Blockier Blocksv139

Prompts on everything Minecraft. Blocks, items, removed content, and more!

Sentence Structures

Category: thing

  • It's <article-1> <thing-adjective-simple> <thing-noun-simple>.
  • It <thing-verb-simple> <article-2> <thing-noun-simple>.
  • Talk about <thing-adjective-complex>!
  • It <thing-verb-simple> <article-2> <thing-noun-complex>.
  • Oh, <thing-noun-complex>!
  • Quite simply, it's <article-1> <thing-adjective-complex> <thing-noun-complex>.

Category: place

  • It's <article-1> <place-adjective-simple> <place-noun-simple-s1>.
  • It's where you <place-verb-simple> <article-2> <place-noun-simple-s2>.
  • So much <place-noun-complex>!
  • This place has <article-1> <place-adjective-complex> <place-noun-complex>.
  • It's where you <place-verb-simple> <article-2> <place-noun-complex>.

Category: person

  • They're <article-1> <person-adjective-simple> <person-noun-simple>.
  • They <person-verb-simple> <article-2> <person-noun-simple-s2>.
  • <person-pronoun-1> so <person-adjective-complex>!
  • Known for the <person-adjective-complex> <person-noun-complex>.
  • And they <person-verb-simple> <article-2> <person-noun-complex>.

Category: story

  • It's a story about <article-1> <story-adjective-simple> <story-noun-simple>.
  • And a <story-adjective-simple> <story-noun-simple-s2>.
  • Whoa! A <story-adjective-complex> <story-noun-complex>.
  • The hero <story-verb-simple> <article-2> <story-noun-complex>.
  • Eventually, there's a <story-adjective-complex> <story-noun-complex>.
  • Then, <article-2> <story-noun-complex> <story-verb-ending>.

Category: response

  • <response-sentence> <PLAYERGUESS>

Word Lists


View Words
  • a
  • the
  • your
  • their
  • his
  • her
  • our
  • one
  • lots of


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <age>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <taste>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>
  • <speed>


View Words
  • big
  • small
  • humongous
  • teeny
  • thick
  • massive
  • short
  • tall


View Words
  • young
  • old
  • ancient
  • youthful
  • recent


View Words
  • good
  • amazing
  • incredible
  • wonderful
  • fantastic


View Words
  • bad
  • horrible
  • terrible
  • cruel


View Words
  • hard
  • soft
  • gooey
  • bumpy
  • shiny
  • flat
  • warm
  • cold


View Words
  • delicious
  • disgusting
  • tangy
  • icky
  • yummy


View Words
  • happy
  • joyful
  • positive
  • glorious
  • nice


View Words
  • angry
  • heartbreaking
  • sad
  • terrifying
  • boring
  • upsetting
  • mean
  • rude
  • cruel


View Words
  • colorful
  • bland
  • vibrant
  • dull
  • multicolored


View Words
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <creature>
  • <tool>
  • <material>
  • <building>
  • <problem>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <person>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <place-complex>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • thing
  • object
  • item
  • entity


View Words
  • shape
  • rectangle
  • circle
  • cube
  • form
  • body


View Words
  • creature
  • beast
  • specimen
  • being


View Words
  • tool
  • thingamajig
  • gizmo
  • device
  • gadget
  • utensil
  • machine
  • mechanism
  • appliance


View Words
  • material
  • fabric
  • surface
  • substance
  • liquid
  • matter


View Words
  • structure
  • establishment
  • construction
  • building


View Words
  • issue
  • dilemma
  • trouble
  • obstacle
  • crisis


View Words
  • idea
  • theory
  • belief
  • concept


View Words
  • event
  • circumstance
  • experience
  • situation
  • occurrence
  • phenomenon
  • occasion


View Words
  • person
  • human
  • individual
  • somebody


View Words
  • the
  • a
  • your
  • their
  • his
  • her
  • our
  • one
  • lots of


View Words
  • is
  • has
  • does
  • <wants>
  • <loves>
  • <hates>
  • <is>
  • <symbolizes>
  • <general-verb-dump>
  • <makes>
  • is used for
  • <is-in-relation-to>


View Words
  • is related to
  • is good for
  • is part of
  • is known for
  • is in a relationship with


View Words
  • wants
  • desires
  • yearns for
  • needs
  • craves
  • requires


View Words
  • loves
  • likes
  • adores


View Words
  • hates
  • dislikes
  • despises
  • loathes
  • disapproves of


View Words
  • embodies
  • is made of
  • is composed of
  • <involves>


View Words
  • symbolizes
  • exemplifies
  • epitomizes
  • signifies
  • expresses


View Words
  • belongs in
  • lives with
  • helps
  • knows
  • fails
  • changes
  • goes to


View Words
  • makes
  • creates
  • generates
  • manufactures
  • accomplishes
  • constructs


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <speed-complex>
  • <alive-dead>


View Words
  • <size>
  • colossal
  • gargantuan
  • titanic
  • jumbo
  • miniscule
  • small-scale
  • mini
  • petite
  • pint-sized
  • pocket-sized
  • stunted
  • slender
  • twiggy
  • scrawny
  • pudgy
  • chunky
  • roly-poly
  • brawny
  • beefy


View Words
  • <age>
  • juvenile
  • newborn
  • modern
  • boyish
  • girlish
  • pubescent
  • inexperienced
  • elderly
  • mature
  • babyish
  • geriatric
  • over-the-hill
  • old fashioned
  • old-timey
  • newfangled
  • oldfangled
  • antique
  • fossilized
  • out-of-date
  • middle-aged


View Words
  • <good>
  • tremendous
  • phenomenal
  • stupendous
  • mind-blowing
  • out-of-this-world
  • peachy
  • first class
  • shipshape
  • topnotch
  • superior
  • supreme
  • tiptop
  • perfect
  • transcendent
  • right
  • correct
  • remarkable


View Words
  • ordinary
  • regular
  • traditional
  • average
  • conventional
  • run-of-the-mill
  • peculiar
  • outlandish
  • strange
  • weird
  • bizzaro
  • unusual
  • oddball
  • eccentric
  • ridiculous


View Words
  • <bad>
  • atrocious
  • awful
  • crummy
  • lousy
  • stinkin'
  • blah
  • bummer
  • beastly
  • crappy
  • fallacious
  • erroneous
  • faulty
  • negative
  • inadequate
  • sinful
  • unpleasant
  • wicked
  • offensive
  • disastrous
  • wretched
  • pathetic
  • foolish
  • annoying
  • wrong
  • wrathful
  • despicable


View Words
  • <texture>
  • coarse
  • cheap
  • clammy
  • bald
  • damp
  • dehydrated
  • dripping wet
  • dry as a bone
  • drenched
  • encrusted
  • feathery
  • fizzy
  • flawless
  • frigid
  • fiery
  • flaky
  • fluffy
  • frothy
  • filthy
  • flat as a pancake
  • fuzzy
  • gelatinous
  • gritty
  • glassy
  • grimy
  • grungy
  • glossy
  • hairy
  • itchy
  • inflamed
  • jagged
  • layered
  • limp
  • mushy
  • malleable
  • metallic
  • matte
  • padded
  • pointy
  • printed
  • polished
  • patterned
  • pulpy
  • scarred
  • stiff
  • silky smooth
  • stubbly
  • sculptured
  • sopping wet
  • scratchy
  • slippery
  • spick-and-span
  • syrupy
  • shaggy
  • thorny
  • velvety
  • viscous
  • waterlogged
  • wooly


View Words
  • <taste>
  • aromatic
  • salty
  • oh so delicioso
  • pungent
  • acidic
  • bitter
  • bittersweet
  • spicy
  • sour
  • full-bodied
  • rich
  • earthy
  • sweet
  • yeasty
  • zesty
  • sugary
  • buttery
  • chewy
  • crispy
  • creamy
  • crumbly
  • juicy
  • succulent
  • tender
  • caramelized
  • charred
  • fried
  • glazed
  • saucy
  • infused
  • marinated
  • poached
  • roasted
  • smoked
  • whipped
  • appetizing
  • savory
  • delish
  • mouthwatering
  • scrumptious
  • gloppy


View Words
  • <emotion-good>
  • merry
  • upbeat
  • blissful
  • chipper
  • tickled pink
  • perky
  • kind
  • optimistic
  • joyful
  • precious
  • beloved
  • cheerful
  • luminous


View Words
  • <emotion-bad>
  • outraged
  • impatient
  • irritable
  • annoyed
  • hostile
  • aggressive
  • manipulative
  • furious
  • vexed
  • exasperated
  • upset
  • desperate
  • worried
  • depressed
  • anxious
  • fatigued
  • bored
  • jealous
  • scared
  • fearful
  • despairing
  • guilty
  • unholy
  • blasphemous
  • snarky
  • barbaric
  • vengeful


View Words
  • <color>
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • purple
  • light
  • rainbow
  • beige
  • glittery
  • silver
  • gold
  • translucent


View Words
  • <shape>
  • block
  • box
  • mass
  • mound
  • hunk
  • chunk
  • gob
  • whole
  • rectangle
  • polygon


View Words
  • <thing>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <person-complex>
  • <food>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <parts-of-body>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <general-noun-dump>
  • <nature-places>
  • <general-career-status>
  • <gerund>
  • <family-role>
  • <legs>
  • <issues>


View Words
  • <problem>
  • catastrophe
  • headache
  • question
  • quandary
  • predicament
  • can of worms
  • conundrum
  • stumper
  • brain-teaser
  • mindboggler
  • million dollar question
  • puzzle


View Words
  • <idea>
  • position
  • philosophy
  • proposition
  • hypothesis
  • viewpoint
  • judgement
  • doctrine


View Words
  • <event>
  • celebration
  • ceremony
  • holiday
  • incident
  • milestone
  • game
  • festivity
  • jamboree
  • ritual


View Words
  • <creature>
  • pet
  • critter
  • varmint
  • mutt
  • vertebrate
  • monster
  • mammal
  • reptile


View Words
  • <tool>
  • apparatus
  • appliance
  • contraption
  • gimmick
  • engine
  • computer
  • vehicle


View Words
  • <material>
  • textile
  • cloth
  • skin
  • fur
  • metal
  • wood
  • plastic
  • fluid
  • broth
  • nectar
  • goo
  • secretion
  • dirt
  • clay
  • paper
  • brick
  • stone


View Words
  • <building>
  • hut
  • house
  • home
  • architecture
  • room
  • office
  • dwelling
  • architectural wonder
  • chamber


View Words
  • <person>
  • guy
  • gal
  • mortal
  • personality
  • whats-their-name
  • dude
  • lady
  • mister
  • madame
  • maiden
  • soul


View Words
  • treat
  • meal
  • feast
  • picnic
  • supper
  • snack
  • grub
  • din-din


View Words
  • <body>
  • carcass
  • torso
  • anatomy
  • bag o' bones
  • corpse
  • silhouette


View Words
  • body
  • figure
  • form


View Words
  • group
  • team
  • family
  • crowd
  • horde
  • bunch
  • crew


View Words
  • jungle
  • forest
  • desert
  • waterway
  • body of water
  • tundra
  • coral reef
  • mountain
  • hill
  • valley
  • underwater


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>
  • <age>
  • <taste>
  • <speed>


View Words
  • place
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <material>
  • <building>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <society>
  • <area>
  • <land>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <abstract-concept>


