <emotion-bad> - chilling
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <creature-complex> - apparition
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <general-noun-dump> - folklore
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <genre> - horror
  • <gerund> - destroying
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <group> - team
  • <general-noun-dump> - angel
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels with
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <hates> - hunts
  • <people-types> - hottie
  • <group> - duo
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - demonic
  • <creature> - monster
  • <age-complex> - mythological
  • <good> - handsome


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <shape> - circle
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <place-like-simple> - enjoy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <group> - family
  • <size> - massive
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <age-complex> - retail
  • <group> - company
  • <place-touch-simple> - purchase
  • <tool-complex> - shelving
  • <size-complex> - sprawling
  • <shape-complex> - bullseye
  • <texture-complex> - plastic
  • <bad-complex> - suburban
  • <person-complex> - soccer mom
  • <bad-complex> - mass-produced

Panera Bread

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <place-like-simple> - eat
  • <place-feel-simple> - smell
  • <food> - supper
  • <food> - treat
  • <group> - family
  • <general-noun-dump> - bread bowl
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - slurp up
  • <general-career-sector> - cuisine
  • <group> - company
  • <emotion-good-complex> - casual
  • <emotion-good> - fast
  • <emotion-good-complex> - homey
  • <general-noun-dump> - buzzer
  • <taste-complex> - cheddar
  • <general-noun-dump> - flatware
  • <place-complex> - franchise
  • <idea-complex> - carbohydrate
  • <general-noun-dump> - cash register

King Kong

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <size> - humongous
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <gerund> - climbing
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <group> - crew
  • <general-adjective-dump> - misunderstood
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <general-noun-dump> - plane
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <tool-complex> - airplane
  • <people-types> - damsel


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <person> - individual
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - communicate with
  • <creature> - animal
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <abstract-concept> - civilization
  • <abstract-concept> - adoption
  • <gerund> - swinging
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <bad-complex> - feral
  • <texture-complex> - matted
  • <color-complex> - brunette
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <general-adjective-dump> - strong
  • <general-noun-dump> - language
  • <problem-complex> - culture clash
  • <creature-complex> - primate
  • <tool-complex> - gun
  • <general-noun-dump> - loin
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree limb
  • <place-like-simple> - have a crush on
  • <general-noun-dump> - howl
  • <tool-complex> - vine

Sarah Palin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <people-types> - maverick
  • <texture> - cold
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <event-complex> - election
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are north of
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <people-types> - mayor
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <abstract-concept> - vice
  • <bad-complex> - mocked
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - partisan
  • <tool-complex> - newspaper
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <good-complex> - folksy
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <bad-complex> - empty
  • <event-complex> - interview
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <size-complex> - symmetrical

Hercule Poirot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea> - theory
  • <are-in-relation-to> - investigate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - discover
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - intelligence
  • <general-career-status> - consultant
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <event-complex> - murder
  • <gerund> - finding
  • <gerund> - interrogating
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <good-complex> - genius
  • <emotion-good-complex> - curious
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - egotistical
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fussy
  • <building-complex> - train
  • <problem-complex> - conspiracy
  • <people-types> - gourmet
  • <idea-complex> - mystery
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <size-complex> - rounded
  • <good-complex> - dapper


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <taste> - salty
  • <emotion-good> - perky
  • <person> - individual
  • <material> - liquid
  • <creature> - creature
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - amnesia
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <normal-weird> - silly
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - irresponsible
  • <problem-complex> - mindboggler
  • <people-types> - sidekick
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - go searching for
  • <family-role> - child
  • <texture-complex> - animated
  • <abstract-concept> - memory
  • <place-complex> - reef

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: star

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - mature
  • <emotion-good> - good
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - travel to
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - communicate with
  • <abstract-concept> - discovery
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <texture-complex> - high tech
  • <emotion-good-complex> - wise
  • <idea-complex> - doctrine
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - warp
  • <idea-complex> - exploration
  • <general-noun-dump> - directive
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture-complex> - phaser
  • <general-noun-dump> - sci-fi
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in charge of

Optimus Prime

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - huge
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <creature> - being
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - protection
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <size> - enormous
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <people-types> - leader
  • <group> - team
  • <tool-complex> - wheel
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - roll with
  • <general-noun-dump> - toy
  • <color-complex> - chrome
  • <tool-complex> - auto
  • <general-career-status> - head honcho
  • <gerund> - morphing
  • <gerund> - speeding
  • <general-noun-dump> - spark
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - save

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <normal-weird> - absurd
  • <group> - squad
  • <taste-complex> - fresh
  • <body-complex> - beverage
  • <taste> - edible
  • <problem-complex> - shenanigan
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <general-adjective-dump> - foolish
  • <people-types> - loudmouth
  • <people-types> - scientist
  • <normal-weird> - over-the-top
  • <problem-complex> - disaster
  • <gerund> - mumbling
  • <symbolizes> - blabs about
  • <group> - crew
  • <gerund> - arguing
  • <hates> - beats up
  • <bad-complex> - ignorant
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <texture> - squishy
  • <texture-complex> - fried
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <shape-complex> - lump
  • <alive-dead> - inhuman
  • <family-role> - neighbor
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <nature-places> - moon
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <emotion-bad> - crude
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - famished
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <genre> - cartoon
  • <general-adjective-dump> - late-night
  • <general-noun-dump> - straw


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - villainous
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angsty
  • <problem-complex> - headache
  • <general-verb-dump> - lifts
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <general-verb-dump> - bikes around
  • <material-complex> - laser
  • <building-complex> - hospital
  • <normal-weird> - dystopian
  • <media-type> - film
  • <abstract-concept> - madness
  • <group> - group o' kids
  • <hates> - fights
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <is> - evolves into
  • <wants> - hunts down
  • <abstract-concept> - rivalry
  • <media-style-adjective> - hand-drawn
  • <media-style-adjective> - cult classic
  • <group> - gang
  • <nature-places> - metropolis
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <bad> - gritty
  • <tool-complex> - ability
  • <idea-complex> - subtitle
  • <building-complex> - stadium
  • <material-complex> - flesh

Darkwing Duck

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: dark

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - disguised
  • <people-types> - criminal
  • <tool-complex> - gadget
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <emotion-good> - daring
  • <normal-weird> - silly
  • <people-types> - daredevil
  • <material-complex> - smoke
  • <person-complex> - doofus
  • <texture-complex> - masked
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <media-style-adjective> - cartoon
  • <villain> - nemesis
  • <gerund> - flapping
  • <general-verb-dump> - thwarts
  • <general-verb-dump> - faces
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - vanishes
  • <creature-complex> - beastie
  • <tool-complex> - toolkit
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - arrogant
  • <building-complex> - lair
  • <abstract-concept> - terror
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <creature-complex> - fowl
  • <material-complex> - feather
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <genre> - slapstick
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <general-noun-dump> - quack
  • <general-noun-dump> - fedora


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - madman
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks around
  • <issues> - crime
  • <abstract-concept> - secret
  • <good-complex> - morally ambiguous
  • <general-verb-dump> - sedates
  • <wants> - captures
  • <person-complex> - baddie
  • <general-noun-dump> - ritual
  • <general-noun-dump> - code
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-adjective-dump> - stabby
  • <gerund> - skulking
  • <people-types> - loner
  • <people-types> - cop
  • <wants> - investigates
  • <media-type> - tv show
  • <period-of-time> - darkness
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - damaged
  • <problem-complex> - bloodbath
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <media-style-adjective> - poorly ended
  • <general-noun-dump> - saran wrap
  • <nature-places> - seaside
  • <general-adjective-dump> - serial
  • <general-noun-dump> - trophy
  • <person> - dude

Dumb and Dumber

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - duo
  • <bad-complex> - obnoxious
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <problem-complex> - misunderstanding
  • <abstract-concept> - ransom
  • <abstract-concept> - money
  • <gerund> - road trip
  • <normal-weird> - silly
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <people-types> - criminal
  • <loves> - obsesses over
  • <problem-complex> - misadventure
  • <hates> - argues with
  • <nature-places> - cross-country
  • <general-verb-dump> - returns
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <color-complex> - powder blue
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-noun-dump> - tuxedo
  • <emotion-bad> - immature
  • <creature-complex> - parrot
  • <people-types> - doofus
  • <parts-of-body> - bowl cut
  • <parts-of-body> - chipped tooth

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <people-types> - murderer
  • <general-career-status> - babe
  • <gerund> - hopping
  • <people-types> - grump
  • <event-complex> - investigation
  • <wants> - chases
  • <general-verb-dump> - hides
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <normal-weird> - zany
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <color> - colorful
  • <loves> - smooches
  • <tool-complex> - tommy gun
  • <general-noun-dump> - cigar
  • <bad-complex> - gruff
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-adjective-dump> - seductive
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <normal-weird> - slapstick
  • <general-career-status> - alcoholic
  • <person-complex> - fugitive
  • <size> - short
  • <creature> - varmint
  • <bad> - wicked
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedy noir
  • <texture-complex> - floppy
  • <material-complex> - goop
  • <creature> - creature
  • <parts-of-body> - bow tie
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <texture> - furry


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: West, World

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - duplicated
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <media-type> - television
  • <size> - epic
  • <gerund> - repeating
  • <normal-weird> - make-believe
  • <general-adjective-dump> - confusing
  • <people-types> - designer
  • <people-types> - killer
  • <taste-complex> - virtual
  • <texture-complex> - mechanical
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <nature-places> - valley
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <building-complex> - prison
  • <general-verb-dump> - regenerates
  • <hates> - fights
  • <gerund> - dueling
  • <color-complex> - dark
  • <general-adjective-dump> - convoluted
  • <good-complex> - surprising
  • <texture-complex> - horseback
  • <general-noun-dump> - saddle
  • <general-noun-dump> - giddy-up
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <emotion-bad> - cruel
  • <abstract-concept> - memory
  • <place-complex> - enclosure
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <age-complex> - retro
  • <general-career-sector> - vacation

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <problem-complex> - shenanigan
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks around
  • <bad-complex> - mischievous
  • <taste-complex> - ill
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <general-noun-dump> - car
  • <general-verb-dump> - destroys
  • <event-complex> - parade
  • <general-career-status> - charmer
  • <general-verb-dump> - fools
  • <nature-places> - metropolis
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <group> - trio
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <wants> - chases after
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <people-types> - authority figure
  • <good-complex> - popular
  • <normal-weird> - bedridden
  • <person-complex> - troublemaker
  • <people-types> - con artist
  • <good> - adorable
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <size> - elaborate
  • <idea> - plot
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <is> - visits

Mount Everest

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <place-see-simple> - behold
  • <shape-complex> - point
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <building-complex> - tent
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <event-complex> - pilgrimage
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - clamber up
  • <place-complex> - summit
  • <people-types> - assistant
  • <general-noun-dump> - caravan
  • <place-complex> - top
  • <bad-complex> - treacherous
  • <texture-complex> - slippy
  • <general-noun-dump> - path
  • <general-noun-dump> - oxygen
  • <general-noun-dump> - garbage
  • <gerund> - haunting

Times Square

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: square, rectangle

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-career-sector> - theater
  • <place-complex> - epicenter
  • <tool-complex> - sign
  • <general-noun-dump> - traffic
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <shape-complex> - disco ball
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - see ads for
  • <general-noun-dump> - large apple
  • <color-complex> - neon
  • <tool-complex> - screen
  • <taste-complex> - flashy
  • <gerund> - crowding
  • <material-complex> - wax
  • <people-types> - mascot
  • <place-complex> - intersection
  • <bad-complex> - gaudy
  • <idea-complex> - capitalism
  • <person-complex> - city slicker
  • <general-noun-dump> - billboard
  • <taste-complex> - touristy
  • <building-complex> - subway station
  • <person-complex> - business lady


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: land, brick

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <area> - area
  • <abstract-concept> - playtime
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - construct
  • <tool> - piece
  • <building-complex> - park
  • <shape-complex> - assemblage
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <tool-complex> - statue
  • <building-complex> - facility
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - block
  • <bad-complex> - second-tier
  • <tool-complex> - toy
  • <general-noun-dump> - sculpture
  • <place-complex> - ride
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <general-adjective-dump> - build-your-own


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - membership
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - shop for
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <thing> - item
  • <building-complex> - warehouse
  • <group> - club
  • <food> - snack
  • <event-complex> - bulk order
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <color> - bright
  • <general-noun-dump> - free sample
  • <general-noun-dump> - pallet
  • <food> - pizza
  • <size> - mega


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - rouge
  • <group> - team
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - shop for
  • <place-see-simple> - browse
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <material-complex> - powder
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-noun-dump> - face
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - moisturize
  • <place-complex> - strip mall
  • <event-complex> - makeover montage
  • <tool-complex> - brush
  • <material-complex> - serum
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <person-complex> - fashionista
  • <body-complex> - visage
  • <gerund> - contouring
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anti-aging
  • <abstract-concept> - low self-esteem
  • <taste-complex> - pricey

New Orleans

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-feel-simple> - experience
  • <food> - cuisine
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <color> - colorful
  • <event-complex> - parade
  • <event-complex> - festivity
  • <general-noun-dump> - necklace
  • <building-complex> - cafe
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <abstract-concept> - history
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are haunted by
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <people-types> - saint
  • <general-noun-dump> - float
  • <place-complex> - quarter
  • <general-noun-dump> - open container
  • <texture-complex> - laissez-faire
  • <nature-places> - gulf
  • <tool-complex> - bead
  • <good-complex> - mystic
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <general-noun-dump> - gumbo
  • <bad-complex> - drunken
  • <place-complex> - metro area

Dracula's Castle

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <place-feel-simple> - bite
  • <building-complex> - fortress
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <group> - horde
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <age-complex> - antiquated
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <building-complex> - dwelling
  • <material-complex> - fluid
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <taste-complex> - forested
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <general-noun-dump> - mouth
  • <place-complex> - haunted house
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <good-complex> - eternal
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - don't return from
  • <person-complex> - victim
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European

The Louvre

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - gaze at
  • <place-see-simple> - draw
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <good-complex> - phenomenal
  • <good-complex> - renowned
  • <color-complex> - translucent
  • <material-complex> - canvas
  • <material-complex> - oil
  • <material-complex> - marble
  • <group> - crowd
  • <texture-complex> - glassy
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <size-complex> - sprawling
  • <building-complex> - institution
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <bad-complex> - enigmatic
  • <age-complex> - classical
  • <shape-complex> - pyramid
  • <taste-complex> - artsy fartsy
  • <food> - croissant
  • <bad-complex> - echoey
  • <texture-complex> - gleaming
  • <general-noun-dump> - throwback


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <period-of-time> - ancient
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <society> - civilization
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - tour
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - worship
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <building-complex> - column
  • <size-complex> - enormous
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <bad-complex> - ruined
  • <general-noun-dump> - goddess
  • <nature-places> - hilltop
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <taste-complex> - Mediterranean
  • <general-noun-dump> - pita
  • <person-complex> - philosopher
  • <taste-complex> - crumbling
  • <good-complex> - reconstructed


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - go for
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <emotion-good> - fast
  • <food> - meal
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <texture-complex> - greasy
  • <general-noun-dump> - daughter
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <group> - team
  • <group> - corporation
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <normal-weird> - formulaic
  • <normal-weird> - run-of-the-mill
  • <normal-weird> - popular
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <group> - family
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - consume
  • <general-noun-dump> - pigtail
  • <food> - bacon
  • <food> - beef
  • <texture-complex> - frosty
  • <shape> - square
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <problem-complex> - correction
  • <person-complex> - lady


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <texture> - hot
  • <shape-complex> - triangular
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <building-complex> - tomb
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-see-simple> - behold
  • <place-feel-simple> - experience
  • <general-noun-dump> - camel
  • <general-noun-dump> - denial
  • <problem-complex> - riddle
  • <age-complex> - biblical
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - part
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <idea-complex> - divinity
  • <taste-complex> - mummified

Dairy Queen

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - treat
  • <texture> - cold
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - go for
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <taste-complex> - whipped
  • <group> - chain
  • <place-feel-simple> - taste
  • <taste-complex> - decadent
  • <tool-complex> - spoon
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - treat yourself to
  • <gerund> - blizzarding
  • <shape-complex> - cone
  • <people-types> - royalty
  • <texture-complex> - dipped
  • <gerund> - licking
  • <texture-complex> - frozen

Dollar Tree

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - discounted
  • <texture-complex> - cheapo
  • <emotion-good-complex> - accessible
  • <general-noun-dump> - retail
  • <texture-complex> - affordable
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <group> - community
  • <normal-weird> - chain
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - purchase
  • <bad-complex> - corporate
  • <general-noun-dump> - treasure hunt
  • <place-see-simple> - look for
  • <abstract-concept> - bargaining
  • <thing> - product
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <general-noun-dump> - sapling
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <building-complex> - strip mall
  • <general-noun-dump> - deals deal deals
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <general-noun-dump> - pirate
  • <age-complex> - youthful
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <general-noun-dump> - mermaid
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - irate
  • <place-complex> - stomping grounds
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <abstract-concept> - growing up
  • <group> - crew
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - band together with
  • <creature> - reptile
  • <creature> - beast
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fly to
  • <general-noun-dump> - north star
  • <good-complex> - eternal
  • <general-noun-dump> - clock
  • <creature-complex> - mermaid
  • <building-complex> - treehouse
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <bad-complex> - lost
  • <place-complex> - island
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in a story about
  • <general-adjective-dump> - frozen-in-time


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <society> - culture
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <good-complex> - lively
  • <good-complex> - historical
  • <food> - food
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <taste-complex> - succulent
  • <place-feel-simple> - are overtaken with
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <food> - croissant
  • <place-complex> - river
  • <shape-complex> - arch
  • <place-dislike-simple> - look down your nose at
  • <general-noun-dump> - tourism
  • <creature-complex> - gargoyle
  • <general-noun-dump> - felt hat


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - family
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <texture-complex> - chilly
  • <texture-complex> - musty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - store
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - put away
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <place-dislike-simple> - carpet
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <age> - old
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <texture-complex> - drafty
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <general-noun-dump> - storage
  • <general-adjective-dump> - underneath
  • <general-noun-dump> - memorabilia
  • <texture-complex> - mildewy
  • <material-complex> - ground
  • <place-dislike-simple> - go under
  • <general-noun-dump> - video game
  • <general-noun-dump> - laundry machine


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - frightful
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <texture> - cold
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - dripping-wet
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unnerving
  • <general-adjective-dump> - natural
  • <idea-complex> - geology
  • <general-noun-dump> - flashlight
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <general-noun-dump> - chamber
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hollow
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - explore
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hibernate with
  • <idea-complex> - allegory
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - spelunk
  • <general-adjective-dump> - echoey
  • <general-noun-dump> - formation

Ancient Greece

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: ancient

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <abstract-concept> - pantheon of gods
  • <texture> - sunny
  • <society> - civilization
  • <society> - culture
  • <age-complex> - antiquated
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <texture-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - cloth
  • <society> - civilization
  • <good-complex> - classical
  • <general-noun-dump> - sculpture
  • <abstract-concept> - language
  • <good-complex> - mythological
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are lectured by
  • <building-complex> - ruin
  • <shape-complex> - column
  • <general-noun-dump> - robe
  • <general-noun-dump> - statuary
  • <idea-complex> - democracy
  • <general-noun-dump> - marathon
  • <material-complex> - toga

King Henry VIII

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - pudgy
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cheating
  • <building-complex> - church
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <general-career-status> - political figure
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <gerund> - divorcing
  • <gerund> - marrying
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - lustful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - jealous
  • <family-role> - heir
  • <family-role> - son
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - chop off
  • <gerund> - chopping
  • <people-types> - regent
  • <normal-weird> - European
  • <general-noun-dump> - crown
  • <normal-weird> - betrothed

Elizabeth Taylor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <media-type> - cinema
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - beloved
  • <abstract-concept> - luxury
  • <place-like-simple> - marry
  • <gerund> - modeling
  • <general-noun-dump> - pharaoh
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good-complex> - award-winning
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <abstract-concept> - philanthropy
  • <abstract-concept> - hollywood
  • <gerund> - divorcing
  • <material-complex> - diamond
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <taste-complex> - hot
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <person-complex> - queen
  • <person-complex> - bride
  • <general-noun-dump> - fragrance
  • <color-complex> - brunette

Blazing Saddles

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: blazing, saddle

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - warm
  • <abstract-concept> - racism
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <general-career-sector> - police
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <media-style-adjective> - live action
  • <age-complex> - classic
  • <texture-complex> - burning
  • <media-type> - film
  • <people-types> - newcomer
  • <general-verb-dump> - protects
  • <tool-complex> - badge
  • <shape-complex> - star
  • <nature-places> - frontier
  • <issues> - crime
  • <creature-complex> - steed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets accepted
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks the fourth wall
  • <texture-complex> - gassy
  • <is> - is west of
  • <media-type> - parody
  • <general-noun-dump> - yeehaw
  • <general-adjective-dump> - equine
  • <good> - funny

Grey's Anatomy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: grey, anatomy, gray

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - health
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <genre> - drama
  • <gerund> - slicing
  • <texture-complex> - steamy
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-career-status> - expert
  • <general-verb-dump> - works in
  • <body-complex> - physique
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <building-complex> - facility
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - heartbreaking
  • <parts-of-body> - organ
  • <protagonist> - heroine
  • <event> - emergency
  • <good-complex> - dreamy
  • <media-style-adjective> - long-running
  • <general-noun-dump> - sweeps week
  • <tool-complex> - helicopter
  • <gerund> - drowning
  • <parts-of-body> - lab coat
  • <shape-complex> - love triangle
  • <taste-complex> - medicinal
  • <tool-complex> - stethoscope

Tasmanian Devil

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - short
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-bad> - rambunctious
  • <bad> - chaotic
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <gerund> - rotating
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - ravenous
  • <creature-complex> - predator
  • <general-noun-dump> - snarl
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <media-type> - animation
  • <general-noun-dump> - spin
  • <general-noun-dump> - gibberish
  • <general-noun-dump> - tune
  • <general-noun-dump> - destruction
  • <general-noun-dump> - anger management
  • <material-complex> - dust cloud

Princess Diana

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-good-complex> - beloved
  • <general-career-status> - philanthropy
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <family-role> - wifey
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <society> - culture
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-noun-dump> - divorce
  • <general-noun-dump> - crown
  • <group> - family
  • <general-noun-dump> - affair
  • <problem-complex> - incident
  • <gerund> - mourning
  • <bad-complex> - tragic
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - imperial
  • <good> - lovely
  • <general-adjective-dump> - vehicular

Kool-Aid Man

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - maroon
  • <gerund> - crashing
  • <size-complex> - gigantic
  • <color-complex> - translucent
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <texture-complex> - sopping wet
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - sugar
  • <material> - liquid
  • <idea-complex> - marketing
  • <people-types> - party crasher
  • <tool-complex> - container
  • <abstract-concept> - condensation
  • <person-complex> - guy

Pillsbury Doughboy

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <texture> - soft
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <gerund> - giggling
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-noun-dump> - recipe
  • <texture-complex> - squishy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - poking
  • <body-complex> - torso
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <shape> - blob
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <creature-complex> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <family-role> - child
  • <tool-complex> - oven
  • <texture-complex> - yeasty
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat

Bill Murray

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature-complex> - ghost
  • <gerund> - joking
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <general-noun-dump> - baseball
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <age> - old
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <gerund> - dunking
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <general-career-sector> - hollywood
  • <general-noun-dump> - golf
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <general-noun-dump> - endless loop
  • <idea-complex> - film
  • <bad-complex> - repetitive
  • <general-noun-dump> - sarcasm
  • <idea-complex> - comedy
  • <people-types> - weirdo
  • <bad-complex> - deadpan
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - bust


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: greasy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <emotion-good-complex> - catchy
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - musical
  • <general-noun-dump> - skirt
  • <tool-complex> - car
  • <gerund> - combing
  • <period-of-time> - summer
  • <abstract-concept> - reputation
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <general-noun-dump> - milkshake
  • <group> - clique
  • <people-types> - delinquent
  • <is> - sings about
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets a makeover for
  • <group> - couple
  • <emotion-bad> - naive
  • <event-complex> - carnival
  • <general-noun-dump> - lightning
  • <taste-complex> - leather-clad


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - alienated
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <gerund> - stumbling
  • <nature-places> - wooded area
  • <period-of-time> - life
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <abstract-concept> - comfort
  • <person> - character
  • <abstract-concept> - loss
  • <gerund> - thumping
  • <general-adjective-dump> - family-friendly
  • <creature> - creature
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <bad-complex> - traumatizing
  • <emotion-good> - innocent
  • <general-verb-dump> - mourns
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - comes of age
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <general-adjective-dump> - simplistic

Sweeney Todd

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <building-complex> - shop
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <problem-complex> - tragedy
  • <general-noun-dump> - chair
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - guilty
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - vengeful
  • <color> - dark
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <color> - dark
  • <general-verb-dump> - slashes
  • <tool-complex> - oven
  • <taste-complex> - meaty
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - bleeds

The Addams Family

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: family

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - kinfolk
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gothic
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <normal-weird> - bizarre
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <color-complex> - blackened
  • <creature-complex> - creepy-crawly
  • <group> - tribe
  • <general-noun-dump> - coffin
  • <media-type> - television
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <age-complex> - old
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - spooky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - deceased
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <family-role> - child
  • <emotion-bad> - unsettling
  • <place> - home
  • <general-verb-dump> - rejects society
  • <thing> - thing
  • <general-noun-dump> - distant relation
  • <family-role> - cousin
  • <group> - household
  • <color> - dark

Diagon Alley

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <building-complex> - financial district
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <abstract-concept> - secrecy
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <emotion-good-complex> - bustling
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - purchase
  • <general-noun-dump> - owl
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <material-complex> - powder
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - pun
  • <general-noun-dump> - robe
  • <general-adjective-dump> - British
  • <general-noun-dump> - flue
  • <general-noun-dump> - gremlin

The Nile River

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <age-complex> - antiquated
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <area> - valley
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <society> - civilization
  • <place-see-simple> - swim in
  • <general-adjective-dump> - royal
  • <size-complex> - lengthy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - cruise
  • <general-noun-dump> - delta
  • <place-complex> - tomb
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <general-noun-dump> - barge
  • <general-noun-dump> - glyph
  • <general-adjective-dump> - reedy
  • <taste-complex> - slow-moving
  • <bad-complex> - squiggly
  • <abstract-concept> - denial
  • <gerund> - flowing
  • <texture> - wet
  • <building-complex> - canal

corn maze

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <taste> - seasonal
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - go for
  • <food> - food
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wander through
  • <group> - family
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <event> - holiday
  • <period-of-time> - daylight
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - perplexing
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are lost in
  • <texture-complex> - dirty
  • <problem-complex> - challenge
  • <texture-complex> - crisp
  • <land> - terrain
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - grain
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <shape-complex> - wall
  • <place-complex> - farmland
  • <good-complex> - agricultural

Mount Rushmore

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - face
  • <group> - group
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <size-complex> - gigantic
  • <abstract-concept> - desecration
  • <color> - dull
  • <general-noun-dump> - sculpture
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - come face-to-face with
  • <texture-complex> - chiseled
  • <general-noun-dump> - head of state
  • <place-complex> - formation
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rocky
  • <bad-complex> - explosive
  • <abstract-concept> - artistic vision
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - patriarchal
  • <person-complex> - dude


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <emotion-bad> - heart-wrenching
  • <media-type> - film
  • <building-complex> - hut
  • <material-complex> - helium
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <abstract-concept> - dream
  • <general-noun-dump> - beginning
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <event-complex> - adventure
  • <general-noun-dump> - badge
  • <creature> - beast
  • <gerund> - speaking
  • <general-adjective-dump> - avian
  • <nature-places> - waterfall
  • <people-types> - grouch
  • <general-verb-dump> - journeys to
  • <shape-complex> - direction
  • <tool-complex> - translator
  • <gets-something-good> - becomes young at heart
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - abandons their home
  • <gerund> - sobbing
  • <size> - plump
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - pairs up with

A Bug's Life

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - critter
  • <gerund> - inventing
  • <group> - troupe
  • <group> - colony
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <media-type> - film
  • <people-types> - bully
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <general-verb-dump> - lies to
  • <general-noun-dump> - circus
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves everyone
  • <group> - horde
  • <general-noun-dump> - drought
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-verb-dump> - recruits
  • <size> - tiny
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <general-noun-dump> - seed
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <body-complex> - exoskeleton
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic

Swan Lake

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: swan, lake

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <creature> - creature
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <media-type> - theatre
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <material-complex> - feather
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <group> - flock
  • <general-noun-dump> - deception
  • <general-noun-dump> - trickery
  • <bad> - evil
  • <person> - human
  • <general-noun-dump> - movement
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <general-verb-dump> - flits around
  • <parts-of-body> - beak
  • <people-types> - royal
  • <issues> - choreography
  • <nature-places> - pond
  • <general-adjective-dump> - avian
  • <material-complex> - tulle
  • <gerund> - squawking

Despicable Me

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: minion

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - evil
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <size> - small
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <gerund> - thieving
  • <bad-complex> - sneaky
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gets adopted
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-sensation> - blockbuster
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <people-types> - goon
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <person-complex> - genius
  • <tool-complex> - scarf
  • <texture-complex> - top-heavy

Chef Boyardee

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <general-noun-dump> - cylinder
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand
  • <general-noun-dump> - noodle
  • <age> - immortal
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <gerund> - cooking
  • <good-complex> - speedy
  • <good-complex> - efficient
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <normal-weird> - generic
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - cook
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <taste-complex> - saucy
  • <general-noun-dump> - kerchief
  • <gerund> - exclaiming

Mr. Peanut

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: nutty

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - headgear
  • <abstract-concept> - capitalism
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <thing> - thing
  • <body> - figure
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <general-noun-dump> - walking stick
  • <gerund> - selling
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dress up for
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <alive-dead> - resurrected
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <idea-complex> - ad
  • <general-adjective-dump> - shelled
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <general-noun-dump> - snack
  • <person-complex> - dude

The Midwest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good-complex> - kind
  • <emotion-good-complex> - polite
  • <emotion-good-complex> - friendly
  • <area> - region
  • <area> - area
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <food> - food
  • <taste-complex> - greasy
  • <taste-complex> - hearty
  • <normal-weird> - down-to-earth
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture
  • <general-noun-dump> - corn
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - passive-aggressive
  • <texture> - flat
  • <size-complex> - chunky

Alfred Hitchcock

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - directing
  • <general-noun-dump> - twist
  • <parts-of-body> - cheek
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <period-of-time> - 20th century
  • <media-type> - film
  • <size-complex> - pudgy
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <abstract-concept> - fear
  • <tool-complex> - cameo
  • <gerund> - thrilling
  • <good-complex> - groundbreaking
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scary
  • <building-complex> - shower
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - obsessive
  • <family-role> - son
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <taste-complex> - balding

Robin Hood

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - thieving
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <abstract-concept> - greed
  • <person-complex> - hero
  • <abstract-concept> - poverty
  • <group> - crew
  • <idea-complex> - socialism
  • <media-type> - folklore
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a book about
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <age-complex> - historic
  • <general-noun-dump> - charity
  • <shape-complex> - bullseye
  • <general-career-sector> - monarchy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - steal from

Jennifer Hudson

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - phenomenal
  • <person> - person
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <gerund> - belting
  • <good-complex> - astounding
  • <bad-complex> - ear-piercing
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <material-complex> - bronze
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - have a role in
  • <people-types> - dream girl
  • <general-noun-dump> - idol
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <general-noun-dump> - Academy Award
  • <period-of-time> - 2000s
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <media-type> - reality TV
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <parts-of-body> - voice
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - coach

Galileo Galilei

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - studying
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - study
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are the father of
  • <place-like-simple> - experiment with
  • <abstract-concept> - gravitas
  • <bad-complex> - planetary
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - observe
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - record
  • <idea-complex> - hypothesis
  • <general-noun-dump> - methodology
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - magnify
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <bad-complex> - persecuted
  • <normal-weird> - unorthodox
  • <emotion-good-complex> - vindicated
  • <color-complex> - sunny
  • <good-complex> - insightful
  • <building-complex> - cathedral
  • <good> - smart
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <taste-complex> - relative


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - composing
  • <gerund> - performing
  • <are-in-relation-to> - create
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <normal-weird> - historical
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <general-noun-dump> - instrument
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <abstract-concept> - rivalry
  • <age-complex> - classical
  • <age-complex> - immature
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <tool-complex> - keyboard
  • <bad-complex> - unfinished
  • <good-complex> - harmonic
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <people-types> - prodigy
  • <tool-complex> - fiddle
  • <normal-weird> - European
  • <texture-complex> - poofy
  • <color> - pale
  • <people-types> - genius

Marie Curie

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - smart
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <gerund> - studying
  • <general-noun-dump> - Nobel Prize
  • <general-noun-dump> - element
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <size-complex> - microscopic
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <idea-complex> - hypothesis
  • <abstract-concept> - physics
  • <texture-complex> - radioactive
  • <building-complex> - lab

Citizen Kane

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - unhappy
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <genre> - drama
  • <general-career-sector> - newspaper
  • <gerund> - clapping
  • <general-noun-dump> - toy
  • <color-complex> - monochrome
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <media-sensation> - magnum opus
  • <general-career-status> - big shot
  • <event-complex> - performance
  • <hates> - regrets
  • <wants> - misses
  • <general-verb-dump> - whispers
  • <problem-complex> - mystery
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <nature-places> - snowfall
  • <issues> - corruption
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unfulfilled
  • <shape-complex> - board
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - dies
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-verb-dump> - trashes
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <general-career-status> - tycoon
  • <tool-complex> - deathbed

Bob Dylan

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - immortalized
  • <are-in-relation-to> - sing about
  • <media-type> - music
  • <place-dislike-simple> - defy
  • <abstract-concept> - compartmentalization
  • <abstract-concept> - genre
  • <are-in-relation-to> - strum
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <bad-complex> - whiny
  • <texture-complex> - frizzy
  • <good-complex> - challenging
  • <idea-complex> - sentiment
  • <texture-complex> - rolling
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <general-noun-dump> - song
  • <general-noun-dump> - protest
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s
  • <bad-complex> - moody
  • <size-complex> - skinny
  • <bad-complex> - brooding
  • <taste-complex> - Midwestern
  • <general-noun-dump> - wind