View Words
  • society
  • civilization
  • community
  • culture


View Words
  • land
  • terrain
  • environment
  • landscape


View Words
  • area
  • zone
  • space
  • region
  • territory


View Words
  • are
  • have
  • do
  • <place-see-simple>
  • <place-touch-simple>
  • <place-like-simple>
  • <place-dislike-simple>
  • <place-meet-simple>
  • <place-feel-simple>
  • <place-talk-to-simple>
  • <place-go-towards-simple>
  • <place-general-verb-dump>


View Words
  • see
  • watch
  • view
  • witness
  • behold
  • observe
  • look at
  • notice


View Words
  • touch
  • manipulate
  • caress


View Words
  • like
  • enjoy
  • love
  • adore
  • delight in
  • take an interest in
  • appreciate


View Words
  • dislike
  • hate
  • despise
  • loathe
  • resent
  • look down on


View Words
  • meet
  • encounter
  • are introduced to


View Words
  • feel
  • experience
  • sense
  • are affected by


View Words
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event>
  • <person>
  • <creature>
  • <shape>
  • <group>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <nature-places>
  • <place-complex>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • communicate with
  • connect with
  • reach out to
  • talk to


View Words
  • go for
  • travel for
  • move for
  • journey for


View Words
  • fun
  • time
  • education
  • ego
  • evil
  • failure
  • faith
  • fragility
  • freedom
  • anxiety
  • beauty
  • hope
  • insanity
  • intelligence
  • kindness
  • laughter
  • liberty
  • loss
  • luxury
  • love
  • patience
  • comfort
  • courage
  • curiosity
  • success
  • talent
  • wisdom
  • power
  • sacrifice
  • womanhood
  • magic
  • safety
  • shame


View Words
  • period of time
  • day
  • era
  • life
  • moment
  • season
  • night
  • hour


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <gerund>
  • <speed-complex>


View Words
  • <place-complex>
  • <thing>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <person-complex>
  • <food>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>


View Words
  • <place>
  • whereabouts
  • nook
  • neck of the woods
  • stomping grounds
  • dominion
  • commonwealth
  • field
  • kingdom
  • enclosure
  • neighborhood


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <age>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <taste>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <alive-dead>
  • <color>
  • <speed>


View Words
  • deceased
  • departed
  • defunct
  • expired
  • extinct
  • resting in peace
  • conscious
  • alive
  • breathing
  • awake
  • living


View Words
  • <person>
  • <thing>
  • <shape>
  • <material>
  • <idea>
  • <society>
  • <body>
  • <creature>


View Words
  • are
  • have
  • do
  • <are-known-for>
  • <place-talk-to-simple>
  • <place-feel-simple>
  • <place-like-simple>
  • <place-dislike-simple>
  • <place-general-verb-dump>
  • <are-in-relation-to>


View Words
  • are known for
  • are famous for
  • are renowned for
  • are celebrated for


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <event>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <general-career-status>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <media-type>
  • <event-complex>
  • <gerund>


View Words
  • art
  • science
  • sport
  • math
  • education
  • food
  • nature
  • law
  • computer
  • government
  • industry
  • religion
  • music
  • war


View Words
  • superstar
  • celebrity
  • public figure
  • leader
  • follower
  • hero
  • VIP
  • major leaguer
  • boss
  • nobody
  • loser
  • underdog
  • failure
  • has-been
  • top dog


View Words
  • daddy
  • mommy
  • child
  • daughter
  • son
  • granny
  • grampy
  • teen
  • toddler
  • husband
  • wife


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <people-types>
  • <parts-of-body>
  • <gerund>
  • <general-noun-dump>


View Words
  • drama queen
  • delinquent
  • prom queen
  • goth
  • grillmaster
  • daredevil
  • virgin
  • jock
  • fool
  • class clown
  • grump
  • go-getter
  • smarty-pants
  • sweetie pie


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <taste-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <alive-dead>
  • <speed-complex>
  • <legs>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <color-complex>


View Words
  • not
  • <size>
  • <good>
  • <bad>
  • <texture>
  • <emotion-good>
  • <emotion-bad>
  • <color>
  • <age>
  • <speed>


View Words
  • <person>
  • <place>
  • <thing>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <problem>
  • <protagonist>
  • <villain>
  • <journey>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <group>
  • <creature>


View Words
  • involves
  • is about
  • is
  • has
  • concerns
  • is kinda also about


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <place-complex>
  • <thing>
  • <idea>
  • <event>
  • <problem>
  • <protagonist>
  • <villain>
  • <genre>
  • <gerund>
  • <issues>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <general-noun-dump>
  • <creature>
  • <story-noun-s3>


View Words
  • movie
  • film
  • book
  • musical
  • cinema
  • theatre


View Words
  • journey
  • adventure
  • story
  • narrative
  • voyage
  • expedition


View Words
  • protagonist
  • hero
  • character
  • good guy


View Words
  • villain
  • enemy
  • bad guy
  • evil doer
  • devil
  • baddie
  • nemesis


View Words
  • mystery
  • romance
  • thriller
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • nonfiction
  • comedy
  • tragedy
  • horror
  • sci-fi


View Words
  • singing
  • dancing
  • acting
  • screaming
  • jumping
  • barfing
  • crying
  • flying
  • dying
  • writing
  • thinking


View Words
  • not
  • <size-complex>
  • <age-complex>
  • <good-complex>
  • <bad-complex>
  • <texture-complex>
  • <emotion-good-complex>
  • <emotion-bad-complex>
  • <color-complex>
  • <normal-weird>
  • <alive-dead>
  • <general-adjective-dump>
  • <media-style-adjective>
  • <speed-complex>


View Words
  • <person-complex>
  • <idea-complex>
  • <problem-complex>
  • <event-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <family-role>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <body-complex>
  • <group>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <creature-complex>
  • <tool-complex>
  • <material-complex>
  • <building-complex>
  • <gerund>
  • <nature-places>
  • <issues>
  • <people-types>
  • <media-type>
  • <general-noun-dump>
  • <place-complex>
  • <parts-of-body>


View Words
  • tooth
  • hair
  • leg
  • torso
  • arm
  • finger
  • eye
  • ear
  • mouth
  • nose
  • front
  • back
  • side


View Words
  • violence
  • crime
  • corruption
  • cliché
  • mental breakdown
  • nightmare
  • miracle
  • misunderstanding
  • chore
  • kerfuffle
  • sickness
  • fate
  • scam
  • implosion
  • concussion
  • disorder
  • hypocrisy
  • conflict
  • feud
  • bankruptcy
  • double standard
  • guilt
  • bias
  • hunger
  • trauma


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • is
  • has
  • does
  • goes to
  • <wants>
  • <loves>
  • <hates>
  • <is>
  • <general-verb-dump>
  • <is-in-relation-to>


View Words
  • place
  • area


View Words
  • belong in
  • live with
  • help
  • know
  • fail
  • change


View Words
  • disgrace
  • affair
  • pain
  • disaster
  • alone time
  • purgatory
  • time management
  • corporate culture
  • uprising
  • one-who-got-away
  • influencer
  • addiction
  • plague
  • propaganda
  • faux pas
  • showdown
  • serum
  • mockery
  • titillation
  • weirdness
  • bonanza
  • soul mate
  • it factor
  • hubris
  • evidence
  • destiny
  • buzz
  • rumor
  • timeline
  • vibe
  • tête-à-tête
  • eureka moment
  • gesture
  • metamorphosis
  • prize
  • guarantee
  • self-esteem


View Words
  • are related to
  • are part of
  • are known for
  • are in a relationship with


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as


View Words
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • The first letter is the same as
  • The answer sounds like
  • Oh, I know! Describe
  • This is dead wrong, but funny:


View Words
  • gets drunk
  • gets married
  • gets funky
  • gets silly


View Words
  • cries
  • screams
  • dreams
  • smiles
  • goes to bed
  • sings
  • makes sense
  • looks good


View Words
  • dies
  • celebrates
  • <gets-something-good>
  • lives happily ever after
  • <general-verb-dump-story-end>
  • <gets-something-bad>
  • wins
  • loses
  • lives


View Words
  • gets mad
  • get revenge
  • gets hurt
  • gets injured
  • gets emotionally devastated
  • gets killed


View Words
  • confusing
  • painful
  • fakey
  • toxic
  • polite
  • shady
  • simpering
  • sensuous
  • complicated
  • simple
  • gross
  • soul-crushing
  • flat-billed
  • horse-adjacent
  • naughty
  • cursed
  • overhyped
  • mechanical
  • frilly
  • makeshift
  • fortuitous
  • fragrant
  • hypocritical
  • far-fetched
  • unregulated
  • marketable
  • frail
  • boisterous
  • vain
  • multipurpose
  • benign
  • impotent
  • backward
  • sentimental
  • profitable


View Words
  • They're
  • He's
  • She's
  • It's


View Words
  • They appear on screen with
  • They're in the same kind of movies as
  • They're more respected than
  • They're more dramatic than
  • They’re funnier than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They play a different sport than
  • They play the same sport as
  • They compete with
  • They got famous before
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're like a fictional version of
  • They're in the same genre as
  • They're a cartoon version of
  • They are played by someone like
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're not from the same time period as
  • They're from the same time period as
  • They're more powerful than
  • They're smarter than
  • They were famous way before
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • Some episodes are kinda like
  • It's the TV version of
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's the same kind of movie as
  • It's bigger budget than
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like an animated version of
  • It's like a kid's version of
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's an older book than
  • It's the same kind of book as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like an illustrated version of
  • It's more image-based than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's like a musical version of
  • It has more singing than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's the American version of
  • It's more conservative than
  • It's less populous than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's on the same continent as
  • It's in a different country than
  • It's more metropolitan than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It borders
  • It's on the same continent as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a very specific place like
  • It's more culturally significant than
  • It's older than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's a brand name version of
  • It's for people who also like
  • It's trendier than
  • It's more expensive than
  • It's overwhelming like
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's muuuuch bigger than
  • It's wetter than
  • It's colder than
  • It's more touristy than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's the fictional version of
  • It's a magical version of
  • It's more famous than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • <media-type>
  • <genre>
  • <media-sensation>
  • <general-career-sector>
  • <person-complex>
  • <place-complex>
  • <period-of-time>
  • <shape-complex>
  • <abstract-concept>
  • <event-complex>
  • <issues>
  • <general-noun-dump>


View Words
  • flop
  • blockbuster
  • success
  • failure
  • bestseller
  • award winner


View Words
  • comic
  • tragic
  • historical
  • animated
  • illustrated
  • live-action
  • musical


View Words
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're more mainstream than
  • They’re less current than
  • They're more talented than
  • They're smarter than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They were born before
  • They're a creative version of
  • They make art about
  • They paint better than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're a musical version of
  • They sing better than
  • They make worse music than
  • They're more old-school than
  • They're more current than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It’s more famous than
  • It’s performed more often than
  • It’s an older story than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It's muuuuch bigger than
  • It's wetter than
  • It's colder than
  • It's more touristy than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • Their books are more popular than
  • They're more mysterious than
  • They write about topics like
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They wield more power than
  • They're like the political version of
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • They're like an animated version of
  • They're in commercials for
  • They're less human than
  • They're creepier than
  • They're a lot like
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They're more famous than
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They're taller than
  • They're younger than
  • They would be friends with