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - fountain
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <texture-complex> - historical
  • <food> - meal
  • <food> - noodle
  • <taste-complex> - zesty
  • <taste-complex> - garlicky
  • <taste-complex> - appetizing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - expressive
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <society> - culture
  • <society> - civilization
  • <place-complex> - empire
  • <age-complex> - antiquated
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <general-noun-dump> - holy seat
  • <good-complex> - papal
  • <food> - gelato
  • <place-complex> - capital
  • <shape-complex> - pillar
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <food> - meatball
  • <abstract-concept> - romance

The Twilight Zone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: twilight, zone

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - reality
  • <idea> - speculation
  • <problem> - mystery
  • <emotion-bad> - unsettling
  • <place-complex> - region
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <general-career-sector> - space
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <period-of-time> - time
  • <general-verb-dump> - reveals
  • <event-complex> - anomaly
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - spooky
  • <shape-complex> - saucer
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - screams
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets doomed
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets their comeuppance
  • <general-noun-dump> - twist
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <age> - old
  • <media-style-adjective> - black-and-white
  • <general-noun-dump> - dusk


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - cold
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <taste-complex> - boiled
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <society> - culture
  • <abstract-concept> - religious strife
  • <general-noun-dump> - shamrock
  • <abstract-concept> - luck
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <taste-complex> - bland
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - watch out for
  • <general-noun-dump> - horn
  • <general-noun-dump> - treasure
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <texture-complex> - cobblestone
  • <texture-complex> - freckled
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <food> - potato

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: hungry

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - little
  • <color> - colorful
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - transformation
  • <genre> - pre-k
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-noun-dump> - plant
  • <taste-complex> - delicious
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <shape-complex> - hole
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <general-verb-dump> - swallows the
  • <tool-complex> - meal
  • <nature-places> - tree
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sated
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - famished
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <material-complex> - leaf
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <texture-complex> - plump
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - changes
  • <gets-something-good> - gets fed
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sick
  • <size> - chubby
  • <size> - long
  • <body-complex> - body

Inside Out

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <emotion-bad> - sorrowful
  • <idea> - thought
  • <abstract-concept> - consciousness
  • <group> - group
  • <color> - colorful
  • <gerund> - feeling
  • <general-career-sector> - psychology
  • <color-complex> - glowing
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <general-verb-dump> - controls
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <issues> - depression
  • <alive-dead> - imaginary
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - fixes everything
  • <gets-something-good> - gets home
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - cries
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - emotional
  • <place-complex> - control center
  • <person-complex> - girl


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - lively
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - equality
  • <group> - duo
  • <texture> - bouncy
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <issues> - cop
  • <general-career-sector> - criminal conspiracy
  • <gerund> - investigating
  • <creature> - beast
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <normal-weird> - imaginative
  • <general-adjective-dump> - feral
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - solves
  • <gerund> - hunting
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <nature-places> - biome
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - solves it
  • <gets-something-good> - gets confident
  • <general-verb-dump> - partners with
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic
  • <group> - prey
  • <general-adjective-dump> - interspecies
  • <is> - hops around
  • <texture> - furry

Friday Night Lights

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - drama
  • <good> - nice
  • <group> - bunch
  • <good> - positive
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <place-complex> - field
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <age> - juvenile
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <period-of-time> - weekday
  • <abstract-concept> - manhood
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <wants> - desires
  • <is> - is composed of
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <creature-complex> - panther
  • <material-complex> - grass
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <bad-complex> - tragic
  • <general-noun-dump> - injury
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - graduates
  • <issues> - concussion
  • <size> - beefy
  • <parts-of-body> - muscle
  • <texture-complex> - dripping-with-sweat
  • <person-complex> - teen
  • <general-verb-dump> - tackles

Lord of the Flies

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <group> - group
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <event> - situation
  • <gerund> - surviving
  • <general-noun-dump> - wreckage
  • <bad-complex> - violent
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <abstract-concept> - society
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <general-verb-dump> - controls
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <creature-complex> - pig
  • <building-complex> - hut
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <texture-complex> - stony
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <general-noun-dump> - shell
  • <group> - horde
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rescued
  • <general-noun-dump> - metaphor
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <group> - group o' kids
  • <abstract-concept> - anarchy
  • <general-verb-dump> - forms
  • <gerund> - rotting
  • <abstract-concept> - microcosm

Bridget Jones's Diary

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - rom-com
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <thing> - item
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <age-complex> - immature
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - desperate
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <people-types> - boss
  • <general-verb-dump> - chooses
  • <problem-complex> - quandary
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <good-complex> - sexy
  • <general-noun-dump> - classic
  • <event-complex> - showdown
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gets a boyfriend
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <people-types> - hot mess
  • <size> - thick
  • <gerund> - smoking
  • <gerund> - drinking
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <media-type> - movie

Amelia Earhart

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - inspiring
  • <person> - individual
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - trailblaze
  • <are-in-relation-to> - fly
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <texture-complex> - airy
  • <taste-complex> - mysterious
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <general-noun-dump> - crash
  • <place-like-simple> - inspire
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <idea-complex> - route
  • <building-complex> - island
  • <bad-complex> - missing
  • <people-types> - daredevil
  • <size> - high
  • <bad-complex> - airborne
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <texture-complex> - metal

Colonel Sanders

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <person> - individual
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lick
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <taste-complex> - fried
  • <texture-complex> - greasy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fast
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <people-types> - military man
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <normal-weird> - southern
  • <color-complex> - snowy
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <idea-complex> - ambassador
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a commercial for

Fiddler on the Roof

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - large
  • <group> - family
  • <bad> - broke
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <person> - villager
  • <emotion-good> - lively
  • <person-complex> - papa
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <bad-complex> - headstrong
  • <person-complex> - daughter
  • <bad-complex> - gossipy
  • <people-types> - cupid
  • <general-verb-dump> - pines for
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays on
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - elopes
  • <good-complex> - bookish
  • <people-types> - outsider
  • <abstract-concept> - religion
  • <general-adjective-dump> - provincial
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <tool-complex> - instrument
  • <issues> - eviction

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: invasion, invades

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - unaware
  • <bad> - disgusting
  • <texture> - gelatinous
  • <creature-complex> - cocoon
  • <good-complex> - flawless
  • <person-complex> - doppelganger
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - tracks down
  • <body-complex> - figure
  • <bad-complex> - shocking
  • <problem-complex> - epidemic
  • <person-complex> - investigator
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - transforms
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <media-sensation> - B-Movie
  • <creature-complex> - parasite
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <gerund> - stealing
  • <period-of-time> - 1950s
  • <people-types> - replicant
  • <shape-complex> - pod
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - shrieks

The Naked Gun

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <event> - investigation
  • <problem-complex> - conspiracy
  • <normal-weird> - wacky
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - stubborn
  • <age-complex> - old
  • <hates> - infuriates
  • <general-verb-dump> - catches
  • <issues> - crime
  • <loves> - falls for
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <general-career-status> - assassin
  • <abstract-concept> - mind control
  • <person-complex> - doofus
  • <family-role> - partner
  • <people-types> - drug dealer
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets hurt
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <normal-weird> - pun-filled
  • <gerund> - narrating
  • <general-verb-dump> - uncovers
  • <good-complex> - witty
  • <bad-complex> - inept
  • <building-complex> - baseball stadium
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <person-complex> - royal
  • <person-complex> - athlete
  • <good> - hilarious
  • <bad> - evil
  • <event> - happening

Love Actually

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: love

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-bad> - companionless
  • <group> - bunch
  • <emotion-bad> - sensitive
  • <idea> - converging plot
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - lonesome
  • <general-career-status> - executive
  • <bad-complex> - unfaithful
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <wants> - pines for
  • <person-complex> - staffer
  • <age-complex> - youthful
  • <gerund> - drumming
  • <problem-complex> - heartache
  • <group> - collective
  • <gets-something-good> - gets cozy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - meets up
  • <building-complex> - airport
  • <general-adjective-dump> - montage
  • <group> - ensemble
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unrequited
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <issues> - holiday
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <good> - festive
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Christian

Taj Mahal

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <good> - impressive
  • <emotion-good> - beautiful
  • <color> - light
  • <building> - construction
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - tour the
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - store
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <color-complex> - ivory
  • <shape-complex> - dome
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <place-complex> - resting place
  • <general-noun-dump> - reflecting pool
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <building-complex> - spire
  • <texture-complex> - rounded
  • <texture-complex> - marble
  • <period-of-time> - 1600s

Trix Rabbit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - unsatisfied
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <alive-dead> - animated
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - steal the
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <media-type> - ad
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <bad-complex> - criminal
  • <age-complex> - adult
  • <idea-complex> - rule
  • <family-role> - kid
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <people-types> - outcast
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <texture-complex> - promotional
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - desperate
  • <bad-complex> - Sisyphean
  • <taste-complex> - crunchy
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <general-career-sector> - theft
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <place-like-simple> - try to steal

Thomas Edison

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - creating
  • <general-noun-dump> - lightbulb
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good-complex> - industrious
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <building-complex> - laboratory
  • <gerund> - tinkering
  • <people-types> - smarty pants
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - generate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sense
  • <general-noun-dump> - current
  • <general-noun-dump> - voltage
  • <emotion-good-complex> - inspired
  • <creature-complex> - elephant
  • <emotion-good-complex> - energizing
  • <texture-complex> - mechanical
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <place-dislike-simple> - invent
  • <taste-complex> - American

Sigmund Freud

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - couch
  • <gerund> - analyzing
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - communicate with
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <idea-complex> - viewpoint
  • <gerund> - speaking
  • <general-career-sector> - medicine
  • <general-noun-dump> - research
  • <general-noun-dump> - dream
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <general-career-status> - founder
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <general-noun-dump> - brain
  • <general-noun-dump> - cigar
  • <emotion-good> - emotional
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - repressed
  • <people-types> - patient
  • <bad-complex> - icky

Green M&M

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: green

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <general-noun-dump> - stiletto
  • <general-noun-dump> - glove
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <parts-of-body> - lip
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - flirty
  • <shape> - circular
  • <general-noun-dump> - letter
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - thing
  • <shape> - body
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - talk to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - represent
  • <gerund> - talking
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <general-noun-dump> - commercial
  • <color-complex> - aquamarine


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <place-see-simple> - rent
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - select
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <building-complex> - strip mall
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <food> - snack
  • <food> - treat
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <general-noun-dump> - tape
  • <general-noun-dump> - VCR
  • <abstract-concept> - family fun
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <bad-complex> - defunct
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <gerund> - rewinding
  • <general-noun-dump> - silver screen
  • <idea-complex> - genre
  • <bad-complex> - obsolete
  • <period-of-time> - Friday night


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good-complex> - open
  • <texture-complex> - salty
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - convenient
  • <food> - snack
  • <food> - bag of chips
  • <period-of-time> - midnight
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - slurp
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stop for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make a run for
  • <texture-complex> - fruity
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <tool-complex> - straw
  • <event-complex> - lottery
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <shape-complex> - numbering
  • <material-complex> - caffeine
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <period-of-time> - late night
  • <building-complex> - parking lot
  • <general-noun-dump> - alcohol
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - purchase


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <normal-weird> - zany
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <media-style-adjective> - cartoon
  • <group> - trio
  • <abstract-concept> - parody
  • <people-types> - loudmouth
  • <is> - impersonates
  • <good-complex> - cute
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <general-adjective-dump> - silly
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <media-type> - pop culture
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - sings
  • <family-role> - kid
  • <group> - ensemble
  • <good-complex> - smartypants
  • <person-complex> - dingus
  • <tool-complex> - anvil
  • <genre> - slapstick
  • <emotion-good-complex> - squirrelly
  • <gerund> - nursing
  • <hates> - antagonizes
  • <general-verb-dump> - jokes with
  • <size> - small
  • <emotion-bad> - frantic
  • <emotion-good> - chipper
  • <general-career-sector> - showbiz
  • <general-noun-dump> - geography
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <protagonist> - character
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <place-complex> - studio
  • <color-complex> - black n' white
  • <group> - cast


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <wants> - listens to
  • <general-adjective-dump> - divorced
  • <general-career-status> - healer
  • <people-types> - problem solver
  • <gerund> - misunderstanding
  • <person-complex> - snob
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - arrogant
  • <emotion-good-complex> - affluent
  • <people-types> - cop
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <bad> - dorky
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <normal-weird> - verbose
  • <group> - family
  • <building-complex> - high-rise
  • <general-verb-dump> - broadcasts
  • <good-complex> - witty
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <person-complex> - nerd
  • <people-types> - hopeless romantic
  • <people-types> - caregiver
  • <gets-something-good> - learns a lesson
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <nature-places> - west coast
  • <genre> - spin-off
  • <bad> - cranky
  • <good> - smart
  • <person-complex> - guy

Lethal Weapon

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unhinged
  • <person-complex> - detective
  • <general-noun-dump> - investigation
  • <problem-complex> - shootout
  • <people-types> - buddy
  • <abstract-concept> - retirement
  • <issues> - drug dealing
  • <hates> - resents
  • <age-complex> - aging
  • <people-types> - wildcard
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots at
  • <wants> - chases
  • <media-type> - film franchise
  • <general-career-status> - partner
  • <hates> - argues with
  • <bad-complex> - unpredictable
  • <person-complex> - curmudgeon
  • <abstract-concept> - payback
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - kicks butt
  • <people-types> - tough guy
  • <texture> - tough
  • <problem> - predicament
  • <emotion-bad> - grieving
  • <problem> - loss
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <group> - duo
  • <general-noun-dump> - ammunition
  • <bad> - deadly


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: moment

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <normal-weird> - cryptic
  • <people-types> - murderer
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <texture-complex> - inked up
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <bad-complex> - twisted
  • <general-adjective-dump> - backwards
  • <abstract-concept> - surprise
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <tool-complex> - picture
  • <general-noun-dump> - message
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <people-types> - truth seeker
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - forgets
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-adjective-dump> - psychological
  • <abstract-concept> - grief
  • <abstract-concept> - deception
  • <good> - clever
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unmemorable
  • <good-complex> - piercing
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - recollection

Ronald McDonald

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <size> - tall
  • <body> - figure
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - serve
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <event-complex> - circus
  • <gerund> - clowning
  • <texture-complex> - stripey
  • <taste-complex> - beefy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - chipper
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <group> - staff
  • <building-complex> - hut
  • <shape-complex> - arch
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sell
  • <general-noun-dump> - beef


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: lost

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - television
  • <emotion-bad> - traumatized
  • <group> - group
  • <bad-complex> - wrecked
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <texture-complex> - invisible
  • <villain> - force
  • <texture-complex> - unwashed
  • <texture-complex> - smoky
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <people-types> - fugitive
  • <normal-weird> - mysterious
  • <problem-complex> - curse
  • <group> - crew
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - finds peace
  • <building-complex> - church
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - reunites
  • <creature-complex> - bear
  • <general-noun-dump> - code
  • <nature-places> - land mass
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <abstract-concept> - flashback
  • <color-complex> - lush
  • <general-adjective-dump> - stranded
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <loves> - colonizes
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <event> - blast


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: gritty

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <creature> - being
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hype up
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <abstract-concept> - excitement
  • <general-career-status> - MVP
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <size-complex> - chunky
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - exuberant
  • <color-complex> - tangerine
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <abstract-concept> - mischief
  • <material-complex> - ice
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are a symbol for
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <tool-complex> - costume
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <idea-complex> - meme
  • <general-noun-dump> - uniform


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <size> - undersized
  • <creature> - creature
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <good> - epic
  • <media-sensation> - matchup
  • <general-verb-dump> - captures
  • <abstract-concept> - fame
  • <gerund> - striding
  • <bad-complex> - untimely
  • <problem-complex> - injury
  • <people-types> - champion
  • <gerund> - galloping
  • <creature-complex> - mustang
  • <event-complex> - race
  • <event> - competition
  • <general-verb-dump> - rides on top of
  • <general-adjective-dump> - pedigreed
  • <parts-of-body> - hoof
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <creature-complex> - vertebrate

Energizer Bunny

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: energetic, electric

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - short
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - power
  • <abstract-concept> - perseverance
  • <general-career-status> - workhorse
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <good> - cool
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - drum
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <general-noun-dump> - sunglasses
  • <gerund> - charging
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - ceaseless
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - perpetual
  • <gerund> - beating

Salvador Dalí

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <person> - human
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - paint
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dream of
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - reality
  • <gerund> - painting
  • <texture-complex> - melty
  • <normal-weird> - surreal
  • <bad-complex> - absurd
  • <shape-complex> - glob
  • <tool-complex> - clockwork
  • <people-types> - theater kid
  • <parts-of-body> - facial hair
  • <parts-of-body> - moustache
  • <good-complex> - European
  • <normal-weird> - freaky
  • <idea-complex> - image

Carl Sagan

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - inspiring
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <idea> - info
  • <are-in-relation-to> - research
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <emotion-good-complex> - enlightened
  • <abstract-concept> - universe
  • <good-complex> - educational
  • <texture-complex> - golden
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <tool-complex> - telescope
  • <gerund> - speculating
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <media-type> - book
  • <building-complex> - observatory
  • <people-types> - sage
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <general-noun-dump> - cosmos
  • <parts-of-body> - bowl cut
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <people-types> - host
  • <people-types> - smarty pants
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are on a show about
  • <normal-weird> - professorial
  • <general-noun-dump> - shooting star

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: curious

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <good> - remarkable
  • <bad> - challenging
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <age-complex> - newborn
  • <person-complex> - codger
  • <loves> - falls for
  • <problem-complex> - combat
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - regresses
  • <general-verb-dump> - shrinks
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <abstract-concept> - aging
  • <genre> - sweeping epic
  • <good-complex> - star-crossed
  • <taste-complex> - bittersweet
  • <general-adjective-dump> - backwards
  • <texture-complex> - wrinkly
  • <texture-complex> - shriveled
  • <family-role> - wifey
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bald
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood

Austin Powers

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-career-sector> - crime
  • <color> - colorful
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <person> - somebody
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - investigate
  • <person-complex> - bloke
  • <gerund> - spying
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <general-adjective-dump> - randy
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <abstract-concept> - evil
  • <material-complex> - suede
  • <building-complex> - lair
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight with
  • <general-noun-dump> - pump
  • <general-noun-dump> - parody
  • <good-complex> - goofy
  • <abstract-concept> - counter intelligence
  • <good-complex> - humorous
  • <person-complex> - idiot

Babe Ruth

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <person> - human
  • <general-career-status> - megastar
  • <gerund> - swatting
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <age-complex> - infantile
  • <bad-complex> - voracious
  • <size-complex> - mammoth
  • <general-noun-dump> - bat
  • <bad-complex> - appalling
  • <problem-complex> - discipline
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swing
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <general-noun-dump> - base
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <gerund> - shot-calling
  • <general-noun-dump> - candy
  • <food> - peanut
  • <abstract-concept> - masculinity
  • <size> - wide
  • <period-of-time> - 20th century

Chester Cheetah

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - easy
  • <creature> - beast
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - steal
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are talking about
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <abstract-concept> - hunger
  • <abstract-concept> - mischief
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <general-career-status> - troublemaker
  • <general-career-sector> - advertising
  • <media-type> - commercial
  • <gerund> - snacking
  • <gerund> - staining
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cool
  • <emotion-good-complex> - rebellious
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <general-noun-dump> - snack
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <color-complex> - tangerine
  • <material-complex> - dust
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - appear in commercials for
  • <idea-complex> - brand name
  • <parts-of-body> - whisker

Meghan Markle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - youthful
  • <person> - somebody
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <event-complex> - marriage
  • <general-career-status> - luminary
  • <good-complex> - smiley
  • <people-types> - commoner
  • <good> - gorgeous
  • <bad-complex> - gossipy
  • <general-career-sector> - paparazzo
  • <place-dislike-simple> - escape
  • <family-role> - grandmother
  • <idea-complex> - tradition
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - turn down
  • <idea-complex> - TV show
  • <general-noun-dump> - suit
  • <people-types> - regent
  • <general-noun-dump> - veil
  • <general-noun-dump> - tabloid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - private

Fred Flintstone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - ancestry
  • <color-complex> - blue-collar
  • <media-type> - cartoon
  • <gerund> - hollering
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <age-complex> - fossilized
  • <texture-complex> - rocky
  • <bad-complex> - primitive
  • <family-role> - dad
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <people-types> - family man
  • <tool-complex> - wheel
  • <gerund> - bowling
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-noun-dump> - vitamin
  • <people-types> - dum-dum
  • <texture-complex> - ragged
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - father
  • <color-complex> - polka-dotted
  • <place-dislike-simple> - club
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drive
  • <tool-complex> - cart

Neil Armstrong

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - inspiring
  • <age> - old
  • <material> - surface
  • <are-in-relation-to> - walk on
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - float in
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <general-career-sector> - aeronautics
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <gerund> - stepping
  • <size-complex> - petite
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <tool-complex> - helmet
  • <general-noun-dump> - footprint
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <gerund> - landing
  • <general-noun-dump> - gravity
  • <good-complex> - first
  • <general-noun-dump> - atmosphere
  • <issues> - conspiracy
  • <abstract-concept> - aviation
  • <bad-complex> - patriotic

Steve Jobs

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-bad> - demanding
  • <person> - individual
  • <place-like-simple> - relish
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <gerund> - developing
  • <good-complex> - brilliant
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <shape-complex> - rectangle
  • <taste-complex> - computational
  • <general-noun-dump> - fruit
  • <event-complex> - grand unveiling
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - innovate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <idea-complex> - invention
  • <general-noun-dump> - pod
  • <parts-of-body> - liver
  • <general-noun-dump> - turtleneck
  • <people-types> - billionaire
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get rich from

Isaac Newton

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <idea> - theory
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - discover
  • <are-in-relation-to> - research
  • <place-like-simple> - ponder
  • <abstract-concept> - science
  • <general-career-sector> - math
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture-complex> - numerical
  • <emotion-good-complex> - brilliant
  • <people-types> - visionary
  • <idea-complex> - study
  • <people-types> - polymath
  • <general-noun-dump> - wig
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <good-complex> - knighted
  • <general-noun-dump> - gravitas

Friedrich Nietzsche

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - expired
  • <emotion-bad> - intense
  • <place-like-simple> - are passionate about
  • <abstract-concept> - school of thought
  • <normal-weird> - iconoclastic
  • <idea-complex> - nihilism
  • <place-dislike-simple> - reject
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <taste-complex> - almighty
  • <are-in-relation-to> - believe in
  • <people-types> - superman
  • <good-complex> - intellectual
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write about
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <general-noun-dump> - academia
  • <building-complex> - university
  • <emotion-good-complex> - metaphysical
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - amoral
  • <person-complex> - mister
  • <period-of-time> - 19th century
  • <material-complex> - willpower
  • <bad-complex> - Germanic
  • <taste-complex> - mustachioed
  • <normal-weird> - philosophical

Oscar Wilde

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <abstract-concept> - immortality
  • <general-career-status> - luminary
  • <media-type> - story
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <general-career-sector> - playwright
  • <good-complex> - witty
  • <bad-complex> - persecuted
  • <color-complex> - flashy
  • <general-noun-dump> - sincerity
  • <people-types> - satirist
  • <good> - clever
  • <texture-complex> - British
  • <good> - fancy
  • <people-types> - genius
  • <idea-complex> - play
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write about
  • <abstract-concept> - repartee

Dave Chappelle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - impersonate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - leave
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <event> - party
  • <abstract-concept> - satire
  • <abstract-concept> - comedy
  • <general-career-status> - recluse
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - public discourse
  • <gerund> - joking
  • <bad-complex> - controversial
  • <good-complex> - groundbreaking
  • <emotion-good-complex> - proud
  • <event-complex> - show
  • <bad-complex> - edgy
  • <idea-complex> - commentary
  • <people-types> - joker
  • <media-type> - parody
  • <place-dislike-simple> - quit
  • <tool-complex> - couch
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <gerund> - standing up
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - created a show about

Aretha Franklin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - phenomenal
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <texture-complex> - booming
  • <texture-complex> - melodious
  • <parts-of-body> - voice
  • <emotion-good-complex> - soulful
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <person-complex> - queen
  • <building-complex> - hall of fame
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <abstract-concept> - respect
  • <media-type> - gospel
  • <general-noun-dump> - album
  • <person-complex> - role model
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - empower
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perform
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <good-complex> - retro
  • <good-complex> - graceful
  • <is-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <media-type> - soul
  • <texture-complex> - natural
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s

Jennifer Lopez

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <bad-complex> - loud
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - music
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <gerund> - shaking
  • <size-complex> - curvy
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <good-complex> - rhythmic
  • <period-of-time> - tonight
  • <building-complex> - block
  • <media-type> - romcom
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a film about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hustle
  • <good-complex> - priceless
  • <general-noun-dump> - next door
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-noun-dump> - dress
  • <people-types> - judge
  • <event-complex> - halftime show
  • <general-career-sector> - baseball

The Book of Mormon

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: book

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - goofy
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-noun-dump> - tie
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <emotion-good-complex> - funny
  • <general-noun-dump> - doorbell
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <event-complex> - ceremony
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <general-noun-dump> - mission
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - works together
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes up
  • <group> - duo
  • <group> - group
  • <nature-places> - village
  • <emotion-good> - polite
  • <general-verb-dump> - converts
  • <people-types> - partner
  • <general-noun-dump> - tome
  • <person-complex> - deity
  • <person-complex> - prophet
  • <abstract-concept> - theology
  • <taste-complex> - satirical
  • <tool-complex> - song

Bob's Burgers

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: burger

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <building-complex> - bistro
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <gerund> - grilling
  • <media-type> - television
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <general-noun-dump> - pun
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <taste-complex> - greasy
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <family-role> - child
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gets-something-bad> - closes
  • <group> - family unit
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <good> - happy
  • <general-verb-dump> - owns
  • <nature-places> - seaside
  • <general-noun-dump> - sandwich
  • <shape-complex> - beef
  • <general-adjective-dump> - family-operated
  • <tool-complex> - stool

Donnie Darko

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - hare
  • <abstract-concept> - time travel
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <general-adjective-dump> - confusing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - complex
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <gerund> - hallucinating
  • <general-verb-dump> - sacrifices
  • <group> - family
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <problem-complex> - disaster
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angsty
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bizarro
  • <general-noun-dump> - suburbia
  • <color-complex> - sparkly
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - has déjà vu
  • <general-noun-dump> - bunny
  • <tool-complex> - vortex
  • <tool-complex> - bubble

The Room

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <family-role> - fiance
  • <problem-complex> - affair
  • <gerund> - cheating
  • <shape-complex> - football
  • <tool-complex> - tuxedo
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <bad-complex> - awful
  • <normal-weird> - bizarre
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - cries
  • <general-noun-dump> - doggie
  • <general-verb-dump> - greets
  • <general-noun-dump> - quote
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unintentional
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <group> - couple
  • <problem-complex> - train wreck
  • <bad-complex> - cringey
  • <bad-complex> - stilted
  • <tool-complex> - script

The Nanny

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: nanny

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - child
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <gerund> - squeaking
  • <media-type> - sitcom
  • <emotion-good-complex> - flirty
  • <protagonist> - heroine
  • <emotion-good> - loud
  • <good> - charming
  • <general-adjective-dump> - stylish
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <group> - family
  • <general-verb-dump> - takes care of
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <color-complex> - brassy
  • <taste-complex> - gaudy
  • <people-types> - fish-out-of-water
  • <gerund> - laughing
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <gerund> - mothering
  • <tool-complex> - laugh track
  • <texture-complex> - poofy
  • <people-types> - butler

My Cousin Vinny

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: cousin

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <people-types> - loudmouth
  • <good-complex> - lovable
  • <general-adjective-dump> - smartypants
  • <general-career-status> - amateur
  • <abstract-concept> - murder
  • <general-verb-dump> - outsmarts
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - figures it out
  • <hates> - frustrates
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <general-career-status> - novice
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - desperate
  • <issues> - crime
  • <general-noun-dump> - defense
  • <place> - county
  • <people-types> - judge
  • <good-complex> - innocent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - quick-witted
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unprepared
  • <texture-complex> - muddy
  • <wants> - interrogates
  • <building-complex> - jail
  • <people-types> - sheriff
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <tool-complex> - photograph
  • <tool-complex> - tire
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <people-types> - wrong man
  • <protagonist> - advocate
  • <abstract-concept> - cosmopolitan
  • <good-complex> - rural
  • <good> - slick
  • <general-noun-dump> - small town
  • <general-verb-dump> - annoys
  • <villain> - authority figure
  • <texture-complex> - southern
  • <period-of-time> - 90s

South Park

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - vulgar
  • <bad-complex> - controversial
  • <abstract-concept> - satire
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - learns a lesson
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <texture-complex> - snow-covered
  • <hates> - argues with
  • <family-role> - boy
  • <size-complex> - plump
  • <group> - group
  • <building-complex> - cafeteria
  • <event-complex> - misadventure
  • <place-complex> - village
  • <general-verb-dump> - destroys
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cruel
  • <people-types> - cook
  • <bad-complex> - crappy
  • <media-type> - tv show
  • <general-adjective-dump> - current
  • <general-adjective-dump> - pop cultural
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - mean-spirited
  • <general-adjective-dump> - clever
  • <texture-complex> - twisted
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <size> - short
  • <bad> - naughty
  • <gerund> - farting
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed again
  • <taste-complex> - mountainous
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <good-complex> - uncut
  • <tool-complex> - towel
  • <issues> - cannibalism
  • <event-complex> - current event
  • <issues> - bullying
  • <hates> - offends
  • <texture-complex> - rounded
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <taste-complex> - high-pitched

Mike Tyson

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - compete against
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - boast about
  • <event> - scandal
  • <abstract-concept> - fitness
  • <general-career-status> - winner
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <event-complex> - round
  • <event-complex> - attack
  • <gerund> - chomping
  • <gerund> - hitting
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <bad-complex> - squeaky
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hungry
  • <people-types> - cannibal
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <creature-complex> - big cat
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <tool-complex> - glove
  • <general-noun-dump> - athlete
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - bite
  • <general-noun-dump> - cameo
  • <good-complex> - undisputed
  • <texture-complex> - tattooed
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth gap

Megan Rapinoe

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-like-simple> - celebrate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dominate
  • <are-in-relation-to> - compete in
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event> - victory
  • <abstract-concept> - teamwork
  • <abstract-concept> - speed
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <media-type> - television
  • <event-complex> - tournament
  • <size-complex> - global
  • <good-complex> - proud
  • <emotion-good-complex> - rebellious
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - grassy
  • <idea-complex> - bias
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <shape> - orb
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <material-complex> - turf
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <color> - colorful
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - speak up about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - advocate for
  • <good-complex> - hands-free
  • <abstract-concept> - equality


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - parody
  • <normal-weird> - silly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - pun-filled
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - dueling
  • <tool-complex> - vessel
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <gerund> - crash landing
  • <idea-complex> - mission
  • <general-verb-dump> - rescues
  • <building-complex> - planet
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <general-verb-dump> - steals
  • <material-complex> - oxygen
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extraterrestrial
  • <event-complex> - rebellion
  • <people-types> - snob
  • <size-complex> - short
  • <bad-complex> - big-headed
  • <nature-places> - galaxy
  • <gerund> - warping
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <creature> - creature
  • <tool-complex> - vacuum
  • <tool-complex> - laser
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <place-complex> - world
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <general-noun-dump> - stunt
  • <bad-complex> - ludicrous
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <period-of-time> - 80s


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <bad> - evil
  • <creature> - clone
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lose
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a contest with
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <abstract-concept> - reflection
  • <event> - competition
  • <abstract-concept> - gross
  • <general-career-status> - rival
  • <general-career-sector> - maintenance
  • <general-career-sector> - gaming
  • <media-type> - franchise
  • <event-complex> - race
  • <event-complex> - battle royale
  • <gerund> - driving
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <size-complex> - stout
  • <gerund> - mocking
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <bad-complex> - stinky
  • <texture-complex> - dirty
  • <emotion-good-complex> - gleeful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - snarky
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <tool-complex> - cart
  • <material-complex> - shell
  • <tool-complex> - sewer pipe
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <general-noun-dump> - mustache
  • <general-noun-dump> - gloves
  • <are-in-relation-to> - race against
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - smash
  • <general-noun-dump> - bad guy

Greta Thunberg

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - young
  • <society> - civilization
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - save
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - speak for
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event> - revolution
  • <abstract-concept> - conservation
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <event-complex> - protest
  • <event-complex> - rally
  • <gerund> - marching
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <good-complex> - natural
  • <bad-complex> - man-made
  • <taste> - earthy
  • <emotion-good> - passionate
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <period-of-time> - generation
  • <general-noun-dump> - speech
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are the spokesperson for
  • <family-role> - tween
  • <bad> - severe
  • <gerund> - boating


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: horse

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <size> - muscled
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - speed
  • <general-career-status> - champ
  • <event-complex> - race
  • <size-complex> - brawny
  • <texture-complex> - gluey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fast
  • <good-complex> - record-breaking
  • <people-types> - stud
  • <building-complex> - track
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <people-types> - office assistant
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - retire
  • <general-noun-dump> - three-peat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - gallop
  • <color-complex> - chestnut

Winston Churchill

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - round
  • <place-like-simple> - ally with
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <bad-complex> - powerful
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rule over
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - gruff
  • <general-noun-dump> - blitz
  • <idea-complex> - proposition
  • <group> - force
  • <creature-complex> - bulldog
  • <event-complex> - armistice
  • <emotion-good-complex> - resolute
  • <good-complex> - victorious
  • <bad-complex> - insulting
  • <shape-complex> - globe
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <taste-complex> - sweaty
  • <idea-complex> - leadership
  • <gerund> - smoking
  • <event-complex> - speech
  • <abstract-concept> - oration
  • <period-of-time> - 20th century

Martin Luther King Jr.

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <society> - community
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - speak for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - oppose
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <event> - movement
  • <abstract-concept> - equality
  • <abstract-concept> - peace
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <taste-complex> - religious
  • <event-complex> - speech
  • <event-complex> - revolution
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <good-complex> - noble
  • <good-complex> - driven
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <abstract-concept> - freedom
  • <emotion-good> - inspired
  • <problem-complex> - bias
  • <gerund> - dreaming
  • <idea-complex> - hope
  • <period-of-time> - mid-century

John Cena

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <general-career-status> - champ
  • <size> - thick
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <person> - human
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - grapple with
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <abstract-concept> - manhood
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <color-complex> - denim
  • <good-complex> - invisible
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty
  • <general-noun-dump> - title
  • <group> - roster
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - grant wishes to
  • <texture-complex> - jacked
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight
  • <general-noun-dump> - good guy
  • <general-noun-dump> - action star
  • <general-noun-dump> - blocker
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <emotion-good-complex> - bare chested
  • <general-noun-dump> - smackdown

Johnny Cash

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <people-types> - rebel
  • <family-role> - hubby
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <alive-dead> - resting-in-peace
  • <person> - somebody
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - imprisonment
  • <general-career-status> - legend
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - melancholy
  • <event-complex> - concert
  • <gerund> - hurting
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perform
  • <general-noun-dump> - jail
  • <general-noun-dump> - dark jeans
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <idea-complex> - image
  • <general-noun-dump> - country
  • <gerund> - strumming
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about

Jolly Green Giant

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: green, jolly

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - massive
  • <creature> - being
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are a representative of
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - grow
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <abstract-concept> - nutrition
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - harvesting
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <emotion-good-complex> - jovial
  • <taste-complex> - buttery
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <material-complex> - vegetable
  • <people-types> - hunk
  • <taste-complex> - yummy
  • <general-noun-dump> - leaf
  • <material-complex> - foliage
  • <material-complex> - toga
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <idea-complex> - commercial
  • <texture-complex> - branded

Detective Pikachu

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - bright
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - combat
  • <group> - duo
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <general-career-sector> - law enforcement
  • <issues> - crime
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - charged
  • <media-style-adjective> - CGI
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <general-verb-dump> - investigates
  • <problem-complex> - mystery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - intimidating
  • <tool-complex> - element
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the answer
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - solves it
  • <texture-complex> - sparky
  • <genre> - family-friendly
  • <abstract-concept> - amnesia
  • <general-verb-dump> - arrests
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <texture> - soft

Billie Eilish

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <people-types> - bad guy
  • <age> - adolescent
  • <person> - individual
  • <general-noun-dump> - sweatsuit
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <abstract-concept> - anxiety
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <good> - modest
  • <age-complex> - gen-z
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <general-adjective-dump> - baggy
  • <gerund> - chart-topping
  • <general-noun-dump> - ocean
  • <parts-of-body> - eyelash
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - collaborate with
  • <general-noun-dump> - hair dye
  • <bad-complex> - moody
  • <idea-complex> - song

Anthony Bourdain

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <person> - person
  • <place-like-simple> - appreciate
  • <general-career-sector> - cuisine
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <texture-complex> - edgy
  • <taste-complex> - bittersweet
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - judgmental
  • <texture-complex> - coarse
  • <good-complex> - cosmopolitan
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <event-complex> - voyage
  • <tool-complex> - utensil
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hang out with
  • <person-complex> - foreigner
  • <are-in-relation-to> - consume
  • <problem-complex> - comeback
  • <good-complex> - exotic
  • <general-noun-dump> - snack
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sample
  • <bad-complex> - uncharted
  • <color-complex> - tan
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good-complex> - international
  • <good> - charming


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - stupid
  • <abstract-concept> - progress
  • <person-complex> - coworker
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <place-complex> - world
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <general-adjective-dump> - high-tech
  • <age-complex> - preserved
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <creature-complex> - crustacean
  • <taste-complex> - robotic
  • <building-complex> - hangar
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a job
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <general-verb-dump> - ships
  • <general-adjective-dump> - comedic
  • <general-noun-dump> - spiritual successor
  • <general-noun-dump> - time travel
  • <general-career-status> - scientist
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <general-verb-dump> - delivers
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is sent to

Billie Jean King

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - celebrated
  • <good> - proud
  • <are-in-relation-to> - smack
  • <event-complex> - tournament
  • <general-career-status> - trailblazer
  • <good-complex> - victorious
  • <gerund> - stroking
  • <normal-weird> - bold
  • <abstract-concept> - sexism
  • <event-complex> - exhibition
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are revered for
  • <general-noun-dump> - triumph
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - serve
  • <general-noun-dump> - match
  • <general-noun-dump> - racket
  • <color-complex> - neon green
  • <taste-complex> - bespectacled
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <general-noun-dump> - biopic

Peppa Pig

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <emotion-good> - cheerful
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <group> - family
  • <gerund> - splashing
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <emotion-good-complex> - precocious
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <people-types> - tyke
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <idea-complex> - lesson
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the giggles
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <general-verb-dump> - snorts
  • <color-complex> - rosy
  • <good-complex> - polite
  • <general-adjective-dump> - meme-able
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <people-types> - sweetie pie
  • <good-complex> - courteous
  • <color-complex> - fuchsia
  • <parts-of-body> - nostril
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <general-verb-dump> - has a sense of belonging
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <taste-complex> - porky

The Blair Witch Project

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - horror
  • <emotion-bad> - lost
  • <group> - bunch
  • <bad> - evil
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <place-complex> - neck of the woods
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <texture-complex> - snotty
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <media-style-adjective> - found footage
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is captured by
  • <general-verb-dump> - runs
  • <people-types> - sorceress
  • <shape-complex> - symbol
  • <material-complex> - stick
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <building-complex> - basement
  • <tool-complex> - camera
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - stops
  • <texture-complex> - shaky
  • <color> - dark


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - family
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <size> - smallish
  • <creature> - creature
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <group> - family
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <problem> - predicament
  • <age-complex> - innocent
  • <bad-complex> - clumsy
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <taste-complex> - orangey
  • <color-complex> - navy
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <abstract-concept> - kindness
  • <general-verb-dump> - eats
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <material-complex> - jam
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <bad-complex> - unpleasant
  • <person-complex> - chap
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cuddly
  • <gets-something-good> - gets adopted
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <parts-of-body> - cloak
  • <people-types> - immigrant
  • <normal-weird> - European

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - giant
  • <good> - exceptional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <good-complex> - overreaching
  • <gerund> - scoring
  • <size-complex> - wiry
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - shoot
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <group> - team
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are part of
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <general-noun-dump> - athlete
  • <general-noun-dump> - airplane
  • <general-noun-dump> - cameo
  • <are-in-relation-to> - appear in movie about
  • <general-noun-dump> - martial arts
  • <gerund> - bouncing
  • <general-noun-dump> - west coast
  • <tool-complex> - hoop
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <age-complex> - old-school
  • <size-complex> - slender

Glengarry Glen Ross

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <group> - staff
  • <genre> - drama
  • <media-sensation> - Tony-winner
  • <general-noun-dump> - lead
  • <bad> - bad
  • <gerund> - selling
  • <general-career-sector> - business
  • <texture-complex> - rainy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - furious
  • <color-complex> - beige
  • <general-career-status> - failure
  • <abstract-concept> - capitalism
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <general-verb-dump> - closes on
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks into
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <age-complex> - over-the-hill
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets caught
  • <general-noun-dump> - monologue
  • <general-noun-dump> - alphabet
  • <emotion-good> - witty
  • <villain> - boss
  • <general-noun-dump> - caffeine
  • <bad-complex> - foul-mouthed
  • <media-type> - play
  • <media-type> - film

True Detective

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - grim
  • <emotion-good> - intriguing
  • <color> - dark
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <group> - duo
  • <place-complex> - state
  • <general-career-sector> - law
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <issues> - crime
  • <gerund> - driving
  • <general-noun-dump> - murder
  • <age-complex> - aged
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <normal-weird> - unsettling
  • <general-career-status> - has been
  • <idea-complex> - philosophy
  • <texture-complex> - two-dimensional
  • <shape-complex> - round
  • <nature-places> - bayou
  • <villain> - killer
  • <event-complex> - chase
  • <media-sensation> - critical darling
  • <general-verb-dump> - questions
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets older
  • <gets-something-good> - gets answers
  • <texture-complex> - rusty

The Sixth Sense

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - creepy
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <creature> - being
  • <general-career-sector> - psychology
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <gerund> - noticing
  • <bad-complex> - horrifying
  • <texture-complex> - intangible
  • <normal-weird> - spooky
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-verb-dump> - sees
  • <people-types> - prodigy
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets shocking info
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <gets-something-good> - finally gets it
  • <size> - small
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <abstract-concept> - communication
  • <general-noun-dump> - hallucination

The Hundred Acre Wood

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature-complex> - bear
  • <general-noun-dump> - pretend to be
  • <size> - massive
  • <area> - area
  • <place-meet-simple> - encounter
  • <abstract-concept> - imagination
  • <nature-places> - thicket
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bouncy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cowardly
  • <texture-complex> - stuffed
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <general-noun-dump> - honey
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play with
  • <group> - friend group


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are east of
  • <good> - fine
  • <area> - area
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - fight with
  • <abstract-concept> - patriotism
  • <general-noun-dump> - history
  • <creature-complex> - seafood
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <group> - team
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <bad-complex> - wicked
  • <taste-complex> - chowdery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - irritable
  • <place-complex> - capital
  • <food> - treat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - learn about
  • <general-noun-dump> - tea
  • <material-complex> - beer
  • <emotion-good> - cheerful
  • <idea-complex> - independence
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drink
  • <abstract-concept> - coastal elite
  • <texture-complex> - freckled
  • <color-complex> - pasty

Total Recall

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - hard
  • <abstract-concept> - memory
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <place> - place
  • <place-complex> - world
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <general-career-sector> - espionage
  • <general-noun-dump> - air
  • <emotion-good-complex> - memorable
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <size-complex> - muscular
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <general-verb-dump> - activates
  • <building-complex> - excavation
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the planet
  • <people-types> - governor
  • <bad-complex> - macho
  • <general-noun-dump> - implant
  • <issues> - amnesia

Hocus Pocus

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - spooky
  • <villain> - villain
  • <group> - trio
  • <event> - event
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <genre> - horror
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <bad-complex> - unholy
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <media-type> - film
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <wants> - seeks
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <tool-complex> - book
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <problem-complex> - prophecy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - stops the evil
  • <general-noun-dump> - candy
  • <abstract-concept> - girl power
  • <general-verb-dump> - circles around the
  • <issues> - fire
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <person-complex> - lady


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: vehicle

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - bureaucracy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wait for
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <group> - line
  • <event-complex> - right of passage
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <age-complex> - out-of-date
  • <bad-complex> - inadequate
  • <normal-weird> - run-of-the-mill
  • <tool-complex> - auto
  • <general-noun-dump> - certification
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get your picture taken by
  • <person-complex> - stranger
  • <problem-complex> - test
  • <idea-complex> - transportation
  • <general-noun-dump> - photograph
  • <texture-complex> - dull
  • <bad-complex> - disgruntled
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <bad> - depressing
  • <gerund> - waiting
  • <place-complex> - purgatory

The Music Man

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: music

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - tricky
  • <abstract-concept> - harmony
  • <group> - band
  • <general-career-sector> - sales
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - dishonest
  • <emotion-good-complex> - redeemed
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <event-complex> - performance
  • <people-types> - smooth talker
  • <tool-complex> - instrument
  • <issues> - scam
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - reforms
  • <gets-something-good> - gets atonement
  • <place-complex> - Midwest
  • <place-complex> - town

Sailor Moon

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: moon

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - star
  • <nature-places> - planet
  • <creature-complex> - cat
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <taste-complex> - masked
  • <emotion-good> - cute
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <media-type> - television
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <genre> - fantasy
  • <genre> - romance
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <villain> - evildoer
  • <general-verb-dump> - defeats
  • <general-adjective-dump> - girly
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <general-noun-dump> - skirt
  • <general-noun-dump> - wand
  • <group> - team
  • <gerund> - crime-fighting
  • <parts-of-body> - pigtail
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <general-adjective-dump> - big-eyed

Twin Peaks

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <issues> - murder
  • <issues> - crime
  • <place-complex> - lil' town
  • <person-complex> - teenager
  • <people-types> - beauty queen
  • <normal-weird> - uncanny
  • <general-adjective-dump> - confusing
  • <person-complex> - detective
  • <general-noun-dump> - tape recorder
  • <general-verb-dump> - examines
  • <building-complex> - hotel
  • <general-noun-dump> - log
  • <nature-places> - thicket
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <media-type> - television
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <place-complex> - neck-of-the-woods
  • <normal-weird> - bizarre
  • <general-verb-dump> - investigates
  • <general-noun-dump> - pie
  • <texture> - wooden
  • <nature-places> - west coast
  • <period-of-time> - hiatus
  • <emotion-bad> - twisted


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - spirit
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cheerful
  • <emotion-good-complex> - kind
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <family-role> - uncle
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <gerund> - exorcising
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <color-complex> - translucent
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - moving
  • <loves> - loves
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <good> - sweet
  • <color> - pasty
  • <age> - young
  • <age-complex> - babyish
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-noun-dump> - celestial being
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned

The Nutcracker

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <size> - miniature
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <media-style-adjective> - classic
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <media-style-adjective> - musical
  • <general-noun-dump> - rodent
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <general-verb-dump> - receives
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-verb-dump> - whisks away
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <emotion-good-complex> - charming
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <loves> - adores
  • <general-noun-dump> - toy
  • <loves> - dances with
  • <general-noun-dump> - orchestra
  • <people-types> - king
  • <event-complex> - waltz
  • <age> - annual
  • <media-style-adjective> - traditional


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - miniature
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <creature-complex> - bug
  • <general-noun-dump> - prince
  • <creature> - critter
  • <general-noun-dump> - marriage
  • <genre> - romance
  • <media-type> - fairytale
  • <good-complex> - magical
  • <tool-complex> - seed
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <general-verb-dump> - escapes
  • <size> - teeny tiny
  • <abstract-concept> - fragility
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is born in
  • <family-role> - granny
  • <general-noun-dump> - pixie
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <general-noun-dump> - pincushion
  • <is> - is raised by
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <abstract-concept> - interspecies friendship
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size-complex> - lil'


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - prejudice
  • <gerund> - crime-fighting
  • <group> - ensemble
  • <group> - troupe
  • <villain> - evildoer
  • <abstract-concept> - diversity
  • <general-verb-dump> - takes down
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights with
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-verb-dump> - regenerates
  • <building-complex> - school house
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <general-noun-dump> - wheelchair
  • <good> - heroic
  • <good-complex> - gifted
  • <tool-complex> - blade
  • <abstract-concept> - transfiguration
  • <general-noun-dump> - rain cloud
  • <taste-complex> - magnetic
  • <normal-weird> - abnormal
  • <good> - special
  • <bad-complex> - freaky
  • <issues> - capability

The Sopranos

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - clique
  • <media-type> - television
  • <issues> - violence
  • <issues> - corruption
  • <event-complex> - therapy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <family-role> - uncle
  • <gerund> - plotting
  • <wants> - requires
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <genre> - drama
  • <group> - organization
  • <general-verb-dump> - engages in
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is involved in
  • <normal-weird> - traditional
  • <general-verb-dump> - whacks
  • <place-complex> - east coast
  • <abstract-concept> - crime
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - fades to black
  • <abstract-concept> - psychology
  • <general-noun-dump> - firearm
  • <group> - clan
  • <texture-complex> - balding

King of the Hill

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: king, hill

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - southern
  • <general-adjective-dump> - monotone
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-type> - television
  • <normal-weird> - quirky
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <general-noun-dump> - beer
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <bad> - mundane
  • <general-noun-dump> - propane
  • <material-complex> - denim
  • <loves> - enjoys
  • <symbolizes> - represents
  • <group> - family
  • <gerund> - smoking
  • <abstract-concept> - American dream
  • <texture-complex> - middle-class
  • <family-role> - son
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <emotion-good-complex> - patriotic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - conservative

Rear Window

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: window

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - watches
  • <general-adjective-dump> - trapped
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <issues> - crime
  • <general-verb-dump> - suspects
  • <general-noun-dump> - neighbor
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <texture-complex> - scorching
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <media-style-adjective> - classic
  • <emotion-bad> - paranoid
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <issues> - murder
  • <good-complex> - observant
  • <tool-complex> - lens
  • <emotion-bad> - suspenseful
  • <people-types> - photographer


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Super, Bad

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <bad-complex> - offensive
  • <person-complex> - potty mouth
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - desperate
  • <material-complex> - brew
  • <good-complex> - nerdy
  • <people-types> - crush
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <building-complex> - party
  • <problem> - adventure
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - reunites
  • <person-complex> - buddy
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <people-types> - cop
  • <wants> - desires
  • <general-noun-dump> - graduation
  • <gets-something-good> - gets funky
  • <hates> - teases
  • <abstract-concept> - promise
  • <people-types> - dork
  • <loves> - encourages
  • <size> - skinny
  • <size> - thick
  • <group> - duo
  • <texture-complex> - curly

The Big Bang Theory

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: Big, Bang, Theory

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - crew
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <hates> - argues with
  • <good-complex> - intelligent
  • <media-style-adjective> - formulaic
  • <wants> - longs for
  • <people-types> - neighbor
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <people-types> - friend
  • <general-career-status> - professor
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <people-types> - dream girl
  • <general-career-status> - scientist
  • <person-complex> - actor
  • <normal-weird> - weirdo
  • <normal-weird> - creepy
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <general-verb-dump> - banters
  • <media-style-adjective> - mathematical
  • <bad-complex> - introverted
  • <gerund> - gaming
  • <issues> - laugh track
  • <good> - popular
  • <tool-complex> - couch
  • <good> - smart
  • <good> - sweet
  • <problem> - joke

The Boss Baby

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: boss, baby

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <abstract-concept> - brotherhood
  • <texture> - soft
  • <creature> - creature
  • <gerund> - crawling
  • <general-career-sector> - business
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <age-complex> - new
  • <good-complex> - heavenly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cute
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - demanding
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <event-complex> - arrival
  • <family-role> - child
  • <tool-complex> - suit
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <nature-places> - cloud
  • <group> - organization
  • <material-complex> - milk
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - joins the family
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a sibling
  • <general-adjective-dump> - corporate
  • <family-role> - newborn
  • <creature-complex> - dog

The Magic School Bus

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: magic, school

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - smart
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <person> - person
  • <abstract-concept> - science
  • <group> - group
  • <gerund> - touring
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fascinating
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - supernatural
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-career-status> - leader
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <event-complex> - trip
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes to
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <body-complex> - bloodstream
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <family-role> - child
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <people-types> - worrywart
  • <gets-something-good> - gets knowledge
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets transformed
  • <texture-complex> - educational
  • <color-complex> - ginger

Kung Fu Panda

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - chunky
  • <emotion-bad> - clumsy
  • <emotion-good> - goofy
  • <creature> - beast
  • <group> - team
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <abstract-concept> - confidence
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <general-career-sector> - defense
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <size-complex> - rotund
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <general-adjective-dump> - agile
  • <general-career-status> - chosen one
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <people-types> - master
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <tool-complex> - scroll
  • <parts-of-body> - fist
  • <idea-complex> - technique
  • <general-noun-dump> - invader
  • <gets-something-good> - gets skillful
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - brings peace to the land
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <general-verb-dump> - cooks
  • <general-noun-dump> - shorts
  • <general-noun-dump> - noodle
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <people-types> - warrior


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <abstract-concept> - speed
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <age-complex> - immature
  • <texture-complex> - oil-slicked
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - arrogant
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <general-career-status> - champ
  • <event-complex> - road trip
  • <hates> - loathes
  • <general-verb-dump> - drives with
  • <people-types> - cable guy
  • <group> - family
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <building-complex> - asphalt
  • <nature-places> - spring
  • <age-complex> - oldfangled
  • <texture-complex> - rusty
  • <family-role> - mentor
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <color> - shiny
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <material-complex> - paint
  • <problem-complex> - challenge
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets humble
  • <gets-something-good> - gets to the finish line
  • <shape-complex> - wheel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - zoomy
  • <general-noun-dump> - beep

Parks and Recreation

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <emotion-good> - cheerful
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <size> - petite
  • <place-complex> - office
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <group> - crew
  • <people-types> - citizen
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <abstract-concept> - bureaucracy
  • <period-of-time> - term
  • <general-verb-dump> - organizes
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is friends with
  • <event-complex> - festival
  • <creature-complex> - horse
  • <general-noun-dump> - city hall
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <gets-something-good> - gets elected
  • <media-type> - sitcom
  • <general-noun-dump> - small town
  • <color-complex> - mustachioed
  • <good> - optimistic
  • <bad-complex> - grumpy
  • <person-complex> - carpenter
  • <general-verb-dump> - believes in
  • <nature-places> - field
  • <gets-something-good> - gets elected
  • <general-adjective-dump> - goofy
  • <texture-complex> - Midwestern

Bee Movie

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: bee

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - family
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size> - teeny
  • <bad> - lame
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <building-complex> - hive mind
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - buzzin'
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sarcastic
  • <color-complex> - stripey
  • <general-adjective-dump> - forbidden
  • <shape-complex> - comb
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-verb-dump> - unionizes
  • <abstract-concept> - individuality
  • <creature-complex> - bug
  • <material-complex> - nectar
  • <people-types> - comedian
  • <general-noun-dump> - jazz
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <group> - swarm
  • <media-type> - film
  • <tool-complex> - stinger
  • <general-verb-dump> - labors over
  • <normal-weird> - interspecies
  • <nature-places> - flower bed
  • <issues> - employment

Count Chocula

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <emotion-bad> - spooky
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <creature> - being
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - sell to
  • <are-in-relation-to> - appear in commercials for
  • <general-career-sector> - marketing
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <taste-complex> - candy
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <material-complex> - grain
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <people-types> - mascot
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-noun-dump> - breakfast
  • <emotion-good-complex> - amusing

Jennifer Aniston

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - popular
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <abstract-concept> - camaraderie
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <general-career-status> - tabloid
  • <bad-complex> - incessant
  • <event-complex> - publicity
  • <parts-of-body> - haircut
  • <abstract-concept> - relationship
  • <place-dislike-simple> - are sick of
  • <general-noun-dump> - magazine
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are divorced from
  • <idea-complex> - TV show
  • <period-of-time> - 1990s
  • <good-complex> - trendy
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <media-type> - prime time
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are friends with
  • <parts-of-body> - voice
  • <people-types> - America's sweetheart

Mr. Clean

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: clean

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - massive
  • <person> - individual
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - scrub
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are a representative of
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - soiling
  • <general-career-sector> - sales
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture-complex> - spotless
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <color-complex> - bleached
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <event-complex> - chore
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <general-noun-dump> - earring
  • <people-types> - jock
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - erase
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - branded
  • <general-career-status> - spokesperson
  • <tool-complex> - mop
  • <material-complex> - tile
  • <general-noun-dump> - product
  • <size-complex> - jacked
  • <family-role> - zaddy

"Weird Al" Yankovic

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - immature
  • <emotion-good> - humorous
  • <media-type> - music
  • <place-like-simple> - sing about
  • <abstract-concept> - parody
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <color-complex> - zany
  • <normal-weird> - goofy
  • <texture-complex> - squeaky
  • <tool-complex> - squeeze box
  • <texture-complex> - frizzy
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <are-in-relation-to> - poke fun at
  • <people-types> - jester
  • <general-noun-dump> - polka
  • <idea-complex> - comedy
  • <general-noun-dump> - spoof
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <general-adjective-dump> - strange
  • <tool-complex> - Hawaiian shirt
  • <idea-complex> - song

George Clooney

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-noun-dump> - ocean
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <abstract-concept> - gravity
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-status> - A-lister
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <texture-complex> - handsome
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - donate to
  • <abstract-concept> - climate
  • <general-noun-dump> - tequila
  • <good-complex> - humanitarian
  • <building-complex> - emergency room
  • <gerund> - heist
  • <texture-complex> - suave
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <creature-complex> - fox


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - chocolate
  • <general-noun-dump> - wrist watch
  • <emotion-good> - peaceful
  • <texture-complex> - mountainous
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <society> - culture
  • <land> - terrain
  • <general-noun-dump> - language
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - negotiate
  • <problem-complex> - banking
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <texture-complex> - snow-capped
  • <people-types> - milk maid
  • <emotion-good-complex> - neutral
  • <bad> - neutral
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <texture-complex> - wintry
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <abstract-concept> - efficiency

Baby Yoda

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - overnight sensation
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <size> - tiny
  • <family-role> - child
  • <media-type> - television
  • <gerund> - cooing
  • <emotion-good> - mysterious
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - connect with
  • <creature> - creature
  • <age-complex> - newborn
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-noun-dump> - space
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <normal-weird> - unusual
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <idea-complex> - mysticism
  • <tool-complex> - helmet
  • <people-types> - warrior
  • <age-complex> - withered
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-noun-dump> - meme
  • <good-complex> - popular

Harley Quinn

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - hammer
  • <color> - colorful
  • <person-complex> - accomplice
  • <person-complex> - villain
  • <person-complex> - doctor
  • <media-type> - comic
  • <general-noun-dump> - crime
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <general-noun-dump> - clown
  • <parts-of-body> - makeup
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - abusive
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <abstract-concept> - insanity
  • <abstract-concept> - chaos
  • <material-complex> - spandex
  • <people-types> - trickster
  • <people-types> - femme fatale
  • <building-complex> - sanitarium
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <alive-dead> - fictional

The Prestige

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <problem-complex> - accident
  • <gerund> - competing
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <general-verb-dump> - performs
  • <building-complex> - stage
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <general-noun-dump> - love triangle
  • <villain> - rival
  • <general-noun-dump> - illusion
  • <group> - audience
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <people-types> - twin
  • <gerund> - drowning
  • <general-noun-dump> - duplicate
  • <general-noun-dump> - dunk tank
  • <issues> - twist
  • <abstract-concept> - trickery
  • <material-complex> - electricity

The Brave Little Toaster

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - appliance
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels through
  • <gerund> - wandering
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - abandoned
  • <general-verb-dump> - searches for
  • <group> - team
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <person-complex> - little dude
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <place-complex> - junkyard
  • <general-noun-dump> - spare part
  • <general-verb-dump> - comes alive
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-noun-dump> - blanket
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <tool-complex> - cord
  • <is> - heats up
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - toy
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <gerund> - misbehaving
  • <parts-of-body> - snout
  • <building-complex> - workshop
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <gerund> - lying
  • <family-role> - son
  • <person> - man
  • <general-verb-dump> - manufacture
  • <abstract-concept> - journey
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - live with
  • <person> - individual
  • <texture-complex> - squeaky
  • <texture-complex> - rickety
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are friends with
  • <general-noun-dump> - bug
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Mediterranean
  • <people-types> - liar
  • <abstract-concept> - deception

Death of a Salesman

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <emotion-bad> - troubled
  • <group> - family
  • <emotion-bad> - delusional
  • <good-complex> - professional
  • <general-career-status> - failure
  • <is-in-relation-to> - has expectations of
  • <family-role> - son
  • <abstract-concept> - achievement
  • <abstract-concept> - greatness
  • <normal-weird> - mysterious
  • <person-complex> - wifey
  • <bad-complex> - ugly
  • <problem-complex> - argument
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - drives off
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - perishes
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <genre> - tragedy
  • <general-verb-dump> - drinks
  • <general-noun-dump> - insurance
  • <tool-complex> - car
  • <problem-complex> - layoff
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <event-complex> - funeral
  • <general-adjective-dump> - door-to-door


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - being
  • <size> - tiny
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - celebrate
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <abstract-concept> - morality
  • <creature> - creature
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <emotion-bad> - grumpy
  • <general-noun-dump> - town
  • <society> - community
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <good> - cheerful
  • <general-noun-dump> - nose
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <texture-complex> - snowy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <abstract-concept> - theology
  • <society> - community
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <general-noun-dump> - tree
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live among
  • <emotion-good-complex> - mythological
  • <food> - feast
  • <person-complex> - deity
  • <general-noun-dump> - thunder
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - demand another
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <general-adjective-dump> - immortal
  • <bad-complex> - tricky
  • <general-noun-dump> - cinematic universe
  • <tool-complex> - hammer
  • <general-noun-dump> - Olympus
  • <person-complex> - goddess
  • <taste-complex> - Nordic

Hot Topic

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: hot

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand
  • <general-adjective-dump> - retail
  • <color> - dark
  • <society> - pop culture
  • <place-like-simple> - buy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - try on
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <general-noun-dump> - music
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <normal-weird> - alternative
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <place-like-simple> - get merch from
  • <general-noun-dump> - suspender
  • <material-complex> - eye liner
  • <building-complex> - mall
  • <bad-complex> - angsty
  • <color-complex> - plaid
  • <gerund> - piercing
  • <good-complex> - emotional
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gothic
  • <general-noun-dump> - tee
  • <good-complex> - cartoonish
  • <texture-complex> - stuffed

Home Depot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: home

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <taste-complex> - DIY
  • <general-career-sector> - retail
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - purchase
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - look for
  • <tool-complex> - appliance
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <building> - construction
  • <building-complex> - warehouse
  • <general-noun-dump> - shed
  • <nature-places> - outdoors
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - measure the
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <gerund> - lighting
  • <general-noun-dump> - paint
  • <general-noun-dump> - hot dog
  • <general-noun-dump> - mulch
  • <tool-complex> - doohickey
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <material-complex> - plank
  • <abstract-concept> - masculinity

The Princess Diaries

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: princess

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is related to
  • <media-type> - film
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <age-complex> - teenaged
  • <good-complex> - royal
  • <person-complex> - heir
  • <general-adjective-dump> - awkward
  • <people-types> - outcast
  • <family-role> - grandmama
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <gerund> - ruling
  • <emotion-bad> - unrefined
  • <general-noun-dump> - makeover
  • <tool-complex> - tiara
  • <bad-complex> - embarrassing
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - becomes the leader
  • <building-complex> - high school
  • <general-noun-dump> - pizza
  • <texture> - frizzy
  • <place-complex> - west coast
  • <event-complex> - revelation

The Fly

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - horror
  • <creature> - creature
  • <creature> - monster
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <media-type> - film
  • <texture-complex> - mushy
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <body-complex> - body
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <person-complex> - scientist
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <abstract-concept> - humanity
  • <problem-complex> - tragedy
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-verb-dump> - fuses with
  • <abstract-concept> - experimentation
  • <general-noun-dump> - bloom
  • <general-noun-dump> - spawn
  • <general-adjective-dump> - winged
  • <period-of-time> - 80s
  • <abstract-concept> - metamorphosis
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-noun-dump> - hybrid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - genetic

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: unfortunate, event

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - family
  • <problem-complex> - tragedy
  • <villain> - villain
  • <group> - trio
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <texture-complex> - mysterious
  • <gerund> - fleeing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - parentless
  • <family-role> - relative
  • <issues> - foster care
  • <general-noun-dump> - dark humor
  • <abstract-concept> - morality
  • <media-type> - book set
  • <texture-complex> - gothic
  • <media-style-adjective> - child-friendly
  • <normal-weird> - bizarre
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <abstract-concept> - greed
  • <general-noun-dump> - inheritance
  • <general-adjective-dump> - quick-thinking
  • <general-adjective-dump> - inventive
  • <good> - smart
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <people-types> - orphan

The Princess and the Pea

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: princess

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - bedding
  • <general-noun-dump> - test
  • <genre> - fairy tale
  • <media-type> - story
  • <shape-complex> - morsel
  • <good-complex> - royal
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <general-adjective-dump> - picky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - suspicious
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <general-noun-dump> - trick
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <person-complex> - guest
  • <general-verb-dump> - rests on
  • <person-complex> - bride
  • <good> - classic
  • <general-noun-dump> - bean
  • <bad-complex> - prissy
  • <general-noun-dump> - pellet
  • <shape-complex> - stack
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - secretive
  • <age> - old-timey

Avenue Q

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <media-type> - musical theater
  • <general-noun-dump> - marionette
  • <general-noun-dump> - internet
  • <place-complex> - downtown
  • <genre> - parody
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <gerund> - arguing
  • <person-complex> - roommate
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <emotion-good-complex> - hilarious
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <creature> - monster
  • <group> - group
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - crude
  • <problem-complex> - struggle
  • <emotion-bad> - meh
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - irreverent
  • <texture> - fuzzy
  • <general-noun-dump> - degree
  • <problem-complex> - breakup
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - crass

Law & Order

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: law

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - television
  • <media-sensation> - hit
  • <general-noun-dump> - gavel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - complex
  • <genre> - drama
  • <issues> - crime
  • <issues> - violence
  • <person-complex> - victim
  • <general-noun-dump> - franchise
  • <idea> - theory
  • <abstract-concept> - justice
  • <group> - team
  • <place-complex> - downtown
  • <general-verb-dump> - examines
  • <general-verb-dump> - follows
  • <idea-complex> - judgment
  • <hates> - prosecutes
  • <place-complex> - east coast
  • <media-style-adjective> - long-running
  • <event-complex> - arrest
  • <color> - dark
  • <people-types> - perpetrator
  • <people-types> - city slicker
  • <general-verb-dump> - investigates

San Francisco

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - silicon
  • <general-career-sector> - tech
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <nature-places> - sea
  • <place-complex> - downtown
  • <texture> - cloudy
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <person-complex> - inventor
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - move for
  • <general-career-sector> - finance
  • <texture-complex> - hilly
  • <general-noun-dump> - football
  • <place-complex> - wharf
  • <general-noun-dump> - traffic
  • <taste-complex> - coastal
  • <society> - culture
  • <abstract-concept> - housing market
  • <place-complex> - bridge
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <general-noun-dump> - startup
  • <abstract-concept> - gentrification

Santa's Workshop

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: santa

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <place-like-simple> - delight in
  • <place-feel-simple> - experience
  • <emotion-good> - joy
  • <emotion-good> - cheery
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live among
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture-complex> - wintry
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <building-complex> - factory
  • <group> - team
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - build
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <person-complex> - folklore
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <normal-weird> - fictional
  • <general-noun-dump> - pole
  • <texture-complex> - chilly billy
  • <color-complex> - striped
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <parts-of-body> - beard
  • <general-noun-dump> - bowl full of jelly
  • <general-noun-dump> - working condition
  • <person-complex> - pixie


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - land mass
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <society> - culture
  • <building-complex> - opera
  • <nature-places> - reef
  • <bad-complex> - colonial
  • <place-complex> - commonwealth
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <gerund> - bouncing
  • <texture> - dry
  • <general-noun-dump> - bush
  • <creature-complex> - marsupial
  • <place-complex> - island
  • <good-complex> - continental
  • <person-complex> - surfer
  • <taste-complex> - sunburned

Denzel Washington

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person-complex> - gentleman
  • <abstract-concept> - dignity
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <general-career-status> - coach
  • <general-career-status> - officer
  • <bad-complex> - fallen
  • <bad-complex> - corrupt
  • <idea-complex> - legacy
  • <gerund> - training montage
  • <people-types> - rebel
  • <good-complex> - martyred
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <tool-complex> - Oscar
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <group> - debate team

Whoopi Goldberg

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - amuse
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <good> - funny
  • <good-complex> - versatile
  • <family-role> - sister
  • <general-career-status> - entertainer
  • <general-career-status> - wisecracker
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <general-career-sector> - comedy
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - stand up
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <age-complex> - nostalgic
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <people-types> - nun
  • <general-noun-dump> - EGOT
  • <parts-of-body> - eyebrow
  • <general-noun-dump> - actress
  • <general-noun-dump> - talk show
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - host
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about

West Side Story

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - adaptation
  • <genre> - romance
  • <general-noun-dump> - music
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <issues> - choreography
  • <gerund> - pining
  • <group> - gang
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <emotion-bad> - tragic
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <gerund> - feuding
  • <gets-something-bad> - dies
  • <issues> - crime
  • <issues> - violence
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <loves> - falls for
  • <abstract-concept> - hatred
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <group> - crew
  • <general-verb-dump> - stabs
  • <people-types> - doctor
  • <people-types> - officer
  • <general-noun-dump> - rumble
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire escape
  • <general-adjective-dump> - warring
  • <emotion-good> - pretty
  • <bad> - forbidden

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: night, dream

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - sprite
  • <general-noun-dump> - marriage
  • <nature-places> - nature
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - identity
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <person-complex> - lover
  • <age> - old fashioned
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <period-of-time> - evening
  • <person-complex> - royal
  • <general-verb-dump> - transforms into
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - performs with
  • <creature-complex> - elf
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rhyming
  • <group> - troupe
  • <general-noun-dump> - converging plot
  • <good> - whimsical
  • <period-of-time> - twilight
  • <texture-complex> - poetic
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married

Jack and the Beanstalk

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - enormous
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <bad> - broke
  • <person-complex> - peasant
  • <wants> - needs
  • <abstract-concept> - magical
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - goes back home
  • <general-verb-dump> - trades
  • <creature-complex> - mammoth
  • <size> - tall
  • <gerund> - starving
  • <nature-places> - valley
  • <general-verb-dump> - climbs up
  • <genre> - fairytale
  • <abstract-concept> - vegetation
  • <good> - enchanted
  • <general-noun-dump> - nut
  • <shape-complex> - trunk
  • <general-adjective-dump> - enlarging
  • <texture-complex> - leafy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mushrooming

Little Richard

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: little

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <size> - small
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wear
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <event> - performance
  • <abstract-concept> - soul
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <taste-complex> - religious
  • <media-type> - music
  • <media-type> - gospel
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <good-complex> - stylish
  • <good-complex> - extra
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <material-complex> - sequin
  • <material-complex> - gold
  • <emotion-good-complex> - energetic
  • <color-complex> - colorful
  • <tool-complex> - piano
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <good> - glam
  • <general-noun-dump> - ring
  • <general-noun-dump> - jewelry
  • <bad-complex> - frenetic
  • <abstract-concept> - showmanship
  • <texture-complex> - mustachioed
  • <texture-complex> - curly

Nicki Minaj

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <body> - figure
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <event-complex> - remix
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <media-type> - music
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <gerund> - rapping
  • <color-complex> - sparkly
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <tool-complex> - rocket
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <are-in-relation-to> - guest star on
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-noun-dump> - spaceship
  • <general-noun-dump> - bass
  • <abstract-concept> - plastic surgery
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <good> - popular

Puss In Boots

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tiny
  • <emotion-good-complex> - brave
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature> - beast
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - heroism
  • <general-career-sector> - combat
  • <media-type> - folklore
  • <gerund> - fencing
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <emotion-bad> - conceited
  • <emotion-good> - suave
  • <normal-weird> - bizarre
  • <size-complex> - pint-sized
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <tool-complex> - footwear
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <people-types> - rogue
  • <general-noun-dump> - saber
  • <general-noun-dump> - chivalry
  • <material-complex> - milk
  • <parts-of-body> - footwear
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - wear

Robert Downey Jr.