View Words
  • It's an older story than
  • It's more iconic than
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • It’s more digital than
  • It's for people who also like
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than


View Words
  • It's the same kind of movie as
  • It's an older book than
  • It's bigger budget than
  • It's the same kind of book as
  • It features the same actor as
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as


View Words
  • fast
  • slow


View Words
  • <speed>
  • quick
  • sloth-like
  • light-speed
  • unmoving
  • nimble
  • lightfooted
  • still
  • steady


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as
  • It's weaker than
  • It's stronger than
  • It hates the


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as
  • It would be friends with
  • It loves the
  • It's a friend-shaped version of


View Words
  • two-legged
  • four-legged
  • no-legged
  • many-legged


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as
  • It's more violent than
  • It's stronger than
  • It's weaker than
  • It's more magical than
  • It would be friends with


View Words
  • They're a lot like
  • They are more important than
  • They're kinda similar to
  • They're nothing like
  • They have the same vibe as
  • They would be friends with
  • They're older than
  • They have more experience than


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as
  • It's larger than
  • It's older than
  • It's livelier than
  • It's more useful than
  • It's more common than


View Words
  • It's more specific than
  • It's more general than
  • It's nothing like
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's stronger than
  • It's more useful than
  • It's less common than
  • It's found in the same place as
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's not the same form as
  • It's more decorative than
  • It's harder than


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as
  • It's stronger than
  • It's more useful than
  • It's made of the same stuff as
  • It's safer than


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's found in the same place as
  • It's more nutritious than
  • It's a drinkable version of
  • It's yummier than
  • It's sold in the same place as


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's a different genre than
  • It's not the same form as
  • It's more difficult than
  • It's easier than
  • It happens earlier than
  • It happens after


View Words
  • It's a lot like
  • It's kinda similar to
  • It's nothing like
  • It has the same vibe as
  • It's close to
  • It's bigger than
  • It's smaller than
  • It's more general than
  • It's more specific than
  • It's less common than
  • It's a more decorative version of
  • It's in a different plane than


Packed Ice

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - cold
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - thick


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - explosion
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-adjective-dump> - four-legged
  • <general-verb-dump> - hisses
  • <age-complex> - short-lived
  • <gerund> - dropping
  • <bad-complex> - annoying
  • <speed> - slow
  • <general-career-sector> - music


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <parts-of-body> - hand
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <size-complex> - teeny
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <emotion-good-complex> - cheerful
  • <general-verb-dump> - dance
  • <general-noun-dump> - music
  • <family-role> - friend


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <general-noun-dump> - shell
  • <bad-complex> - scaredy-cat
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <nature-places> - savanna
  • <gerund> - rolling


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - ancient
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <good-complex> - smart
  • <age-complex> - old
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <general-adjective-dump> - rare


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <gerund> - sleeping
  • <bad-complex> - useless
  • <general-adjective-dump> - quiet
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <general-adjective-dump> - random
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size> - teeny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - massive
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <gerund> - sitting
  • <gerund> - sprinting
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-noun-dump> - vehicle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <parts-of-body> - paw
  • <size-complex> - mini
  • <general-noun-dump> - bed
  • <gerund> - sitting
  • <general-noun-dump> - gift
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <creature> - beast
  • <shape-complex> - mass


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <shape-complex> - round
  • <good-complex> - tasty
  • <group> - coop
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <bad-complex> - weak


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - small
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <group> - school


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - large
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <texture-complex> - leathery
  • <general-noun-dump> - liquid
  • <good-complex> - tasty
  • <general-adjective-dump> - four-legged
  • <taste> - yummy


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <legs> - four-legged


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <general-noun-dump> - tongue
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <issues> - hunger
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Glow Squid

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - shiny
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - bright
  • <general-adjective-dump> - deep
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - sparkle
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <gerund> - swimming


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: horse-adjacent

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-noun-dump> - armor
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <speed> - fast
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <size> - big
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <nature-places> - plains


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-noun-dump> - plant
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <size> - big
  • <good-complex> - rare
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-noun-dump> - terrain


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - big
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <texture-complex> - leathery


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: cat

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape-complex> - spot
  • <bad-complex> - wild
  • <bad-complex> - fearful
  • <nature-places> - jungle


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <good-complex> - smart
  • <gerund> - dancing
  • <size-complex> - small
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <family-role> - sidekick


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - flying


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <good-complex> - lucky
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - lightfooted
  • <size-complex> - small

The Killer Bunny

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <bad-complex> - deadly
  • <speed-complex> - lightfooted
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size-complex> - mini


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - easter egg
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <group> - family
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-adjective-dump> - white
  • <general-adjective-dump> - black


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <age> - young
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-noun-dump> - bucket
  • <group> - school
  • <size-complex> - thin


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - multicolored
  • <size> - big
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <texture> - soft
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hungry

jeb_ sheep

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - multi-colored
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <abstract-concept> - easter egg
  • <size> - big
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-status> - superstar
  • <parts-of-body> - hair

Pink Sheep

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - shaggy
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <good-complex> - rare
  • <size> - big

Skeleton Horse

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <bad-complex> - trap
  • <size> - big
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <good-complex> - rare
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <speed> - fast

Skeleton Horseman

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <bad> - terrible
  • <bad-complex> - wrathful
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <gerund> - shooting
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <group> - squad
  • <general-noun-dump> - enemy

Chicken Jockey

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - short
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <speed> - fast


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: sniff

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <size> - big
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - smelling
  • <speed> - slow
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <age> - ancient
  • <general-noun-dump> - egg
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - hairy

Snow Golem

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <parts-of-body> - arms
  • <good-complex> - derpy
  • <shape-complex> - sphere
  • <bad-complex> - weak
  • <person> - person


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: ink

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color> - dark
  • <bad-complex> - derpy
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <texture-complex> - chewy
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <abstract-concept> - art
  • <bad-complex> - scared
  • <speed> - slow


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - standing
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture> - hot
  • <nature-places> - body of liquid
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <parts-of-body> - feet


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: frog

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <size> - teeny
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <color> - dark
  • <bad-complex> - weak
  • <group> - horde
  • <texture-complex> - slimy
  • <shape> - circle

Tropical Fish

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size> - small
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <group> - school
  • <general-adjective-dump> - warm
  • <nature-places> - coral reef


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <age> - old
  • <general-noun-dump> - egg
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <general-noun-dump> - sand
  • <speed> - slow


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: village

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <person> - person
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <group> - group
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-noun-dump> - town
  • <gerund> - working
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-adjective-dump> - loud
  • <parts-of-body> - arm
  • <parts-of-body> - nose

Wandering Trader

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <nature-places> - everywhere
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <good-complex> - smart
  • <bad-complex> - annoying
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - wealthy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <group> - swarm
  • <speed> - slow
  • <texture-complex> - fuzzy
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - plains

Cave Spider

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: spider, cave

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - small
  • <speed> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <nature-places> - hole
  • <texture-complex> - squishy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - swift
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - large
  • <general-career-sector> - sport
  • <gerund> - jumping


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <general-noun-dump> - stick
  • <group> - horde
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <general-career-sector> - war


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - light-speed
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - slender
  • <age> - ancient
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <good-complex> - smart
  • <group> - community


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <size> - short
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - quick
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <gerund> - eating


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - horn
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - thick
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <speed> - fast
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <parts-of-body> - hair

Iron Golem

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - huge
  • <size> - tall
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <general-noun-dump> - flower
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <general-adjective-dump> - heavy
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <color-complex> - grey


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <speed> - slow
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - large
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <group> - group
  • <nature-places> - desert

Trader Llama

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - pair
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <bad-complex> - fierce
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-career-status> - follower
  • <material-complex> - expensive
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <legs> - four-legged

Screaming Goat

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <bad-complex> - loud
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <size> - big
  • <parts-of-body> - horn
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - thick
  • <gerund> - charging
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <speed> - fast


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed-complex> - sloth-like
  • <gerund> - rolling
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hungry
  • <gerund> - eating
  • <gerund> - sitting
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <size-complex> - fat
  • <size> - huge
  • <legs> - four-legged


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <group> - horde
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <speed> - fast
  • <person> - person

Polar Bear

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <speed> - slow
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <nature-places> - tundra


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <gerund> - climbing
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - nimble
  • <size> - huge
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <parts-of-body> - leg


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - lightfooted
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <general-career-status> - follower
  • <size> - small

Zombified Piglin

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <size> - tall
  • <group> - horde

Ender Dragon

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - ginormous
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <speed> - fast
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <general-career-sector> - war

The Wither

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <size> - huge
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - hateful
  • <size-complex> - enormous
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-noun-dump> - bone
  • <bad-complex> - evil

The Warden

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <general-noun-dump> - sound
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size-complex> - giant
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-noun-dump> - cave


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size> - small
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <group> - group
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <speed> - slow


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size> - tall
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <size-complex> - thin


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - fast
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-noun-dump> - air
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lightweight
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Elder Guardian

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed-complex> - steady
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-noun-dump> - beam


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - teeny
  • <speed> - slow
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <group> - horde
  • <bad-complex> - annoying
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size-complex> - tiny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <size> - tall
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - VIP
  • <parts-of-body> - nose


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <legs> - many-legged
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <gerund> - crying
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <size> - big
  • <speed> - fast
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <size-complex> - fat


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <material> - rock
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <speed> - fast
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-noun-dump> - beam


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - thick
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - nimble
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <nature-places> - forest


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <speed> - slow
  • <size> - tall
  • <person> - person
  • <group> - group

Magma Cube

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: cube

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material> - liquid
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <speed> - slow
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hot
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <legs> - no-legged


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <abstract-concept> - sleep
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <speed> - slow
  • <alive-dead> - undead

Piglin Brute

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <group> - group
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <legs> - two-legged


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <speed> - fast
  • <group> - patrol
  • <group> - army
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-adjective-dump> - evil


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <size> - big
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - mouth
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - underdog
  • <speed> - fast


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - shy
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - small
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed-complex> - unmoving


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <texture> - soft
  • <speed> - slow
  • <material> - rock
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - war


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <legs> - two-legged


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: slimy

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - swarm
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <color-complex> - transluscent
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - big
  • <speed> - slow
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <general-noun-dump> - moon
  • <nature-places> - swamp


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed> - slow
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cold
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - blue


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <size> - small
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed> - nimble
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - transluscent
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lightweight
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - angry
  • <group> - swarm
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-status> - follower
  • <size-complex> - tiny


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <group> - group
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <size> - tall
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <speed> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - aggressive


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - aggressive
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <speed> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - evil
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-noun-dump> - enemy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <speed> - slow
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <gerund> - drinking
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - tall
  • <legs> - two-legged

Wither Skeleton

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <alive-dead> - undead


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <size> - big
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - aggressive

Zombie Villager

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size> - tall
  • <speed> - slow
  • <group> - swarm
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <person> - person
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <bad-complex> - sick

Zombie Horse

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <legs> - four-legged
  • <size> - big
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed-complex> - quick
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <parts-of-body> - tail
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <group> - group
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - plural
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape-complex> - spots
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-status> - VIP
  • <general-career-sector> - war


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: giant

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - huge
  • <size-complex> - gargantuan
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed-complex> - unmoving
  • <color-complex> - green