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - talented
  • <emotion-good-complex> - popular
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <abstract-concept> - heroism
  • <general-career-sector> - franchise
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <people-types> - tycoon
  • <tool-complex> - clothing
  • <general-noun-dump> - sleuth
  • <person-complex> - man
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make a comeback in
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - marvel at
  • <parts-of-body> - goatee
  • <people-types> - senior
  • <emotion-good-complex> - mischievous
  • <general-noun-dump> - iron
  • <age> - middle-aged
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sober
  • <people-types> - veterinarian

Hannah Montana

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature> - identity
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - disguise
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perform
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are also known as
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <abstract-concept> - fame
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <abstract-concept> - deceit
  • <media-type> - television
  • <media-type> - music
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <people-types> - trickster
  • <event-complex> - hijinks
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <good-complex> - funny
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <period-of-time> - life
  • <parts-of-body> - wig
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <person-complex> - tween

Yo-Yo Ma

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - classical
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perform
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - train
  • <person-complex> - dud
  • <taste-complex> - cultured
  • <abstract-concept> - melody
  • <general-career-status> - best-in-the-biz
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <event-complex> - standing ovation
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <material-complex> - string
  • <tool-complex> - instrument
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - tune
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <good-complex> - foreign
  • <are-in-relation-to> - plays the
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - compose
  • <general-noun-dump> - bow

Maya Angelou

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <place-like-simple> - inspire
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <good> - phenomenal
  • <abstract-concept> - imagery
  • <general-career-status> - genius
  • <general-career-sector> - literature
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <age-complex> - timeless
  • <good-complex> - groundbreaking
  • <good-complex> - poetic
  • <color-complex> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - truth
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <idea-complex> - poem
  • <age> - old
  • <general-adjective-dump> - caged
  • <general-noun-dump> - civil rights movement
  • <general-career-status> - laureate
  • <event-complex> - inauguration
  • <good> - esteemed
  • <texture-complex> - gravelly
  • <thing> - voice

Keanu Reeves

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in movies about
  • <general-noun-dump> - time travel
  • <period-of-time> - 1990s
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <people-types> - surfer dude
  • <good> - positive
  • <person> - individual
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - plug into
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <abstract-concept> - excellence
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hack
  • <texture-complex> - stubbly
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <general-adjective-dump> - leather-clad
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <general-adjective-dump> - reloaded
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <idea-complex> - movie
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - avenging
  • <tool-complex> - telephone
  • <family-role> - daddy

Smokey Bear

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: Smoky, Smokey, smoked

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in an ad about
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - prevent
  • <abstract-concept> - responsibility
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <gerund> - warning
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - stern
  • <color-complex> - brunette
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <problem-complex> - natural disaster
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - put out
  • <building-complex> - natural world
  • <tool-complex> - tent
  • <general-noun-dump> - guilt trip

Bradley Cooper

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-noun-dump> - raccoon
  • <age> - recent
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - guard
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <general-career-status> - hottie
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hungover
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <gerund> - sniping
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture-complex> - preppy
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - duet with
  • <good-complex> - unlimited
  • <idea-complex> - movie
  • <emotion-good-complex> - charming
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - shallow
  • <texture-complex> - handsome
  • <period-of-time> - summertime
  • <building-complex> - campground
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <tool-complex> - game plan
  • <bad-complex> - sly
  • <bad-complex> - smug
  • <people-types> - director

Mr. Snuffleupagus

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-noun-dump> - neighborhood
  • <general-noun-dump> - alphabet
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <size> - massive
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <creature> - beast
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - imagine
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <gerund> - galumphing
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <texture-complex> - wooly
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <color-complex> - brunette
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sunny
  • <general-noun-dump> - avenue
  • <parts-of-body> - trunk
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - teach
  • <family-role> - child
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <place-like-simple> - are friends with

Elton John

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <person> - human
  • <place-feel-emotional-simple> - feel
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rocket to
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <general-career-status> - knight
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <texture-complex> - feathery
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <normal-weird> - ostentatious
  • <general-adjective-dump> - windy
  • <general-noun-dump> - candle
  • <material-complex> - sequin
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stand
  • <general-noun-dump> - jet
  • <idea-complex> - song
  • <tool-complex> - piano

Murder, She Wrote

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: murder

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - cozy
  • <place> - community
  • <emotion-good> - clever
  • <person-complex> - widow
  • <person-complex> - writer
  • <bad-complex> - tricky
  • <issues> - crime
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <person-complex> - sheriff
  • <good-complex> - intuitive
  • <abstract-concept> - hunch
  • <abstract-concept> - curiosity
  • <general-verb-dump> - figures out
  • <issues> - death
  • <size-complex> - major
  • <problem-complex> - clue
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <age> - old
  • <good-complex> - wholesome
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nosy
  • <general-noun-dump> - cardigan
  • <nature-places> - cove
  • <age> - wrinkly
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - solves it
  • <size-complex> - amateur

Vanna White

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <emotion-good> - smiley
  • <idea> - answer
  • <shape> - circle
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <abstract-concept> - luck
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <gerund> - spelling
  • <media-type> - television
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <emotion-good-complex> - congratulatory
  • <shape-complex> - wheel
  • <tool-complex> - word
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - touch the
  • <general-noun-dump> - gown
  • <people-types> - assistant
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <general-noun-dump> - vowel
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - help out
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lightly tap
  • <good-complex> - daily
  • <people-types> - hostess

The West Wing

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - team
  • <size> - short
  • <protagonist> - executive
  • <general-career-sector> - political science
  • <good-complex> - quick-witted
  • <general-career-status> - subordinate
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights for
  • <abstract-concept> - nation
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <bad-complex> - complicated
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gives a lecture
  • <person-complex> - staff
  • <emotion-bad> - fussy
  • <general-noun-dump> - walk-n-talk
  • <general-adjective-dump> - patriotic
  • <shape-complex> - oval
  • <general-noun-dump> - patter
  • <media-sensation> - prime time
  • <general-noun-dump> - banter
  • <texture-complex> - silver-tongued

The Hulk

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - huge
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <texture> - hard
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - emotion
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gerund> - punching
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - infuriated
  • <general-noun-dump> - transformation
  • <texture-complex> - muscled
  • <tool-complex> - jorts
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <people-types> - hothead
  • <group> - group
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - burst out of
  • <size-complex> - chunky
  • <body-complex> - torso
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <abstract-concept> - toxic masculinity
  • <general-noun-dump> - anger management

I Love Lucy

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: love

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <emotion-good> - warmhearted
  • <person-complex> - hubby
  • <media-style-adjective> - slapstick
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <bad-complex> - exasperating
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <person-complex> - neighbor
  • <abstract-concept> - stardom
  • <people-types> - fool
  • <bad-complex> - embarrassing
  • <problem-complex> - predicament
  • <normal-weird> - zany
  • <bad-complex> - scheming
  • <people-types> - goofball
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets a taste of their own medicine
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mid-century
  • <people-types> - jester
  • <general-noun-dump> - chocolate
  • <media-style-adjective> - black-and-white
  • <issues> - marriage
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets in trouble with

A Chorus Line

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: line

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - restless
  • <good> - skilled
  • <group> - ensemble
  • <emotion-bad> - demanding
  • <person-complex> - director
  • <place-complex> - stage
  • <emotion-good> - heartfelt
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <media-sensation> - sensation
  • <good-complex> - provocative
  • <loves> - has feelings for
  • <people-types> - performer
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tearful
  • <problem-complex> - acknowledgment
  • <problem-complex> - injury
  • <group> - troupe
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - performs
  • <abstract-concept> - anxiety
  • <event> - competition
  • <general-verb-dump> - tap dances with
  • <good-complex> - sensational
  • <texture-complex> - sparkly
  • <general-noun-dump> - ballet
  • <general-career-sector> - showbiz
  • <abstract-concept> - razzle dazzle
  • <general-noun-dump> - top hat
  • <people-types> - diva
  • <general-adjective-dump> - meta
  • <event-complex> - audition


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: rent

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - drama
  • <media-sensation> - groundbreaker
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <group> - group
  • <bad> - sick
  • <person> - guy
  • <place-complex> - block
  • <gerund> - surviving
  • <media-style-adjective> - tragic
  • <good-complex> - angelic
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <general-verb-dump> - films
  • <general-noun-dump> - performance art
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <general-adjective-dump> - supportive
  • <abstract-concept> - illness
  • <general-noun-dump> - breakup
  • <issues> - poverty
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - comes back to life
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <idea-complex> - orientation
  • <good> - cool
  • <shape-complex> - measurement
  • <emotion-good-complex> - artistic
  • <tool-complex> - drug
  • <bad-complex> - broke
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-noun-dump> - candle


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - wholesome
  • <group> - community
  • <good> - exciting
  • <place> - territory
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <good-complex> - beautiful
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <good-complex> - ambitious
  • <person-complex> - cowpoke
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <hates> - despises
  • <person-complex> - feller
  • <material-complex> - fringe
  • <tool-complex> - wagon
  • <age-complex> - old-fashioned
  • <event-complex> - soiree
  • <group> - couple
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <people-types> - enemy
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <place-complex> - state
  • <place-complex> - America
  • <media-sensation> - romp
  • <event-complex> - hoedown
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - drunk
  • <texture> - dusty
  • <texture> - sunny

Olive Garden

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - food
  • <food> - cuisine
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <group> - family
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <taste-complex> - garlicky
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <general-noun-dump> - bread
  • <place-feel-simple> - eat
  • <normal-weird> - average
  • <building-complex> - restaurant
  • <normal-weird> - casual
  • <texture-complex> - saucy
  • <place-like-simple> - enjoy
  • <general-noun-dump> - noodle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - carb up with
  • <general-noun-dump> - hospitaliano
  • <texture-complex> - bottomless
  • <gerund> - tossing
  • <bad-complex> - cheap
  • <good-complex> - build-your-own

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <group> - duo
  • <emotion-bad> - strange
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <size-complex> - beefy
  • <abstract-concept> - experimentation
  • <texture-complex> - moist
  • <taste-complex> - saucy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - alien
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <general-verb-dump> - anticipates
  • <general-verb-dump> - seduces
  • <abstract-concept> - hedonism
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <tool-complex> - motorcycle
  • <people-types> - narrator
  • <general-adjective-dump> - far-fetched
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <general-noun-dump> - time travel
  • <event-complex> - reveal
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets abducted
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <media-sensation> - sing-a-long
  • <emotion-bad> - modest
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <building-complex> - laboratory
  • <media-sensation> - live screening
  • <general-noun-dump> - curry

Fyre Fest

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - ripoff
  • <general-noun-dump> - fraud
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get scammed by
  • <good-complex> - luxurious
  • <general-noun-dump> - social media
  • <problem-complex> - disaster
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <building-complex> - tent
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - stranded
  • <bad-complex> - atrocious
  • <building-complex> - accommodation
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - attend
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <event> - event
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <bad-complex> - cancelled
  • <good-complex> - hilarious
  • <color> - tropical
  • <event-complex> - vacation

The Producers

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - corrupt
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <people-types> - accountant
  • <bad-complex> - crooked
  • <event-complex> - strategy
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <media-sensation> - debacle
  • <general-verb-dump> - defrauds
  • <people-types> - spinster
  • <good-complex> - hilarious
  • <people-types> - fascist
  • <group> - team
  • <gets-something-bad> - goes to jail
  • <media-type> - play
  • <period-of-time> - spring
  • <building-complex> - venue
  • <tool-complex> - explosive
  • <group> - duo
  • <texture-complex> - theatrical
  • <issues> - scam
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <abstract-concept> - money
  • <bad-complex> - fraudulent
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scheming

Red Lobster

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: red

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - meal
  • <food> - cuisine
  • <general-noun-dump> - crustacean
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - crack open
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - go for
  • <taste-complex> - buttery
  • <general-noun-dump> - bread
  • <normal-weird> - casual
  • <place-complex> - parking lot
  • <normal-weird> - average
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-noun-dump> - shell
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <nature-places> - bay
  • <general-noun-dump> - tank
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bottomless
  • <bad-complex> - oceanic
  • <bad> - fake

Les Misérables

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: miserable

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - drama
  • <media-style-adjective> - historical
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <villain> - nemesis
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <gerund> - rebelling
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <size-complex> - scrawny
  • <family-role> - daughter
  • <good-complex> - revolutionary
  • <general-adjective-dump> - consumptive
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <general-verb-dump> - arrests
  • <general-verb-dump> - confronts
  • <people-types> - mayor
  • <event-complex> - wedding
  • <group> - militia
  • <building-complex> - barricade
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <event-complex> - loss
  • <person-complex> - thief
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - perishes
  • <media-type> - musical
  • <media-type> - novel
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <shape-complex> - number
  • <tool-complex> - bread
  • <issues> - crime
  • <bad-complex> - relentless
  • <building-complex> - castle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European
  • <general-noun-dump> - baguette

Office Space

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - frustrated
  • <group> - bunch
  • <bad> - unsympathetic
  • <villain> - manager
  • <bad-complex> - soul-sucking
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape-complex> - rectangle
  • <hates> - bashes in
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <bad-complex> - ill-advised
  • <idea-complex> - plot
  • <shape-complex> - button
  • <people-types> - weirdo
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets revenge
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - works with
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unfulfilling
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a new job
  • <general-noun-dump> - employment
  • <general-noun-dump> - mug
  • <emotion-bad> - corporate
  • <people-types> - coworker
  • <general-adjective-dump> - white-collar
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <issues> - stealing

Diff'rent Strokes

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - family
  • <size> - small
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <media-type> - sitcom
  • <age-complex> - young
  • <good-complex> - wholesome
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - precarious
  • <general-adjective-dump> - retro
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <abstract-concept> - laughter
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is taken in by
  • <general-verb-dump> - lives with
  • <idea-complex> - unity
  • <problem-complex> - bias
  • <family-role> - father
  • <gerund> - joking
  • <issues> - adoption
  • <person-complex> - child star
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <people-types> - wisecracker
  • <abstract-concept> - catchphrase
  • <gets-something-good> - learns a lesson
  • <gets-something-good> - becomes rich
  • <place> - mansion
  • <general-noun-dump> - millionaire


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - stressful
  • <place> - location
  • <good> - hard-working
  • <group> - team
  • <emotion-bad> - traumatic
  • <issues> - health
  • <person-complex> - medic
  • <wants> - craves
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <problem-complex> - procedure
  • <problem-complex> - insomnia
  • <gerund> - operating
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - never stops
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <media-sensation> - prime time
  • <genre> - drama
  • <media-style-adjective> - long-running
  • <general-noun-dump> - stethoscope
  • <general-verb-dump> - rehabilitates
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <general-adjective-dump> - medicinal
  • <group> - staff


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <group> - team
  • <bad> - frightening
  • <idea> - suspicion
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <bad-complex> - crooked
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <media-style-adjective> - tragi-comic
  • <general-career-status> - crime fighter
  • <normal-weird> - black-and-white
  • <person-complex> - detective
  • <bad-complex> - malevolent
  • <people-types> - genius
  • <size-complex> - enormous
  • <creature-complex> - cephalopod
  • <people-types> - ringmaster
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves humanity
  • <texture-complex> - naked
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-career-status> - god
  • <is-in-relation-to> - cannot relate to
  • <nature-places> - Earth
  • <nature-places> - Mars
  • <texture-complex> - silky
  • <general-career-status> - heroine
  • <color> - dark
  • <creature-complex> - owl
  • <media-type> - illustrated
  • <bad-complex> - Machiavellian
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights
  • <parts-of-body> - smiley face

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <color> - colorful
  • <creature> - beast
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <event> - festivity
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <emotion-good-complex> - heartwarming
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <parts-of-body> - schnoz
  • <people-types> - outcast
  • <tool-complex> - sled
  • <event-complex> - jubilee
  • <parts-of-body> - snout
  • <color-complex> - ruby
  • <good-complex> - merry
  • <gerund> - teasing
  • <bad-complex> - bulbous

Mariana Trench

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <color> - dark
  • <abstract-concept> - extreme
  • <area> - region
  • <land> - terrain
  • <texture-complex> - aquatic
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <color-complex> - shadowed
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <shape-complex> - void
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dive into
  • <color-complex> - glowy
  • <general-noun-dump> - pressure
  • <general-noun-dump> - drop-off
  • <abstract-concept> - mutation
  • <bad-complex> - mysterious
  • <general-noun-dump> - vent
  • <shape-complex> - hole
  • <parts-of-body> - tooth
  • <abstract-concept> - underneath
  • <place-like-simple> - go down below
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <building> - structure
  • <land> - land
  • <society> - civilization
  • <texture-complex> - historical
  • <abstract-concept> - doom
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - study
  • <period-of-time> - era
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <event-complex> - tragedy
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - solidified
  • <building-complex> - ruin
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <tool-complex> - mural
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <general-noun-dump> - powder
  • <texture-complex> - fiery
  • <thing> - relic
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - take a tour of
  • <abstract-concept> - tourism

Derek Jeter

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - consistent
  • <are-in-relation-to> - smack
  • <abstract-concept> - limelight
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <gerund> - swinging
  • <texture-complex> - squeaky clean
  • <normal-weird> - boring
  • <good-complex> - cute
  • <color-complex> - pinstriped
  • <general-noun-dump> - routine
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are great with
  • <tool-complex> - stick
  • <idea-complex> - game
  • <parts-of-body> - smile
  • <general-noun-dump> - yank
  • <bad-complex> - bald
  • <building-complex> - East Coast
  • <tool-complex> - base
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - clutch

Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fast
  • <event-complex> - race
  • <general-noun-dump> - cup
  • <gerund> - driving
  • <emotion-good-complex> - friendly
  • <good-complex> - zippy
  • <bad-complex> - tragic
  • <family-role> - son
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - live with
  • <problem-complex> - injury
  • <general-career-status> - ambassador
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - circle
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <people-types> - successor
  • <general-noun-dump> - pit stop
  • <color-complex> - checkered
  • <group> - dynasty
  • <general-noun-dump> - beep beep
  • <bad-complex> - sponsored
  • <tool-complex> - motor
  • <tool> - vehicle


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <event> - disruption
  • <abstract-concept> - climate
  • <texture> - damp
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <emotion-good-complex> - nautical
  • <problem-complex> - disaster
  • <place-complex> - realm
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - action
  • <media-sensation> - flop
  • <period-of-time> - future
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <issues> - housing
  • <parts-of-body> - gill
  • <gets-something-good> - gets to the destination
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - finds a new home
  • <general-verb-dump> - jet skis across
  • <bad-complex> - apocalyptic
  • <general-noun-dump> - citrus
  • <general-adjective-dump> - parched
  • <texture> - wet
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <material> - liquid
  • <abstract-concept> - climate change
  • <general-noun-dump> - sea level
  • <general-adjective-dump> - submerged

Jane the Virgin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event> - accident
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <place-complex> - foreign land
  • <problem> - mix-up
  • <genre> - telenovela
  • <gerund> - smooching
  • <issues> - chastity
  • <protagonist> - narrator
  • <taste-complex> - religious
  • <general-noun-dump> - affair
  • <problem> - secret
  • <general-noun-dump> - cliffhanger
  • <genre> - soap opera
  • <abstract-concept> - misunderstanding
  • <people-types> - drama queen
  • <people-types> - evil twin
  • <people-types> - heartthrob
  • <shape-complex> - love triangle
  • <gets-something-good> - gets married
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - has a child
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <family-role> - grandmother
  • <general-verb-dump> - deceives
  • <general-noun-dump> - shocking twist
  • <place-complex> - west coast
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <emotion-good> - chaste
  • <media-type> - sitcom

Ayn Rand

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good> - uncompromising
  • <idea> - belief
  • <abstract-concept> - capitalism
  • <abstract-concept> - self-interest
  • <abstract-concept> - objectivism
  • <general-career-sector> - philosophy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - self-centered
  • <size-complex> - endless
  • <tool-complex> - book
  • <good-complex> - innovative
  • <building-complex> - architecture
  • <place-dislike-simple> - shrug at
  • <abstract-concept> - faith
  • <bad> - serious
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - write about
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <person-complex> - maiden
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cold-hearted
  • <period-of-time> - mid-century

The Goonies

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - gang
  • <size> - little
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <gerund> - exploring
  • <villain> - criminal
  • <issues> - debt
  • <general-career-sector> - piracy
  • <tool-complex> - ship
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - adventure
  • <media-sensation> - fan favorite
  • <event-complex> - expedition
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - scary
  • <family-role> - child
  • <building-complex> - dock
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <people-types> - gentle giant
  • <general-noun-dump> - wealth
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the treasure
  • <tool-complex> - booby trap
  • <general-verb-dump> - spelunks
  • <general-noun-dump> - map
  • <tool-complex> - gadget
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <period-of-time> - 80s

The Secret Garden

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: secret

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - family
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <media-style-adjective> - historical
  • <place> - area
  • <emotion-bad> - bratty
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <place-complex> - enclosure
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <texture-complex> - fallow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hush-hush
  • <taste-complex> - fresh
  • <color-complex> - verdant
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <event-complex> - miracle
  • <general-verb-dump> - tends to
  • <general-verb-dump> - is orphaned by
  • <creature-complex> - robin
  • <material-complex> - soil
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <building-complex> - wall
  • <nature-places> - moor
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - blooms
  • <general-noun-dump> - wheelchair
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hidden
  • <problem> - disease
  • <protagonist> - child
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <color-complex> - green


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - plagiarism
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <general-noun-dump> - combat
  • <color-complex> - glowing
  • <media-style-adjective> - live-action
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <texture-complex> - geometric
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <gerund> - racing
  • <general-verb-dump> - deletes
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <tool-complex> - software
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the company
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - stops the computer
  • <general-noun-dump> - upload
  • <protagonist> - creator
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nostalgic
  • <is> - is sucked into
  • <tool-complex> - mainframe
  • <general-verb-dump> - hacks
  • <general-noun-dump> - beep boop
  • <color> - metallic
  • <person-complex> - dude

Steven Universe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <color> - colorful
  • <group> - team
  • <size> - short
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <age-complex> - pubescent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - kind
  • <texture-complex> - stony
  • <texture-complex> - crystalline
  • <color-complex> - pearlescent
  • <general-career-status> - chosen one
  • <shape-complex> - diamond
  • <general-verb-dump> - fuses with
  • <is> - is made of
  • <abstract-concept> - sacrifice
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <creature-complex> - lion
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <building-complex> - temple
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <parts-of-body> - tummy
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <abstract-concept> - showdown
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <family-role> - child
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - brings peace
  • <family-role> - auntie
  • <group> - trio
  • <is-in-relation-to> - lives with
  • <color-complex> - rainbow

La La Land

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <emotion-good> - eager
  • <bad> - unlucky
  • <person-complex> - dreamer
  • <good> - talented
  • <emotion-bad> - stubborn
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <genre> - romance
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <media-style-adjective> - musical
  • <event-complex> - song-and-dance
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <abstract-concept> - courtship
  • <general-verb-dump> - tickles
  • <tool-complex> - keyboard
  • <abstract-concept> - monologue
  • <group> - couple
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - parts ways
  • <general-adjective-dump> - jazzy
  • <event-complex> - solo show
  • <color-complex> - freckled
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <bad-complex> - lukewarm

The Big Lebowski

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: big, dude

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - relaxed
  • <general-verb-dump> - pees on
  • <abstract-concept> - identity
  • <general-career-status> - loser
  • <media-type> - film
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - nihilistic
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <taste-complex> - milky
  • <period-of-time> - Saturday
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <material-complex> - carpeting
  • <people-types> - slacker
  • <parts-of-body> - toe
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a baby
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets covered in dust
  • <general-verb-dump> - chills with
  • <person-complex> - bro
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <person-complex> - guy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - small
  • <protagonist> - protagonist
  • <texture> - hard
  • <event> - game
  • <place-complex> - island
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <general-adjective-dump> - competitive
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - possessed
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <general-career-status> - king
  • <period-of-time> - millennium
  • <event-complex> - tournament
  • <general-verb-dump> - traps
  • <is> - is the heart of
  • <family-role> - grampy
  • <creature-complex> - pegasus
  • <material-complex> - cardstock
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <color-complex> - shadowy
  • <place-complex> - realm
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <gets-something-good> - gets away safely
  • <building-complex> - arena
  • <shape-complex> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - hairstyle
  • <general-career-sector> - battle
  • <gerund> - shuffling
  • <villain> - opponent
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - exclamatory
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets a monster
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <texture> - spiky
  • <texture-complex> - big-eyed


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: boy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <creature> - creature
  • <group> - team
  • <place-complex> - dominion
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <genre> - action
  • <media-style-adjective> - adapted
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <gerund> - summoning
  • <media-type> - film
  • <event-complex> - apocalypse
  • <general-verb-dump> - punches
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <people-types> - tough guy
  • <bad-complex> - damned
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - prevents armageddon
  • <media-type> - illustrated
  • <parts-of-body> - horn
  • <general-noun-dump> - cigar
  • <texture-complex> - brawny
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <taste-complex> - piping hot
  • <size-complex> - ripped

The Little Prince

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: little, prince

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <size-complex> - diminutive
  • <person> - character
  • <size> - teeny
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <place-complex> - world
  • <good-complex> - whimsical
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <person-complex> - loner
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <general-verb-dump> - rules
  • <nature-places> - asteroid
  • <texture-complex> - curly
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <good-complex> - tamed
  • <creature-complex> - fox
  • <person-complex> - lad
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - disappears
  • <creature-complex> - serpent
  • <gets-something-good> - gets bitten
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - searches
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <people-types> - regent
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European
  • <parts-of-body> - crown

Happy Feet

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: happy, foot

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - family-friendly
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <creature> - creature
  • <texture> - cold
  • <place-complex> - climate
  • <event> - ceremony
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - stony
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <color-complex> - monochromatic
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <abstract-concept> - individuality
  • <general-verb-dump> - waddles around
  • <general-verb-dump> - is trapped in
  • <general-noun-dump> - zoo
  • <person-complex> - human
  • <abstract-concept> - conservation
  • <group> - flock
  • <creature-complex> - bird
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <general-adjective-dump> - choreographed
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <group> - couple
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - dances
  • <parts-of-body> - appendage
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <alive-dead> - non-human
  • <size> - petite
  • <emotion-good> - cheery
  • <general-noun-dump> - swimmer
  • <texture> - fuzzy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - percussive

Mean Girls

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: mean, girl

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <media-style-adjective> - teen
  • <group> - bunch
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <age-complex> - inexperienced
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fetching
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <emotion-good-complex> - toxic
  • <general-career-status> - queen bee
  • <period-of-time> - semester
  • <event-complex> - prank
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <general-verb-dump> - burns
  • <is> - is made over by
  • <event-complex> - dance
  • <tool-complex> - bus
  • <general-noun-dump> - clique
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - survives
  • <abstract-concept> - friendship
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <is> - fits in with


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: land

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - exciting
  • <abstract-concept> - elimination
  • <gerund> - dueling
  • <general-noun-dump> - blade
  • <age-complex> - ageless
  • <media-type> - film
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <texture-complex> - empowered
  • <normal-weird> - unique
  • <tool-complex> - sword
  • <period-of-time> - millennium
  • <gets-something-good> - becomes all powerful
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - is last of their kind
  • <emotion-good-complex> - electrifying
  • <general-verb-dump> - slays
  • <person-complex> - top guy
  • <people-types> - chosen one
  • <gerund> - training
  • <general-adjective-dump> - singular
  • <good-complex> - mystical
  • <taste-complex> - European
  • <person-complex> - warrior
  • <general-adjective-dump> - headless
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <general-adjective-dump> - long-haired
  • <material-complex> - fur


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - action
  • <media-sensation> - B-movie
  • <media-sensation> - flop
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <creature> - creature
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <gerund> - raining
  • <general-adjective-dump> - windy
  • <size> - massive
  • <group> - shiver
  • <taste-complex> - bloody
  • <taste-complex> - poached
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - waterlogged
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-verb-dump> - chomps
  • <general-verb-dump> - flies around
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <gerund> - chainsawing
  • <nature-places> - oceanside
  • <parts-of-body> - jaw
  • <general-noun-dump> - typhoon
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets cut
  • <shape-complex> - swirl
  • <emotion-good> - absurd
  • <emotion-good> - silly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - airborne
  • <bad-complex> - gory
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets eaten
  • <gets-something-good> - gets her out
  • <bad> - cheesy
  • <tool-complex> - bomb

Joe DiMaggio

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - amazing
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a relationship with
  • <person-complex> - bombshell
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <general-career-status> - major leaguer
  • <good-complex> - adored
  • <color-complex> - pinstriped
  • <event-complex> - streak
  • <people-types> - starlet
  • <gerund> - slugging
  • <general-noun-dump> - east coast
  • <general-noun-dump> - sport
  • <general-noun-dump> - game
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <general-noun-dump> - record
  • <texture-complex> - Mediterranean

Garden State

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <emotion-good> - uplifting
  • <problem> - trauma
  • <abstract-concept> - guilt
  • <abstract-concept> - personal growth
  • <gerund> - screaming
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <media-type> - film
  • <genre> - romance
  • <media-style-adjective> - indie
  • <event-complex> - visit
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <nature-places> - hole
  • <people-types> - dream girl
  • <parts-of-body> - shin
  • <general-noun-dump> - music
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a relationship
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - kisses the girl
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <texture-complex> - jersey
  • <general-noun-dump> - wallpaper
  • <general-adjective-dump> - whiny
  • <general-verb-dump> - seeks closure
  • <tool-complex> - van
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <bad-complex> - emotional
  • <emotion-bad> - depressed
  • <general-noun-dump> - soundtrack
  • <event-complex> - bummer
  • <place-complex> - airport

Peyton Manning

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <good> - impressive
  • <emotion-good> - funny
  • <person> - human
  • <place-like-simple> - delight in
  • <event-complex> - victory
  • <gerund> - passing
  • <alive-dead> - retired
  • <shape-complex> - upside-down
  • <creature-complex> - horseshoe
  • <good-complex> - super
  • <tool-complex> - dish
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are famous for
  • <group> - duo
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are hilarious in
  • <event-complex> - commercial
  • <creature-complex> - steed
  • <general-noun-dump> - helmet
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <general-noun-dump> - field
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - compete in
  • <event-complex> - championship
  • <general-noun-dump> - chunky ring

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - fairy tale
  • <emotion-good> - allegorical
  • <bad> - bad
  • <creature> - creature
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <place-complex> - far away land
  • <gerund> - fibbing
  • <bad-complex> - beastly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hungry
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <abstract-concept> - honesty
  • <general-verb-dump> - is disbelieved by
  • <general-verb-dump> - lies about
  • <group> - town
  • <creature-complex> - canine
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets eaten
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture
  • <idea-complex> - reputation
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unbelievable
  • <nature-places> - pasture
  • <tool-complex> - ruse
  • <general-noun-dump> - fang
  • <group> - herd
  • <good-complex> - morally bankrupt
  • <abstract-concept> - cautionary tale


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: hair, hairy

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <protagonist> - heroine
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <general-noun-dump> - public access
  • <place-complex> - city
  • <general-adjective-dump> - campy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - overprotective
  • <family-role> - mommy
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <texture-complex> - stiff
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <people-types> - dreamboat
  • <abstract-concept> - civil rights
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is based on
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-verb-dump> - boogies with
  • <general-verb-dump> - inspires
  • <general-noun-dump> - beat
  • <material-complex> - aerosol
  • <person-complex> - gal
  • <gets-something-good> - gets the guy
  • <media-type> - theater
  • <parts-of-body> - scalp
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings
  • <idea-complex> - beauty
  • <hates> - looks down on
  • <size> - thick
  • <period-of-time> - 1960s
  • <place-complex> - east coast


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - soft
  • <color> - colorful
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <group> - group
  • <tool-complex> - vacuum
  • <general-noun-dump> - screen
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <emotion-good-complex> - curious
  • <color-complex> - multi-colored
  • <size-complex> - rotund
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <parts-of-body> - stomach
  • <nature-places> - sun
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <age-complex> - young
  • <family-role> - toddler
  • <creature-complex> - humanoid
  • <gets-something-bad> - goes back inside
  • <general-verb-dump> - frolics
  • <general-noun-dump> - purse
  • <bad-complex> - unnerving
  • <gets-something-bad> - goes to bed
  • <gerund> - giggling
  • <size-complex> - rotund

Pitch Perfect

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - sings about
  • <emotion-bad> - sarcastic
  • <media-type> - film
  • <general-noun-dump> - remix
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <shape-complex> - collegiate
  • <group> - group
  • <group> - team
  • <gerund> - performing
  • <gerund> - joining
  • <event-complex> - audition
  • <general-verb-dump> - vomits up
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <tool-complex> - cup
  • <gerund> - harmonizing
  • <emotion-good> - upbeat
  • <nature-places> - campus
  • <good-complex> - flawless
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - wins
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sing-songy
  • <people-types> - DJ
  • <general-noun-dump> - mouth noise
  • <taste-complex> - percussive


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <place-complex> - downtown
  • <building-complex> - needle
  • <texture-complex> - foggy
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <general-noun-dump> - gem
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <place-complex> - open air market
  • <creature-complex> - troll
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Pacific
  • <general-noun-dump> - coffee
  • <general-noun-dump> - tossed salad
  • <general-noun-dump> - scrambled egg
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Amazonian
  • <color-complex> - evergreen
  • <person-complex> - tech bro
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are west of
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - rain down on
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <good-complex> - hip
  • <abstract-concept> - gentrification
  • <texture> - wet
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <person-complex> - billionaire
  • <problem-complex> - housing market

Best Buy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - retail
  • <general-career-sector> - electronic
  • <building-complex> - store
  • <general-noun-dump> - computer
  • <size> - big
  • <place-see-simple> - purchase
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - download
  • <person> - individual
  • <tool> - machine
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism
  • <normal-weird> - digital
  • <group> - staff
  • <shape> - box
  • <texture-complex> - branded
  • <place-complex> - parking lot


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <place-complex> - capital
  • <food> - cuisine
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <general-career-sector> - animation
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <color-complex> - neon
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <person-complex> - emperor
  • <general-noun-dump> - streetwear
  • <bad-complex> - trendsetting
  • <general-noun-dump> - seismic activity

Alexander the Great

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - establish
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - conquer
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <size-complex> - enormous
  • <general-noun-dump> - kingdom
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - battling
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <group> - militia
  • <emotion-good-complex> - revered
  • <society> - civilization
  • <gerund> - uniting
  • <person-complex> - leader
  • <tool-complex> - knot
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <taste-complex> - Mediterranean
  • <general-noun-dump> - sculpture
  • <good-complex> - historical

Auguste Rodin

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old-timey
  • <emotion-good> - creative
  • <texture> - hard
  • <are-in-relation-to> - create
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <media-type> - carving
  • <gerund> - thinking
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <parts-of-body> - kiss
  • <texture-complex> - ponderin'
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <tool-complex> - gate
  • <general-noun-dump> - bronze
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - create
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <taste-complex> - handmade
  • <good-complex> - chiseled
  • <tool-complex> - figurine

50 First Dates

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - film
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <abstract-concept> - forgetfulness
  • <good> - sweet
  • <texture> - sunny
  • <bad> - doofy
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <event-complex> - accident
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <general-adjective-dump> - repetitive
  • <general-verb-dump> - crashes into
  • <loves> - falls in love with
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - accepts their limitations
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <issues> - injury
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <texture-complex> - tropical
  • <bad> - empty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - neurological
  • <people-types> - sandman
  • <genre> - romcom
  • <building-complex> - aquarium
  • <idea-complex> - diagnosis

Steve Martin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - older
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <emotion-good> - witty
  • <are-in-relation-to> - play
  • <abstract-concept> - comedy
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <media-type> - film
  • <age-complex> - legendary
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <period-of-time> - weekend
  • <family-role> - daddy
  • <color-complex> - plaid
  • <texture-complex> - musical
  • <tool-complex> - instrument
  • <general-noun-dump> - pharaoh
  • <general-career-sector> - dentistry
  • <creature-complex> - venus flytrap
  • <building-complex> - studio
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dance
  • <general-noun-dump> - banjo
  • <gerund> - standing up
  • <people-types> - bride
  • <family-role> - grandpa
  • <good> - silly
  • <period-of-time> - late night


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: goofy

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <bad> - clumsy
  • <creature> - creature
  • <person> - individual
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <abstract-concept> - buffoonery
  • <idea-complex> - cartoon
  • <gerund> - hollering
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <general-career-sector> - animation
  • <normal-weird> - wacky
  • <group> - trio
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - moronic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cheerful
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <family-role> - widower
  • <family-role> - papa
  • <people-types> - comic relief
  • <general-noun-dump> - trooper
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - lanky
  • <general-noun-dump> - mutt
  • <creature-complex> - mouse
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are a sidekick to
  • <emotion-good-complex> - silly
  • <normal-weird> - anthropomorphic
  • <abstract-concept> - buffoonery
  • <texture-complex> - floppy
  • <creature-complex> - mouse
  • <creature-complex> - duck
  • <event-complex> - road trip
  • <people-types> - klutz
  • <person-complex> - friend

Victoria Beckham

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - pretty
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <emotion-good> - fancy
  • <body> - figure
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are married to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sing about
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <media-type> - music
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <good-complex> - swanky
  • <tool-complex> - garment
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <group> - band
  • <people-types> - fashionista
  • <family-role> - spouse
  • <general-noun-dump> - seasoning
  • <general-noun-dump> - football
  • <emotion-good-complex> - European
  • <shape-complex> - twig
  • <size-complex> - angular
  • <group> - paparazzi
  • <place-like-simple> - design

Genghis Khan

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <good> - mighty
  • <age> - ancient
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <society> - civilization
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - take over
  • <are-in-relation-to> - rule
  • <general-career-status> - head honcho
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <abstract-concept> - genealogy
  • <media-type> - history
  • <gerund> - ruling
  • <bad-complex> - ruthless
  • <good-complex> - dominant
  • <size-complex> - expansive
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - violent
  • <group> - tribe
  • <general-noun-dump> - massacre
  • <tool-complex> - hat
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <people-types> - mastermind
  • <idea-complex> - battle
  • <building-complex> - empire
  • <parts-of-body> - beard
  • <general-noun-dump> - horseback
  • <bad-complex> - conquered


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <land> - land
  • <society> - civilization
  • <good> - amazing
  • <good-complex> - technologically advanced
  • <general-career-sector> - heroism
  • <texture> - hidden
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <creature> - beast
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <creature-complex> - feline
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <bad-complex> - elusive
  • <food> - herb
  • <event-complex> - succession
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <abstract-concept> - cinematic universe
  • <general-noun-dump> - southern hemisphere
  • <general-noun-dump> - meteorite
  • <abstract-concept> - resource management
  • <general-noun-dump> - cougar
  • <event-complex> - radiation

Bring it On

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good-complex> - spunky
  • <issues> - rivalry
  • <group> - team
  • <good> - perky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - opposite
  • <issues> - rip-off
  • <event-complex> - performance
  • <general-noun-dump> - tumble
  • <abstract-concept> - motivation
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <gets-something-good> - compromises
  • <good-complex> - superior
  • <bad-complex> - uncool
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <building-complex> - school
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - accepts the loss
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-style-adjective> - comedic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - desperate
  • <general-verb-dump> - flips over
  • <people-types> - rival
  • <general-verb-dump> - bops around with

Great Barrier Reef

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <bad> - hurt
  • <emotion-good> - beautiful
  • <color> - colorful
  • <building> - formation
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <general-career-sector> - ecology
  • <land> - environment
  • <place-like-simple> - admire
  • <place-see-simple> - explore
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - dive with
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <creature> - species
  • <building-complex> - colony
  • <place-complex> - world wonder
  • <tool-complex> - scuba gear
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <bad-complex> - imperiled
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <body-complex> - skeleton
  • <emotion-good-complex> - dazzling
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <general-noun-dump> - diversity
  • <taste-complex> - underwater

Amazon River

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <good> - extensive
  • <land> - environment
  • <abstract-concept> - ecology
  • <material> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <tool-complex> - kayak
  • <texture-complex> - flowing
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <size-complex> - lengthy
  • <good-complex> - tremendous
  • <bad-complex> - endangered
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - float on
  • <place-like-simple> - research
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <general-noun-dump> - southern hemisphere
  • <general-noun-dump> - piranha
  • <size-complex> - meandering
  • <general-noun-dump> - string


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <people-types> - DJ
  • <issues> - pacifism
  • <abstract-concept> - happiness
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-noun-dump> - doll
  • <protagonist> - hero
  • <general-career-status> - princess
  • <creature> - monster
  • <event> - party
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <gets-something-good> - gets funky
  • <genre> - musical
  • <good-complex> - cutesy
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-noun-dump> - glitter
  • <abstract-concept> - safety
  • <general-verb-dump> - eats
  • <group> - village
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hungry
  • <good> - joyful
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <media-style-adjective> - animated
  • <size-complex> - teeny tiny
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <abstract-concept> - merchandising
  • <general-noun-dump> - earworm
  • <person-complex> - humanoid
  • <issues> - pop music

Blather 'Round

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - tricky
  • <thing> - thing
  • <abstract-concept> - language
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is played by
  • <idea> - concept
  • <good-complex> - stupendous
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <tool-complex> - game
  • <period-of-time> - happening-right-now
  • <group> - friend group
  • <gerund> - guessing
  • <general-career-sector> - recreation
  • <shape> - box
  • <general-noun-dump> - party pack
  • <general-noun-dump> - viewer-at-home
  • <taste-complex> - meta
  • <age> - current


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <creature> - beast
  • <group> - team
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <villain> - evil-doer
  • <creature-complex> - shapeshifter
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <creature-complex> - leech
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <gets-something-good> - gets to safety
  • <media-type> - flip book
  • <problem-complex> - autonomy
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <group> - friend group
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <good-complex> - scholastic
  • <person-complex> - deity
  • <creature-complex> - hawk
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <abstract-concept> - ability
  • <group> - squad
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes into
  • <abstract-concept> - transformation
  • <general-noun-dump> - tarantula
  • <general-noun-dump> - mouse
  • <general-noun-dump> - roach
  • <taste-complex> - mystical
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - changes back

Jane Eyre

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - romance
  • <media-style-adjective> - historical
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <general-noun-dump> - bonnet
  • <abstract-concept> - sickness
  • <gerund> - courting
  • <emotion-bad> - heartbreaking
  • <protagonist> - character
  • <abstract-concept> - piety
  • <family-role> - wife
  • <gets-something-good> - gets hitched
  • <creature-complex> - poltergeist
  • <general-noun-dump> - inheritance
  • <person-complex> - basket case
  • <building-complex> - mansion
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - lonely
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <emotion-good-complex> - gallant
  • <loves> - romances
  • <gerund> - traveling
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <issues> - coming-of-age
  • <bad-complex> - unlucky
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <normal-weird> - gothic
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <place-complex> - dominion
  • <general-verb-dump> - sets fire to
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lengthy
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <nature-places> - moor

Tickle Me Elmo

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <thing> - object
  • <creature> - creature
  • <shape> - body
  • <abstract-concept> - mania
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <emotion-good-complex> - giggly
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - crazed
  • <tool-complex> - television
  • <problem-complex> - shortage
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <gerund> - cracking up
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <parts-of-body> - tummy
  • <color-complex> - ruby
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <person-complex> - shopper
  • <general-verb-dump> - is rubbed by
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything

Stretch Armstrong

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <texture> - pliable
  • <thing> - object
  • <shape> - body
  • <material> - material
  • <person> - human
  • <abstract-concept> - nostalgia
  • <general-verb-dump> - lengthens
  • <age-complex> - old
  • <texture-complex> - elastic
  • <texture-complex> - rubbery
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <parts-of-body> - limb
  • <gerund> - extending
  • <body-complex> - physique
  • <tool-complex> - figurine
  • <general-verb-dump> - rocks
  • <general-noun-dump> - bikini bottom
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <person-complex> - beefcake

Mortal Kombat

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <thing> - thing
  • <abstract-concept> - competition
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is known for
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - violent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - skillful
  • <texture-complex> - bloody
  • <normal-weird> - supernatural
  • <general-verb-dump> - executes
  • <bad-complex> - megalomaniacal
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <nature-places> - universe
  • <parts-of-body> - spine
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - freezing
  • <gerund> - impaling
  • <problem-complex> - calamity
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <tool> - game
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated
  • <gerund> - fighting
  • <general-verb-dump> - eviscerates
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <gerund> - misspelling
  • <place-complex> - arcade
  • <creature-complex> - reptile

Nelson Mandela

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - departed
  • <good> - exceptional
  • <person> - human
  • <place-dislike-simple> - fight against
  • <abstract-concept> - discrimination
  • <general-career-status> - defender
  • <good-complex> - political
  • <emotion-good-complex> - unwavering
  • <size-complex> - confined
  • <building-complex> - jail house
  • <period-of-time> - duration
  • <good-complex> - righteous
  • <abstract-concept> - courage
  • <person-complex> - head of state
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - change
  • <society> - society
  • <general-noun-dump> - activist
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - protest
  • <general-noun-dump> - prisoner
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <abstract-concept> - freedom
  • <general-noun-dump> - author
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <people-types> - smarty pants

Nintendo Switch

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - object
  • <tool> - device
  • <is-in-relation-to> - contains
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays
  • <size-complex> - portable
  • <texture-complex> - electronic
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <color-complex> - two-toned
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sociable
  • <gerund> - transforming
  • <material-complex> - software
  • <tool-complex> - screen
  • <parts-of-body> - thumb
  • <general-noun-dump> - button
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks down to
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <age-complex> - newfangled
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <general-noun-dump> - controller
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gamified


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <thing> - thing
  • <idea> - system
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <shape> - circle
  • <age> - futuristic
  • <bad-complex> - erratic
  • <texture-complex> - mathematical
  • <color-complex> - invisible
  • <is> - is made of
  • <material-complex> - number
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <general-verb-dump> - spends
  • <bad-complex> - economic
  • <gerund> - investing
  • <general-verb-dump> - buys
  • <texture-complex> - intangible
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <idea-complex> - dark web
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - underground
  • <gerund> - mining
  • <general-noun-dump> - currency

Dungeons & Dragons

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <event> - experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - rolls
  • <shape> - cube
  • <abstract-concept> - adventure
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <bad-complex> - dorky
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <building-complex> - prison
  • <general-noun-dump> - class system
  • <group> - guild
  • <general-career-sector> - math
  • <gerund> - leveling up
  • <person-complex> - master
  • <general-adjective-dump> - imaginary
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <food> - potion
  • <tool> - game
  • <shape-complex> - polyhedron
  • <creature-complex> - gremlin
  • <creature-complex> - ghoul
  • <gerund> - playing pretend
  • <bad-complex> - improvisational
  • <texture-complex> - bearded
  • <general-verb-dump> - happens in
  • <place-complex> - rec room
  • <place-complex> - finished basement


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <thing> - thing
  • <shape> - shape
  • <abstract-concept> - origin of life
  • <building> - construction
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <texture-complex> - twisted
  • <general-verb-dump> - instructs
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <taste-complex> - coiled
  • <normal-weird> - natural
  • <gerund> - evolving
  • <good-complex> - necessary
  • <general-noun-dump> - acronym
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <general-noun-dump> - encodes
  • <building-complex> - ladder
  • <normal-weird> - bodily
  • <is> - is inside
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cellular


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - tube
  • <general-verb-dump> - is slurped by
  • <material> - liquid
  • <abstract-concept> - consumption
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - goopy
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <color-complex> - pastel
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <food> - lunch
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - fermenting
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hip
  • <general-noun-dump> - dairy
  • <texture-complex> - viscous
  • <general-noun-dump> - hype
  • <general-verb-dump> - squeezes
  • <abstract-concept> - high-fructose corn syrup
  • <general-noun-dump> - calcium
  • <general-noun-dump> - cow


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - short
  • <material> - fabric
  • <is-in-relation-to> - cuts off
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <texture-complex> - frayed
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cheeky
  • <color-complex> - navy
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <general-career-sector> - thigh
  • <period-of-time> - summer
  • <general-noun-dump> - pant
  • <texture-complex> - breezy
  • <gerund> - reusing
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-adjective-dump> - DIY
  • <person-complex> - denim daddy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - useful
  • <thing> - thing
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <bad> - unreliable
  • <abstract-concept> - communication
  • <general-verb-dump> - links with
  • <texture-complex> - intangible
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <color-complex> - invisible
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <shape-complex> - radius
  • <gerund> - connectivity issues
  • <material-complex> - transmission
  • <tool-complex> - frequency
  • <general-noun-dump> - password
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <general-adjective-dump> - worldwide
  • <general-noun-dump> - e-commerce
  • <general-noun-dump> - series of tubes


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - mini
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - vrooms around
  • <abstract-concept> - amusement
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gassy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - playful
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <place-complex> - course
  • <gerund> - winning
  • <general-noun-dump> - spinout
  • <bad-complex> - unsafe
  • <color-complex> - checkered
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <general-noun-dump> - token
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <good-complex> - thrilling
  • <place-complex> - park
  • <is-in-relation-to> - travels on
  • <general-noun-dump> - track
  • <general-verb-dump> - transports
  • <person-complex> - driver
  • <tool-complex> - buggy
  • <tool-complex> - chariot
  • <person-complex> - child

Liberty Bell

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: liberty, bell

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - ginormous
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-verb-dump> - dings
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <abstract-concept> - freedom
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <bad-complex> - flawed
  • <texture-complex> - brassy
  • <general-noun-dump> - noise
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <building-complex> - hall
  • <event-complex> - rebellion
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <emotion-good-complex> - patriotic
  • <period-of-time> - century
  • <shape> - dome
  • <shape-complex> - fissure
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <good-complex> - iconic
  • <idea-complex> - declaration
  • <general-adjective-dump> - American
  • <size> - heavy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is observed by

The Velveteen Rabbit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <emotion-good> - curious
  • <thing> - possession
  • <color-complex> - spotted
  • <person-complex> - boy
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - classic
  • <alive-dead> - real
  • <general-career-status> - plaything
  • <texture-complex> - mechanical
  • <wants> - yearns for
  • <idea-complex> - legitimacy
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <general-verb-dump> - has contact with
  • <creature-complex> - cottontail
  • <bad-complex> - sick
  • <general-verb-dump> - sheds
  • <parts-of-body> - fur
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sorrowful
  • <people-types> - fairy
  • <taste-complex> - stuffed
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - becomes real
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - plays
  • <problem-complex> - fever
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <color-complex> - worn out
  • <good-complex> - well-loved


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - communication
  • <general-verb-dump> - downloads
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <age-complex> - newfangled
  • <general-adjective-dump> - shared
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <building-complex> - studio
  • <gerund> - yammering
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <general-noun-dump> - advertising
  • <event-complex> - meeting of minds
  • <general-noun-dump> - audio
  • <taste-complex> - argumentative
  • <bad-complex> - rambling
  • <gerund> - commuting
  • <texture-complex> - noisy
  • <general-career-sector> - true crime
  • <general-career-sector> - pop culture
  • <taste-complex> - insufferable


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: bubbly

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - joyous
  • <event> - occasion
  • <thing> - container
  • <symbolizes> - signifies
  • <abstract-concept> - success
  • <color-complex> - sparkly
  • <taste-complex> - fizzy
  • <general-verb-dump> - calls for
  • <event-complex> - revelry
  • <general-verb-dump> - causes
  • <problem-complex> - headache
  • <gerund> - popping
  • <taste-complex> - effervescent
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - toasty
  • <good-complex> - fancy-pants
  • <shape> - tube
  • <general-noun-dump> - flute
  • <general-adjective-dump> - candlelit
  • <general-noun-dump> - bloodstream

Silly Putty

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <material> - material
  • <general-verb-dump> - sticks to
  • <is-in-relation-to> - mushes around in
  • <shape> - sphere
  • <abstract-concept> - playtime
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - stretchy
  • <texture-complex> - malleable
  • <color-complex> - rosy
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <general-noun-dump> - ink
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <general-noun-dump> - egg
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <texture-complex> - squishy
  • <taste-complex> - plasticky
  • <building-complex> - fad


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <general-verb-dump> - falls down
  • <shape> - tube
  • <abstract-concept> - gravity
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bouncy
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <gerund> - coiling
  • <general-noun-dump> - stairwell
  • <general-adjective-dump> - flippy
  • <gerund> - spiraling
  • <bad-complex> - tangled
  • <size-complex> - compressed
  • <emotion-good-complex> - entertaining
  • <general-noun-dump> - indoor carpeting
  • <hates> - travels

Mission: Impossible

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - tense
  • <bad> - futile
  • <idea> - assignment
  • <group> - team
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <media-style-adjective> - exciting
  • <good-complex> - high-stakes
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hopeless
  • <general-adjective-dump> - death-defying
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - spy
  • <media-sensation> - franchise
  • <genre> - action
  • <general-career-sector> - espionage
  • <general-career-status> - agent
  • <event-complex> - challenge
  • <general-verb-dump> - clings to
  • <wants> - steals
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - completes the assignment
  • <tool-complex> - device
  • <tool-complex> - recording
  • <general-verb-dump> - explodes
  • <people-types> - daredevil
  • <general-noun-dump> - mask
  • <general-noun-dump> - disguise
  • <general-noun-dump> - fuse
  • <media-type> - theme song
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <material-complex> - plutonium
  • <general-noun-dump> - CIA


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bland
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-verb-dump> - fizzes
  • <abstract-concept> - refreshment
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <bad-complex> - vague
  • <texture-complex> - bubbly
  • <texture-complex> - chilly
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hoity -toity
  • <color-complex> - clear
  • <material-complex> - fluid
  • <food> - treat
  • <gerund> - sipping
  • <general-noun-dump> - Europe
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <shape> - tube

Beanie Baby

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <color> - colorful
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <material> - fabric
  • <abstract-concept> - nostalgia
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <shape> - body
  • <good-complex> - cute
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - obsessive
  • <texture-complex> - stuffed
  • <age-complex> - infantile
  • <general-verb-dump> - sculpts
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - collecting
  • <event-complex> - craze
  • <general-noun-dump> - investment
  • <is> - is tagged by
  • <general-noun-dump> - special edition
  • <tool-complex> - sack
  • <general-noun-dump> - catalog
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <material-complex> - pebble


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - large
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <general-verb-dump> - spins
  • <is> - picks up
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <bad-complex> - catastrophic
  • <texture-complex> - windblown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - cone
  • <material-complex> - vapor
  • <creature-complex> - cow
  • <building-complex> - house
  • <event-complex> - disaster
  • <nature-places> - prairie
  • <general-adjective-dump> - blustery
  • <general-noun-dump> - breeze
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <bad-complex> - destructive
  • <general-verb-dump> - damages
  • <general-noun-dump> - Kansas

Paw Patrol

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <good> - cute
  • <color-complex> - spotted
  • <group> - team
  • <abstract-concept> - safety
  • <general-adjective-dump> - family-friendly
  • <issues> - disaster relief
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <event-complex> - rescue
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - friendly
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-career-sector> - aid
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <general-verb-dump> - saves
  • <problem-complex> - emergency
  • <creature-complex> - furball
  • <general-verb-dump> - hounds
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <people-types> - law enforcement
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - learns a lesson
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - helps the community
  • <age> - junior
  • <creature-complex> - pig
  • <wants> - works with

Eat, Pray, Love

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-style-adjective> - romantic
  • <media-type> - book
  • <genre> - memoir
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <texture> - warm
  • <gerund> - consuming
  • <abstract-concept> - holiness
  • <event> - journey
  • <abstract-concept> - wisdom
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <taste-complex> - appetizing
  • <gerund> - searching
  • <abstract-concept> - boredom
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <emotion-bad> - dissatisfied
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is far away from
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - depressed
  • <general-noun-dump> - pizza
  • <event-complex> - travel
  • <problem-complex> - divorce
  • <general-noun-dump> - spaghetti
  • <abstract-concept> - meditation
  • <abstract-concept> - self-discovery
  • <bad-complex> - privileged
  • <taste-complex> - tropical
  • <person-complex> - lady


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - zooms into
  • <abstract-concept> - transportation
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <texture-complex> - sleek
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <place-complex> - sidewalk
  • <gerund> - leaning
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <tool-complex> - wheel
  • <general-noun-dump> - crash
  • <general-adjective-dump> - zippy
  • <problem-complex> - failure
  • <abstract-concept> - attention-grabbing
  • <normal-weird> - quirky
  • <person-complex> - inventor
  • <general-noun-dump> - balance
  • <group> - tour group


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - shocking
  • <good> - attractive
  • <color> - dark
  • <problem> - scandal
  • <group> - class
  • <abstract-concept> - mystery
  • <place-complex> - high school
  • <place-complex> - small town
  • <gerund> - smooching
  • <genre> - melodrama
  • <genre> - soap opera
  • <problem-complex> - murder
  • <media-style-adjective> - adapted
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <general-adjective-dump> - scandalous
  • <media-type> - television
  • <general-adjective-dump> - trendy
  • <event-complex> - affair
  • <general-verb-dump> - seduces
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is guilty of
  • <people-types> - class clown
  • <people-types> - heartthrob
  • <people-types> - blonde
  • <people-types> - brunette
  • <people-types> - redhead
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - learns the secret
  • <building-complex> - diner
  • <person-complex> - hottie
  • <bad-complex> - wealthy

Candy Land

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: candy

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <group> - family fun
  • <general-verb-dump> - races
  • <is> - is made of
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <general-noun-dump> - chocolate
  • <general-noun-dump> - dot
  • <person-complex> - guy
  • <place-complex> - house
  • <food> - treat
  • <general-verb-dump> - is played by
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <event> - game
  • <material-complex> - board
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <building-complex> - lollipop


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - guessing
  • <tool-complex> - weaponry
  • <place-complex> - hut
  • <abstract-concept> - mystery
  • <group> - group
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is set in
  • <general-noun-dump> - movie spinoff
  • <gerund> - deducing
  • <problem> - crime
  • <person> - individual
  • <event> - circumstance
  • <age-complex> - old fashioned
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - guilty
  • <abstract-concept> - indication
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <bad-complex> - secretive
  • <good-complex> - aristocratic
  • <bad> - lethal
  • <wants> - hunts
  • <shape> - box
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gamified

The Declaration of Independence

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - flat
  • <texture> - dry
  • <good> - famous
  • <thing> - item
  • <material> - surface
  • <abstract-concept> - liberty
  • <symbolizes> - expresses
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <good-complex> - eloquent
  • <bad-complex> - defiant
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - rebellious
  • <tool-complex> - signature
  • <material-complex> - ink
  • <event-complex> - revolt
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <period-of-time> - 18th century
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <person-complex> - daddy
  • <group> - group
  • <shape-complex> - scroll
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is signed by
  • <age-complex> - historical


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - useful
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - picks up
  • <material> - particle
  • <abstract-concept> - cleanliness
  • <general-adjective-dump> - loud
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <texture-complex> - spick-and-span
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <tool-complex> - appliance
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <event-complex> - chore
  • <gerund> - sucking
  • <good> - clean
  • <abstract-concept> - suction
  • <general-noun-dump> - floor
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes use of
  • <tool-complex> - attachment
  • <tool-complex> - hose
  • <material> - surface
  • <good-complex> - wall-to-wall

Easy Bake Oven

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: bake, oven, easy

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - lightbulb
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <food> - meal prep
  • <food> - treat
  • <gerund> - heating
  • <tool-complex> - slot
  • <general-noun-dump> - pan
  • <general-noun-dump> - electricity
  • <place-complex> - kitchenette
  • <general-verb-dump> - burns
  • <shape-complex> - pastry
  • <shape> - box
  • <texture-complex> - raw
  • <gerund> - mixing
  • <idea-complex> - playing pretend
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <abstract-concept> - girlhood
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is coveted by
  • <color-complex> - pink


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: type, write

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - tapping
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - stamps
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <general-noun-dump> - word
  • <general-noun-dump> - key
  • <general-noun-dump> - letter
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <color-complex> - metallic
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <general-verb-dump> - generates
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <size-complex> - boxy
  • <general-verb-dump> - dings
  • <general-noun-dump> - ribbon
  • <bad-complex> - noisy
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <age> - old
  • <person-complex> - secretary
  • <person-complex> - girl Friday
  • <shape> - box
  • <building-complex> - business

Cinnamon Roll

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - pastry
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <taste> - sugary
  • <food> - treat
  • <shape-complex> - swirl
  • <gerund> - rising
  • <general-noun-dump> - dough
  • <general-verb-dump> - is kneaded by
  • <is> - is made of
  • <thing> - object
  • <building-complex> - cafe
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-noun-dump> - candy
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <gerund> - frosting
  • <general-noun-dump> - guilty pleasure
  • <taste-complex> - yeasty
  • <bad-complex> - spiced
  • <general-verb-dump> - drizzles


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: egg

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event-complex> - holiday
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <general-adjective-dump> - seasonal
  • <food> - treat
  • <general-verb-dump> - is swallowed by
  • <taste-complex> - alcoholic
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <texture-complex> - frothy
  • <texture-complex> - chilly
  • <general-verb-dump> - serves
  • <emotion-good-complex> - merry
  • <food> - spice
  • <texture-complex> - creamy
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <material> - liquid
  • <size-complex> - thick
  • <general-noun-dump> - cow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - wintry
  • <taste-complex> - cinnamon


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - creature
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <color> - colorful
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <general-verb-dump> - coos at
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <good-complex> - robotic
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <problem> - malfunction
  • <tool-complex> - battery
  • <general-verb-dump> - learns
  • <shape> - body
  • <bad-complex> - possessed
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <general-verb-dump> - is fed by
  • <person-complex> - alien
  • <parts-of-body> - beak


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <genre> - musical
  • <protagonist> - diva
  • <abstract-concept> - talent
  • <group> - bunch
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <building-complex> - place of learning
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <abstract-concept> - ambition
  • <people-types> - bully
  • <gerund> - belting
  • <people-types> - teacher's pet
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <bad-complex> - sarcastic
  • <age-complex> - amateur
  • <texture-complex> - slushy
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gets a standing ovation
  • <wants> - desires
  • <symbolizes> - expresses
  • <general-verb-dump> - causes drama about
  • <general-adjective-dump> - campy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extracurricular
  • <group> - club
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - vocal
  • <abstract-concept> - razzle dazzle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <emotion-bad> - painful
  • <gerund> - stacking
  • <building-complex> - construction
  • <general-noun-dump> - brick
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <person-complex> - figure
  • <general-verb-dump> - connects
  • <thing> - object
  • <abstract-concept> - imagination
  • <shape-complex> - piece
  • <size> - tiny
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift set
  • <good-complex> - multiple
  • <is-in-relation-to> - looks like
  • <shape> - block
  • <emotion-bad> - ouchy
  • <age> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - hard

Polly Pocket

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - miniature
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <gerund> - carrying
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <building-complex> - dream house
  • <abstract-concept> - fantasy
  • <age-complex> - nostalgic
  • <building-complex> - castle
  • <thing> - object
  • <gerund> - folding
  • <tool-complex> - case
  • <body-complex> - figurine
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <building> - home
  • <general-verb-dump> - resides in
  • <general-noun-dump> - lunch box
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <abstract-concept> - girlhood

Spy Kids

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - action
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <event> - disappearance
  • <general-career-sector> - investigation
  • <gerund> - sleuthing
  • <body-complex> - finger
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <family-role> - tween
  • <group> - family
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <abstract-concept> - secret
  • <bad-complex> - doomed
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <normal-weird> - special
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - saves the day
  • <tool-complex> - gadget
  • <tool-complex> - submarine
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is related to
  • <general-verb-dump> - nabs
  • <group> - duo
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <color-complex> - ginger
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <age-complex> - undercover
  • <age> - young
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks around
  • <person-complex> - sister