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <person-pronoun-1> - She's
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sarcastic
  • <material> - metal
  • <legs> - no-legged
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <size> - small
  • <speed> - slow
  • <speed-complex> - unmoving
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <age> - old


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-career-status> - nobody
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <bad-complex> - unsmart
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <size> - short
  • <age> - young
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - sarcastic
  • <emotion-good> - calm
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size> - tall
  • <person> - individual

Jens Peder Bergensten

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-noun-dump> - glasses
  • <age> - old
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Markus Alexej Persson

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <age> - old
  • <parts-of-body> - hair

Daniel Rosenfeld

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <age-complex> - middle-age

Nathan Adams

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - upside-down
  • <age-complex> - middle-age

Agnes Larsson

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <general-career-status> - boss
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Mumbo Jumbo

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - mustache
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <good-complex> - technical
  • <general-noun-dump> - boat
  • <general-noun-dump> - hoe
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - building
  • <age-complex> - middle-age


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - building
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <age-complex> - middle-age
  • <color-complex> - black


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - technical
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <parts-of-body> - hair
  • <general-noun-dump> - mustache
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <age-complex> - middle-age
  • <color-complex> - blue


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <age> - young
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <general-noun-dump> - royalty
  • <good-complex> - funny


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-adjective-dump> - technical
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-career-status> - underdog

Phoenix SC

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-career-status> - public figure
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <good-complex> - funny


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <age> - old


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - feline
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - glasses
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <alive-dead> - alive


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-career-status> - celebrity
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog
  • <general-noun-dump> - glasses
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - goatee


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainment
  • <good-complex> - silly

Ancient City

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <general-adjective-dump> - deep
  • <bad-complex> - dark
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size-complex> - gigantic
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cold
  • <abstract-concept> - technology
  • <place-noun-complex> - portal
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <age> - old
  • <age> - ancient


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <material> - wood
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <age> - old
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - dim
  • <bad-complex> - confusing
  • <building> - structure


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - big
  • <age> - ancient
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size-complex> - gigantic
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-adjective-dump> - deep

Trail Ruins

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material> - rock
  • <material> - dirt
  • <size> - big
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-adjective-dump> - random
  • <age> - ancient
  • <age> - old
  • <bad-complex> - broken

Trial Chambers

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <age> - ancient
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <material> - rock
  • <material> - metal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <good-complex> - symmetrical
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <tool> - machine
  • <building> - structure

Desert Pyramid

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <place-noun-complex> - trap
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <shape-complex> - triangle
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <age> - ancient
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <building> - structure


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - tundra
  • <size> - small
  • <general-adjective-dump> - warm
  • <place-noun-complex> - research
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <building> - construction

Jungle Pyramid

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: jungle

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material> - stone
  • <place-noun-complex> - trap
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <age> - ancient
  • <size> - big
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <building> - structure

Pillager Outpost

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - evil
  • <material> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material> - stone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <place-noun-complex> - box
  • <size> - tall
  • <place-noun-complex> - prisoner
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <group> - army

Swamp Hut

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: swamp

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body-of-water
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material> - wood
  • <size> - small
  • <general-adjective-dump> - dirty
  • <building> - building


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: village

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - wood
  • <material> - stone
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - huge
  • <bad-complex> - random
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <person> - individual

Abandoned Village

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - broken
  • <general-adjective-dump> - undead
  • <material> - stone
  • <material> - wood
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - has-been
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide

Woodland Mansion

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - big
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - gigantic
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <material> - stone
  • <material> - wood

Ruined Portal

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - broken
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <material> - stone
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-adjective-dump> - has-been
  • <age> - ancient
  • <building> - construction

Ocean Ruins

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material> - stone
  • <age> - ancient
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <material> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <age> - old
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <building> - structure

Ocean Monument

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - religion
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - pyramid
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <material> - stone
  • <place-noun-complex> - light
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <building> - structure

Nether Fortress

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - stone
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <place-noun-complex> - fire
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <size> - tall
  • <building> - structure

End City

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building> - structure
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <nature-places> - out-of-this-world
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Monster Room

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <material> - stone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <place-noun-complex> - treasure
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Coral Reef

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - warm
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy

Amethyst Geode

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material> - stone
  • <material> - air
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - ball
  • <nature-places> - underground

Wooden Button

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <gerund> - clicking
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size-complex> - thin

Wooden Door

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - housing
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - rectangle

Wooden Fence

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Fence Gate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Hanging Sign

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: wood

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture-complex> - thick
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - square

Wooden Trapdoor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - flat
  • <material> - wood
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <shape> - square

Wooden Stairs

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-status> - housing
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <good-complex> - fast
  • <texture> - solid
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Wooden Slab

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - short
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - flat
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - flat
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <gerund> - growing

Wooden Pressure Plate

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - flat
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - clicking
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - wood
  • <color> - dark
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - transparent
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - brick
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size-complex> - long


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - brick


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape-complex> - lines
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground

Ancient Debris

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <nature-places> - underground

Amethyst Cluster

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - short
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - expensive


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - short
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Activator Rail

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Bamboo Mosaic

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-status> - decoration
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size-complex> - thing
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - tall
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - cave


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - metal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - heavy
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <gerund> - falling


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-noun-dump> - sound
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-status> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <good-complex> - sweet
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - solid

Bee Nest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - wax
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <good-complex> - sweet
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - sculptured
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - box


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <material> - matter


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color> - transparent
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <general-career-sector> - industry


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - rough
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - circle


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <speed-complex> - unmoving
  • <general-noun-dump> - wall


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Big Dripleaf

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - flat
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <material> - surface

Small Dripleaf

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin

Shulker Box

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <texture-complex> - expensive

Glazed Terracotta

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - clay

Concrete Powder

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - grainy
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material> - surface
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wax
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <general-noun-dump> - light
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-status> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - housing
  • <period-of-time> - night


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <gerund> - hanging
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material> - surface
  • <shape-complex> - flat

Blast Furnace

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hot
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <tool> - machine
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - box


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: stone, black

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <color> - dark
  • <shape-complex> - round
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <general-career-status> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color> - brown
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - ground

Glass Pane

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material> - surface
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: glass

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Tinted Glass

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: glass

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <color> - dark
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <color> - multicolored

Block of Quartz

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Block of Netherite

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-adjective-dump> - heavy
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Block of Lapis Lazuli

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <abstract-concept> - magic

Block of Iron

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Block of Gold

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <material-complex> - metal

Block of Emerald

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture> - hard

Block of Diamond

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Block of Copper

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <color-complex> - green

Block of Coal

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <material-complex> - stone

Block of Amethyst

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <age> - old
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Block of Redstone

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright

Block of Raw Iron

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square

Block of Raw Gold

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square

Block of Raw Copper

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <color-complex> - grey

Brewing Stand

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <tool> - machine
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-noun-dump> - water
  • <general-career-sector> - science

Coral Fan

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: coral reef

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <size> - short
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Coral Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: coral reef

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material> - material
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underwater


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: coral reef

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Chiseled Bookshelf

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture> - solid
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Bone Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Blue Ice

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-noun-dump> - water
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <texture-complex> - dense


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <material-complex> - stone


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - surface
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <taste-complex> - sweet


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <size> - tall
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - desert

Budding Amethyst

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square

Bubble Column

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Brown Mushroom

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave

Red Mushroom

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - rectangle

Command Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - dotted
  • <tool> - machine
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - arrow
  • <gerund> - blinking
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Carved Pumpkin

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - solid

Cartography Table

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <texture> - solid
  • <tool> - tool
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hot
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - short
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - black

Calibrated Skulk Sensor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-noun-dump> - sound
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - shiny


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - rock
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <shape> - circle

Coarse Dirt

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <nature-places> - savanna
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - rough

Coal Ore

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <group> - vein


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: clay

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Chorus Plant

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Chorus Flower

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - short
  • <alive-dead> - dead

Crafting Table

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <tool> - tool
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material> - surface
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <general-career-sector> - industry


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <tool> - machine
  • <shape-complex> - box

Copper Trapdoor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <gerund> - opening

Copper Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <group> - vein

Copper Grate

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Copper Door

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <general-career-sector> - housing
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green

Copper Bulb

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - small
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <texture-complex> - expensive


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - hollow

Daylight Detector

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size> - short
  • <size> - thin
  • <size> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white

Crying Obsidian

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <texture-complex> - veinous
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - teeny

Creeper Head

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Dirt Path

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: dirt

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - square

Diamond Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <group> - vein

Detector Rail

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - weight


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid

Decorated Pot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-noun-dump> - history
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Dead Bush

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - small


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <speed> - slow
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <tool> - machine
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - triangle

Dripstone Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground

Dried Kelp Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-adjective-dump> - lightweight
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Dragon Head

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <size> - short
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - solid
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <parts-of-body> - face

Dragon Egg

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <size> - short
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <general-noun-dump> - teleportation
  • <good-complex> - powerful


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Ender Chest

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <good-complex> - powerful

End Stone

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <material-complex> - stone

End Rod

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

End Portal Frame

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - short
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <age> - ancient
  • <good-complex> - powerful

End Portal (block)

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <good-complex> - out of this world
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <good-complex> - powerful

End Gateway

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-adjective-dump> - out of this world
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <good-complex> - powerful

Enchanting Table

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <tool> - tool
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - square
  • <good-complex> - powerful

Emerald Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <group> - vein


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <tool> - machine
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Frosted Ice

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - fragile
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - cracked
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cold
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-adjective-dump> - temporary


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Flowering Azalea

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - stick

Flower Pot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - fragile
  • <color-complex> - brown

Fletching Table

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <tool> - tool
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hot
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Glow Lichen

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - grey

Gilded Blackstone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <age> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool> - tool
  • <tool> - contraption
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - brown


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture-complex> - loose
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - stone

Suspicious Gravel

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - loose
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <age> - old
  • <nature-places> - underground

Suspicious Sand

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - grainy

Grass Block

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material> - surface


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square

Gold Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <group> - vein


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - fragiel
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <group> - vein


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-noun-dump> - funnel

Honeycomb Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <material-complex> - wax
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Honey Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <texture-complex> - sticky
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - gooey

Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <material> - surface
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Light Weighted Pressure Plate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - yellow

Heavy Core

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Hay Bale

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <size> - square
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <group> - group

Iron Trapdoor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size> - short
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Iron Ore

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <group> - vein

Iron Door

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - tall
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <color-complex> - grey

Iron Bars

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Infested Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-noun-dump> - trap
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-status> - nature
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cold
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color> - transluscent

Packed Ice

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - cold
  • <material-complex> - liquid


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - spotted
  • <shape> - circle
  • <good-complex> - powerful

Jigsaw Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <general-noun-dump> - puzzle
  • <tool-complex> - interface
  • <texture> - hard

Jack o'Lantern

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-adjective-dump> - bright
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - glossy
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Lightning Rod

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-noun-dump> - electricity
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size-complex> - long

Light Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - transparent
  • <color-complex> - bright
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - clicking
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture> - fragile


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - reading
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - hot
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <bad-complex> - pain
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire

Lapis Lazuli Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <abstract-concept> - magic


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color> - bright
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Soul Lantern

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <size> - small
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color> - bright
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - fragile
  • <size> - tall
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-adjective-dump> - high


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture> - solid
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-noun-dump> - location

Lily Pad

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - slick
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <shape-complex> - flat