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - care-taking
  • <shape> - oval
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <size-complex> - itty bitty
  • <general-noun-dump> - keychain
  • <general-adjective-dump> - electronic
  • <wants> - desires
  • <thing> - object
  • <abstract-concept> - fad
  • <abstract-concept> - responsibility
  • <gerund> - living
  • <age-complex> - nostalgic
  • <general-verb-dump> - is fed by
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated
  • <general-noun-dump> - button
  • <gerund> - dying
  • <gerund> - hatching
  • <age-complex> - childlike

Crème brûlée

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - toasted
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <texture-complex> - creamy
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <texture-complex> - runny
  • <gerund> - crackling
  • <general-noun-dump> - dish
  • <abstract-concept> - technique
  • <food> - treat
  • <tool-complex> - utensil
  • <general-noun-dump> - flame
  • <general-verb-dump> - is torched by
  • <texture-complex> - jiggly
  • <good-complex> - fancy-pants
  • <general-noun-dump> - spoon
  • <general-noun-dump> - ramekin
  • <age-complex> - European
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <building-complex> - dairy

Etch A Sketch

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: sketch, sketching

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - neat-o
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <abstract-concept> - art
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-verb-dump> - illustrates
  • <size-complex> - handheld
  • <texture-complex> - scratchy
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <gerund> - drawing
  • <tool-complex> - knob
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - shaking
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <shape> - box
  • <period-of-time> - childhood
  • <loves> - creates

The Emoji Movie

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <media-type> - film
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <media-style-adjective> - CGI
  • <media-sensation> - flop
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <color> - colorful
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <abstract-concept> - conformity
  • <abstract-concept> - self-expression
  • <group> - crew
  • <person-complex> - personality
  • <gerund> - smiling
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <age-complex> - puerile
  • <shape> - circle
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <general-verb-dump> - belongs in
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <general-noun-dump> - disgrace
  • <gerund> - laughing
  • <tool-complex> - phone
  • <shape-complex> - icon
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - uncomfortable
  • <family-role> - son
  • <general-verb-dump> - texts
  • <general-noun-dump> - internet
  • <texture-complex> - flashy
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <material-complex> - doodoo
  • <bad-complex> - cringey
  • <general-adjective-dump> - anthropomorphic
  • <parts-of-body> - hand


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <good> - mesmerizing
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - object
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <shape> - tube
  • <abstract-concept> - reflection
  • <general-verb-dump> - spins
  • <size-complex> - hand-held
  • <good-complex> - beautiful
  • <taste-complex> - mirrored
  • <emotion-good-complex> - hypnotic
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <shape-complex> - cylinder
  • <gerund> - looking
  • <general-noun-dump> - pattern
  • <general-career-sector> - novelty
  • <general-verb-dump> - is looked into by
  • <general-noun-dump> - fractal

Pokémon GO

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - thing
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <creature> - creature
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <general-verb-dump> - leads to
  • <bad-complex> - time-consuming
  • <emotion-good-complex> - exciting
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tiring
  • <nature-places> - outdoors
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <tool-complex> - phone
  • <general-noun-dump> - collectible
  • <taste-complex> - digital
  • <general-career-sector> - fitness
  • <tool> - application
  • <shape> - ball
  • <general-verb-dump> - searches for
  • <creature> - monster


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture> - thin
  • <thing> - thing
  • <abstract-concept> - vision
  • <person> - human
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <texture-complex> - silky smooth
  • <emotion-good-complex> - flirty
  • <general-verb-dump> - protects
  • <parts-of-body> - eyeball
  • <gerund> - make-a-wish
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <shape> - line
  • <general-verb-dump> - is painted with
  • <gerund> - falling out
  • <gerund> - fluttering
  • <color-complex> - black


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - swims in
  • <material> - liquid
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <creature-complex> - crustacean
  • <material-complex> - shell
  • <food> - cocktail
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <size-complex> - petite
  • <taste-complex> - fried
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <texture-complex> - chewy
  • <tool-complex> - fork
  • <group> - swarm
  • <general-adjective-dump> - armored


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-verb-dump> - freezes
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - flawless
  • <color-complex> - clear
  • <material-complex> - fluid
  • <body-complex> - bod
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <gerund> - injection
  • <period-of-time> - appointment
  • <general-noun-dump> - wrinkle
  • <shape-complex> - vial
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <event-complex> - treatment
  • <bad-complex> - toxic
  • <general-verb-dump> - goes in
  • <general-career-sector> - medical
  • <emotion-bad> - vain
  • <good-complex> - trendy
  • <general-noun-dump> - poison

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - narrator
  • <emotion-bad> - fearful
  • <abstract-concept> - weakness
  • <group> - class
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <villain> - bully
  • <general-noun-dump> - pencil
  • <general-noun-dump> - sketch
  • <media-style-adjective> - hybrid
  • <media-style-adjective> - illustrated
  • <size-complex> - scrawny
  • <age-complex> - boyish
  • <age> - juvenile
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cowardly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - weak
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - bestseller
  • <place-complex> - middle school
  • <general-career-status> - author
  • <period-of-time> - childhood
  • <general-verb-dump> - chronicles
  • <is-in-relation-to> - goes to
  • <is-in-relation-to> - tries to avoid
  • <problem-complex> - peer pressure
  • <abstract-concept> - embarrassment
  • <gerund> - growing up
  • <issues> - awkwardness
  • <tool-complex> - journal
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - draws
  • <family-role> - brother
  • <period-of-time> - summer
  • <creature-complex> - pig

Family Matters

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: family

Category: story

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - annoying
  • <person> - outsider
  • <abstract-concept> - relationship
  • <place-complex> - neighborhood
  • <protagonist> - everyman
  • <villain> - pest
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <gerund> - understanding
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-career-sector> - law enforcement
  • <general-noun-dump> - experiment
  • <media-style-adjective> - heartwarming
  • <media-style-adjective> - kid-friendly
  • <bad-complex> - geeky
  • <general-noun-dump> - takeover
  • <media-type> - sitcom
  • <media-sensation> - classic
  • <general-career-status> - fan-favorite
  • <general-noun-dump> - catchphrase
  • <building-complex> - home
  • <general-verb-dump> - visits
  • <general-verb-dump> - ruins
  • <is-in-relation-to> - crushes on
  • <family-role> - father
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <people-types> - officer
  • <people-types> - cool kid
  • <people-types> - nerd
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - learns a lesson
  • <period-of-time> - 90s


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - healthy
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-verb-dump> - shields
  • <general-verb-dump> - smears
  • <shape> - body
  • <abstract-concept> - protection
  • <texture-complex> - gloopy
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <color-complex> - pasty
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <gerund> - rubbing
  • <period-of-time> - day
  • <emotion-good-complex> - sunny
  • <gerund> - burning
  • <shape-complex> - layer
  • <tool-complex> - bottle
  • <parts-of-body> - flesh
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <general-noun-dump> - suspicious mole


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <event> - experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - files down
  • <material> - liquid
  • <person> - human
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty industry
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <shape-complex> - bottle
  • <material-complex> - lotion
  • <food> - treat
  • <parts-of-body> - talon
  • <period-of-time> - appointment
  • <age-complex> - painted
  • <general-noun-dump> - shoe
  • <abstract-concept> - relaxation
  • <general-verb-dump> - scrubs
  • <parts-of-body> - toe
  • <event-complex> - bath


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - strong
  • <good> - inspirational
  • <group> - foursome
  • <person> - lady
  • <abstract-concept> - solidarity
  • <abstract-concept> - dream
  • <place-complex> - west coast
  • <villain> - player
  • <good-complex> - comedic
  • <gerund> - maturing
  • <general-career-sector> - legal
  • <general-career-sector> - real estate
  • <media-style-adjective> - groundbreaking
  • <abstract-concept> - womanhood
  • <media-type> - sitcom
  • <person-complex> - author
  • <family-role> - den mother
  • <group> - quartet
  • <people-types> - fun one
  • <good-complex> - spiritual
  • <taste-complex> - zesty
  • <bad-complex> - snarky
  • <building-complex> - apartment
  • <general-noun-dump> - affair
  • <general-noun-dump> - divorce
  • <abstract-concept> - custody
  • <period-of-time> - 2000s
  • <group> - foursome


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - little
  • <texture> - crunchy
  • <shape> - shape
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is all about
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <taste-complex> - corny
  • <bad-complex> - addictive
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <shape-complex> - horn
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <food> - snack
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <size-complex> - family-size
  • <shape-complex> - funnel
  • <shape> - cone
  • <general-verb-dump> - is munched by
  • <gerund> - tooting
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <abstract-concept> - flavor
  • <shape-complex> - satchel


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <color> - bland
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - dries
  • <abstract-concept> - nutrition
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <texture-complex> - chewy
  • <texture-complex> - wrinkled
  • <taste-complex> - fruity
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <food> - snack
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <place-complex> - field
  • <texture-complex> - leathery
  • <food> - treat
  • <general-noun-dump> - California
  • <texture-complex> - withered
  • <general-verb-dump> - dehydrates

Code of Hammurabi

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - fascinating
  • <emotion-bad> - harsh
  • <thing> - thing
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <idea> - law
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <wants> - requires
  • <general-verb-dump> - governs
  • <material> - stone
  • <tool> - writing
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - scratched
  • <good-complex> - authoritative
  • <bad-complex> - restrictive
  • <abstract-concept> - justice
  • <period-of-time> - millenium
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <gerund> - penalizing
  • <tool-complex> - language
  • <person-complex> - king
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <shape-complex> - pillar
  • <general-verb-dump> - sets rules for


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - thick
  • <texture> - buttery
  • <shape> - circle
  • <abstract-concept> - obsession
  • <general-verb-dump> - is enjoyed by
  • <group> - humanity
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - creamy
  • <color-complex> - beige
  • <general-verb-dump> - is from
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Middle Eastern
  • <food> - pea
  • <gerund> - spreading
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <food> - appetizer
  • <is> - is made of
  • <material-complex> - gloop
  • <texture-complex> - blended
  • <food> - bread
  • <gerund> - dipping
  • <abstract-concept> - protein

Sister, Sister

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Sister

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - coincidence
  • <group> - family
  • <event> - surprise
  • <place-complex> - big city
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <gerund> - switching
  • <media-style-adjective> - heartwarming
  • <media-style-adjective> - family-friendly
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <age-complex> - teenaged
  • <good-complex> - identical
  • <general-adjective-dump> - boy-crazy
  • <good-complex> - bookish
  • <good-complex> - stylish
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <family-role> - sibling
  • <is-in-relation-to> - moves in with
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <event-complex> - adoption
  • <building-complex> - suburban home
  • <event> - hijinks
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <tool-complex> - limousine
  • <people-types> - seamstress
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - becomes a family
  • <tool-complex> - mirror
  • <general-noun-dump> - double
  • <emotion-good> - duplicate
  • <person-complex> - girl
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <group> - duo

pizza rolls

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <texture> - hot
  • <general-verb-dump> - bakes
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <abstract-concept> - comfort
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <texture-complex> - molten
  • <texture-complex> - viscous
  • <taste-complex> - cheesy
  • <taste-complex> - crispy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - saucy
  • <general-noun-dump> - pillow
  • <place-complex> - kitchen
  • <food> - snack
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - munching
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <food> - treat
  • <good-complex> - multiple
  • <general-verb-dump> - burns
  • <general-verb-dump> - satisfies
  • <good> - easy
  • <group> - flock
  • <texture-complex> - frozen


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: sharp

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - cool
  • <thing> - object
  • <abstract-concept> - war
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <color> - metallic
  • <general-verb-dump> - splits
  • <good-complex> - keen
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <texture-complex> - edged
  • <color-complex> - shiny
  • <size-complex> - curved
  • <gerund> - cutting
  • <place-complex> - empire
  • <general-noun-dump> - honor
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <general-verb-dump> - is bought by
  • <general-verb-dump> - slices
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <shape> - quadrilateral
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <building-complex> - feudal society
  • <person-complex> - martial artist

The X-Files

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - curious
  • <idea> - belief
  • <creature> - monster
  • <group> - partnership
  • <bad> - secretive
  • <general-career-sector> - government
  • <problem-complex> - conspiracy
  • <bad-complex> - mysterious
  • <good-complex> - skeptical
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <general-adjective-dump> - frightening
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <event-complex> - abduction
  • <general-verb-dump> - investigates
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unexplained
  • <tool-complex> - flashlight
  • <building-complex> - basement
  • <gerund> - questioning
  • <issues> - murder
  • <period-of-time> - week
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - solves the case
  • <texture-complex> - extra-terrestrial
  • <event-complex> - experiment
  • <general-adjective-dump> - confidential
  • <bad-complex> - eerie
  • <media-sensation> - prime time
  • <texture-complex> - paranormal
  • <group> - duo
  • <color-complex> - ginger

Chia Pet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: pet

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - amusing
  • <good> - innovative
  • <tool> - gimmick
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks like
  • <creature> - animal
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <size-complex> - profuse
  • <bad-complex> - tacky
  • <texture-complex> - earthen
  • <texture-complex> - bushy
  • <normal-weird> - ridiculous
  • <wants> - requires
  • <general-noun-dump> - water
  • <general-verb-dump> - grows out
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <nature-places> - thicket
  • <bad-complex> - seedy
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-noun-dump> - bloom
  • <shape> - dome
  • <parts-of-body> - scalp
  • <general-noun-dump> - wig
  • <general-noun-dump> - window sill
  • <general-noun-dump> - paperweight


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - item
  • <general-verb-dump> - shades
  • <texture> - solid
  • <abstract-concept> - creativity
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <taste-complex> - aromatic
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <gerund> - outlining
  • <tool-complex> - implement
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <emotion-good-complex> - playful
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sharpened
  • <general-verb-dump> - scrawls
  • <color-complex> - brick red
  • <color-complex> - jungle green


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <general-verb-dump> - slides under
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <texture-complex> - flexible
  • <general-adjective-dump> - flippy
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <place-complex> - kitchen
  • <food> - bacon
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <gerund> - flipping
  • <general-noun-dump> - Teflon
  • <tool-complex> - pan
  • <food> - patty
  • <general-verb-dump> - wedges
  • <good-complex> - indispensable
  • <creature-complex> - egg
  • <color-complex> - fiery
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - grill master
  • <general-verb-dump> - scrapes

Big Little Lies

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: big, little

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - guilty
  • <bad-complex> - dishonest
  • <problem> - crime
  • <group> - gang
  • <villain> - bad guy
  • <abstract-concept> - vengeance
  • <abstract-concept> - secret
  • <place-complex> - wealthy enclave
  • <idea> - suspicion
  • <event> - party
  • <problem-complex> - betrayal
  • <genre> - mystery
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - kills the baddie
  • <genre> - soap opera
  • <gerund> - fibbing
  • <issues> - conspiracy
  • <size> - huge
  • <size> - lil'
  • <media-style-adjective> - thrilling
  • <size-complex> - itsy bitsy
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <event-complex> - fundraiser
  • <media-type> - TV
  • <media-type> - book
  • <media-sensation> - cliffhanger
  • <place-complex> - private school
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <general-verb-dump> - tries to hide
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is part of
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <problem-complex> - gossip
  • <problem-complex> - conspiracy
  • <gerund> - pushing
  • <people-types> - queen bee
  • <general-noun-dump> - costume
  • <general-noun-dump> - tiara
  • <family-role> - mother
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <gets-something-bad> - perishes
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - blond

Super Soaker

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: soaked

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - hefty
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <color> - colorful
  • <thing> - object
  • <good> - fun
  • <good-complex> - cool
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <taste-complex> - refreshing
  • <general-verb-dump> - targets
  • <tool-complex> - gizmo
  • <body-complex> - body
  • <gerund> - spraying
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - branded
  • <event-complex> - playtime
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <general-noun-dump> - spurt
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <person-complex> - child


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - massive
  • <building> - formation
  • <general-verb-dump> - blows
  • <material> - liquid
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <texture-complex> - piping-hot
  • <texture-complex> - goopy
  • <taste-complex> - charred
  • <general-adjective-dump> - explosive
  • <shape> - cone
  • <material-complex> - secretion
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <gerund> - bursting
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <color-complex> - orange

Street Fighter

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <problem> - trouble
  • <creature> - beast
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is played by
  • <bad-complex> - difficult
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hostile
  • <texture-complex> - virtual
  • <building-complex> - roadway
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <gerund> - battling
  • <event-complex> - contest
  • <parts-of-body> - fist
  • <event> - game
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <abstract-concept> - electricity
  • <general-noun-dump> - fireball
  • <tool-complex> - meter
  • <good-complex> - global
  • <general-verb-dump> - features
  • <general-verb-dump> - simulates
  • <abstract-concept> - health
  • <abstract-concept> - power
  • <general-noun-dump> - kick
  • <general-adjective-dump> - one-on-one
  • <place-complex> - avenue


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <general-verb-dump> - creeps along
  • <material> - surface
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <emotion-good-complex> - tickled-pink
  • <shape> - tube
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <gerund> - writhing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - crawly
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <abstract-concept> - ecology
  • <taste-complex> - squishy
  • <general-verb-dump> - burrows into

Encyclopedia Britannica

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - thick
  • <good> - smart
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool> - resource
  • <idea> - information
  • <size-complex> - brimming
  • <size-complex> - comprehensive
  • <gerund> - learning
  • <general-verb-dump> - covers
  • <idea-complex> - subject matter
  • <abstract-concept> - knowledge
  • <size-complex> - hefty
  • <tool-complex> - volume
  • <abstract-concept> - education
  • <general-verb-dump> - is read by
  • <general-noun-dump> - name-brand
  • <texture-complex> - hardcover
  • <taste-complex> - alphabetical
  • <person-complex> - door-to-door salesman


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - upsetting
  • <creature> - being
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is manipulated by
  • <shape> - body
  • <material> - fabric
  • <abstract-concept> - creativity
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <bad-complex> - creepy
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <texture-complex> - stuffed
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <material-complex> - felt
  • <event-complex> - performance
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <place-complex> - stage
  • <bad-complex> - uncanny
  • <general-noun-dump> - simulacrum
  • <emotion-good-complex> - silly
  • <general-adjective-dump> - verbal
  • <person-complex> - character
  • <creature-complex> - critter


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - nutrition
  • <thing> - item
  • <color> - colorful
  • <is> - is made of
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is known for
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <age-complex> - aged
  • <nature-places> - farm
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <general-verb-dump> - accompanies
  • <material-complex> - vegetation
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <place-complex> - country
  • <general-noun-dump> - salt
  • <general-verb-dump> - is fermented by
  • <food> - veggie
  • <general-noun-dump> - side dish
  • <abstract-concept> - chemical reaction
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <shape> - glob
  • <food> - cabbage
  • <food> - salad
  • <place-complex> - Seoul


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - horrid
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - skitters across
  • <is-in-relation-to> - scuttles
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <bad-complex> - creepy
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <texture-complex> - hard-topped
  • <taste-complex> - crunchy
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <material-complex> - shell
  • <general-noun-dump> - decay
  • <event-complex> - apocalypse
  • <gerund> - crawling
  • <bad-complex> - gross
  • <general-noun-dump> - fallout
  • <gerund> - exterminating
  • <shape> - oval
  • <good-complex> - enduring
  • <normal-weird> - household

Statue of David

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <good> - magnificent
  • <texture> - hard
  • <thing> - object
  • <creature> - being
  • <person> - human
  • <general-career-sector> - art
  • <general-verb-dump> - stands in
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture-complex> - chiseled
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <bad-complex> - immobilized
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <abstract-concept> - religion
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <body-complex> - physique
  • <good-complex> - bare
  • <general-noun-dump> - masterpiece
  • <general-verb-dump> - depicts
  • <color-complex> - pale
  • <size-complex> - jacked
  • <size-complex> - toned
  • <person-complex> - hottie

pinball machine

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - heavy
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <tool> - apparatus
  • <general-verb-dump> - zips around
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <abstract-concept> - obsession
  • <bad-complex> - nerve-wracking
  • <texture-complex> - zingy
  • <normal-weird> - twitchy
  • <general-verb-dump> - pounds on
  • <tool-complex> - flipper
  • <general-noun-dump> - plunge
  • <gerund> - dinging
  • <tool-complex> - bumper
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - jittery
  • <shape-complex> - table
  • <problem-complex> - maze
  • <general-verb-dump> - flicks
  • <thing> - sphere
  • <color-complex> - flashy
  • <general-noun-dump> - wizard
  • <shape> - box
  • <event> - game
  • <place-complex> - midway
  • <gerund> - tilting


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <abstract-concept> - transportation
  • <general-verb-dump> - scoots
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <age-complex> - pubescent
  • <general-adjective-dump> - speedy
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <shape-complex> - wheel
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <general-noun-dump> - conveyance
  • <bad-complex> - hidden
  • <good-complex> - covert
  • <general-verb-dump> - pops out
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is worn by
  • <general-verb-dump> - glides across
  • <shape-complex> - circle
  • <bad-complex> - impractical
  • <abstract-concept> - fashion
  • <general-noun-dump> - clothing
  • <bad-complex> - clumsy
  • <general-noun-dump> - wipeout
  • <normal-weird> - popular
  • <texture-complex> - slippery

Golden Retriever

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <color> - light
  • <creature-complex> - beast
  • <shape> - body
  • <abstract-concept> - companionship
  • <general-verb-dump> - licks
  • <bad-complex> - dopey
  • <good-complex> - devoted
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <color-complex> - blond
  • <normal-weird> - common
  • <creature-complex> - pet
  • <gerund> - fetching
  • <abstract-concept> - purity
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <general-noun-dump> - best friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays with
  • <tool-complex> - basketball
  • <general-noun-dump> - breed
  • <taste-complex> - shaggy
  • <size> - mid-sized


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a movie about
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <people-types> - sweetheart
  • <event-complex> - carnival
  • <creature-complex> - spider
  • <gerund> - shaking
  • <age> - young
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <gerund> - acting
  • <family-role> - teen
  • <people-types> - prom queen
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-career-status> - it girl
  • <texture-complex> - glitzy
  • <normal-weird> - unique
  • <abstract-concept> - addiction
  • <general-noun-dump> - acrobat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - replay
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <are-in-relation-to> - has chemistry with
  • <general-noun-dump> - Disney Channel
  • <people-types> - child star
  • <period-of-time> - Gen Z
  • <good-complex> - euphoric

Tic Tac

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - oval
  • <general-verb-dump> - cleans up
  • <material> - solid
  • <abstract-concept> - freshness
  • <size-complex> - teeny tiny
  • <emotion-good-complex> - helpful
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <taste-complex> - candy-coated
  • <general-noun-dump> - mint
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <general-adjective-dump> - oblong
  • <problem-complex> - embarrassment
  • <food> - after-dinner
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - improving
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <general-adjective-dump> - name-brand
  • <general-noun-dump> - odor
  • <gerund> - removing
  • <general-verb-dump> - flavors
  • <gerund> - rattling
  • <bad-complex> - tacky


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: philosophy

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - smart
  • <texture> - difficult
  • <event> - ceremony
  • <general-career-sector> - education
  • <idea> - idea
  • <thing> - object
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is good for
  • <general-verb-dump> - proves
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <good-complex> - accomplished
  • <bad-complex> - time-consuming
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <building-complex> - academy
  • <abstract-concept> - knowledge
  • <period-of-time> - year
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <parts-of-body> - brain
  • <general-noun-dump> - frame
  • <person-complex> - professor


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - nice
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <general-verb-dump> - carries
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is used for
  • <abstract-concept> - comfort
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cozy
  • <texture-complex> - pliable
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <event-complex> - chillout
  • <gerund> - swaying
  • <place-complex> - porch
  • <person-complex> - grandma
  • <general-adjective-dump> - shaky
  • <general-noun-dump> - resting place
  • <material-complex> - cloth
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <nature-places> - nature
  • <is-in-relation-to> - hangs from
  • <general-verb-dump> - is strung up by

George Washington Carver

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <good> - important
  • <person> - individual
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are known for
  • <general-career-sector> - agriculture
  • <abstract-concept> - innovation
  • <gerund> - planting
  • <gerund> - teaching
  • <emotion-good-complex> - determined
  • <normal-weird> - nutty
  • <material-complex> - seed
  • <material-complex> - goober
  • <building-complex> - farm
  • <general-career-status> - professor
  • <place-like-simple> - improve
  • <material-complex> - soil
  • <general-noun-dump> - shell
  • <general-noun-dump> - science
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <material-complex> - legume
  • <people-types> - inventor
  • <period-of-time> - 20th century


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - fun
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - boings
  • <age> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - taut
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy
  • <emotion-good> - merry
  • <bad-complex> - hazardous
  • <size> - flat
  • <shape> - surface
  • <tool> - contraption
  • <material-complex> - mesh
  • <event-complex> - frivolity
  • <parts-of-body> - broken leg
  • <gerund> - leaping
  • <place-complex> - suburbia


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <thing> - thing
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <creature> - being
  • <abstract-concept> - cleanliness
  • <wants> - seeks
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <texture-complex> - filthy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - independent
  • <building-complex> - interior
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <place-complex> - floor
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <general-career-sector> - household
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand
  • <good-complex> - inventive
  • <general-noun-dump> - AI
  • <general-verb-dump> - removes
  • <material-complex> - debris
  • <food> - carpet
  • <shape> - circle
  • <food> - dirt

Dirty Dancing

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: dancing

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - handsome
  • <emotion-bad> - shy
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <protagonist> - heroine
  • <abstract-concept> - rhythm
  • <abstract-concept> - class system
  • <group> - guest
  • <group> - staff
  • <place-complex> - resort
  • <problem-complex> - scandal
  • <gerund> - teaching
  • <gerund> - lifting
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - falls in love
  • <general-career-sector> - hospitality sector
  • <general-noun-dump> - privilege
  • <general-adjective-dump> - star-crossed
  • <bad-complex> - forbidden
  • <bad-complex> - risqué
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <age-complex> - teenaged
  • <media-style-adjective> - controversial
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - romance
  • <general-verb-dump> - seduces
  • <is-in-relation-to> - learns from
  • <family-role> - father
  • <people-types> - heartthrob
  • <people-types> - instructor
  • <family-role> - baby
  • <general-adjective-dump> - filthy
  • <place-complex> - corner
  • <tool-complex> - shimmy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: lunch

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <general-verb-dump> - is assembled by
  • <person> - person
  • <abstract-concept> - hunger
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <texture-complex> - dehydrated
  • <taste-complex> - saucy
  • <taste-complex> - bland
  • <taste-complex> - crumbly
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - pouch
  • <gerund> - squeezing
  • <food> - meal
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <place-complex> - cafeteria
  • <general-adjective-dump> - unsatisfying
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <age-complex> - nostalgic
  • <shape-complex> - slice

Sleepless in Seattle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - lonely
  • <person-complex> - stranger
  • <abstract-concept> - romance
  • <abstract-concept> - distance
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <family-role> - spouse
  • <emotion-good> - hopeful
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <place-complex> - big city
  • <general-noun-dump> - connection
  • <media-style-adjective> - romantic
  • <bad-complex> - unknown
  • <general-noun-dump> - radio
  • <general-noun-dump> - relationship
  • <general-adjective-dump> - awake
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <general-noun-dump> - talk show
  • <media-sensation> - tearjerker
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <general-verb-dump> - listens to
  • <is-in-relation-to> - has never seen
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <family-role> - child
  • <people-types> - cute kid
  • <people-types> - sad sack
  • <problem-complex> - insomnia
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - gets together
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-noun-dump> - widow
  • <texture-complex> - rainy
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <general-noun-dump> - boat

Mahatma Gandhi

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - skinny
  • <alive-dead> - deceased
  • <emotion-good> - peaceful
  • <person> - human
  • <place-dislike-simple> - reject
  • <place-like-simple> - embrace
  • <abstract-concept> - independence
  • <general-career-sector> - activism
  • <taste-complex> - veggie
  • <emotion-good-complex> - compassionate
  • <normal-weird> - simple
  • <texture-complex> - loose
  • <material-complex> - cloth
  • <general-career-status> - defender
  • <abstract-concept> - resistance
  • <parts-of-body> - stomach
  • <shape-complex> - bald
  • <general-noun-dump> - glasses
  • <general-noun-dump> - mustache
  • <bad-complex> - hungry
  • <age> - withered
  • <person-complex> - dude


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - cold
  • <color> - bland
  • <place> - land
  • <abstract-concept> - betrayal
  • <place-complex> - rural area
  • <issues> - crime
  • <bad> - stupid
  • <general-noun-dump> - con
  • <media-style-adjective> - comic
  • <media-style-adjective> - violent
  • <bad-complex> - foolish
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - snowy
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <gerund> - chopping
  • <gerund> - grinding
  • <media-sensation> - cult classic
  • <general-career-status> - officer
  • <event-complex> - abduction
  • <general-verb-dump> - investigates
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is put in
  • <nature-places> - frozen landscape
  • <general-noun-dump> - fraud
  • <tool-complex> - chopper
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <tool-complex> - axe
  • <family-role> - mama
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end> - solves the case
  • <general-noun-dump> - accent
  • <general-adjective-dump> - midwestern
  • <emotion-good> - quirky
  • <person-complex> - lady
  • <nature-places> - tundra


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - chilly
  • <texture-complex> - hardened
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <shape> - mass
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <gerund> - melting
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <thing> - thing
  • <general-verb-dump> - sinks
  • <general-verb-dump> - is melted by
  • <shape> - hunk
  • <nature-places> - floe
  • <good-complex> - polar
  • <good-complex> - clean
  • <gerund> - warming
  • <gerund> - retreating


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - rock
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <gerund> - squeaking
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-verb-dump> - swims in
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <parts-of-body> - whisker
  • <nature-places> - H2O
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <group> - family
  • <general-verb-dump> - holds hands with
  • <emotion-good> - cute
  • <creature> - creature
  • <place-complex> - river
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - slick
  • <bad-complex> - vicious
  • <texture-complex> - rubbery

flip flops

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <nature-places> - pool
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <is> - is made of
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - noisy
  • <building-complex> - gym
  • <general-noun-dump> - shower
  • <general-verb-dump> - slaps
  • <shape> - surface
  • <general-noun-dump> - onomatopoeia
  • <general-noun-dump> - pedicure
  • <parts-of-body> - toe
  • <taste-complex> - open-air
  • <gerund> - flapping
  • <general-noun-dump> - Old Navy
  • <size> - thin

Bop It

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <emotion-good-complex> - speedy
  • <general-noun-dump> - increases
  • <gerund> - twisting
  • <gerund> - speaking
  • <general-noun-dump> - command
  • <abstract-concept> - nostalgia
  • <general-noun-dump> - button
  • <person-complex> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - demands
  • <color-complex> - color-coded
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is held by
  • <person-complex> - competitor
  • <abstract-concept> - obedience
  • <thing> - gizmo
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <tool-complex> - handle
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <good-complex> - electronic
  • <bad-complex> - authoritarian
  • <general-noun-dump> - dictator


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - shape
  • <thing> - thing
  • <building> - construction
  • <general-verb-dump> - fits
  • <good-complex> - popular
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <gerund> - vanishing
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <problem-complex> - timer
  • <general-noun-dump> - score
  • <event> - game
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <shape-complex> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - line
  • <general-verb-dump> - zeroes out
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <period-of-time> - 1980s
  • <general-noun-dump> - Game Boy
  • <abstract-concept> - spatial awareness
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rotating

Kate Middleton

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - proper
  • <color> - colorful
  • <age> - young
  • <person> - individual
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are part of
  • <general-career-status> - royalty
  • <media-type> - tabloid
  • <normal-weird> - posh
  • <emotion-good-complex> - benevolent
  • <good-complex> - elite
  • <family-role> - husband
  • <normal-weird> - public
  • <family-role> - sister-in-law
  • <place-like-simple> - show off
  • <material-complex> - hat
  • <are-in-relation-to> - is married to
  • <texture-complex> - European
  • <general-noun-dump> - paparazzi

avocado toast

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - spreading
  • <loves> - is enjoyed by
  • <general-verb-dump> - is eaten by
  • <abstract-concept> - fad
  • <texture-complex> - trendy
  • <texture-complex> - damp
  • <texture-complex> - mushy
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <food> - meal
  • <taste-complex> - luxurious
  • <abstract-concept> - millennial debt crisis
  • <food> - fruit
  • <texture-complex> - mashed
  • <person-complex> - 90s baby


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - bad
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool> - device
  • <abstract-concept> - narrative
  • <event> - sequence
  • <general-verb-dump> - rewrites
  • <age-complex> - out-of-date
  • <emotion-good-complex> - entertaining
  • <texture-complex> - magnetized
  • <building-complex> - finished basement
  • <gerund> - rotating
  • <general-noun-dump> - movie
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays
  • <age-complex> - defunct
  • <general-noun-dump> - tape
  • <general-verb-dump> - rewinds
  • <good-complex> - blockbuster
  • <general-noun-dump> - spindle
  • <bad-complex> - beta

Voyager Probe

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <abstract-concept> - exploration
  • <texture-complex> - sub-zero temp
  • <good-complex> - advanced
  • <bad-complex> - farflung
  • <abstract-concept> - American achievement
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <shape-complex> - circle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - planetary
  • <general-noun-dump> - radio
  • <creature-complex> - alien
  • <symbolizes> - represents
  • <general-verb-dump> - communicates with
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <abstract-concept> - far far away
  • <good-complex> - airborne
  • <person-complex> - day tripper
  • <good-complex> - interstellar
  • <person-complex> - traveller


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - moving
  • <person-complex> - individual
  • <general-verb-dump> - moves
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <gerund> - incline
  • <general-noun-dump> - path
  • <tool-complex> - motor
  • <general-noun-dump> - fitness
  • <general-noun-dump> - test
  • <bad-complex> - indoor
  • <abstract-concept> - motion
  • <person-complex> - gym rat
  • <general-noun-dump> - sprint
  • <bad> - exhausting
  • <tool> - machine


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - music
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <texture-complex> - trendy
  • <abstract-concept> - humor
  • <abstract-concept> - lifestyle
  • <general-noun-dump> - videography
  • <gerund> - recording
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fast-paced
  • <emotion-good-complex> - outlawed
  • <person-complex> - teen
  • <abstract-concept> - content
  • <gerund> - joking
  • <general-noun-dump> - dance routine
  • <tool> - application
  • <taste-complex> - digital
  • <age> - new
  • <age> - young
  • <bad-complex> - illegal
  • <gerund> - swiping
  • <tool-complex> - lip sync

Tide Pod

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - trend
  • <color> - colorful
  • <texture-complex> - squishy
  • <gerund> - cleaning
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is known for
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - forbidden
  • <thing> - thing
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks like
  • <general-noun-dump> - candy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hazardous
  • <gerund> - washing
  • <general-noun-dump> - stain
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <material-complex> - goop
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <color-complex> - pastel
  • <general-noun-dump> - poison
  • <texture-complex> - gluey
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <shape> - package


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <general-noun-dump> - home video
  • <parts-of-body> - paw
  • <parts-of-body> - whisker
  • <food> - treat
  • <gerund> - kneading
  • <gerund> - scratching
  • <emotion-good-complex> - independent
  • <abstract-concept> - affection
  • <general-verb-dump> - is touched by
  • <shape> - body
  • <age-complex> - babyish
  • <group> - litter
  • <size> - teeny tiny
  • <gerund> - motoring
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is born with


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <general-verb-dump> - is swallowed by
  • <gerund> - brewing
  • <food> - treat
  • <texture> - warm
  • <gerund> - buzzing
  • <texture-complex> - frothy
  • <general-noun-dump> - beverage
  • <general-noun-dump> - drowsiness
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <size-complex> - miniature
  • <tool-complex> - vessel
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - intense
  • <normal-weird> - popular
  • <shape-complex> - Italiano
  • <size> - itsy bitsy
  • <size-complex> - doll-sized
  • <bad-complex> - caffeinated
  • <abstract-concept> - breakfast
  • <is-in-relation-to> - pares well with
  • <general-noun-dump> - biscotti


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - flat
  • <color> - colorful
  • <shape> - circle
  • <abstract-concept> - gimmick
  • <bad> - tacky
  • <general-verb-dump> - is stacked by
  • <age-complex> - dated
  • <texture-complex> - papery
  • <material-complex> - cardboard
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <event> - game
  • <food> - beverage
  • <gerund> - flipping
  • <problem-complex> - challenge
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets pounded by
  • <gerund> - collecting
  • <period-of-time> - 90s
  • <general-noun-dump> - cap
  • <taste-complex> - dairy
  • <abstract-concept> - nostalgia
  • <period-of-time> - childhood


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: box

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <general-verb-dump> - displays
  • <age-complex> - obsolete
  • <size-complex> - heavy
  • <normal-weird> - innovative
  • <shape-complex> - circle
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <bad-complex> - defective
  • <color> - dark
  • <good-complex> - cutting-edge
  • <gerund> - playing
  • <texture-complex> - electronic
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-noun-dump> - angel
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <person-complex> - chieftain
  • <tool-complex> - button
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <tool-complex> - console
  • <tool-complex> - brand
  • <building-complex> - basement
  • <general-verb-dump> - plugs into


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - useful
  • <bad> - tacky
  • <abstract-concept> - temperature
  • <general-verb-dump> - fits on
  • <general-verb-dump> - is worn by
  • <tool-complex> - container
  • <food> - beverage
  • <gerund> - retaining
  • <texture-complex> - chilled
  • <texture-complex> - foamy
  • <general-noun-dump> - heat
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <good-complex> - promotional
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <general-noun-dump> - freebie
  • <shape-complex> - cylinder
  • <shape> - tube
  • <general-noun-dump> - condensation
  • <texture-complex> - squishy
  • <loves> - protects
  • <event-complex> - tailgate
  • <event-complex> - BBQ


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <general-verb-dump> - reaches for
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <color-complex> - spotty
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <nature-places> - treetop
  • <parts-of-body> - vertebrae
  • <gerund> - straining
  • <gerund> - chomping
  • <material-complex> - leaf
  • <parts-of-body> - hoof
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <place-complex> - wilderness
  • <nature-places> - savanna
  • <body-complex> - throat
  • <body-complex> - leg
  • <bad-complex> - gangly
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <place-complex> - toy store
  • <bad-complex> - awkward
  • <general-verb-dump> - gallops around
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - tube

bubble wrap

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: wrap, bubble

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <good> - captivating
  • <size> - small
  • <abstract-concept> - protection
  • <general-verb-dump> - is pressed by
  • <general-verb-dump> - surrounds
  • <shape-complex> - dome
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <emotion-good-complex> - fun
  • <texture-complex> - loud
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <tool-complex> - box
  • <general-career-sector> - mail
  • <gerund> - enveloping
  • <color-complex> - transparent
  • <shape> - sheet
  • <general-noun-dump> - air
  • <good-complex> - cathartic
  • <good-complex> - satisfying
  • <gerund> - bursting
  • <good-complex> - poppin'
  • <parts-of-body> - finger
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <bad-complex> - pressurized


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - turns into
  • <shape> - sphere
  • <abstract-concept> - protection
  • <size-complex> - roly-poly
  • <bad-complex> - ugly
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - plated
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <is> - is made of
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <material-complex> - shell
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <general-verb-dump> - curls up in
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <gerund> - shielding
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <bad-complex> - armored
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is found in
  • <general-verb-dump> - wears
  • <place-complex> - wild
  • <body-complex> - ear
  • <color-complex> - silver


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <emotion-good> - cool
  • <emotion-bad> - dangerous
  • <tool> - machine
  • <abstract-concept> - travel
  • <texture-complex> - fast
  • <shape-complex> - blade
  • <tool-complex> - conveyance
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-verb-dump> - rises above
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <general-career-sector> - traffic
  • <general-career-sector> - police
  • <general-career-sector> - sightseeing
  • <gerund> - chopping


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <general-verb-dump> - doesn't want
  • <general-verb-dump> - squeezes
  • <shape> - tube
  • <size-complex> - thick
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <texture-complex> - scaly
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <event-complex> - predation
  • <food> - din din
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <gerund> - crushing
  • <bad-complex> - unhinged
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <general-adjective-dump> - watery
  • <creature-complex> - vertebrate
  • <general-verb-dump> - sheds
  • <general-verb-dump> - tightens
  • <creature-complex> - satan
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <body-complex> - tail
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a movie about
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <creature-complex> - worm


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - sharp
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <shape> - stick
  • <general-verb-dump> - protects
  • <general-verb-dump> - pricks
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <texture-complex> - thorny
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - fearful
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <material-complex> - keratin
  • <bad-complex> - defensive
  • <nature-places> - wooded area
  • <gerund> - flinging
  • <general-noun-dump> - poke
  • <bad-complex> - painful
  • <parts-of-body> - fur
  • <idea-complex> - survival
  • <shape-complex> - quadruped
  • <tool-complex> - armor

beluga whale

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - cold
  • <creature> - creature
  • <shape> - oblong
  • <general-verb-dump> - splashes in
  • <general-verb-dump> - blubbers about
  • <abstract-concept> - conservation
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <taste-complex> - poached
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <general-noun-dump> - baby
  • <group> - pod
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <parts-of-body> - flipper
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <size-complex> - chunky
  • <creature-complex> - vertebrate
  • <general-adjective-dump> - chilly
  • <nature-places> - sea
  • <is-in-relation-to> - lives in
  • <color-complex> - ivory
  • <color-complex> - gleaming
  • <texture-complex> - icy
  • <nature-places> - habitat
  • <tool-complex> - song
  • <tool-complex> - spout


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - pretty
  • <color> - bright
  • <abstract-concept> - decoration
  • <general-verb-dump> - is attached to
  • <building> - building
  • <texture-complex> - crystallized
  • <color-complex> - brilliant
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <good-complex> - fancy
  • <bad-complex> - pretentious
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <good-complex> - glowing
  • <general-verb-dump> - hangs from
  • <shape> - circle
  • <building-complex> - ceiling
  • <texture-complex> - gilded
  • <good-complex> - dazzling
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <general-noun-dump> - bulb
  • <gerund> - shattering
  • <building-complex> - ballroom
  • <general-noun-dump> - opera
  • <person-complex> - millionaire
  • <general-noun-dump> - candle
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is covered in

Magna Carta

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <good> - important
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <abstract-concept> - law
  • <general-verb-dump> - guarantees
  • <symbolizes> - expresses
  • <idea> - idea
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <material-complex> - parchment
  • <event-complex> - uprising
  • <general-career-sector> - royalty
  • <idea-complex> - liberty
  • <tool-complex> - quill
  • <period-of-time> - 13th century
  • <person-complex> - lord
  • <good-complex> - famous
  • <bad-complex> - restrictive
  • <shape-complex> - sheet
  • <general-noun-dump> - democracy
  • <period-of-time> - ye olde times
  • <general-adjective-dump> - European


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: board, hover

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <abstract-concept> - amusement
  • <tool> - device
  • <general-verb-dump> - carries
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels across
  • <person-complex> - passenger
  • <person-complex> - user
  • <tool-complex> - wheel
  • <problem-complex> - explosion
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <good-complex> - futuristic
  • <bad-complex> - unsafe
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - flammable
  • <color-complex> - neon
  • <general-adjective-dump> - faulty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - difficult
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <is-in-relation-to> - causes
  • <building-complex> - floor
  • <problem-complex> - false advertising
  • <event-complex> - stunt
  • <body-complex> - foot
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <gerund> - charging
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <event-complex> - fad
  • <gerund> - gliding
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a movie about
  • <abstract-concept> - technology
  • <abstract-concept> - sci-fi
  • <person-complex> - teen


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: chat

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool> - application
  • <good> - cool
  • <abstract-concept> - privacy
  • <general-verb-dump> - disappears
  • <is-in-relation-to> - connects with
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <age-complex> - newfangled
  • <taste-complex> - spicy
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - block
  • <general-noun-dump> - photography
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <gerund> - gabbing
  • <general-noun-dump> - poltergeist
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <event-complex> - conversation
  • <place-complex> - portal
  • <general-verb-dump> - captures
  • <general-noun-dump> - pose
  • <bad-complex> - finite
  • <general-adjective-dump> - filtered
  • <bad-complex> - spooky
  • <taste-complex> - addictive
  • <abstract-concept> - communication


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - terrifying
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <general-verb-dump> - splits
  • <general-verb-dump> - rumbles
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <bad-complex> - faulty
  • <texture-complex> - rocky
  • <texture-complex> - crusty
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unsettled
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <nature-places> - plate
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <gerund> - sheltering
  • <period-of-time> - moment
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <gerund> - vibration
  • <general-noun-dump> - crack
  • <event-complex> - emergency
  • <general-noun-dump> - magnitude
  • <is-in-relation-to> - shakes
  • <is-in-relation-to> - smashes

pet rock

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: pet, rock

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dull
  • <texture> - hard
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <texture-complex> - round
  • <idea> - fad
  • <material> - mineral
  • <abstract-concept> - joke
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is adopted by
  • <general-verb-dump> - sits on
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <person> - owner
  • <size> - small
  • <good-complex> - low-maintenance
  • <bad-complex> - immobile
  • <texture-complex> - stony
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <color-complex> - gray
  • <general-adjective-dump> - trendy
  • <general-verb-dump> - amuses
  • <general-adjective-dump> - beloved
  • <place-complex> - nest
  • <general-noun-dump> - marketing
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <general-adjective-dump> - inanimate
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fake
  • <general-noun-dump> - friend
  • <general-noun-dump> - pooch
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <period-of-time> - 1970s

fidget spinner

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: spin, fidget

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <good> - fun
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is bought by
  • <general-verb-dump> - distracts
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - annoying
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <general-adjective-dump> - whirly
  • <tool-complex> - gimmick
  • <event-complex> - rotation
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <gerund> - soothing
  • <general-noun-dump> - plaything
  • <tool-complex> - ball bearing
  • <general-noun-dump> - gyration
  • <normal-weird> - trendy
  • <general-noun-dump> - go-round
  • <shape> - hole
  • <shape-complex> - triplet
  • <abstract-concept> - novelty
  • <problem-complex> - anxiety
  • <taste-complex> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - tacky
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <group> - student body


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: phone

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <bad> - loud
  • <general-verb-dump> - honks
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is played by
  • <shape> - tube
  • <texture-complex> - reedy
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <color-complex> - gold
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - obnoxious
  • <tool-complex> - instrument
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <event-complex> - concert
  • <group> - quintet
  • <parts-of-body> - lip
  • <general-adjective-dump> - wailin'
  • <general-adjective-dump> - windy
  • <tool-complex> - button
  • <emotion-good-complex> - jazzy
  • <good-complex> - sexy
  • <bad-complex> - discordant
  • <group> - band
  • <event-complex> - strap
  • <color-complex> - brassy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - playful
  • <person-complex> - kid
  • <shape> - beam
  • <event-complex> - recess
  • <abstract-concept> - motion
  • <abstract-concept> - teamwork
  • <person-complex> - partner
  • <general-verb-dump> - pivots
  • <general-verb-dump> - lifts
  • <general-verb-dump> - lowers
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <good-complex> - classic
  • <gerund> - alternating
  • <texture-complex> - wooden
  • <material-complex> - board
  • <general-noun-dump> - plank
  • <general-noun-dump> - simple machine
  • <tool-complex> - equipment
  • <building-complex> - park
  • <general-career-sector> - amusement
  • <place-complex> - sandbox
  • <gerund> - kicking
  • <general-noun-dump> - seat
  • <tool-complex> - fulcrum

Pixy Stix

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - thin
  • <emotion-good> - delish
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-verb-dump> - is eaten by
  • <texture> - dry
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <bad-complex> - unhealthy
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <food> - treat
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <shape-complex> - rod
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <idea-complex> - brand name
  • <emotion-good-complex> - spritely
  • <size-complex> - tubular
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <person-complex> - fairy
  • <general-verb-dump> - pours into
  • <gerund> - coughing
  • <tool-complex> - wrapper
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - handheld


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - cubic
  • <abstract-concept> - nutrition
  • <general-verb-dump> - crunches
  • <general-verb-dump> - garnishes
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <taste-complex> - baked
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <taste-complex> - savory
  • <taste-complex> - bready
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <event-complex> - meal
  • <food> - side dish
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - dressing
  • <gerund> - topping
  • <general-noun-dump> - accompaniment
  • <creature-complex> - foliage
  • <bad-complex> - unhealthy
  • <tool-complex> - fork
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - carbohydrate
  • <general-adjective-dump> - yeasty

pool noodle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-verb-dump> - floats in
  • <material> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - foam
  • <shape-complex> - pillar
  • <tool-complex> - toy
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <gerund> - splashing
  • <shape> - tube
  • <hates> - slaps
  • <general-noun-dump> - spout
  • <texture-complex> - aquatic
  • <general-adjective-dump> - slappy
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <person-complex> - lifeguard
  • <gerund> - frolicking
  • <nature-places> - underwater


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - soft
  • <thing> - entity
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <creature> - beast
  • <general-verb-dump> - swims in
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is admired for
  • <size-complex> - portly
  • <texture-complex> - injured
  • <normal-weird> - silly
  • <good-complex> - lovable
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - threatened
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <parts-of-body> - flipper
  • <gerund> - paddling
  • <general-noun-dump> - pacifist
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - slothful
  • <idea-complex> - lifestyle
  • <gerund> - grazing
  • <color-complex> - gray
  • <texture-complex> - lumpy
  • <person-complex> - mermaid
  • <size> - pudgy
  • <tool-complex> - propeller
  • <hates> - is attacked by
  • <good-complex> - chilled out
  • <general-verb-dump> - floats along

Donkey Kong

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: Donkey

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool> - game
  • <size> - large
  • <texture> - furry
  • <emotion-bad> - angry
  • <tool> - screen
  • <creature> - beast
  • <building> - platform
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <general-noun-dump> - original
  • <abstract-concept> - rescue
  • <is-in-relation-to> - fights against
  • <general-verb-dump> - tosses
  • <general-verb-dump> - imprisons
  • <size-complex> - hulking
  • <age-complex> - retro
  • <good-complex> - heroic
  • <bad-complex> - destructive
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <gerund> - climbing
  • <tool-complex> - ladder
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-adjective-dump> - repetitive
  • <tool-complex> - coin
  • <person-complex> - hostage
  • <person-complex> - sanitation worker
  • <place-complex> - scaffolding
  • <general-noun-dump> - button
  • <villain> - bad guy
  • <tool-complex> - go-kart
  • <person-complex> - royalty
  • <general-noun-dump> - necktie
  • <general-noun-dump> - keg
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <tool> - machine
  • <period-of-time> - 80s

glow stick

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <size> - small
  • <good> - neato
  • <general-verb-dump> - illuminates
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <bad-complex> - temporary
  • <texture-complex> - reactive
  • <color-complex> - neon
  • <shape-complex> - cylinder
  • <tool-complex> - accessory
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <parts-of-body> - wrist
  • <building-complex> - nightclub
  • <food> - potion
  • <shape> - tube
  • <event-complex> - rave
  • <gerund> - cracking
  • <gerund> - mesmerizing
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is filled with
  • <good-complex> - funky
  • <good-complex> - incandescent
  • <color-complex> - phosphorescent


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - game
  • <size> - short
  • <creature-complex> - reptile
  • <building-complex> - castle
  • <tool-complex> - pipe
  • <problem-complex> - abduction
  • <general-noun-dump> - sewage
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - squish
  • <are-in-relation-to> - save
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - jump over
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <size-complex> - giant
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <people-types> - mascot
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <creature-complex> - dinosaur
  • <creature-complex> - tortoise
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <tool-complex> - coin
  • <general-noun-dump> - fungus
  • <general-career-sector> - maintenance
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <general-noun-dump> - controller
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <alive-dead> - fictional
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a game about
  • <general-noun-dump> - level
  • <family-role> - brother


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: twist

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - intimate
  • <bad-complex> - tangled
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material> - plastic
  • <problem> - challenge
  • <abstract-concept> - communion
  • <abstract-concept> - flexibility
  • <general-verb-dump> - spins
  • <is-in-relation-to> - leads to
  • <general-verb-dump> - entangles
  • <good-complex> - cozy
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <tool-complex> - dial
  • <general-noun-dump> - mat
  • <gerund> - bending
  • <abstract-concept> - instruction
  • <tool> - game
  • <general-verb-dump> - points to
  • <body-complex> - arm
  • <body-complex> - leg
  • <place-complex> - living room
  • <bad-complex> - awkward
  • <group> - cluster
  • <tool-complex> - nest
  • <event-complex> - party
  • <taste-complex> - fleshy
  • <gerund> - touching

poison ivy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - ouchy
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <nature-places> - nature
  • <general-verb-dump> - afflicts
  • <bad-complex> - painful
  • <texture-complex> - living
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <creature-complex> - organism
  • <material-complex> - chemical
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <nature-places> - undergrowth
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <normal-weird> - infamous
  • <general-verb-dump> - touches
  • <shape> - patch
  • <general-noun-dump> - rash
  • <general-noun-dump> - villain
  • <texture-complex> - itchy
  • <texture-complex> - scabby
  • <hates> - inflames
  • <gerund> - camping
  • <gerund> - hiking
  • <parts-of-body> - ankle
  • <abstract-concept> - mother nature

The Settlers of Catan

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - commerce
  • <building> - construction
  • <symbolizes> - symbolizes
  • <wants> - mimics
  • <normal-weird> - popular
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <shape-complex> - hexagon
  • <building-complex> - outpost
  • <tool> - game
  • <nature-places> - isle
  • <place-complex> - land
  • <gerund> - drawing
  • <good-complex> - industrious
  • <tool-complex> - card
  • <material-complex> - ore
  • <general-noun-dump> - herd
  • <general-adjective-dump> - strategic
  • <nature-places> - quarry
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <material-complex> - cardboard
  • <good> - fun
  • <general-adjective-dump> - time consuming
  • <taste-complex> - agricultural

Magic 8-Ball

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <emotion-bad> - confusing
  • <abstract-concept> - destiny
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <problem> - inquiry
  • <general-verb-dump> - reveals
  • <material> - liquid
  • <tool-complex> - writing
  • <shape-complex> - orb
  • <gerund> - answering
  • <idea-complex> - forecast
  • <normal-weird> - enchanted
  • <problem-complex> - mystery
  • <color-complex> - unclear
  • <shape> - circle
  • <gerund> - wondering
  • <general-noun-dump> - future
  • <general-verb-dump> - shakes up
  • <loves> - predicts
  • <general-adjective-dump> - all-knowing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mystical
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky

gummy worm

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - squishy
  • <color> - colorful
  • <texture-complex> - squiggly
  • <abstract-concept> - novelty
  • <general-verb-dump> - slithers down
  • <shape> - body
  • <texture-complex> - gelatinous
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <creature-complex> - invertebrate
  • <material-complex> - sugar
  • <is> - is devoured by
  • <food> - treat
  • <nature-places> - dirt
  • <texture-complex> - chewy
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <food> - grub
  • <shape-complex> - string
  • <general-noun-dump> - parasite


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - exclamation
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <good> - lucky
  • <color-complex> - monochromatic
  • <shape> - square
  • <tool-complex> - cup
  • <abstract-concept> - number
  • <person> - player
  • <general-career-sector> - math
  • <gerund> - adding
  • <general-noun-dump> - pair
  • <general-verb-dump> - tosses
  • <general-verb-dump> - adds
  • <is-in-relation-to> - comes with
  • <group> - family
  • <general-noun-dump> - shouting
  • <general-adjective-dump> - highest
  • <tool> - game
  • <shape-complex> - cube
  • <gerund> - rattling
  • <texture> - loud
  • <abstract-concept> - chance


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - folds over
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is stuffed with
  • <good-complex> - supreme
  • <texture-complex> - melty
  • <texture-complex> - layered
  • <texture-complex> - pressed
  • <material-complex> - lactose
  • <taste-complex> - crispy
  • <color-complex> - golden
  • <shape-complex> - half-moon
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <food> - fourth meal
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <gerund> - stretching
  • <general-noun-dump> - slice
  • <tool-complex> - skillet
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <creature-complex> - poultry
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is eaten by
  • <period-of-time> - midnight


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - helpful
  • <shape> - circle
  • <tool> - device
  • <general-verb-dump> - points to
  • <general-verb-dump> - spins
  • <size-complex> - pocket-sized
  • <age-complex> - old fashioned
  • <texture-complex> - sensitive
  • <general-adjective-dump> - magnetized
  • <emotion-good-complex> - trustworthy
  • <color-complex> - brassy
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <material-complex> - clockwork
  • <idea-complex> - navigation
  • <place-complex> - hither and yon
  • <general-career-sector> - travel
  • <gerund> - directing
  • <general-noun-dump> - rose
  • <general-adjective-dump> - reliable
  • <general-noun-dump> - finder
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - polarizing
  • <shape-complex> - arrow
  • <idea-complex> - orientation
  • <nature-places> - wilderness
  • <general-career-sector> - sailing
  • <loves> - guides


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <building> - construction
  • <general-verb-dump> - assists
  • <general-verb-dump> - extends
  • <size-complex> - elongated
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-adjective-dump> - precarious
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <color-complex> - silvery
  • <normal-weird> - ordinary
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <problem-complex> - chore
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <gerund> - stepping
  • <gerund> - elevating
  • <general-noun-dump> - rung
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <event-complex> - climb
  • <building-complex> - roof
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <good-complex> - useful
  • <abstract-concept> - altitude
  • <is-in-relation-to> - leans against
  • <general-career-sector> - carpentry
  • <building-complex> - garage


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - colorful
  • <emotion-bad> - fake
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - is struck by
  • <general-verb-dump> - is stuffed with
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - papery
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <color-complex> - garish
  • <creature-complex> - simulacrum
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <event-complex> - party time
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <food> - treat
  • <gerund> - whacking
  • <gerund> - spilling
  • <general-noun-dump> - bat
  • <material-complex> - string
  • <good-complex> - blindfolded
  • <bad-complex> - tricky
  • <event-complex> - amusement
  • <bad-complex> - fragile
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - eruptive
  • <shape-complex> - cavity
  • <general-noun-dump> - sugar rush
  • <general-noun-dump> - horse
  • <person-complex> - child


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - holds
  • <general-verb-dump> - stretches
  • <size-complex> - small-scale
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <good-complex> - useful
  • <texture-complex> - elastic
  • <texture-complex> - malleable
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cute
  • <color-complex> - velvet
  • <normal-weird> - trendy
  • <shape-complex> - ring
  • <material-complex> - hair
  • <event-complex> - makeover
  • <parts-of-body> - scalp
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <creature-complex> - pony
  • <gerund> - putting up
  • <gerund> - styling
  • <texture-complex> - sateen
  • <general-noun-dump> - tie
  • <texture-complex> - tight
  • <bad-complex> - restrictive
  • <tool-complex> - accessory
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is worn by
  • <person-complex> - cheerleader
  • <parts-of-body> - wrist


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - little
  • <texture> - slippery
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - change
  • <general-verb-dump> - morphs into
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <tool-complex> - egg
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <color-complex> - emerald
  • <age-complex> - newborn
  • <size-complex> - teeny-weeny
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <general-noun-dump> - life cycle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - armless
  • <abstract-concept> - transformation
  • <abstract-concept> - birth
  • <age-complex> - babyish

Atari 2600

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - incredible
  • <emotion-good> - joyful
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <bad> - simple
  • <tool> - machine
  • <gerund> - innovating
  • <building-complex> - living room
  • <general-career-sector> - technology
  • <period-of-time> - 1980s
  • <parts-of-body> - thumb
  • <event> - game
  • <tool-complex> - TV
  • <age-complex> - antique
  • <idea-complex> - brand name
  • <shape-complex> - number
  • <general-noun-dump> - asteroid
  • <nature-places> - outer space
  • <general-verb-dump> - is played by
  • <general-adjective-dump> - defunct
  • <tool-complex> - console
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated
  • <general-noun-dump> - joystick
  • <hates> - rotates

Jigsaw puzzle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: puzzle, puzzling, piece

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <emotion-good> - cozy
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <building> - formation
  • <problem> - challenge
  • <abstract-concept> - mystery
  • <color> - colorful
  • <general-verb-dump> - is assembled by
  • <texture-complex> - fractured
  • <shape-complex> - fragment
  • <bad-complex> - difficult
  • <good-complex> - enjoyable
  • <color-complex> - picturesque
  • <material-complex> - cardboard
  • <tool-complex> - table
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <gerund> - fitting
  • <general-noun-dump> - image
  • <general-noun-dump> - piece
  • <age-complex> - elderly
  • <is-in-relation-to> - goes on top of
  • <period-of-time> - winter
  • <period-of-time> - quarantine


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - polite
  • <area> - region
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - tap
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - mount
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-noun-dump> - healthcare
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are north of
  • <place-complex> - province
  • <creature-complex> - caribou
  • <material-complex> - syrup
  • <food> - curd
  • <general-noun-dump> - puck
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bilingual
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <emotion-good-complex> - optimistic
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <place-complex> - rink
  • <creature-complex> - steed
  • <size-complex> - vast
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - loony
  • <good-complex> - lowkey
  • <bad-complex> - passive-aggressive

Mississippi River

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stream down
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - go south of
  • <place-complex> - delta
  • <gerund> - spelling
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <bad-complex> - lazy
  • <taste-complex> - fresh
  • <color-complex> - muddy
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <general-adjective-dump> - patriotic
  • <general-noun-dump> - Americana
  • <emotion-good-complex> - folksy
  • <problem-complex> - flood
  • <abstract-concept> - transportation
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <shape-complex> - wheel
  • <texture> - slow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - snaking
  • <general-adjective-dump> - meandering
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in the middle of
  • <place-like-simple> - float down


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - entertaining
  • <event> - event
  • <land> - country
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hang on to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - catch
  • <creature> - creature
  • <group> - herd
  • <nature-places> - prairie
  • <gerund> - ensnaring
  • <creature-complex> - varmint
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bovine
  • <material-complex> - rope
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <person-complex> - clown
  • <group> - team
  • <general-noun-dump> - countdown
  • <gerund> - bucking
  • <age-complex> - old-timey
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <emotion-good-complex> - wild
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <building-complex> - arena
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get thrown off
  • <general-noun-dump> - barrel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rustic
  • <abstract-concept> - challenge
  • <gerund> - riding


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture> - squishy
  • <creature> - beast
  • <abstract-concept> - survival
  • <general-verb-dump> - carries
  • <material> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - furry
  • <shape-complex> - lump
  • <good-complex> - useful
  • <bad-complex> - rude
  • <emotion-good-complex> - resilient
  • <color-complex> - tawny
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - thirsty
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <body-complex> - torso
  • <material-complex> - water
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sandy
  • <material-complex> - loogie
  • <nature-places> - dune
  • <abstract-concept> - drought
  • <loves> - chews on
  • <tool-complex> - cigarette
  • <parts-of-body> - hoof
  • <creature-complex> - horse

Build-A-Bear Workshop

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: workshop, build

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - creative
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - birth
  • <texture> - soft
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stuff
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - make friends with
  • <shape> - beast
  • <event> - process
  • <gerund> - sewing
  • <creature-complex> - critter
  • <material-complex> - fur
  • <material-complex> - cotton
  • <body-complex> - anatomy
  • <body-complex> - heart
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <taste-complex> - scented
  • <emotion-good-complex> - heartwarming
  • <place-complex> - store
  • <place-complex> - mall
  • <gerund> - hugging
  • <place-feel-simple> - manufacture
  • <creature-complex> - mammal
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <good-complex> - customizable
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <abstract-concept> - assembly


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <bad> - pesky
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color> - bland
  • <creature> - creature
  • <shape> - circle
  • <abstract-concept> - connection
  • <size-complex> - minuscule
  • <good-complex> - durable
  • <bad-complex> - parasitic
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <color-complex> - gray
  • <general-verb-dump> - attaches to
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gluey
  • <material-complex> - shell
  • <creature-complex> - arthropod
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <gerund> - covering
  • <general-career-sector> - shipping
  • <material-complex> - hull
  • <taste-complex> - sucky
  • <abstract-concept> - suction
  • <is-in-relation-to> - hitches a ride with
  • <bad-complex> - phlegmy
  • <material-complex> - rock

Mr. Potato Head

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - hard
  • <emotion-good> - playful
  • <person> - individual
  • <abstract-concept> - transformation
  • <symbolizes> - expresses
  • <general-verb-dump> - changes
  • <emotion-good-complex> - smiling
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - frowning
  • <color-complex> - earthy
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <tool-complex> - peg
  • <gerund> - swapping
  • <general-noun-dump> - cartoon
  • <nature-places> - garden
  • <shape> - oval
  • <general-noun-dump> - accessory
  • <texture-complex> - starchy
  • <person-complex> - fella
  • <person-complex> - dude
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is married to
  • <nature-places> - vegetation

Ouija board

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: board, spirit

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - flat
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <general-verb-dump> - spells
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <bad-complex> - eerie
  • <normal-weird> - mystical
  • <tool-complex> - alphabet
  • <gerund> - messaging
  • <creature-complex> - phantom
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - surface
  • <texture-complex> - inscribed
  • <period-of-time> - lifespan
  • <bad-complex> - dubious
  • <gerund> - possessing
  • <general-noun-dump> - question
  • <person-complex> - child
  • <general-career-sector> - communication
  • <person-complex> - mortal
  • <taste-complex> - wispy
  • <hates> - freaks out

bubble tea

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - chilled
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - flavor
  • <general-verb-dump> - is slurped by
  • <gerund> - chewing
  • <texture-complex> - creamy
  • <material-complex> - leaf
  • <taste-complex> - refreshing
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <tool-complex> - straw
  • <building-complex> - cafe
  • <food> - beverage
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <general-noun-dump> - sediment
  • <taste-complex> - sweetened
  • <material> - liquid
  • <shape-complex> - cup
  • <gerund> - popping
  • <texture> - chewy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - caffeinated
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <general-verb-dump> - jams
  • <bad-complex> - pricey
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - watery


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - chill
  • <abstract-concept> - relaxation
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - waste away
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - imbibe in
  • <period-of-time> - 5 o'clock
  • <nature-places> - volcano
  • <material-complex> - mixture
  • <material-complex> - salt
  • <building-complex> - chain
  • <event-complex> - happy hour
  • <food> - din din
  • <general-noun-dump> - cheeseburger
  • <gerund> - shaking
  • <gerund> - blending
  • <bad-complex> - lowbrow
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <taste-complex> - grilled
  • <normal-weird> - ridiculous
  • <place-complex> - paradise
  • <material-complex> - concoction
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - search for
  • <place-dislike-simple> - blame
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drink
  • <good-complex> - tropical
  • <general-adjective-dump> - retired
  • <body-complex> - Hawaiian shirt
  • <bad-complex> - tacky

Toys "R" Us

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: toy

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - buy
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <period-of-time> - Black Friday
  • <gerund> - going under
  • <place-complex> - aisle
  • <creature-complex> - giraffe
  • <tool-complex> - plaything
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <idea-complex> - reward
  • <person-complex> - kiddo
  • <body-complex> - neck
  • <general-noun-dump> - bankruptcy
  • <size-complex> - humongo
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <color-complex> - eye-catching
  • <emotion-good-complex> - chipper
  • <gerund> - failing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - closed
  • <building-complex> - big-box
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <tool-complex> - figurine
  • <bad-complex> - shuttered
  • <good-complex> - gifted
  • <bad> - immature
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism

barbed wire

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: barbed

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - mean
  • <emotion-bad> - scary
  • <size> - long
  • <material> - material
  • <abstract-concept> - restriction
  • <general-verb-dump> - surrounds
  • <gerund> - cutting
  • <gerund> - deterring
  • <building-complex> - wall
  • <place-complex> - perimeter
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool-complex> - barrier
  • <person-complex> - intruder
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <general-career-sector> - security
  • <general-noun-dump> - spur
  • <texture-complex> - twisted
  • <general-adjective-dump> - stabby
  • <general-adjective-dump> - ouchy
  • <hates> - hurts
  • <size-complex> - skinny

Hamster wheel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <creature> - creature
  • <general-verb-dump> - entertains
  • <abstract-concept> - imprisonment
  • <event> - activity
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <bad-complex> - repetitive
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - stimulating
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tedious
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <color-complex> - metallic
  • <creature-complex> - rodent
  • <shape-complex> - rotation
  • <event-complex> - exercise
  • <general-career-sector> - fitness
  • <parts-of-body> - paw
  • <gerund> - running
  • <general-noun-dump> - spin
  • <is-in-relation-to> - goes inside
  • <building-complex> - jail