Magma Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-noun-dump> - fungus

Mushroom Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - huge

Muddy Mangrove Roots

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - wet
  • <texture-complex> - moist
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture-complex> - stringy
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - wet
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - dirt

Mossy Cobblestone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy

Moss Carpet

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - moist
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Moss Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture> - soft
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square

Monster Spawner

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <bad-complex> - scary


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <taste-complex> - watery

Note Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - spotted
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Nether Wart Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive

Nether Quartz Ore

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square

Nether Portal

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - tall
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-adjective-dump> - loud
  • <texture> - hard
  • <building> - construction

Ominous Vault

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <general-noun-dump> - reward
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <gerund> - opening

Ominous Trial Spawner

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <color> - bright

Ominous Banner

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <size> - tall
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <bad> - evil


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - tough


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <tool> - machine
  • <color-complex> - grey

Pointed Dripstone

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <bad-complex> - painful
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size> - short
  • <size> - tall


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive

Player Head

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <parts-of-body> - face


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - pushing
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <tool> - machine

Sticky Piston

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Piglin Head

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <parts-of-body> - teeth
  • <parts-of-body> - ear
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <parts-of-body> - face

Petrified Oak Slab

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <age> - old
  • <size> - short
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square

Purpur Block

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - plains
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Powered Rail

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - short
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Powder Snow

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <texture> - soft

Respawn Anchor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Reinforced Deepslate

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-noun-dump> - portal
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Redstone Wire

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture-complex> - loose
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Redstone Torch

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color> - bright
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small

Redstone Repeater

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <speed> - slow
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Redstone Ore

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square

Redstone Lamp

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Redstone Comparator

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - triangle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size> - short
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Sea Pickle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <color> - bright
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - coral reef
  • <group> - cluster

Sea Lantern

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color> - bright
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <material-complex> - stone

Skulk Vein

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - short
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <color> - dark
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - stringy
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Sculk Shrieker

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <general-adjective-dump> - loud
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <abstract-concept> - magic

Sculk Sensor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - square
  • <abstract-concept> - sound
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave

Sculk Catalyst

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - cave


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - thin
  • <building> - construction
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <texture-complex> - cheap


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Red Sandstone

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <nature-places> - mesa
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <texture-complex> - grainy
  • <texture-complex> - loose
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <nature-places> - desert
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Soul Torch

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color> - bright
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Soul Soil

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <shape> - square
  • <nature-places> - valley
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid

Soul Sand

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - slow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - valley
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - solid
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - stone

Soul Fire

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <size> - short
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <color> - bright

Soul Campfire

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color-complex> - brown

Sniffer Egg

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - hot

Smithing Table

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - solid
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <tool> - tool
  • <tool> - contraption
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Slime Block

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture> - solid
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Skeleton Skull

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <size> - small
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <parts-of-body> - face


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <shape> - square
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-noun-dump> - fungi
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <size> - tall

Structure Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <tool-complex> - console
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - construction
  • <tool> - machine
  • <building-complex> - architecture


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - circle
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture> - hard

Spore Blossom

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gerund> - dropping


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - yellow
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - square

Turtle Egg

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <nature-places> - beach
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - solid
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <group> - cluster
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - smooth


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - bumpy

Tripwire Hook

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-noun-dump> - trap
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - line

Trial Spawner

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <group> - wave
  • <texture-complex> - hollow

Trapped Chest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - short
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <shape-complex> - box


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color> - bright
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - industry


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <bad-complex> - dangeous
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - string
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-noun-dump> - trap
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <good-complex> - powerful


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Zombie Head

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <parts-of-body> - face

Wither Skeleton Skull

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Wither Rose

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: water, body of water

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - square
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - soft


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <general-noun-dump> - reward
  • <tool-complex> - contraption
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - old
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - circle
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <general-adjective-dump> - missing
  • <tool> - mechanism

Glowing Obsidian

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <general-adjective-dump> - missing
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration

Nether Reactor Core

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - powerful
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-adjective-dump> - missing
  • <general-career-status> - has-been
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture> - solid
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - multicolored


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Armor Stand

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <body> - figure
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin

Bottle o' Enchanting

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Boat with Chest

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <speed> - fast


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - hollow

Bucket of Axolotl

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <texture> - wet


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture> - smooth

Eye of Ender

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - trasnportation
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <shape> - circle
  • <speed> - slow
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Ender Pearl

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <speed> - fast
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny

End Crystal

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - shiny


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <gerund> - throwing


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <speed> - fast
  • <speed> - slow
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Cocoa Beans

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <nature-places> - jungle
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - small
  • <group> - handful
  • <taste> - tasty


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - food

Glow Item Frame

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square

Item Frame

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square

Glow Berries

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color> - bright
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <shape> - circle

Flint and Steel

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Fishing Rod

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <speed> - slow
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <nature-places> - body of water

Firework Rocket

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - teeny
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Fire Charge

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <shape> - circle
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <size> - small

Nether Wart

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture> - soft
  • <group> - cluster

Minecart with TNT

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <speed> - fast
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - expensive

Minecart with Hopper

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <speed> - fast
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <gerund> - collecting
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <size> - short

Minecart with Furnace

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transporation
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool-complex> - engine
  • <texture> - hard
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <group> - line
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short

Minecart with Command Block

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - square
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <shape-complex> - arrow
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <size> - short
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <tool-complex> - machine

Minecart with Chest

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <gerund> - opening
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - short
  • <gerund> - riding
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation

Melon Seeds

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <group> - cluster
  • <size> - teeny
  • <general-career-sector> - food

Lingering Potion

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <speed> - slow
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <size> - short
  • <general-career-sector> - war


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <shape> - circle
  • <speed-complex> - instantaneous
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - smooth
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Splash Potion

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <speed-complex> - instantaneous
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color> - multicolored


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <texture-complex> - springy
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - transporation
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <material-complex> - textile

Lava Bucket

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Water Bucket

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <tool> - tool
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Wind Charge

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <speed> - circle
  • <size> - small

Wheat Seeds

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <group> - cluster
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size-complex> - thin


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <texture-complex> - heavy

Sweet Berries

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - spiky
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <taste> - sweet
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <group> - cluster
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <shape> - circle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <shape-complex> - line
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size-complex> - thin


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gerund> - throwing
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <size> - small

Pumpkin Seeds

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <group> - cluster
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <size> - small

Powder Snow Bucket

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <shape> - circle
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <general-career-sector> - industry


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - small
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <taste-complex> - starchy

Poisonous Potato

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <taste> - icky
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <general-career-sector> - food

Baked Potato

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - buttery
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <taste-complex> - starchy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - textile
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - small
  • <size> - big
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - wall
  • <general-career-sector> - art

Spawn Egg

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <shape> - circle
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture-complex> - spotted
  • <abstract-concept> - life

Beetroot Soup

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <taste> - tangy
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - food


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <shape> - circle


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Armadillo Scute

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - teeny
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <parts-of-body> - skin


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape> - circle
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gerund> - falling

Amethyst Shard

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <age> - old
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - pointy


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape> - circle


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <speed> - slow
  • <general-career-sector> - science


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <taste-complex> - yeasty
  • <taste-complex> - dry
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - food


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <size> - small
  • <shape-complex> - flat

Book and Quill

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <gerund> - writing
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - word
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - hard

Bone Meal

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <shape> - circle
  • <body-complex> - bag o' bones


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <body-complex> - carcass
  • <alive-dead> - dead


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <texture> - smooth

Chorus Fruit

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed-complex> - light-speed
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <size> - small
  • <general-noun-dump> - movement
  • <color-complex> - white

Chainmail Leggings

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <tool> - thingamajig
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <parts-of-body> - leg

Chainmail Helmet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey

Chainmail Chestplate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <size> - big
  • <parts-of-body> - torso

Chainmail Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - rectangle

Carrot on a Stick

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <speed> - fast
  • <taste> - yummy


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - snack

Cooked Rabbit

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <food> - meal
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <texture-complex> - dry

Cooked Porkchop

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <food> - meal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - thick

Cooked Mutton

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <food> - treat
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <taste> - yummy

Cooked Chicken

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - treat
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - mound
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste-complex> - succulent
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <taste-complex> - delish
  • <material-complex> - meat

Dried Kelp

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <food> - snack
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <taste-complex> - crispy
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <speed> - fast

Diamond Sword

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Pickaxe

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Leggings

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <shape> - rectangle

Diamond Horse Armor

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - big
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Hoe

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Helmet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - square
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Diamond Chestplate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <parts-of-body> - torso

Diamond Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - shiny
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small

Diamond Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - shiny

Debug Stick

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - shiny
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <tool> - thingamagij
  • <tool> - gadget

Enchanted Golden Apple

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <color> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <texture-complex> - expensive

Enchanted Book

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - science


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <speed> - fast
  • <size-complex> - thin

Golden Apple

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - shiny
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small

Gold Ingot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - metallic

Glow Inc Sac

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color> - bright
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet

Glass Bottle

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <color> - transparent
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <material-complex> - cheap

Goat Horn

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <bad-complex> - loud

Golden Sword

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <material-complex> - wood

Golden Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color> - shiny
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick

Golden Pickaxe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <speed> - soft
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - shiny

Golden Leggings

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <parts-of-body> - leg

Golden Horse Armor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - expensive

Golden Hoe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - soft
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - pointy

Golden Helmet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - soft
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - circle

Golden Chestplate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <size> - big
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <color> - shiny
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - heavy

Golden Carrot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <good-complex> - nutritious
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - meal
  • <texture-complex> - crunchy
  • <taste-complex> - scrumptious
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-career-status> - top-dog

Golden Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Golden Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture> - soft
  • <tool> - tool
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - shiny
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Ink Sac

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - dripping wet
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture> - soft
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - art

Honey Bottle

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <size> - small
  • <food> - treat


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <material-complex> - wax
  • <texture-complex> - waxy
  • <texture-complex> - porous
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - hexagon


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - stong
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <parts-of-body> - facial hair
  • <normal-weird> - average
  • <emotion-good> - happy
  • <size> - tall
  • <person> - individual
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <person> - human
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <normal-weird> - traditional


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - girlish
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <size> - tall
  • <person> - human
  • <person> - individual
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <normal-weird> - regular

Iron Sword

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Iron Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - metal

Iron Pickaxe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Iron Leggings

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - hard
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <tool> - gear

Iron Ingot

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - grey

Iron Horse Armor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool> - gear

Iron Hoe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <tool> - tool

Iron Helmet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <size> - short
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture> - hard
  • <parts-of-body> - head

Iron Chestplate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - rectangle

Iron Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture> - hard
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Iron Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material-complex> - wood

Leather Tunic

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture> - soft
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <shape> - rectangle

Leather Pants

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - soft

Leather Horse Armor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - rectangle

Leather Cap

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <shape> - square
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture> - soft
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <color> - multicolored

Leather Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <texture-complex> - warm
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - short
  • <texture> - soft

Lapis Lazuli

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape-complex> - blob

Knowledge Book

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <gerund> - reading

Music Disc

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <tool> - thingymajig

Mushroom Stew

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - treat
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - rich

Milk Bucket

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <good-complex> - healthy
  • <general-noun-dump> - cure
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <gerund> - drinking

Melon Slice

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <taste-complex> - mouthwatering
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <food> - snack
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <general-career-sector> - food