Taco Bell

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: taco, bell

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - spicy
  • <texture> - gooey
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - think outside
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - crunch
  • <shape-complex> - wrap
  • <period-of-time> - 24-hour
  • <gerund> - ringing
  • <material-complex> - sauce
  • <building-complex> - chain
  • <idea-complex> - guilty pleasure
  • <event-complex> - fourth meal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - mushy
  • <texture-complex> - stuffed
  • <texture-complex> - rolled
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <taste-complex> - fried
  • <normal-weird> - run-of-the-mill
  • <place-complex> - franchise
  • <creature-complex> - dog
  • <general-noun-dump> - blast
  • <place-complex> - drive-thru
  • <size> - greater
  • <problem-complex> - hunger
  • <general-noun-dump> - ground beef
  • <general-noun-dump> - bean

Victoria's Secret

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: secret

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - soft
  • <material> - fabric
  • <abstract-concept> - intimacy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get fitted with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get support from
  • <shape-complex> - cup
  • <gerund> - adjusting
  • <place-complex> - mall
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <idea-complex> - fantasy
  • <person-complex> - angel
  • <body-complex> - chest
  • <general-noun-dump> - wire
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <texture-complex> - lacy
  • <texture-complex> - silky
  • <taste-complex> - perfumed
  • <emotion-good-complex> - tickled-pink
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hush-hush
  • <place-touch-simple> - caress
  • <general-noun-dump> - sale
  • <person-complex> - womanhood
  • <bad-complex> - tacky
  • <bad-complex> - synthetic

Selfie stick

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <emotion-good> - smiley
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <abstract-concept> - vanity
  • <general-verb-dump> - captures
  • <good-complex> - useful
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - narcissistic
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <gerund> - posing
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <shape-complex> - rod
  • <person-complex> - yourself
  • <tool-complex> - picture
  • <general-adjective-dump> - autobiographical
  • <shape> - tube
  • <gerund> - cheesin'
  • <general-verb-dump> - extends
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <size-complex> - skinny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: dunk

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - warm
  • <material> - liquid
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - run on
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sip
  • <group> - staff
  • <period-of-time> - morning
  • <gerund> - fueling
  • <normal-weird> - routine
  • <place-complex> - drive-thru
  • <shape-complex> - cup
  • <food> - breakfast
  • <size-complex> - medium
  • <texture-complex> - doughy
  • <texture-complex> - glazed
  • <taste-complex> - roasted
  • <taste-complex> - creamy
  • <taste-complex> - caffeinated
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <event-complex> - commute
  • <food> - treat
  • <gerund> - blending
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - cheap
  • <taste-complex> - sugary
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <creature-complex> - egg
  • <normal-weird> - omnipresent
  • <building-complex> - chain
  • <texture-complex> - piping hot
  • <material-complex> - styrofoam
  • <place-like-simple> - purchase

Dim sum

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <emotion-bad> - hectic
  • <event> - event
  • <abstract-concept> - variety
  • <texture> - chewy
  • <texture-complex> - steamed
  • <taste-complex> - delicious
  • <age-complex> - traditional
  • <size-complex> - multitudinous
  • <food> - meat
  • <tool-complex> - cart
  • <building-complex> - restaurant
  • <event-complex> - feast
  • <creature-complex> - pig
  • <food> - dish
  • <group> - crowd
  • <gerund> - selecting
  • <place-complex> - nation
  • <idea-complex> - system
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is comprised of
  • <general-verb-dump> - is scarfed by
  • <general-adjective-dump> - imported
  • <shape-complex> - dumplin'
  • <food> - bun
  • <food> - meal
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is pushed by

troll doll

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: doll, troll

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <thing> - figure
  • <creature> - creature
  • <tool> - plaything
  • <texture-complex> - plasticky
  • <abstract-concept> - fad
  • <abstract-concept> - comeback
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is in a movie about
  • <general-verb-dump> - is brushed by
  • <size> - tiny
  • <age-complex> - childish
  • <bad-complex> - freaky
  • <texture-complex> - hairy
  • <color-complex> - neon
  • <normal-weird> - bizarro
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nude
  • <abstract-concept> - revamp
  • <general-noun-dump> - feeling
  • <general-noun-dump> - dam
  • <general-adjective-dump> - mythological
  • <is-in-relation-to> - performs a song about
  • <general-noun-dump> - happiness
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <group> - collection
  • <parts-of-body> - belly
  • <general-noun-dump> - jewel
  • <parts-of-body> - wig
  • <general-noun-dump> - style
  • <general-noun-dump> - gem


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: land, ice, landscape

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - pale
  • <land> - territory
  • <general-career-sector> - tourism
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <place-see-simple> - behold
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - drive around
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <food> - seafood
  • <tool-complex> - airliner
  • <good-complex> - majestic
  • <emotion-good-complex> - breathtaking
  • <texture-complex> - frosty
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <bad-complex> - desolate
  • <normal-weird> - striking
  • <place-complex> - volcano
  • <gerund> - pickling
  • <nature-places> - hot spring
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <texture-complex> - frozen
  • <person-complex> - viking
  • <good-complex> - trendy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - lil'
  • <bad> - painful
  • <texture> - bumpy
  • <color> - bright
  • <emotion-bad> - annoying
  • <texture> - round
  • <material-complex> - goo
  • <abstract-concept> - puberty
  • <abstract-concept> - shame
  • <is-in-relation-to> - grows on
  • <general-verb-dump> - humiliates
  • <general-verb-dump> - hurts
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <material-complex> - skin
  • <material-complex> - flesh
  • <group> - peer group
  • <gerund> - bursting
  • <gerund> - swelling
  • <general-noun-dump> - infection
  • <color-complex> - crimson
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sensitive
  • <general-noun-dump> - spot
  • <problem> - explosion


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: link, linking

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bland
  • <society> - community
  • <area> - site
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <general-verb-dump> - networks
  • <general-verb-dump> - lists
  • <abstract-concept> - connection
  • <building-complex> - office
  • <event-complex> - career
  • <person-complex> - CEO
  • <body-complex> - profile
  • <age-complex> - mature
  • <color-complex> - dull
  • <texture-complex> - stuffy
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - buttoned-up
  • <texture-complex> - stiff
  • <tool-complex> - portal
  • <problem-complex> - search
  • <event-complex> - hunt
  • <general-noun-dump> - job
  • <gerund> - messaging
  • <good-complex> - endorsed
  • <emotion-good-complex> - skillful
  • <bad-complex> - unemployed
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - unfulfilled
  • <taste-complex> - digital
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <bad-complex> - desperate


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad> - tricky
  • <bad-complex> - unstable
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape> - circle
  • <tool> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - rubber
  • <event-complex> - stunt
  • <abstract-concept> - balance
  • <abstract-concept> - agility
  • <general-verb-dump> - rolls around
  • <general-verb-dump> - carries
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is mounted by
  • <place-complex> - circus
  • <bad-complex> - shaky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - solo
  • <general-noun-dump> - individual
  • <normal-weird> - eccentric
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rotating
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool-complex> - seat
  • <person-complex> - acrobat
  • <general-adjective-dump> - single
  • <general-noun-dump> - tire
  • <bad-complex> - impractical
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - ridiculous
  • <parts-of-body> - foot
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <person-complex> - jester

Route 66

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - long
  • <texture> - hot
  • <shape> - line
  • <abstract-concept> - travel
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sightsee
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <gerund> - vrooming
  • <place-complex> - trap
  • <creature-complex> - varmint
  • <general-adjective-dump> - numbered
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <event-complex> - rite of passage
  • <building-complex> - motel
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <age-complex> - vintage
  • <texture-complex> - paved
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <color-complex> - sandy
  • <normal-weird> - oddball
  • <general-noun-dump> - Americana
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - journey for
  • <material-complex> - asphalt
  • <idea-complex> - freedom
  • <shape-complex> - segment
  • <tool-complex> - signage
  • <emotion-good-complex> - adventurous
  • <bad-complex> - decommissioned
  • <general-noun-dump> - road trip

Gulf of Mexico

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <texture> - warm
  • <material> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - spill
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - splash
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <building-complex> - rig
  • <event-complex> - red tide
  • <general-noun-dump> - disaster
  • <event-complex> - hurricane
  • <texture-complex> - oily
  • <texture-complex> - slick
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <emotion-good-complex> - calm
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <nature-places> - river mouth
  • <place-complex> - coast
  • <tool-complex> - drill
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <good-complex> - international


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: game, stop

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - bleak
  • <general-career-sector> - leisure
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <area> - zone
  • <place-touch-simple> - buy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - play
  • <tool> - device
  • <gerund> - halting
  • <building-complex> - business
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <tool-complex> - software
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <event-complex> - exchange
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <place-complex> - chain
  • <good-complex> - ubiquitous
  • <age-complex> - used
  • <general-noun-dump> - cessation
  • <emotion-good-complex> - entertaining
  • <place-complex> - mall
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - trade in
  • <tool-complex> - console
  • <shape-complex> - disc
  • <gerund> - bargaining
  • <general-noun-dump> - ripoff
  • <age-complex> - teenage
  • <gerund> - bartering


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <area> - site
  • <general-career-sector> - computer
  • <abstract-concept> - entertainment
  • <general-verb-dump> - shows you
  • <general-verb-dump> - produces
  • <shape-complex> - pixel
  • <tool-complex> - screen
  • <person-complex> - actor
  • <material-complex> - film
  • <food> - popcorn
  • <period-of-time> - season
  • <general-noun-dump> - DVD
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <event-complex> - binge
  • <body-complex> - profile
  • <taste-complex> - chilled
  • <general-adjective-dump> - monthly
  • <general-noun-dump> - subscription
  • <tool-complex> - sofa

CVS Pharmacy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - sterile
  • <general-career-sector> - health
  • <abstract-concept> - consumerism
  • <building> - building
  • <place-touch-simple> - buy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - pick up
  • <gerund> - vaccination
  • <shape-complex> - heart
  • <place-complex> - chain
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <tool-complex> - medicine
  • <material-complex> - candy
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <place-complex> - aisle
  • <general-noun-dump> - receipt
  • <good-complex> - discounted
  • <general-adjective-dump> - convenient
  • <general-noun-dump> - blood pressure
  • <material-complex> - pill
  • <good-complex> - convenient
  • <good> - general
  • <general-noun-dump> - everything
  • <bad-complex> - packed-to-the-gills

Machu Picchu

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <society> - civilization
  • <abstract-concept> - tourism
  • <general-career-sector> - history
  • <land> - landscape
  • <place-see-simple> - admire
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - hike to
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <bad-complex> - ruined
  • <texture-complex> - stony
  • <building> - construction
  • <place-complex> - empire
  • <shape-complex> - terrace
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - climb along
  • <general-noun-dump> - llama
  • <gerund> - hiking
  • <texture-complex> - steep
  • <event-complex> - proposal
  • <taste-complex> - vertical
  • <abstract-concept> - altitude

Galápagos Islands

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: island

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - warm
  • <land> - environment
  • <abstract-concept> - discovery
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - study
  • <place-see-simple> - observe
  • <nature-places> - ocean
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <idea-complex> - theory
  • <texture-complex> - shelled
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <place-complex> - archipelago
  • <event-complex> - journey
  • <texture-complex> - tropical
  • <general-adjective-dump> - reptilian
  • <size-complex> - jumbo
  • <age-complex> - geriatric
  • <good-complex> - notable
  • <bad-complex> - isolated
  • <good-complex> - evolved
  • <general-adjective-dump> - specialized
  • <general-noun-dump> - selection
  • <body-complex> - beak
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - sail for


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bland
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - hunger
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - assemble
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - eat
  • <gerund> - stacking
  • <person-complex> - artist
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <building-complex> - chain
  • <food> - lunch
  • <general-noun-dump> - cookie
  • <bad-complex> - blah
  • <bad-complex> - underwhelming
  • <texture-complex> - toasted
  • <texture-complex> - bready
  • <taste-complex> - crumbly
  • <taste-complex> - pungent
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cheap
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fast
  • <body-complex> - foot
  • <tool-complex> - oven
  • <good-complex> - convenient
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - customize
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - freshly consume
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - slim down
  • <place-dislike-simple> - resign yourself to
  • <place-dislike-simple> - settle for
  • <abstract-concept> - length


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <event> - event
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get close to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - vibe with
  • <period-of-time> - weekend
  • <nature-places> - park
  • <place-complex> - stage
  • <tool-complex> - pass
  • <material-complex> - mud
  • <building-complex> - tent
  • <event-complex> - jamboree
  • <person-complex> - superstar
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Midwestern
  • <gerund> - singing
  • <size-complex> - overwhelming
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <bad-complex> - druggy
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty
  • <taste-complex> - boozy
  • <emotion-good-complex> - blissed-out
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <place-complex> - downtown
  • <event-complex> - after-party
  • <general-noun-dump> - bean
  • <texture-complex> - windy
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <general-adjective-dump> - urban

Cape Canaveral

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hot
  • <area> - zone
  • <abstract-concept> - innovation
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - blast off
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - train
  • <tool> - machine
  • <group> - crew
  • <nature-places> - wetland
  • <place-complex> - pad
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - fuel
  • <building-complex> - control center
  • <event-complex> - launch
  • <person-complex> - explorer
  • <gerund> - researching
  • <age-complex> - out-of-date
  • <good-complex> - out-of-this-world
  • <bad-complex> - underfunded
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - explosive
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <taste-complex> - gassy
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <color-complex> - fiery
  • <emotion-good-complex> - intrepid
  • <nature-places> - landmass
  • <place-talk-to-simple> - count down

Yellowstone National Park

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: yellow

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - majestic
  • <size> - large
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <land> - terrain
  • <building> - formation
  • <place-see-simple> - behold
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - tour
  • <place-like-simple> - admire
  • <nature-places> - volcano
  • <place-complex> - preserve
  • <creature-complex> - wildlife
  • <event-complex> - vacation
  • <problem-complex> - apocalypse
  • <gerund> - spraying
  • <texture-complex> - scalding
  • <color-complex> - prismatic
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <emotion-good-complex> - faithful
  • <good-complex> - deep
  • <building-complex> - landmark
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - camp in
  • <nature-places> - hot spring
  • <shape-complex> - hole
  • <creature-complex> - buffalo
  • <general-adjective-dump> - national

Foot Locker

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: foot

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - useful
  • <building> - enclosure
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get fitted with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - try on
  • <bad-complex> - athletic
  • <gerund> - sneaking
  • <place-complex> - mall
  • <place-complex> - chain
  • <shape-complex> - sole
  • <material-complex> - rubber
  • <event-complex> - appointment
  • <person-complex> - ref
  • <body-complex> - heel
  • <body-complex> - toe
  • <general-noun-dump> - lace
  • <color-complex> - striped
  • <place-complex> - field
  • <tool-complex> - accessory
  • <general-noun-dump> - whistle
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <group> - pair
  • <place-touch-simple> - purchase
  • <abstract-concept> - minimum wage

Hoover Dam

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <texture> - hard
  • <building> - structure
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - generate
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - hold back
  • <nature-places> - body o' water
  • <place-complex> - enclosure
  • <shape-complex> - slab
  • <material-complex> - concrete
  • <building-complex> - architectural wonder
  • <person-complex> - president
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <texture-complex> - thick
  • <taste-complex> - fresh
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - secretive
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <gerund> - powering
  • <general-noun-dump> - wall
  • <general-noun-dump> - electricity
  • <good-complex> - monumental
  • <emotion-good> - impressive
  • <tool-complex> - barrier
  • <building-complex> - facility
  • <event-complex> - project
  • <creature-complex> - goat
  • <abstract-concept> - tourism

Dead Sea

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: dead

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - shallow
  • <good> - incredible
  • <land> - environment
  • <abstract-concept> - crystallization
  • <event> - phenomenon
  • <emotion-good> - relaxing
  • <general-career-sector> - health
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swim in
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <taste-complex> - saline
  • <texture> - wet
  • <bad-complex> - sterile
  • <nature-places> - basin
  • <material-complex> - mineral
  • <tool-complex> - scroll
  • <building-complex> - cavern
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <general-adjective-dump> - biblical
  • <nature-places> - body o' water
  • <taste> - salty
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - lay in
  • <bad-complex> - inhospitable
  • <color-complex> - turquoise
  • <abstract-concept> - death

The Alamo

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <texture> - hot
  • <building> - building
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - remember
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - tour
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <group> - army
  • <abstract-concept> - defense
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <building-complex> - chapel
  • <building-complex> - mission
  • <place-complex> - gate
  • <creature-complex> - ox
  • <tool-complex> - firearm
  • <tool-complex> - bayonet
  • <gerund> - losing
  • <event-complex> - incident
  • <body-complex> - corpse
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <age-complex> - historical
  • <gerund> - stretching the truth
  • <bad-complex> - disastrous
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <taste-complex> - dry
  • <person-complex> - martyr
  • <creature-complex> - raccoon
  • <idea-complex> - conquest
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tragic
  • <normal-weird> - patriotic
  • <abstract-concept> - propaganda


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <land> - land
  • <general-adjective-dump> - agricultural
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <emotion-good-complex> - folksy
  • <texture-complex> - flat
  • <nature-places> - pasture
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - grow
  • <creature-complex> - bovine
  • <gerund> - cultivating
  • <general-adjective-dump> - blustery
  • <general-noun-dump> - vortex
  • <good-complex> - fertile
  • <tool-complex> - spaceship
  • <event-complex> - crash
  • <age-complex> - baby
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are blown away by
  • <general-noun-dump> - Americana
  • <color> - plain
  • <texture-complex> - simple
  • <taste-complex> - bland
  • <food> - wheat
  • <food> - soybean
  • <person-complex> - farmer
  • <bad-complex> - conservative

McDonald's PlayPlace

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: play, place

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - chaotic
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <color> - colorful
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <area> - zone
  • <place-touch-simple> - climb
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - crawl through
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - frolic in
  • <nature-places> - pit
  • <gerund> - exploring
  • <gerund> - babysitting
  • <shape-complex> - tube
  • <tool-complex> - ball
  • <food> - meal
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <person-complex> - kiddo
  • <place-complex> - enclosure
  • <emotion-good-complex> - energetic
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - frantic
  • <color-complex> - rainbow
  • <taste-complex> - meaty
  • <texture-complex> - filthy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hasty
  • <creature-complex> - clown
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <person-complex> - burglar


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - warm
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <abstract-concept> - heat
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - party with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - cruise
  • <group> - citizenry
  • <period-of-time> - nighttime
  • <nature-places> - wetland
  • <gerund> - welcoming
  • <place-complex> - metropolis
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <texture-complex> - sweaty
  • <building-complex> - club
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are south of
  • <body-complex> - palm frond
  • <good-complex> - sexy
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <texture-complex> - oiled
  • <texture-complex> - watery
  • <taste-complex> - fishy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sunny
  • <nature-places> - coast
  • <creature-complex> - dolphin
  • <color-complex> - tan
  • <good-complex> - beachy
  • <normal-weird> - American


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <color> - bland
  • <building> - building
  • <abstract-concept> - bargain
  • <place-meet-simple> - are greeted by
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - shop for
  • <gerund> - comparing
  • <body-complex> - smiley face
  • <place-complex> - aisle
  • <building-complex> - big box
  • <general-noun-dump> - variety
  • <event-complex> - supply run
  • <general-noun-dump> - megacorp
  • <size-complex> - expansive
  • <bad-complex> - cheap
  • <bad-complex> - domineering
  • <emotion-good-complex> - perky
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <tool-complex> - cart
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - ho-hum
  • <person-complex> - geezer
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <person-complex> - heiress
  • <tool-complex> - vest
  • <food> - grocery
  • <abstract-concept> - minimum wage
  • <person-complex> - billionaire
  • <texture> - cheap
  • <building-complex> - warehouse

Ripley's Believe It Or Not!

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: belief, believe

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - mysterious
  • <abstract-concept> - conspiracy
  • <building> - building
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are tricked by
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get trapped in
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <gerund> - solving
  • <general-adjective-dump> - record-breaking
  • <building-complex> - museum
  • <problem-complex> - lie
  • <problem-complex> - mindboggler
  • <person-complex> - tourist
  • <age-complex> - out-of-date
  • <bad-complex> - fakey
  • <bad-complex> - fallacious
  • <taste-complex> - musty
  • <normal-weird> - bizzaro
  • <general-noun-dump> - question
  • <gerund> - unsettling
  • <tool-complex> - artifact
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - dubious
  • <emotion-good-complex> - curious
  • <place-touch-simple> - collect
  • <abstract-concept> - factuality
  • <idea-complex> - franchise
  • <bad> - kooky
  • <bad-complex> - tacky


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-good> - calm
  • <abstract-concept> - comfort
  • <material> - fabric
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stretch
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - get upsold on
  • <gerund> - bending
  • <gerund> - overcharging
  • <general-noun-dump> - fruit
  • <idea-complex> - lifestyle
  • <building-complex> - boutique
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <shape-complex> - mat
  • <age-complex> - newfangled
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - elastic
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <emotion-good-complex> - upbeat
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-adjective-dump> - reusable
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - jealous
  • <general-noun-dump> - status symbol
  • <tool-complex> - pant
  • <emotion-good-complex> - zen
  • <good-complex> - trendy
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <gerund> - posing
  • <general-career-sector> - fitness
  • <person-complex> - yuppie
  • <person-complex> - mommy
  • <bad-complex> - flexible

Rio de Janeiro

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - vibrant
  • <texture> - warm
  • <emotion-good> - festive
  • <society> - culture
  • <general-career-sector> - tourism
  • <abstract-concept> - heritage
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - party in
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <tool-complex> - cable car
  • <good-complex> - redeemed
  • <place-complex> - municipality
  • <building-complex> - monument
  • <texture-complex> - tropical
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - bawdy
  • <problem-complex> - poverty
  • <event-complex> - parade
  • <emotion-good-complex> - celebratory
  • <person-complex> - deity
  • <general-noun-dump> - samba
  • <nature-places> - river
  • <shape-complex> - figurine
  • <general-adjective-dump> - Christian
  • <texture-complex> - lush
  • <nature-places> - beach

The Container Store

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: contain, container, store

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - boring
  • <abstract-concept> - organization
  • <building> - building
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - find solutions for
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - put in
  • <shape> - cube
  • <tool-complex> - shelf
  • <shape-complex> - rectangle
  • <gerund> - holding
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <texture-complex> - plastic
  • <building-complex> - closet
  • <problem-complex> - puzzle
  • <person-complex> - neat freak
  • <general-noun-dump> - hidey-hole
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <emotion-good-complex> - precise
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - anxious
  • <color-complex> - clear
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape-complex> - tub
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <place-touch-simple> - obtain
  • <good-complex> - orderly
  • <problem-complex> - chaos
  • <person-complex> - merchant
  • <event-complex> - cleanup
  • <place-like-simple> - stack
  • <place-like-simple> - optimize

IMAX Movie Theater

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - massive
  • <emotion-good> - thrilling
  • <abstract-concept> - story
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture> - loud
  • <shape> - surface
  • <building> - building
  • <general-career-sector> - media
  • <place-see-simple> - view
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - stare at
  • <period-of-time> - hour
  • <shape-complex> - rectangle
  • <building-complex> - seating
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <emotion-good-complex> - pulse-pounding
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - overwhelming
  • <normal-weird> - extreme
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <material-complex> - photon
  • <food> - popcorn
  • <general-noun-dump> - screen
  • <general-adjective-dump> - 3D
  • <general-noun-dump> - aspect ratio
  • <bad-complex> - expensive
  • <taste-complex> - air-conditioned

car dealership

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - frustrating
  • <abstract-concept> - transportation
  • <building> - building
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - barter with
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - scope out
  • <tool> - machine
  • <group> - team
  • <gerund> - selling
  • <place-complex> - lot
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - generic
  • <texture-complex> - metallic
  • <event-complex> - negotiation
  • <person-complex> - driver
  • <gerund> - signing
  • <bad-complex> - unpleasant
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - manipulative
  • <texture-complex> - polished
  • <texture-complex> - waxed
  • <taste-complex> - pine-scented
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <color-complex> - chrome
  • <general-noun-dump> - key
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - exchange
  • <general-noun-dump> - merchant
  • <material-complex> - asphalt
  • <gerund> - misleading
  • <place-like-simple> - purchase

The Great Lakes

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - wet
  • <abstract-concept> - navigation
  • <general-career-sector> - trade
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sail
  • <nature-places> - waterway
  • <creature-complex> - fish
  • <material-complex> - H2O
  • <food> - pizza
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <tool-complex> - boat
  • <size-complex> - enormous
  • <taste-complex> - refreshing
  • <good-complex> - interconnected
  • <texture-complex> - freezing
  • <shape-complex> - border
  • <place-complex> - region
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <idea-complex> - route
  • <general-adjective-dump> - windy
  • <group> - quintet
  • <bad-complex> - stormy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - midwestern


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - natural
  • <texture> - dry
  • <material-complex> - organic material
  • <abstract-concept> - flourish
  • <abstract-concept> - aroma
  • <abstract-concept> - atmosphere
  • <building> - home
  • <general-verb-dump> - fills
  • <general-verb-dump> - improves
  • <is-in-relation-to> - sits on
  • <bad-complex> - withered
  • <texture-complex> - coarse
  • <taste-complex> - crunchy
  • <general-adjective-dump> - fragrant
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-noun-dump> - decor
  • <tool-complex> - garnish
  • <period-of-time> - autumn
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-noun-dump> - scent
  • <tool-complex> - dish
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <gerund> - decorating
  • <material-complex> - wood chip
  • <food> - salad
  • <general-noun-dump> - toilet
  • <person-complex> - mother

New Jersey

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: new, jersey

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <area> - region
  • <color> - dull
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - move out to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ferry to
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are northeast of
  • <gerund> - commuting
  • <nature-places> - garden
  • <general-noun-dump> - orange
  • <building-complex> - bridge
  • <person-complex> - boss
  • <food> - taffy
  • <building-complex> - boardwalk
  • <general-noun-dump> - corruption
  • <bad-complex> - blah
  • <texture-complex> - dingy
  • <normal-weird> - average
  • <place-complex> - university
  • <building-complex> - tunnel
  • <tool-complex> - slot machine
  • <event-complex> - scandal
  • <good-complex> - residential
  • <emotion-good-complex> - pleasant
  • <bad-complex> - indebted
  • <nature-places> - shoreline
  • <bad-complex> - tacky
  • <texture-complex> - spray-tanned


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - large
  • <event> - secret
  • <emotion-bad> - eerie
  • <color> - bright
  • <shape> - circle
  • <creature> - specimen
  • <tool> - vehicle
  • <material> - metal
  • <problem> - mystery
  • <abstract-concept> - rumor
  • <abstract-concept> - mythology
  • <is-in-relation-to> - sucks up
  • <general-verb-dump> - soars above
  • <general-adjective-dump> - distant
  • <good-complex> - unbelievable
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - blurry
  • <color-complex> - silver
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - zippy
  • <place-complex> - atmosphere
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <creature-complex> - being
  • <gerund> - hovering
  • <gerund> - disappearing
  • <general-noun-dump> - evidence
  • <general-adjective-dump> - debatable
  • <tool-complex> - technology
  • <bad-complex> - invasive
  • <event-complex> - crash

Sahara desert

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: desert, dessert

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - gritty
  • <area> - zone
  • <abstract-concept> - nature
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - perish in
  • <place-dislike-simple> - suffer
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel through
  • <nature-places> - dust
  • <creature-complex> - dromedary
  • <shape-complex> - pile
  • <bad-complex> - desolate
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - exhausting
  • <taste-complex> - thirsty
  • <color-complex> - tan
  • <place-complex> - continent
  • <problem-complex> - dearth
  • <size-complex> - ginormous
  • <gerund> - evaporating
  • <texture-complex> - parched
  • <general-noun-dump> - ecoregion
  • <texture> - sizzlin'
  • <idea-complex> - rainfall

curly fries

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: fry, fried, curly, curled

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - fun
  • <texture> - warm
  • <shape> - shape
  • <abstract-concept> - variety
  • <general-verb-dump> - is eaten by
  • <texture-complex> - crispy
  • <taste-complex> - flavored
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - vegetable
  • <food> - side dish
  • <shape-complex> - helix
  • <gerund> - dipping
  • <bad-complex> - unhealthy
  • <tool-complex> - sauce
  • <gerund> - twirling
  • <building-complex> - diner
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <general-noun-dump> - snack
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks like
  • <general-noun-dump> - finger
  • <good-complex> - handheld
  • <taste-complex> - seasoned
  • <bad-complex> - wacky
  • <building-complex> - basket

string cheese

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: cheesy, cheese, stringy, string

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - oblong
  • <color> - pale
  • <texture> - springy
  • <abstract-concept> - childhood
  • <general-verb-dump> - peels off
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <material-complex> - protein
  • <texture-complex> - wrapped
  • <shape-complex> - rod
  • <tool-complex> - lunchbox
  • <food> - snack
  • <general-career-sector> - nutrition
  • <creature-complex> - bovine
  • <color-complex> - creamy
  • <bad-complex> - splintered
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <shape> - tube
  • <taste-complex> - milky
  • <general-noun-dump> - lactose
  • <general-adjective-dump> - handheld
  • <tool-complex> - thread

Dick's Sporting Goods

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: sport

Category: place

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - humongo
  • <building> - building
  • <good-complex> - athletic
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - gear up
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - try on
  • <group> - team
  • <gerund> - lacing
  • <place-complex> - chain
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <building-complex> - big box
  • <body-complex> - wiener
  • <color-complex> - fluorescent
  • <texture-complex> - pumped-up
  • <general-adjective-dump> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - forest green
  • <general-noun-dump> - bat
  • <tool-complex> - stick
  • <general-noun-dump> - helmet
  • <idea-complex> - brand
  • <taste-complex> - locked n' loaded
  • <place-touch-simple> - sell
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <tool-complex> - equipment
  • <general-noun-dump> - sneaker
  • <size-complex> - sprawling


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: lift

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - easy
  • <thing> - service
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <tool> - vehicle
  • <texture-complex> - digital
  • <general-career-sector> - company
  • <general-noun-dump> - brand name
  • <idea> - innovation
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-verb-dump> - navigates
  • <good-complex> - convenient
  • <tool-complex> - phone
  • <event-complex> - appointment
  • <food> - mint
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <person-complex> - freelance agent
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <gerund> - chatting
  • <place-complex> - street
  • <general-noun-dump> - seat
  • <tool> - application
  • <idea-complex> - rivalry
  • <wants> - summons
  • <shape> - wheel
  • <color-complex> - fuchsia
  • <parts-of-body> - mustache

Axe body spray

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: axe, body, spray

Category: thing

US-Centric: Yes

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - intense
  • <bad> - strong
  • <texture> - wet
  • <emotion-good> - confident
  • <thing> - product
  • <shape> - cylinder
  • <gerund> - grooming
  • <material> - liquid
  • <idea-complex> - fad
  • <abstract-concept> - joke
  • <abstract-concept> - personality
  • <event-complex> - workout
  • <general-verb-dump> - fills
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is applied to
  • <general-verb-dump> - overpowers
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cool
  • <abstract-concept> - temptation
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <general-adjective-dump> - extreme
  • <material-complex> - ice
  • <general-noun-dump> - aroma
  • <gerund> - smelling
  • <age-complex> - juvenile
  • <abstract-concept> - puberty
  • <texture-complex> - misty
  • <person-complex> - bro
  • <building-complex> - bathroom
  • <building-complex> - locker room
  • <material-complex> - sweat
  • <body-complex> - skin
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is available in
  • <good-complex> - trendy
  • <place-complex> - middle school


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good> - advanced
  • <thing> - device
  • <tool> - vehicle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - remote
  • <tool-complex> - phone
  • <general-adjective-dump> - aerial
  • <person> - user
  • <person-complex> - pilot
  • <abstract-concept> - innovation
  • <general-noun-dump> - camera
  • <is-in-relation-to> - is controlled by
  • <general-noun-dump> - soars
  • <general-noun-dump> - surveys
  • <age-complex> - futuristic
  • <good-complex> - high-tech
  • <bad-complex> - invasive
  • <gerund> - hovering
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-adjective-dump> - wireless
  • <creature-complex> - robot
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <general-noun-dump> - fan
  • <general-noun-dump> - delivery
  • <general-career-sector> - military
  • <shape> - blade
  • <shape-complex> - rotation
  • <material-complex> - plastic
  • <taste-complex> - metallic
  • <nature-places> - landscape
  • <general-career-sector> - photography


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture> - hot
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <building-complex> - skyscraper
  • <place-complex> - kingdom
  • <tool-complex> - money
  • <good-complex> - impressive
  • <bad-complex> - excessive
  • <emotion-good-complex> - pious
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - strict
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - spend
  • <place-go-towards-simple> - travel for
  • <idea-complex> - doctrine
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <texture-complex> - arid
  • <gerund> - luxuriating
  • <tool-complex> - car
  • <general-adjective-dump> - sunny
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - are in the middle of
  • <abstract-concept> - class system
  • <abstract-concept> - wealth inequality
  • <texture> - glassy
  • <shape-complex> - skyline
  • <texture-complex> - sandy
  • <general-noun-dump> - swimming pool
  • <bad-complex> - affluent
  • <creature-complex> - exotic pet

Tyra Banks

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <alive-dead> - living
  • <color> - wild
  • <body> - body
  • <are-in-relation-to> - are in a show about
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <gerund> - hosting
  • <media-type> - movie
  • <media-type> - TV show
  • <abstract-concept> - beauty
  • <gerund> - ranting
  • <family-role> - matriarch
  • <general-career-status> - icon
  • <age-complex> - ageless
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - outraged
  • <normal-weird> - peculiar
  • <normal-weird> - wacky
  • <body-complex> - silhouette
  • <abstract-concept> - ego
  • <general-noun-dump> - doll
  • <tool-complex> - mannequin
  • <parts-of-body> - heel
  • <general-career-status> - mentor
  • <size-complex> - twiggy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - host a show about
  • <gerund> - squinting
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - pose like
  • <bad-complex> - fierce
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - change into
  • <gerund> - strutting
  • <people-types> - beauty queen
  • <problem-complex> - drama
  • <general-noun-dump> - haircut
  • <media-type> - magazine
  • <color-complex> - glittery
  • <place-dislike-simple> - judge
  • <bad-complex> - flawed
  • <general-noun-dump> - cosmetic industry
  • <people-types> - covergirl
  • <general-noun-dump> - bikini