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-noun-dump> - direction


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - thick
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture> - hard
  • <speed> - slow

Netherite Sword

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - solid
  • <texture-complex> - pointy

Netherite Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <tool> - utensil

Netherite Pickaxe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin

Netherite Leggings

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <texture> - hard
  • <tool-complex> - gear

Netherite Hoe

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - tough

Netherite Helmet

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - short
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <tool-complex> - gear

Netherite Chestplate

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <parts-of-body> - torso
  • <shape> - rectangle

Netherite Boots

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - short
  • <texture-complex> - tough

Netherite Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin

Name Tag

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <person-complex> - whats-their-name
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <tool-complex> - apparatus
  • <general-noun-dump> - word

Ominous Trial Key

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <tool> - gizmo
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <gerund> - inserting
  • <general-noun-dump> - lock

Ominous Bottle

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <normal-weird> - weird
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - drinking

Rabbit Stew

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <taste-complex> - rich
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - meal
  • <food> - din-din
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - mush
  • <good-complex> - nutritious

Pumpkin Pie

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - meal
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <texture> - soft
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - dessert
  • <taste> - delicious

Rotten Flesh

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <taste> - disgusting
  • <taste-complex> - chewy
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <food> - snack
  • <bad-complex> - sick
  • <age> - old

Raw Rabbit

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - treat
  • <age> - young
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <shape-complex> - blob

Raw Porkchop

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - snack
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <age> - young
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - moist
  • <texture> - soft
  • <taste-complex> - earthy

Raw Mutton

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <food> - snack
  • <taste-complex> - earthy
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <age> - young

Raw Chicken

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - young
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <bad-complex> - sick
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture-complex> - moist
  • <food> - snack
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <color-complex> - pink

Raw Beef

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - snack
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <taste-complex> - chewy
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <age> - young
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <texture> - soft
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <general-career-sector> - food


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-noun-dump> - zoom
  • <parts-of-body> - eye

Spider Eye

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <food> - grub
  • <bad-complex> - sick
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <shape> - circle
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <taste> - icky
  • <taste-complex> - chewy
  • <taste-complex> - bitter
  • <texture> - soft

Spectral Arrow

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <speed> - fast
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <gerund> - flying


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size> - tall
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color> - multicolor
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <abstract-concept> - safety
  • <general-career-sector> - war


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <gerund> - cutting
  • <size> - small


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <size> - small
  • <gerund> - sitting
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - square


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - meat
  • <taste> - delicious
  • <taste-complex> - salty
  • <taste-complex> - juicy
  • <food> - meal
  • <taste-complex> - delish
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-career-sector> - top-dog
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - thin

Stone Sword

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - pointy

Stone Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture> - hard

Stone Pickaxe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Stone Hoe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture> - hard

Stone Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Turtle Shell

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <size> - small
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-noun-dump> - air

Trial Key

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <parts-of-body> - face
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-noun-dump> - lock
  • <gerund> - inserting
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Totem of Undying

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <body> - figure
  • <size> - small
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Tipped Arrow

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <speed> - fast
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Suspicious Stew

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <normal-weird> - strange
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <food> - treat
  • <taste-complex> - watery
  • <taste-complex> - complex
  • <abstract-concept> - magic


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <taste> - yummy
  • <taste-complex> - sweet
  • <group> - handful
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - dry

Wooden Sword

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - cross
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - rectangle

Wooden Shovel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - cheap

Wooden Pickaxe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Wooden Hoe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Wooden Axe

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <texture-complex> - fragile

Wolf Armor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color> - multicolored


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <group> - bundle
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <alive-dead> - dead

Warped Fungus on a Stick

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-noun-dump> - fungi
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <tool-complex> - appliance


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words: brick

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - construction

Breeze Rod

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-noun-dump> - air

Banner Pattern

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - paper
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - scroll

Armor Trim

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <age> - old
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size-complex> - thin

Blaze Rod

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire

Blaze Powder

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <group> - handful
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <size> - small

Pottery Sherd

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <age> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <general-career-sector> - history


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <shape> - circle
  • <nature-places> - underground


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - wood

Copper Ingot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - processed


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <size> - small


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <abstract-concept> - time
  • <period-of-time> - period of time
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size> - small

Clay Ball

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size> - small
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - moist


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <nature-places> - mountain

Disc Fragment

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <bad-complex> - broken
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape> - square

Dragon's Breath

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <material-complex> - white
  • <bad-complex> - stinky
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <nature-places> - island

Echo Shard

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture> - hard
  • <bad-complex> - broken
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <shape> - rectangle


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture-complex> - pointy

Firework Star

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <shape-complex> - star
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <texture-complex> - compact
  • <size> - small

Fermented Spider Eye

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <texture-complex> - organic
  • <texture> - soft
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - science


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <shape> - recetangle
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft
  • <texture-complex> - fluffy
  • <size-complex> - tiny


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <group> - handful
  • <texture-complex> - dusty
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - triangle

Gold Nugget

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color> - shiny
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight

Glowstone Dust

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <group> - handful
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Glistering Melon Slice

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <color> - shiny
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size> - small
  • <general-noun-dump> - medicine
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <taste-complex> - sweet

Ghast Tear

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Heart of the Sea

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <size> - small
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - circle
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <texture-complex> - smooth


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - tough
  • <texture-complex> - stretchy
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Iron Nugget

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - miniscule
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size> - tiny
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - smooth

Iron Ingot

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Netherite Upgrade

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture> - hard
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - arrow
  • <general-noun-dump> - power up

Netherite Scrap

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-status> - has-been

Netherite Ingot

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <general-career-sector> - industry

Nether Star

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - star
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <color> - shiny
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <size> - small

Nether Quartz

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <group> - cluster
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <size> - small

Nautilus Shell

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <texture-complex> - brittle
  • <shape-complex> - spiral
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Magma Cream

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - creamy
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <size> - small
  • <texture> - soft

Prismarine Shard

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <bad-complex> - broken
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - sharp

Prismarine Crystals

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <size> - small
  • <group> - cluster
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <shape> - circle
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <texture-complex> - pointy

Phantom Membrane

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <shape-complex> - blob


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words: paper

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - white
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <texture-complex> - cheap
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight

Turtle Scute

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <size-complex> - tiny
  • <texture> - hard
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <size-complex> - thin


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size> - small
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape-complex> - straight
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture-complex> - bouncy

Recovery Compass

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <shape> - circle
  • <gerund> - spinning
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - smooth
  • <texture> - hard

Raw Iron

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <texture-complex> - lumpy
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <size> - small

Raw Gold

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <size> - small
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <texture-complex> - lumpy
  • <color> - shiny

Raw Copper

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape-complex> - blob
  • <texture-complex> - lumpy
  • <texture> - hard
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - green

Rabbit's Foot

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - luck
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture> - soft
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <gerund> - jumping
  • <material-complex> - meat

Rabbit Hide

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - stretchy
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <size> - small
  • <alive-dead> - dead
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <texture> - soft

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <abstract-concept> - entertainment
  • <general-adjective-dump> - meta
  • <age> - young
  • <age-complex> - modern
  • <nature-places> - multi-platform
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated

Minecraft: Java Edition

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: thing

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - meta
  • <event-complex> - game
  • <abstract-concept> - fun
  • <general-career-sector> - entertainmetn
  • <tool-complex> - computer
  • <general-noun-dump> - version
  • <age> - old
  • <texture-complex> - pixelated

Stone Age

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material> - matter
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <texture> - hard
  • <texture-complex> - rock-solid
  • <speed> - fast
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <shape> - square
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stuff

Getting an Upgrade

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <tool> - tool
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <speed> - fast

Acquire Hardware

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-verb-dump> - melts
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <event> - experience
  • <speed> - fast
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - hot

Suit Up

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <general-verb-dump> - creates
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <speed> - fast
  • <event> - experience
  • <problem> - weakness

Hot Stuff

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <speed> - fast
  • <event> - experience
  • <shape> - circle
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-verb-dump> - scoops
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets burned
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <journey> - expedition

Isn't It Iron Pick

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <event> - occurence
  • <event> - experience
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <tool> - tool

Not Today, Thank You

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <event> - occurence
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <speed> - fast
  • <problem> - danger
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <creature> - beast
  • <story-verb-ending> - survives

Ice Bucket Challenge

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <gets-something-good> - gets further
  • <age-complex> - later
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <event> - occurence
  • <journey> - journey
  • <story-verb-ending> - obtains


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <speed> - fast
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <shape> - circle
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <shape> - square

We Need To Go Deeper

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <event> - occurence
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets deeper
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <place-complex> - dominion
  • <place-complex> - whereabouts
  • <general-noun-dump> - start

Cover Me With Diamonds

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <general-noun-dump> - clothing
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <color> - shiny
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <villain> - danger
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <group> - set


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <general-verb-dump> - powers up
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <shape> - square
  • <tool-complex> - machine
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <good-complex> - powerful

Zombie Doctor

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - snack
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - heals
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <speed> - slow
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <problem> - sickness
  • <event> - circumstance
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <person> - somebody
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-verb-dump> - feeds
  • <general-noun-dump> - research

Eye Spy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <building> - structure
  • <age> - ancient
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <event> - occurence
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <size> - big
  • <bad-complex> - confusing
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <gets-something-good> - makes a discovery
  • <parts-of-body> - eye
  • <protagonist> - player

The End?

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <age> - ancient
  • <color> - dark
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <building> - structure
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <general-verb-dump> - jumps
  • <gets-something-good> - gets further
  • <abstract-concept> - danger
  • <place> - zone
  • <place-complex> - dominion
  • <place> - space
  • <general-noun-dump> - end
  • <genre> - sci-fi

Return to Sender

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - circle
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <general-verb-dump> - slaps
  • <shape> - square
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <story-verb-ending> - escapes
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <event> - situation
  • <event-complex> - fight
  • <speed> - fast
  • <age> - later
  • <creature> - beast
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <genre> - action

Those Were the Days

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-noun-dump> - people
  • <group> - army
  • <problem> - danger
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <building> - building
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <story-verb-ending> - discovers stuff

Hidden in the Depths

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - deep
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <shape> - square
  • <age> - ancient
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <event> - occurence
  • <story-verb-simple> - finds
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <material-complex> - metal

Subspace Bubble

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <journey> - voyage
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <general-noun-dump> - distance
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <place> - zone
  • <place-complex> - dominion
  • <speed-complex> - light-speed

A Terrible Fortress

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <building> - structure
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <story-verb-ending> - discovers stuff
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <size> - big
  • <building> - construction
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <age> - ancient
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Who is Cutting Onions?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <shape> - square
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds

Oh Shiny

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - throws
  • <general-verb-dump> - distracts
  • <event> - situation
  • <problem> - dilemma
  • <group> - army
  • <general-noun-dump> - people
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <color> - shiny
  • <story-verb-ending> - survives
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets poor
  • <general-noun-dump> - alliance

This Boat Has Legs

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - leg
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <general-verb-dump> - rides
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <event> - experience
  • <journey> - voyage
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <speed> - fast
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes somewhere
  • <family-role> - pet

Uneasy Alliance

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <shape> - square
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <creature> - beast
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <villain> - monster
  • <person> - friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - rescues
  • <general-verb-dump> - kidnaps
  • <size> - big
  • <story-verb-ending> - lives with guilt
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <problem> - dilemma
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <event> - situation
  • <emotion-bad> - sad
  • <genre> - comedy
  • <genre> - action

War Pigs

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-verb-dump> - opens
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <general-noun-dump> - treasure
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <group> - army
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <general-noun-dump> - hides
  • <genre> - thriller

Country Lode, Take Me Home

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <gets-something-good> - gets further
  • <shape> - circle
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <place> - location
  • <general-verb-dump> - uses
  • <place-complex> - home
  • <general-career-sector> - attunes
  • <problem> - issue
  • <bad-complex> - lost

Cover Me in Debris

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-noun-dump> - clothing
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <group> - set
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <problem> - danger
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <period-of-time> - long time
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <general-verb-dump> - creates
  • <protagonist> - player

Spooky Scary Skeleton

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - head
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <creature> - beast
  • <alive-dead> - undead
  • <gets-something-good> - gets further
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - square
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <size> - tall
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <genre> - action
  • <genre> - horror

Into Fire

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - fire
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets burned
  • <gets-something-good> - gets further
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - takes
  • <genre> - action
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich

Not Quite "Nine" Lives

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <story-verb-ending> - respawns
  • <place> - location
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <general-verb-dump> - inserts
  • <general-verb-dump> - powers up
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <event> - occurence
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost

Feels Like Home

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-verb-dump> - rides
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <general-adjective-dump> - far
  • <journey> - voyage
  • <event> - experience
  • <person> - friend
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <story-verb-ending> - discovers land

Hot Tourist Destinations

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <journey> - journey
  • <place-complex> - biome
  • <place> - zone
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lots
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <problem> - situation

Withering Heights

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - beast
  • <bad-complex> - cursed
  • <shape> - square
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets destroyed
  • <general-verb-dump> - constructs
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <villain> - hellspawn
  • <general-verb-dump> - summons
  • <problem-complex> - catastrophe
  • <journey> - adventure
  • <genre> - horror
  • <genre> - action
  • <genre> - thriller

Local Brewery

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <general-adjective-dump> - nearby
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-verb-dump> - cooks
  • <general-verb-dump> - obtains
  • <general-noun-dump> - drink
  • <general-verb-dump> - boils

Bring Home the Beacon

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <color> - bright
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - beam
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <tool> - machine
  • <general-verb-dump> - powers up

A Furious Cocktail

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sick
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <group> - soup
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-noun-dump> - drink
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - bittersweet
  • <general-verb-dump> - mixes
  • <general-verb-dump> - consumes
  • <general-verb-dump> - obtains
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <event> - situation
  • <journey> - adventure
  • <place-complex> - environment
  • <general-noun-dump> - intrusive thoughts

How Did We Get Here?

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - intrusive thoughts
  • <group> - mix
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sick
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes insane
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets to brag
  • <event> - situation
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <normal-weird> - outlandish
  • <normal-weird> - insane
  • <general-adjective-dump> - secret
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-verb-dump> - obtains
  • <genre> - comedy

Free the End

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <genre> - action
  • <event-complex> - fight
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <general-noun-dump> - crystal
  • <creature> - beast
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <size> - tall
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-noun-dump> - trophy
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <general-verb-dump> - slays
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <age> - ancient
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins

The Next Generation

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-noun-dump> - egg
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sentimental
  • <general-verb-dump> - holds
  • <story-verb-ending> - continues on
  • <event> - occurence
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <texture-complex> - hard
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <event-complex> - epilogue

Remote Getaway

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - transportation
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <general-verb-dump> - throws
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <story-verb-ending> - continues on
  • <place> - zone
  • <event-complex> - instance
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - moves
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <shape> - square
  • <shape-complex> - beam
  • <place-complex> - edge

The End... Again...

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <problem-complex> - poverty
  • <problem-complex> - loneliness
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sad
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-verb-dump> - reincarnates
  • <creature> - beast
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <genre> - action
  • <general-noun-dump> - crystal
  • <event-complex> - fight
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-verb-dump> - repeats

You Need a Mint

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - glass
  • <material-complex> - air
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <bad-complex> - stinky
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - obtains
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <event> - situation
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets-killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-verb-dump> - collects
  • <genre> - action
  • <event-complex> - side-quest
  • <bad-complex> - dangerous
  • <general-verb-dump> - takes

The City at the End of the Game

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event> - expedition
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <size> - tall
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lots
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <age> - ancient
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <place-complex> - landmark
  • <building-complex> - tower
  • <general-verb-dump> - pillages
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes in
  • <general-noun-dump> - treasure
  • <shape> - square
  • <genre> - sci-fi

Sky's the Limit

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <general-verb-dump> - discovers
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-noun-dump> - boat
  • <place-complex> - sky
  • <general-verb-dump> - steals
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <speed> - fast
  • <story-verb-ending> - takes off
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <texture-complex> - expensive
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <general-verb-dump> - obtains
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <group> - pair
  • <event> - experience

Great View From Up Here

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <event> - situation
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <problem> - trouble
  • <speed> - slow
  • <general-adjective-dump> - high
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets scared
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets sick
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-verb-dump> - watches
  • <issues> - fate
  • <place-complex> - sky

Dr. Trayaurus

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: person

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <person> - person
  • <age> - old
  • <event-complex> - experiment
  • <size> - tall
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <age-complex> - middle-aged
  • <alive-dead> - M.I.A.
  • <good-complex> - intelligent
  • <color-complex> - blonde
  • <texture-complex> - bald
  • <bad-complex> - dirty
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <legs> - two-legged
  • <bad-complex> - silly

Voluntary Exile

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <journey> - narrative
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <villain> - bad guy
  • <normal-weird> - ominous
  • <abstract-concept> - curse
  • <general-verb-dump> - slays
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets cursed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-noun-dump> - boss
  • <group> - patrol
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks

Is It a Bird?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - sees
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks at
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <size> - small
  • <place-complex> - far away
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <event> - experience
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <general-verb-dump> - spies on
  • <story-verb-simple> - looks for
  • <parts-of-body> - wing

Monster Hunter

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - slays
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <genre> - action
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <group> - horde
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks

The Power of Books

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <general-verb-dump> - puts
  • <general-verb-dump> - places down
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <story-verb-ending> - continues on
  • <general-noun-dump> - book
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape> - square
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-career-sector> - science

What a Deal!

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - trades
  • <general-verb-dump> - talks with
  • <event-complex> - transaction
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-noun-dump> - friend
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <general-adjective-dump> - cheap
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets scammed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - purchases
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <shape> - circle
  • <general-noun-dump> - money
  • <journey> - trip

Crafting a New Look

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous
  • <general-verb-dump> - decorates
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <shape> - square
  • <tool-complex> - gear
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <general-verb-dump> - designs

Sticky Situation

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - gooey
  • <shape> - square
  • <event> - situation
  • <problem> - obstacle
  • <speed> - slow
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets stuck
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets dirty
  • <color> - transluscent
  • <general-verb-dump> - jumps
  • <general-verb-dump> - slides
  • <story-verb-ending> - finds out
  • <general-noun-dump> - wall

Ol' Betsy

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-verb-dump> - powers up
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <age> - old
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger

Surge Protector

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - object
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-verb-dump> - protects
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets burned
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <general-noun-dump> - maiden in distress
  • <general-verb-dump> - saves
  • <general-verb-dump> - absorbs
  • <general-noun-dump> - storm
  • <general-noun-dump> - electricty
  • <general-verb-dump> - attracts

Caves & Cliffs

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <speed> - fast
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <problem> - challenge
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <story-verb-ending> - survives
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <size> - tall
  • <normal-weird> - insane

Respecting the Remnants

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <genre> - slice of life
  • <age> - ancient
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape> - square
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <normal-weird> - suspicious
  • <general-verb-dump> - combs
  • <good-complex> - gentle
  • <general-career-sector> - history
  • <general-verb-dump> - studies
  • <general-verb-dump> - digs
  • <general-verb-dump> - salvages
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <protagonist> - player

Sneak 100

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <color> - dark
  • <general-adjective-dump> - quiet
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - sneaks
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <event> - situation
  • <villain> - alarm
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <general-noun-dump> - sound
  • <story-verb-ending> - escapes
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets away
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <genre> - thriller

Sweet Dreams

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <story-verb-ending> - wakes up
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <problem-complex> - exhaustion
  • <general-verb-dump> - lies down
  • <texture-complex> - soft
  • <place-complex> - home
  • <emotion-bad-complex> - tired

Hero of the Village

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - saves
  • <event-complex> - celebration
  • <genre> - action
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - fights
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <group> - army
  • <general-verb-dump> - defeats
  • <general-noun-dump> - civilian
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins

Is It a Balloon?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - stares at
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks at
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <tool> - gadget
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <story-verb-simple> - looks for
  • <shape> - square
  • <size> - big
  • <size> - large
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-verb-dump> - spies on
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <genre> - horror
  • <problem> - challege
  • <event-complex> - milestone

A Throwaway Joke

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - throws
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets poor
  • <speed> - fast
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <genre> - action
  • <event-complex> - fight
  • <general-verb-dump> - launches
  • <general-verb-dump> - gets rid of
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks

It Spreads

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <shape> - square
  • <color> - dark
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <creature> - creature
  • <genre> - horror
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - science

Take Aim

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <speed> - fast
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <tool-complex> - projectile
  • <general-verb-dump> - aims
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <event-complex> - fight

Monsters Hunted

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <group> - horde
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <genre> - action
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <period-of-time> - long time
  • <good-complex> - strong
  • <general-adjective-dump> - many


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <abstract-concept> - death
  • <story-verb-ending> - survives
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <event> - circumstance
  • <villain> - devil
  • <villain> - death
  • <general-verb-dump> - surpasses
  • <general-career-sector> - science
  • <general-verb-dump> - one-ups
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <general-noun-dump> - failsafe
  • <speed> - fast
  • <alive-dead> - alive

Hired Help

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - army
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <general-career-sector> - defends
  • <place-complex> - town
  • <general-career-sector> - summons
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <genre> - sci-fi
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-noun-dump> - guard
  • <general-verb-dump> - places
  • <size> - big
  • <speed> - slow

Star Trader

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets scammed
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <general-verb-dump> - trades
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-adjective-dump> - high
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <normal-weird> - insane
  • <general-verb-dump> - spends
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-noun-dump> - money
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <general-verb-dump> - climbs
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home

Smithing With Style

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <general-career-sector> - fashion
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <texture-complex> - patterned
  • <general-verb-dump> - crafts
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <gets-something-good> - gets famous
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <good-complex> - pretty
  • <general-verb-dump> - creates
  • <event-complex> - celebration

Two Birds, One Arrow

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - pierces
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <size> - small
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <group> - pair
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <parts-of-body> - wing
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <genre> - action
  • <genre> - thriller
  • <speed> - fast
  • <texture-complex> - sharp
  • <size-complex> - thin

Who's the Pillager Now?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <event-complex> - duel
  • <villain> - baddie
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <size> - tall
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <abstract-concept> - revenge
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <tool-complex> - crossbow
  • <genre> - action
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <group> - group
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <general-verb-dump> - splits
  • <speed-complex> - instantaneous
  • <speed> - fast
  • <general-noun-dump> - one fell swoop
  • <genre> - action
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <tool-complex> - crossbow
  • <villain> - enemy
  • <event-complex> - battle
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <group> - horde
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - slays
  • <general-verb-dump> - pierces
  • <shape> - line
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins

Careful Restoration

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <age> - ancient
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <texture-complex> - fragile
  • <shape> - circle
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - creates
  • <general-verb-dump> - pieces together
  • <general-verb-dump> - constructs
  • <story-verb-ending> - succeeds
  • <general-career-sector> - decoration
  • <journey> - story
  • <general-noun-dump> - fragment
  • <abstract-concept> - history

Adventuring Time

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <journey> - adventure
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <general-verb-dump> - explores
  • <place-complex> - biome
  • <place> - area
  • <general-verb-dump> - travels
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lots
  • <story-verb-ending> - goes home
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-adjective-dump> - far
  • <speed> - slow
  • <parts-of-body> - feet
  • <event-complex> - marathon
  • <protagonist> - player

Sound of Music

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-career-sector> - music
  • <nature-places> - meadow
  • <general-verb-dump> - plays
  • <general-verb-dump> - inserts
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <story-verb-ending> - smiles
  • <story-verb-ending> - dances
  • <shape> - square
  • <general-verb-dump> - places
  • <shape> - circle
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <protagonist> - player

Light as a Rabbit

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <tool-complex> - shoes
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <material-complex> - leather
  • <size> - small
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <general-verb-dump> - climbs
  • <nature-places> - mountain
  • <texture-complex> - powdery
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture> - soft
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <story-verb-ending> - reaches the top

Is It a Plane?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature> - beast
  • <general-verb-dump> - looks at
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets killed
  • <general-verb-dump> - stares at
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <nature-places> - sky
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-career-sector> - boss
  • <event> - situation
  • <general-verb-dump> - spies on
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <parts-of-body> - wing

Very Very Frightening

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - throws
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <tool> - utensil
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <parts-of-body> - nose
  • <genre> - horror
  • <general-noun-dump> - lightning
  • <abstract-concept> - magic
  • <general-noun-dump> - storm
  • <story-noun-simple> - victim
  • <issues> - violence
  • <issues> - crime
  • <general-career-sector> - attacks
  • <general-noun-dump> - citizen
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-noun-dump> - hat
  • <color-complex> - purple

Sniper Duel

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <parts-of-body> - bone
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-verb-dump> - duels
  • <event-complex> - duel
  • <general-adjective-dump> - far
  • <creature-complex> - monster
  • <villain> - rival
  • <event-complex> - standoff
  • <general-verb-dump> - aims at


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - shoots
  • <general-adjective-dump> - far
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience
  • <event-complex> - competition
  • <general-verb-dump> - aims at
  • <general-noun-dump> - center
  • <general-adjective-dump> - precise
  • <event-complex> - milestone

Isn't It Scute?

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gentle
  • <general-verb-dump> - brushes
  • <general-verb-dump> - cleans
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <texture> - hard
  • <size> - small
  • <shape> - circle
  • <parts-of-body> - skin
  • <age> - old
  • <size> - short
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <event> - situation

Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - underground
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets-killed
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-verb-dump> - enters
  • <general-verb-dump> - walks
  • <building-complex> - room
  • <age> - ancient
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <event-complex> - trial
  • <size> - big
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <bad-complex> - difficult
  • <protagonist> - player

Crafters Crafting Crafters

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - crafts
  • <general-verb-dump> - builds
  • <shape> - square
  • <tool> - machine
  • <good-complex> - powerful
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <protagonist> - object
  • <general-verb-dump> - automates
  • <general-verb-dump> - makes
  • <general-noun-dump> - duplicate
  • <story-verb-ending> - retires
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - kills
  • <general-verb-dump> - hits
  • <general-verb-dump> - attacks
  • <tool-complex> - weapon
  • <texture-complex> - heavy
  • <general-noun-dump> - damage
  • <general-career-sector> - war
  • <gerund> - falling
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <genre> - action
  • <event-complex> - fight
  • <event-complex> - milestone
  • <general-verb-dump> - swings
  • <story-verb-ending> - wins
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <general-verb-dump> - smashes
  • <gets-something-good> - gets experience

Bee Our Guest

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <creature-complex> - bug
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-verb-dump> - harvests
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <problem> - conundrum
  • <general-adjective-dump> - calm
  • <general-noun-dump> - smoke
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <size> - small
  • <general-verb-dump> - collects
  • <general-verb-dump> - places down
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <story-verb-ending> - survives
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <place-complex> - home
  • <shape-complex> - box
  • <shape> - square

The Parrots and the Bats

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - feeds
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <group> - couple
  • <abstract-concept> - love
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <general-verb-dump> - breeds
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <event> - occasion
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

You've Got a Friend in Me

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <general-noun-dump> - ally
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <size> - small
  • <good-complex> - cute
  • <gerund> - flying
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <general-verb-dump> - dispatches
  • <general-verb-dump> - trusts
  • <story-verb-simple> - gives something to
  • <general-verb-dump> - returns
  • <general-verb-dump> - picks up
  • <thing> - item
  • <story-verb-simple> - searches for

Whatever Floats Your Goat

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <tool-complex> - vehicle
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - wooly
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <general-verb-dump> - drives
  • <shape> - rectangle
  • <texture-complex> - lightweight
  • <group> - pair
  • <event> - circumstance
  • <journey> - expedition
  • <journey> - trip
  • <story-verb-simple> - rides with
  • <story-verb-simple> - jumps in
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets lost
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend

Best Friends Forever

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - befriends
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - finds
  • <general-verb-dump> - feeds
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <family-role> - friend
  • <family-role> - pet
  • <event-complex> - ritual

Fishy Business

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <speed> - slow
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <story-verb-simple> - waits for
  • <general-verb-dump> - catches
  • <general-verb-dump> - pulls
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <gets-something-bad> - gets bored
  • <general-verb-dump> - hunts
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <size> - small
  • <age-complex> - fresh
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <texture-complex> - slippery

Total Beelocation

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape> - square
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <general-verb-dump> - transports
  • <general-verb-dump> - moves
  • <general-verb-dump> - collects
  • <general-verb-dump> - breaks
  • <general-adjective-dump> - gentle
  • <creature-complex> - bug
  • <general-verb-dump> - kidnaps
  • <size> - small
  • <group> - crowd
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend

A Seedy Place

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <general-career-sector> - food
  • <general-verb-dump> - plants
  • <general-verb-dump> - grows
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <speed> - slow
  • <nature-places> - ground
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <size> - small
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <abstract-concept> - life
  • <size-complex> - tiny

Tactical Fishing

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <general-verb-dump> - grabs
  • <general-verb-dump> - collects
  • <general-verb-dump> - kidnaps
  • <nature-places> - underwater
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <protagonist> - player
  • <gets-something-good> - gets a friend
  • <general-verb-dump> - catches
  • <general-verb-dump> - swims
  • <alive-dead> - alive
  • <speed> - fast
  • <genre> - action
  • <general-verb-dump> - dives
  • <gets-something-good> - gets rich
  • <creature-complex> - animal
  • <event> - situation

Serious Dedication

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: story

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture> - hard
  • <general-verb-dump> - powers up
  • <tool> - tool
  • <material-complex> - metal
  • <story-verb-ending> - regrets it
  • <color-complex> - black
  • <general-verb-dump> - constructs
  • <gets-something-good> - gets stronger
  • <general-career-sector> - industry
  • <good-complex> - dedicated
  • <problem-complex> - conundrum
  • <problem> - dilemma
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <shape-complex> - stick
  • <texture-complex> - expensive


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swims
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Warm Ocean

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - warm
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <color> - bright
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <size-complex> - shallow
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swims
  • <gerund> - swimming
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Frozen Ocean

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture> - solid
  • <gerund> - freezing
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swims
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <size> - big
  • <gerund> - floating
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Mushroom Fields

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - purple
  • <nature-places> - island
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <size> - big
  • <nature-places> - hills
  • <place-noun-complex> - fungi
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <good-complex> - peaceful
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - plains
  • <color> - multicolored
  • <place-noun-complex> - flower
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <good-complex> - clear
  • <place-noun-complex> - grass
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <gerund> - walking
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Cherry Grove

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - pink
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <place-noun-complex> - flower
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - sneeze at
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: forest

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-noun-complex> - tree
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <size> - tall
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - dark
  • <age> - old
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Birch Forest

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Dark Forest

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <place-noun-complex> - fungus
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <color> - dark
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: jungle

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - climb in
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <age> - old
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - dirt


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <shape-complex> - windy
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <size-complex> - shallow
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <nature-places> - waterway
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - swim through
  • <shape> - circle
  • <size> - big
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Frozen River

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <shape-complex> - windy
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <texture-complex> - slippery
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <size-complex> - long
  • <size> - big
  • <nature-places> - waterway
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - dirty
  • <size> - big
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <size-complex> - shallow
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <place-noun-complex> - fungi
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <period-of-time> - night
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Mangrove Swamp

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <nature-places> - swamp
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - dense
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - tall
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <texture-complex> - muddy
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - climb on
  • <place-general-verb-dump> - ride through
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <nature-places> - body of water
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <place-noun-complex> - treasure
  • <size-complex> - thin
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <place-noun-complex> - grass
  • <general-adjective-dump> - clear
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Ice Spikes

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - cold
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <nature-places> - taiga
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <color-complex> - white
  • <texture-complex> - dense


Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words: desert

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <color-complex> - yellow
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <material-complex> - dirt
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <shape-complex> - sparse
  • <shape-complex> - flat
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color> - dull
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-career-sector> - nature


Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <size> - big
  • <texture-complex> - solid
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <texture-complex> - dry
  • <size> - tall
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <nature-places> - moutain
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Deep Dark

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - dark
  • <size-complex> - deep
  • <size> - big
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <bad-complex> - scary
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <general-adjective-dump> - quiet
  • <age> - ancient
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <general-career-sector> - war

Dripstone Caves

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - pointy
  • <texture-complex> - wet
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <shape> - triangle
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <texture-complex> - hollow
  • <size> - big
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Lush Caves

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color> - bright
  • <gerund> - growing
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - grey
  • <size> - small
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <nature-places> - cave
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <material-complex> - clay
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Nether Wastes

Difficulty: easy

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <material-complex> - liquid
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <size-complex> - colossal
  • <size> - tall
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Soul Sand Valley

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - blue
  • <place-noun-complex> - magic
  • <size> - tall
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <place-noun-dump> - death
  • <material-complex> - sand
  • <nature-places> - valley
  • <texture-complex> - hot
  • <age> - ancient

Crimson Forest

Difficulty: medium

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <color-complex> - red
  • <color> - bright
  • <size> - big
  • <shape-complex> - dense
  • <size-complex> - wide
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <general-adjective-dump> - alive
  • <color-complex> - orange
  • <nature-places> - forest
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <place-noun-complex> - fungus
  • <general-career-sector> - nature

Warped Forest

Difficulty: hard

Forbidden Words:

Category: place

US-Centric: No

View Tailored Words
  • <place-noun-complex> - fungus
  • <general-career-sector> - nature
  • <color-complex> - brown
  • <color-complex> - green
  • <texture-complex> - humid
  • <color> - bright
  • <material-complex> - stone
  • <material-complex> - wood
  • <size> - big
  • <size-complex> - wide